von Peter Löcke // Für Sie, für euch, mit Ihnen, mit euch. Mit diesem Slogan versucht Robert Habeck Deutschlands Wählerherzen vom Küchentisch aus zu gewinnen.
von Peter Löcke // Für Sie, für euch, mit Ihnen, mit euch. Mit diesem Slogan versucht Robert Habeck Deutschlands Wählerherzen vom Küchentisch aus zu gewinnen.
von Peter Löcke // Lindner Schuld. Alle doof. Außer ich. Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge geben nicht in jedem Fall die Meinung des Herausgebers wieder.
von Peter Löcke // Es wurde gesellschaftlich und politisch diskutiert. Dann wurde es im Bundestag verabschiedet. Am 1. November 2024 trat es endgültig in Kraft.
von Peter Löcke // Erinnern Sie sich an den Herbst 2020? Vier Jahre ist das nun her. Mit fallenden Temperaturen stiegen die herbei getesteten Inzidenzzahlen.
by Peter Löcke // Germany is coming to terms. The most sacred place of reappraisal is, as it should be, the Reichstag in Berlin. After all, this building represents the
by Peter Löcke // Red Bull of all clubs! Millions of soccer fans are turning away from their idol Jürgen Klopp in disappointment. How can he? The soccer romantic Klopp,
by Peter Löcke // There are days that I will always remember. September 11, 2001, for example. It was a Tuesday. I came
by Peter Löcke // It begins with birth and ends with the obituary. I'm talking about the course of life, the course of life. I like this
by Peter Löcke // Fight, do the work and get to work. That's what German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to do to solve the country's problems.
by Peter Löcke // Firewall against the people "On September 1, 1939, the Second World War began with the Wehrmacht's attack on Poland." This is how
by Peter Löcke // Pause, mourn, empathize. There should be time for that. And only judge when we know more about the terror in Solingen. The
by Peter Löcke // The biggest scoundrel in the whole country is and remains the denouncer. Hoffmann von Fallersleben already knew this in the mid-19th century.
by Peter Löcke // Only three weeks to go. Then the time has come. Elections will be held in Saxony and Thuringia on September 1. Election days are festive days of
by Peter Löcke // "I was a pentathlete at the sports school in Leipzig." This is what Saxony's leading SPD candidate Petra Köpping says about herself in an election commercial [1].
by Peter Löcke // "I'm gay and that's a good thing." Who doesn't remember this legendary sentence? It was Klaus Wowereit
by Peter Löcke // Hollywood can pack it in. House of Cards can pack it in. The political reality of the United States is currently writing the best script in the world.
by Peter Löcke // This is the first German television with the daily news. This is how the inviting female voice welcomes me from off-screen. It follows
by Peter Löcke // Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll! When was the last time you celebrated an orgy in your life? When did you have the
by Peter Löcke // Do you want success in your life? Then lie like the beams. Bend like the beams
by Peter Löcke // Football is our life. So are colors. After a week of the European Football Championship, it's time for a first interim summary. A summary
by Peter Löcke // News is finally available in plain language. Exclusively for people who need inclusive care. Here is the original pilot broadcast [1].