Politics & Society

Corona - a lesson in mass madness?

Reflections on coming to terms with the coronavirus era from a mass psychology perspective by Dr. Tom Reimer// "Can you please pull your mask over your nose?" a young man asks me

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One cause of the split

Essay by Markus Langemann // Times have changed when it comes to the way we criticize and accept criticism in the digital age.

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by Markus Langemann // Rarely have political events in Germany been as exciting as in the first few days of the still young year 2024.

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Will he bring down the CDU/CSU?

by Markus Langemann // Dr. Hans-Georg Maaßen, former President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Chairman of the CDU/CSU WerteUnion, in an in-depth interview. In this thirty-minute conversation, he explains how he deals with the

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The stronghold of fools

by Markus Langemann In a brief moment of prolonged boredom, or perhaps it was just a kind of intellectual weightlessness between two heavy holiday meals, I

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Smart to Exitus - Last exit village

by Gunther Sosna The world's population is still growing and urbanization is reaching unprecedented proportions. In mega-cities such as Tokyo, São Paulo, Jakarta, Lagos and New York City

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The mRNA bomb bursts

by Peter Löcke // The mRNA bomb bursts The sparrows on social media were chirping it from the X rooftops in the run-up to the event. On Tuesday evening, 12.12.2023,

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Narcissisms and wokisms in the art world

Prof. Heinzlmaier has been active in youth research for over three decades and has contributed significantly to the understanding of youth culture and trends. In an interview with Antje Maly-Samiralow, he talks about the increasing self-absorption and individualization in literature and art, where authors primarily focus on their own, often insignificant lives.

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Get a Ticket. Book a Stand.

Commentary by Peter Löcke The war in Ukraine is over. At least in people's minds, in public perception, it is over. In the media

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