Mehr Mikromobilität wagen

von Bartender B. Stehle // Wir haben uns an den Anblick gewöhnt. Die Dinger liegen im Gebüsch oder einfach auf dem Boden. Gerne werden sie

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Nach der Wahl

von Bartender B. Stehle // Manchmal wird man von Dingen überrascht, die eigentlich vor dem Hintergrund größerer Entwicklungen nur folgerichtig sind. Der überraschend deutliche Wahlsieg

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Die Münchner Absturzzeitung

Kommentar von Markus Langemann // Lassen wir mal Habecks Simulation von Bürgernähe auf IKEA-Küchen-Niveau beiseite und stellen wir nur fest, was dem Abwirtschaftsminister wie Hundedreck

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Eine Frage des Vertrauens

Kommentar von Markus Langemann // Sehr geehrter Herr Scholz, Sie haben in Ihrer Ansprache am Mittwochabend bestätigt, dass Sie Format haben – maximal DIN A6.

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Hans Romanov
Hans Romanov
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Thank you Markus Langemann, You are doing what I would expect journalists to do. Thank you.
Claudia Keller
Claudia Keller
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Dear Mr. Langemann I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable work and substantial information pro bono. I have already recommended your site to others and will continue to do so in the future - whenever the opportunity arises... Thank you Mr. Langemann and best regards from Switzerland, Claudia Keller (from Baden)
Lil Korfmacher-Finke
Lil Korfmacher-Finke
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I have been following, reading and distributing your journalistically outstanding contributions - whether in text, audio or video form - on a regular basis since 2020. "Club der klaren Worte" has become my preferred and most important source of information. As a lecturer, I am (still) getting through the crisis reasonably unscathed, at least economically, so it is particularly important to me to support your format, as I value your work and see you as a "rock in the media surf". Your choice of words is always a pleasure for me. Best regards from Berlin
Robert Finkel
Robert Finkel
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Thank you, thank you. I find it really encouraging to read and see your weekly reports.
Alexandra v. Peter
Alexandra v. Peter
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Dear Mr. Langemann On behalf of many others, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable work as an independent journalist and I am happy to support you with my donation! It is so important that we all make our voices heard again and again and bring the truth to light! Continued good luck, Alexandra v. Peter
Dr. Mathias Babel
Dr. Mathias Babel
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Dear Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your work and indeed for your clear, often also appropriately robust words.
Michael Stapel
Michael Stapel
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I follow your YouTube channel and the articles on your site with great interest and respect. Yours sincerely, Michael Stapel
Martina Schlereth
Martina Schlereth
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I personally find your reporting in its calm and objective form very beneficial. Thank you very much in advance!
Karina Hesse
Karina Hesse
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Dear Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your outstanding work.
Heidrun Fiene-Bachfeld
Heidrun Fiene-Bachfeld
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Mr. Langemann, First of all, thank you for your information, assessments, advice and the "clear words" that are missing in all the media.
Ute Hönerlage
Ute Hönerlage
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Hello Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your commitment. I have been following your contributions from the very beginning, they are a real ray of hope!
Dr. med. Christine Krishnabhakdi
Dr. med. Christine Krishnabhakdi
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I would like to thank you very much for your valuable work. Your site is currently my favorite website and I recommend it to others as often as I can.
Johannes Inhoffen
Johannes Inhoffen
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Hello Mr. Langemann A big compliment. Very good work. Yours sincerely Johannes Inhoffen.
Julia Bellartz
Julia Bellartz
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Dear Mr. Langmann, first of all I would like to thank you for your commitment - free of charge - to education and justice...  
Dr. Marion Rosenke
Dr. Marion Rosenke
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I would like to thank you very much for your factual, clear, investigative and analytical contributions to the "corona crisis"! In view of the total failure of the so-called "mainstream media" / "traditional media" in terms of objective, neutral and comprehensive reporting, which has been a process for decades, your work and that of your colleagues is invaluable! 
Jens Wiegräfe
Jens Wiegräfe
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Hello Mr. Langemann, I came across your homepage via your YouTube channel with its sensationally good contributions.
Daniela Wißen
Daniela Wißen
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Hello Mr. Langemann, I am very enthusiastic about your reports and assessments on YouTube and have listened to some of your reports several times. The work you do is really great. Best regards & thank you very much for your work!
Ursula Heitkamp
Ursula Heitkamp
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Dear Mr. Langemann, With your professional and factually competent contributions on the subject of corona, you always hit the mark. 
Anja Perina
Anja Perina
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I am very pleased to see your qualitative and factual contributions. Thank you for your work, best regards 
Kerst Griesbach
Kerst Griesbach
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Hello Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your excellent journalistic work, especially these days! I enjoy listening to your contributions.
Dr. Antonius Pollmann
Dr. Antonius Pollmann
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Thank you, Mr. Langemann, for your videos. They illustrate the problem well and clearly...
Susann Liehr
Susann Liehr
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Dear Mr. Langemann, People like you keep me from completely despairing at this time.
Miriam Wolf
Miriam Wolf
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Hello Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your work! You are a real boon in our current media landscape!
Robert Thomé
Robert Thomé
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Thank you for your incredibly good work.
Dr. Brigitte Uhde-Stahl
Dr. Brigitte Uhde-Stahl
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Dear Mr. Langemann! Thank you very much for your educational work. I'm an art historian and am untalented and untrained in political matters. But I am slowly learning to distinguish how news and information from the media should be evaluated.
Beate Schulte am Hülse
Beate Schulte am Hülse
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Dear Mr. Langemann I follow your channel with great interest. Many thanks at this point for this enormous amount of work and your efforts.
Ralf Dilger
Ralf Dilger
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I discovered your YouTube vlogs in the course of the Corona madness. What a great job! Thank you for the clear words and classifications, which should actually be journalistic standard, but are now actually among the pearls in the dark media forest. I hope you get many more casual viewers and, above all, colleagues to think for themselves! Keep up the good work! With best regards
Corinna Walther
Corinna Walther
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Dear Mr. Langemann , It's great that you describe the true situation so clearly, our politicians in government as a club of lobbyists should take an example from this!
Bastian Wolf
Bastian Wolf
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I would like to express my respect and appreciation for your really high-quality work! Factual, objective and well-researched - this is all too rare in today's media landscape. I hope that you will be able to continue reporting in this way, as this is unfortunately no longer a matter of course. Keep up the good work, you have won me as a regular reader...
Nikolas Heuer
Nikolas Heuer
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Dear Mr. Langemann You do great journalism. We had subscribed to the FAZ since 1991 and canceled our subscription at the end of 2021. It had become unbearable. You do authentic and independent journalism! With best regards Nikolaus Heuer