The Minister for Economic Affairs

Comment from Markus Langemann

The 36th week of 2022 will go down in the history books. It held an irreversible turning point for the citizens of Europe. In England, the news portals reported the death of a monument of contemporary history on Thursday evening: the passing of Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral.
Just two days earlier, the long-suffering mind of the Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, died in the former European economic wonderland of Germany. Germany's decline is thus entering its decisive phase.
Robbi was once again invited to a public service rinse in the Maischberger TV sewage treatment plant. Under studio spotlights, questions about a wave of insolvencies, including among bakers, were to be clarified: "Do you expect a wave of insolvencies at the end of winter?"
In the case of Robbi Habeck, even inexperienced observers have long recognized that his oral incontinence reveals the dramatic overtaxing of the humanities graduate, especially in economic matters.
Who would be surprised? No flautist with a degree would ever have the confidence to fly an Airbus without ATPL training. They wouldn't be allowed to. And just a friendly reminder: training to make bread takes three years and is a dual course. At the end, you can call yourself a baker.

What exactly qualifies the Robbi hobby economy minister for his post? Children's book Robbi was so eager to fly high that, drunk on himself, he climbed into the cockpit with 83 million passengers. This political ideology whistle blower is now piloting our country into an economic crash landing with his horror crew. 

Well, we have a political system error here that made this possible in the first place. There are even Diddl mice like Emilia & Ricarda sitting in parliament. These unskilled flight attendants are helping to sink the German prosperity built up by our parents and grandparents.  

But I digress.
The embarrassing pilot sits in the cockpit of the Ministry of Economic Affairs as a loose cannon and is so green behind the ears that he even notices it himself. He turns red from the inside with shame.

So inhibited, the Vice-Chancellor - yes, that's the man, actually - trundled through Maischberger's questionnaire with a rather stupid flatten-the-insolvency-curve idea: "I can imagine that ... uhh ... certain industries simply stop ... uhhhm ... producing for the time being."

Hello, anyone at home?

You could smell the man's stress sweat in this garbage answer and once again see and hear the negative selection for the country's leadership positions.
"The poor man", the empathetic readers among you might now think. Don't worry, the man is not suffering from poverty. Habeck is a wealthy man when it comes to incapacity.

The ministers in the Ministries of Justice, Finance, Defense and Foreign Affairs also fly without pilot training. And cheating Scholz Maverick, actually the top gun in the cabinet, is just a naked cannon and hasn't even got off the runway yet. Pulli-Olli is hiding cum-ex-verbeult and permanently forgetful in the hangar building in Berlin-Mitte.

It's all so sad!

Listen to me, Mr. Habeck!
The French Revolution 233 years ago should teach you what happened in the country with the Bastille after a harsh winter in 1788, an enormous mountain of debt and inflation as a social driving force. In the middle of Europe.

Sometimes I think it must have felt something like it does today in the pre-revolutionary crisis of French absolutism.

The Berlin Bastille is still standing.

Summer is leaving in these hours. Mr. Habeck, go with him.
Honor the office, the country and yourself.

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106 Responses

  1. Hello everyone,
    The question comes up again and again: What can be done, who will grab the spokes of the wheel rolling towards the abyss?
    There is a way to remove this entire government in one fell swoop: We must give ourselves a constitution! The suspended Basic Law is not a constitution, even if this is always denied for obvious reasons.
    There are also people who are already working on a constitution. But it needs a lot of supporters. So please don't moan or pray but ... don't google. Use a different search engine!

  2. ...Thank you, Mr. Langemann - hit, sunk. Dear Minister of Economic Affairs, who as a Germanist and philologist certainly can't read a balance sheet: Explain to me the difference between "debit and credit". - "We are supposed to pay and have nothing..." And I found a very apt comment on Ricarda Lang: "In the past, Dick and Doof were two people..."
    In the GDR there was a Minister of Justice who was a trained car mechanic...the professional cluelessness came in handy for the regime...The is only allowed to show certain videos and information on Russia's brutality in Switzerland...9-€-ticket and Oktoberfest...but masks indoors...I wonder if Mr. Lauterbach has read the expert report on the (obsolete) measures? That doesn't give the politicians a good report card...

  3. Due to the explosive nature and topicality of the subject that Mr. Langemann touched on in his commentary, I am enclosing a book recommendation and a link to an excerpt from it:
    "The path to truth",
    by Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit
    a reading excerpt as a podcast:

    The relevance of the economy becomes immediately clear to everyone when they realize that the market is all people, simultaneously and identically both producers and consumers all over the world, and the serious consequences of intervening in the market with force and violence. Every person can verify this fact independently in their own life, personal environment and in the big wide world.

    1. Polleit is one of the few people who have a complete overview of the monetary system, including internationally.
      His articles on are highly recommended.

      In my opinion, however, what he misjudges is the fact that the current price increases
      The result of this is that they are not the result of money printing.

      1. Everything is connected. Prof. Dr. Polleit always emphasizes this. It's possible that he no longer explicitly breaks it down all the time. Which of his articles are you referring to?
        Basically, the knowledge and understanding of the Austrian School is sufficient to make correct situation analyses independently.
        I am pleased that more and more people are becoming aware of it.

        Best regards
        G. Schmidt

  4. Just the day after your clear and bitter statement, dear and esteemed Mr. Langemann, the following quote appeared on my weekly calendar with a comment from the editor...

    "A person's power should not exceed their maturity, their ability to understand"
    (Harry Allen Overstreet, 1875-1970)

    There is nothing to add to this.

    My very personal opinion on this :
    We need an 'ethic of political action' to solve current and future tasks in society and politics
    and people who are able to do so.

    For all elected representatives who in any way represent the people as sovereigns, this includes a clear rejection of all lobbying and corruption.

    I know it sounds "flowery-pink"...
    In my view, however, there is unfortunately no other way without regularly driving the country, people and society to the wall and reducing them to rubble.

    Karin Haag

  5. It's all just fiction...
    Our Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, declares that she will defend Ukraine's interests, regardless of what her voters think. Our Economics Minister, Robert Habeck, doesn't know what insolvency is. The Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, can somehow no longer remember the content of his talks with corrupt banks, "our government" supplies weapons to crisis areas, decides on a military build-up of 100 billion euros, risks a world war and accepts that its citizens will freeze in winter, perhaps even starve. The Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, insists on compulsory masks on trains, but not on flights, and the Minister of Defense, Christine Lambrecht, uses the air force for vacation trips.
    But thank God we live in a democracy, a functioning constitutional state and not a corrupt reign of terror, not a terror regime. Democratic principles apply here and, of course, freedom of speech... There is no oppression here, of the right, of the strongest.

  6. Really hit the nerve! The many comments show it! Yes, he should go! But if he did go-with or without God-who would follow him? It could always be worse. And how many exactly would he have to take with him? Just like Annalena, who recently fabulated "even here in my African country". As she is incapable of irony, she actually meant it. As always, this was not followed by media outrage. So if she did go-with or without God-who would follow her? Ricarda Lang? She would certainly have the confidence to do it. And who would follow all the others? "Oh God of heaven" is what our Romanian cleaning lady used to say in our chaotic household (including an education-resistant Foxl). For those who crave balance: the recommended movie "Dogville" by Lars von Trier. At the end: "The world is a better place without you".
    Let's see what horrors the day has in store for us today.

  7. Dear Mr. Langemann, an excellent, absolutely accurate text. Would anything change with a different government man/woman? I am of the opinion that absolutely nothing would change. In my opinion, this is also the real reason why the political/economic/pharmaceutical/banking/insurance/medical/scientific leaders are keeping us awake with ever thinner and, above all, more stupid actions. They throw us bones and we are supposed to gnaw them down. If possible, forever and permanently. That way we don't get to act and at the same time they can still fool the majority because this majority still firmly believes that elections or government reshuffles would change anything. The entire leadership is now so corrupt and misanthropic to the core that no healthy trust for the common good can thrive on this foundation. I think this is the most brutal realization that many people are currently going through. We have arrived at the sack station and are now being collected by power. The bag is closed and we hit the bumper. How do we get back to the light of hope on this train that has been and is being driven by greedy and discord-driven locomotive crews? By resetting with the same or different locomotive crew? I don't think so. We would probably have to approach this humanity train with a newly developed "locomotive" and design a new type of humanity coupling. To do this, however, we would have to go to the end of this "life train" and form a new alliance by withdrawing our attention from the "locomotive drivers of the devil". As long as they are aware of our attention, these "leaders" fulfill their mission for the oligarchy and we remain stuck in the dead-end station. We allow ourselves to continue to be divided by their display boards and to be herded onto track 2 today and track 34 tomorrow, rushing along and not realizing that this shuffling back and forth from one track to another does nothing to change the fact that, with the "run-in locomotive" in this dead-end station, there is no direction of travel into the future or forwards.

  8. If my completely out-of-tune guitar causes displeasure, it only proves the audience's inability to adapt their listening habits.

  9. Whatever comes,

    - with the masses of Ukrainians and Moldovans arriving at the offices, who receive thousands in cash and happily report this back home,
    - with the possibility of the electricity grid collapsing and ancillary housing costs that are certainly no longer affordable,
    - with the heating police and the washcloth distributors, the clueless, yet cheeky ministers,
    - with the "expropriation"-demanding leftists of all parties described as honorable,
    - with the forcibly financed government propaganda,
    - with the compulsive neurotic Lauterbach, who has pushed through another authorization law "because of Corona" (- actually against demos),
    - with the doomsday prophets who want to catapult Germany in particular back into the pre-Holocene phase of hunters (- migrants) and gatherers (- German pensioners):

    We had a wonderful summer. We should also appreciate the positives.

    PS We're off for a while.

  10. Dear Mr. Langemann,

    Your trenchant, razor-sharp comments are a real treat, and if it weren't so damn unspeakable, it would truly be an unalloyed pleasure to read your blog.

    Unfortunately, we are living a nightmare and I have to pinch myself every day whether I am awake or dreaming.
    But burying your head in the sand is not an option and there needs to be a big jolt so that the couch sleepers finally wake up before their Netflix/Disney seat is pulled out from under them...

    As Monika Gruber so aptly put it: "We are neglected by prosperity" and therefore still in a deep sleep.
    It's just that it's not the prince who kisses us awake, but the ECB with digital currency (?), mass unemployment, chaos, violence and poverty.

    When will EVERYONE finally take to the streets?

    As we all know, hope dies last....

    1. I was recently told by an even older man about a much younger farmer on a CSA farm that he was doing. That's a nice word. The young guy does it all without any particular financial interests or career expectations, is a happy young father with a wonderful, self-effective wife and perhaps even completely satisfied. Certainly, among other things, because he is doing and not letting things happen. There are few people I respect as much as him.
      I think we would all be better off doing than letting things happen. We all know that it is time to become responsible citizens, to revive our state in the spirit of the founding fathers and mothers who put our Basic Law on paper.

    2. Dear Ms. Veramendi,

      about this topic I have, hours, today
      talked to various people.
      Nobody is going to take to the streets here.
      In France, for example, a number of prices now include
      a so-called "cap"; gasoline and diesel e.g. 40
      cents cheaper than with us.
      Because Macron cannot afford to fill the streets with
      the protests of the so-called "yellow vests"
      Because they are available there, among other things.
      In France always...
      We've never had anything like it here, and whoever
      demonstrates, must now reckon with it,
      being defamed as "right-wing".
      Great; or...?!
      Possible solution:
      There could be a nationwide merger
      of social organizations etc. (SoVD, Paritätischer,
      VDK), tenants' association and trade unions (DGB), Tafeln e.V. and others, which register demonstrations (on site) without any problems.
      Discuss via video link, register, done.
      Because to even attribute "right-mindedness" to them
      would be too far-fetched.
      So that this "spectre of fear" for the
      German citizens on our streets (immediately)
      (medially); no matter who else is participating (on the sidelines).
      However, according to previous statements,
      the above-mentioned (partly highly paid) institutions to
      not ready at all.
      Unfortunately, in my opinion, you're just complaining: "Mimimi."
      Not comprehensible.

      Yours sincerely,


    3. Yes, when will EVERYONE finally take to the streets? I've been asking myself this question every Monday for months now when I go for a "walk" with other people. Unfortunately, the circle isn't getting any bigger, rather smaller, I'm at a loss and stunned - what else has to happen?

  11. Dear Mr. Langemann, your apt wit is unbeatable! Unfortunately, the matter is too sad and one thing is also clear: only we, the people, can change something about it, demonstrations en masse immediately, because changes have always come from the bottom (people) to the top (government). Germany, once the locomotive of Europe, can only hide in shame! It is inexplicable to me why the economy is not fighting back! The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is "asking" (!) the government for sufficient energy supplies! I wrote to her that she should rather travel to Berlin and smash the windows of the Reichstag and not give way until the sanctions are lifted!

  12. Dear Mr. Langemann,
    Every time I read the column to my husband, I'm in tears - even with laughter... Thanks for that!
    With you, I would just give myself the edge again and hope that it would all be over when I came to. Unfortunately, I now know that this doesn't work and that I feel increasingly worse the next morning as the years go by. So I'd better dose the anaesthetics well and use my strength to enable our children to lead a valuable, upright and self-determined life: Networking with real people, finding our own ways, not allowing ourselves to be made mouth- and brain-dead. To be grateful that journalists like you exist. And that we can still enjoy a good bottle of red wine from time to time.

  13. If it wasn't so serious, I could laugh myself away. I hope that the wake-up program still reaches one or two people.

  14. It's a good thing I wasn't a studio guest, otherwise there would have been a blackout, guaranteed!

    Jörg Pribil

  15. Hello Mr. Langemann,
    Chapeau chapeau, just brilliant how perfectly you can describe the current scenario.....there is absolutely nothing more you can add.....

  16. There is no better way to summarize this disaster. Unfortunately, this government troupe does not feel responsible for Germany and its people, but for the WEF in the person of Klaus Schwab, who makes no secret of this fact.
    It also seems to me that the pace is picking up and the cold season is just around the corner, with expected disasters.

    It is incredibly difficult not to fall prey to anger or fear - but that would be fatal. If Habeck & C. carry on like this, the
    naive sheep in time.

  17. The BIG goal, the great reset, can unfortunately only work with puppets that don't think for themselves. The figures we see are Casper, the princess, the hunter and the crocodile and we sit in front of the stage, watching spellbound while behind our backs the puppeteers empty our pockets and then, when we have nothing left at all, offer us an electronic currency with false promises whose value can change from second to second at their whim, depending on how reverent we are towards our benefactors.
    Unfortunately, my fear is that everyone will clap when the curtain falls. Because the penny hasn't dropped or because we've forgotten to ask ourselves the moral of the story.
    It will be called an unconditional basic income and the stupid people will jump on it because they don't understand that unconditional means that WE don't have to set any conditions and that in the future we will have to work harder than ever before in the history of mankind.

  18. This systemic collapse is not just about the Minister for Economic Affairs, it is about a bunch of civil servants who have been elected to this house - and God knows that alone. My mother gave me the following sentence as a child.
    If you become nothing, you become an innkeeper. Mea culpa, you hard-working, hard-pressed innkeepers. More in keeping with the times: If you become nothing, you become a politician!

  19. Hello Mr. Langemann, someone said the other day when we were talking about this topic that perhaps it was even agreed. The USA is definitely interested in eliminating an unwelcome competitor. After all, Germany is currently the fourth strongest economy, despite the country's small size. My conversation partner left me pondering.

  20. An amusing text - if it weren't so sad - with plenty of brain candy! And now we've enjoyed ourselves, emotionally exhausted ourselves and gone back to our work! But do we really want to put up with this government for years to come and allow ourselves to be driven into an inferno with our eyes wide open? If it were "only" the Minister for Economic Affairs ...
    We must finally take action!

  21. A well-written text that speaks to me from the soul. The spookiest thing about Habeck & Co, however, is that the people like them. Especially the young and the clueless, i.e. the majority. I fear that the parliament, which is always almost empty, and the ministers' benches, which are full of incompetents, are just a reflection of society. Especially among so-called academics, attitude now counts more than competence. And it is completely frowned upon to point out someone's lack of information and errors in thinking. Everyone is on first-name terms, everyone thinks they are good, everyone can do everything or nothing. A clear edge, clear statements are frowned upon - even in private. Everyone just muddles through. It is only against this background that people like children's book author Habeck as Economics Minister and Marco B. as Justice Minister are conceivable. In the late stages of post-democracy, this reveals the general deficit of every democracy: the masses elect their own kind and allow them to govern a nation of 80 million people without competence or personal responsibility. And they think it's a good thing.

    1. Addendum: I have just watched the speeches in the general debate on the federal budget. The brilliant performance by Ms. Weidel, who clearly named all the problems of red-green politics, followed by Mr. Merz's drivel. Habeck obviously breaks out in a sweat during Ms. Weidel's speech and is escorted out of the hall by Baerbock. It is cheeky of the members of the government to leave the chamber or play on their cell phones during the opposition's speeches. Quite apart from the fact that only a third of the parliament is occupied. This lack of silence is the outward sign of the decline of democracy. Form and content are two sides of the same coin.
      The young people in the stands can no longer bear Weidel's accusations. They put their hands in front of their faces. This is what happens when the left-green indoctrination begins in daycare centers (Scholz as Hamburg's interior senator: We need air sovereignty over children's beds) and continues through school and university. This country is doomed.

        1. Supplement to Zorn Dieter:

          Also the speech contribution by Ms. Sahra
          Wagenknecht in the BT, on the same topic,
          was, as it were, by no means "without", and he
          so directly and awake shaking and
          true that Ms. Wagenknecht
          is now immediately (once again) being trashed by members of her own party.
          There were even complaints that she was allowed to speak at all.
          And much more.
          Almost unspeakable...


    2. You are right. The spooky thing is that the majority are still well-behaved. In my circle, I encounter either resignation ("Yes, I know, but what are we supposed to do about it, stop dealing with it all the time, it's not good for you, you're getting all mottled"), or a lack of understanding and defense: to bring up the monstrosities we see is seen as tactlessness or a completely unobjective derailment. These are mostly people who still believe that the ruling caste and the media are the same as they were in 1995. There is no sense of change at all, and criticism is not tolerated. If you occasionally report on the censorship and framing of the media, you are not believed. You could laugh if it wasn't so absurd "That can't be true, there was nothing about it on TV". That's right!

      There are a few who are just as repulsed and outraged as most readers of this blog.

      However, most people will not yet have received new bills from their energy supplier. This is the case for some; a rethink seems to be underway here.

      Since I also consult the American and French media, I would just like to add that things are only partially better there. The French mainstream has also been completely bought off and regurgitates the official announcements, but there is a different willingness to discuss. In the US, the official coronavirus narrative is beginning to falter, and some MS media are daring to very quietly question positions that were previously labeled as fake news. But the Germans .... I often take the liberty of referring to the second part of "Hitler über Berlin", 1937-1944, with the long recordings of the youth games and speeches. It is moving to see how faithfully these young people followed the propaganda, and VERY instructive.

      1. Historically, it has always been the cowardice of the middle classes, today the so-called middle of society, that brought tyrants to power or kept oligarchs and plutocrats in power. The saying is hackneyed, but true: as long as the TV is on and the salary is in the bank account, the middle does not react. In order to survive in the lie, they do it like the three monkeys: Hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing. In all systems. It is interesting to read Václav Havel's book "Living in the Truth", in which he describes how the few who could not settle for the lie overthrew the communist system. He and a few others led the way. However, he was imprisoned twice for this before becoming president of Czechoslovakia. So it is always only the personal sacrifices of a few that bring down a system when it is ripe. It makes no sense before then anyway. It was the same in the GDR. Although a few courageous pastors from the Protestant Church joined in. By no means the official church. Our system is not yet mature. But it could be... if the out-of-touch politicians continue in the style of the Central Committee.

  22. I wrote about the column "Die Baerbock & der Faktenesel" on 07.09.2022:
    "Fact checkers successfully check how facts can be relativized and reinterpreted. This is what makes fact checkers so indispensable in a Faeser/Esken/Habeck/Lauterbach democracy (a democracy transformed into a caricature of a liberal-democratic society)."

    Many thanks to Robert Habeck and his ÖRR support team for promptly proving the accuracy of my statement. In a real democracy, our Economics Minister would have resigned the next day or been forced to resign under public pressure a week later at the latest. In a democracy, on the other hand, a whole army of red-green ideologized fact-checkers, forcibly paid by all of us and backed by the BVG, are working to prove that Habeck was somehow right after all:

    Dear Mr. Langemann,
    You wrote: "It's all so sad!"
    Unfortunately, I have to correct you. It's all much sadder than I thought. After all, not only do we have an incompetent group of ministers, we also have a public broadcaster which glosses over their incompetence. But what can you expect in a society in which the hypocrisy of even such a respected authority as the ADAC has now gone so far as to publish the following consumption data per 100 km for a plug-in hybrid Mercedes C 300 e with 313 hp (= 230 kW) in Motorwelt issue no. 3/2022:
    0.5 l Super
    17.8 kWh electricity

    (Too) many are involved in the large-scale deception of our population: politicians/parliamentarians of our country and the EU, journalists, associations, scientists, business leaders and, last but not least, a significant proportion of the population.

    Best wishes and keep up the good work! Your humor is great.
    Roland Aßmann

    1. P.S.: The plug-in hybrid mentioned has a tank capacity of 50 liters, which at 0.5 l/100 km consumption corresponds to exactly 10,000 km on one tank. I would be interested to know how the ADAC plans to cover the distance Berlin-North Cape-Athens-Berlin with an electric range of 50 km on one tank of gasoline and how long such a "journey" would take under these circumstances.

  23. What else is there to comment on? Everything has been said in an excellent manner. I'm in tears..... with laughter and anger. Thank you, Mr. Langemann. And the other comments here are also a treat, a blessing for my strained brain with all the intellectual garbage I often have to put up with elsewhere.

  24. "The poor man?"
    What Markus Langemann says here in a smugly ironic way is something I've really come across too often in terms of vox populi reactions. In addition, statements from economic functionaries and comments in the media that defend Habeck and put forward the thesis that his insolvency stuttering is "actually" correct in terms of content. Madness.

    The story reminds me of a certain Franz Beckenbauer. It's been a long time. Our Emperor Franz. While with other celebrities every petitesse was a "scandal", with Franzl it came out that he had impregnated some lady xy. Scandal? Did Beckenbauer run for cover in the media? Nope. A few days later, he appeared on "Wetten, dass ...". And Beckenbauer says to Gottschalk to the cheers and laughter of all the viewers "Yes well ... um ... the good Lord is happy about every child." For many people, Robbie Habeck has a similar status to Beckenbauer. When Habeck says the day after tomorrow in front of his fanbase "Yeah well ... um ... I really had a long fucking day and was completely exhausted on Maischberger", people will cheer and laugh at him.

    I see one difference to other responsible politicians. Scholz is slick and lacking in empathy. Baerbock's intelligence and self-confidence are in inverse proportion. Habeck, however, is becoming increasingly nervous. The supposedly gifted linguist sweats, slurs his words and gets more and more tangled up every day. During his supposedly great, emotional speech in the Bundestag, he almost knocked over his glass as he left the lectern and stumbled, and not just figuratively. When other politicians read him the riot act, he sits there like a schoolboy who has been caught fumbling. Chalk-pale with a petrified expression. During (!) Alice Weidel's speech, Annalenchen went up to him and escorted him out of the chamber. I see a person on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

    This linguistically unbeatable Langemann polemic ends with the call for Habeck to resign from office. I don't think that's at all out of the question. Of course, Habeck would then be celebrated as a victim of evil forces. So be it.

  25. After taking a closer look at the original interview, I feel that the above comment is more than appropriate in its sharpness. Yes, we should urgently get rid of this economic minister-actor.
    However, the actual and scandalous statement in the interview is a different one, it is not about stopping production or insolvency. It's about "If we don't take remedial action, certain companies may have to cease operations."
    This is where the Greens' anti-business past comes to the fore again. They want to force the economy to become dependent on the state. Ultimately, this means that the state or the party determines what and how much is produced in Germany. Anything that doesn't fit in with the ideology simply has to cease production - no, not bankruptcy.
    The first attempt had already been made by the Zero-Covidioten, most of whom came from the same corner. Fortunately, they were only partially successful. Now they are trying again.
    We've been through this before on the territory of the FRG, and it didn't go well.
    I don't think there's a big, strategic plan behind it in the sense that you bring about certain situations, but you consciously use the opportunities ...

  26. After I saw that, I wondered what he had taken, the Robi. Depending on the interpretation and situation, good stuff, bad stuff? And whether I could have some of it.

  27. Dear Mr. Langemann, a thousand thanks for this (as always) wonderful text! I think about leaving this country every other day of the week. But as long as there are still people here who write such texts and I can encounter so much common sense in the comments section, I'll just keep thinking about it every other day of the week. Best wishes and please, please: Keep up the good work!

  28. There's a lot going on here. Old Brecht was right after all. "Food first, morals second." The last two and a half years of unprecedented restrictions on fundamental rights, culminating in nationwide coercion to vaccinate, forcing our youngest children to wear masks for years on end, leaving our elderly to die alone - none of this is a big deal compared to the food. Now it's all about the money, the material existence, almost everyone seems to understand that, sooner or later. The one was the preparation for the other, the panic mode, the propaganda, the war talk and then martial law, the state of emergency. In 1929 there was a terrible economic crisis all over the world, incredible amounts of wealth were redistributed, large sections of the population fell into poverty. At that time, the radical anti-democrats in the National Socialist camp had 4% in the Reichstag. When the hardship was at its greatest, the masses lost faith in democracy in their fear and gave the NSDAP 40% in 1932. My great concern is that we could end up in a similar situation if the masses continue to behave in this way. The radical anti-democrats are already in the game today and are just waiting to bag democracy and make us all happy with their ideologies. One way out of this crisis would be for more and more dissatisfied subjects to become citizens who speak out for their democracy. Sitting on the sofa and shouting digitally will probably not be enough. Moral or not.

    1. Dear Dr. Wessel,

      "In 1929 there was a severe economic crisis all over the world".
      Exactly. Indirectly a breeding ground for war. Your statement always makes me wince. Why?

      2019 =1919 +1929
      This is what the much-cited strategy paper from the Ministry of the Interior from March 2020 said. This (propaganda) formula should be used for political arguments in the future. I found that much more frightening than the part of the panic paper with the intended creation of fear. The creation of fear was obvious. The formula translates as: Covid19 is as bad as the sum of the Spanish flu and the global economic crisis. However, there were many reasons for the Great Depression of 1929, but certainly not the Spanish flu ten years earlier. If you look at the statements made by Drostens, Merkel and others, the Spanish flu was repeatedly recalled and compared to Covid until mid-2021. For a year now, more and more every day, it's been "Crap. Global economic crisis. Because of corona. Because of Putin recently."

      Funny. Isn't it? Why did we already know in March 2020 that there would be a global economic crisis? You could almost get the idea that the measures that were supposed to prevent a global crisis were supposed to create a global crisis in the first place. What do you have to do to build something new? Existing things have to be destroyed.

      PS: The formula "2019 =1919 +1929" was not (!) in the scientific-analytical section of the strategy paper. It was in the communication strategy section.

  29. Wonderfully written. If it wasn't so bad and didn't feel so much worse, we could laugh with a snort. But the real impact of the minister's embarrassing revelation is unbelievable. Reason and backbone are out and will probably not come back in. The fact that he and the rest of the political circus are now being laughed at, even abroad, doesn't seem to affect these figures. Maybe that's part of their script. For me, God alone is the rock in this surf, because he cannot be surprised and world affairs are in his hands. But Habeck has distanced himself from this God. He will be surprised who he has to deal with one day when he leaves.

  30.  Such verbal outbursts by the Economics Minister and Vice-Chancellor Habeck can remain without consequences for him, provided that the medication of fear and manipulation constantly administered to the public, particularly by the state media (ARD, ZDF, Deutschlandfunk), is increased and thus results in a refusal to recognize.

  31. Dear Mr. Langemann, at the beginning of your excellent lecture you said: "Mr. Habeck, go with God, but go". God did not miss this and immediately became desperate and asked Mr. Habeck not to go with him for his own sake, as he feared that he could destroy the wonderful kingdom of heaven he had built up over millions of years in one day. But there was a solution, he said, in which he could be sent to hell. There he could then turn down the heating at will.

  32. The steep thesis (in Habeck's universe) on avoiding insolvency by temporarily stopping production is a good template that we should "collectively" follow. Collectively in the sense that "every" taxpayer in Germany (temporarily) stops their daily productive contribution. At the same time as a common cut-off date for 5 working days! In my opinion, this will In my opinion, every taxpayer will be able to bear this (financially), a kind of collective vacation for all taxpayers in Germany for 5 days!
    I don't think it will take 24 hours for the FRG to sink into chaos.
    Better an end with horror than horror without end!
    Mr. Langemann!
    Can you please announce this start date (Germany-wide)? I would suggest week 40 - 2022, the week before the state elections (9.10.2022) in Lower Saxony.
    Then we can save ourselves the trouble and go straight to the burning issue in Berlin (the ministerial rotunda).
    Greetings from Cologne

    1. Very great idea.
      A week's break in production - I'm looking forward to the result - and I'm happy to take part.

  33. Many good and intelligent comments on your very good and even more intelligent contribution today have shown me that it will be difficult for me to do the same!
    Your reference to the French Revolution before
    now 233 years with their possible references
    to today, however, I find particularly
    worth mentioning !
    I very much hope that it will also be used by the near future.
    possibly affected persons and
    is also read ?!

  34. Dear Mr. Langemann,
    Thank you for your terrific straightforward humor in these scary and weird times.
    Do our political actors understand your fabulous commentary? They certainly don't understand Langemann.
    Please note: the American dream 'from dishwasher to millionaire' does not apply here. Our German stupid prefers 'unskilled into parliament'.

    I wish you a pleasant week.

  35. Sewage treatment plant, a great term. I know a lot about the subject. Leaves room for interpretation. I like your expression and writing style Mr. Langemann. Your diplomatic balance is impressive. Your humor is likeable. As someone who is standing over the sand trap again this year, i.e. under which the entire cesspool of a large city rushes through during the testing and adjustment of system-relevant components, I have to clarify that about the TV sewage treatment plant. This is where shit is turned into process water. A gigantic job for the environment and, to use the infantile language of our government, "to save the planet". Unfortunately, Ms. Maischberger has not yet managed to do this in the same quality, but perhaps soon. Not so likely as an OE program anyway. Sewage treatment plants are democratically paid for by all the shitheads in this nation. So everyone is entitled to clean water. At this point I would like to apologize for the choice of words. Yes, I come from a home where the word "sh..." didn't exist and logically wasn't allowed to be used. I'm simply driven by sheer despair that there is no resistance apart from the opposition. They are really driving us to ruin.

  36. The Queen has not died, she is just temporarily not breathing.
    You may find this joke tasteless, but it reflects the thoughts, feelings and actions of R. Habeck in the same tastelessness, concerning large parts of the population.

    Unfortunately, Habeck is no exception. Rather, he is the rule, if you look at the government's ranks and keep them in mind. However, it is hardly possible to keep the latter reasonably healthy in the face of such pressures. Again, personality disorders are nothing new in the leadership ranks; it is only most obvious in the political ones.
    I'm not at all surprised by the madness - the pace alone is overwhelming in more ways than one.

  37. Dear Markus Langemann, bravo, bravo, bravo - the way you wagged down the steep slope of the minister's economic policy descent once again is simply magnificent! Oh, if only the subject wasn't so scary! Not only Habeck, but also all the other ministers (from the Latin minister meaning 'servant, helper'!?) seem to me to be doing one somersault after another due to their incompetence, which unfortunately does not do harm to the people as in their oath of office, pain! It is actually unbearable. Thank goodness for the expertise and humor from sources, including you in particular, who razor-sharp cut open this narcissistic bubble in which the elected representatives cavort again and again. Oh, if only the mental and practical garbage pent up inside could flow out in this way. Well, hope dies last.
    Best wishes to you and to all the incorruptible and incorruptible spirits in this country - I mean, of course, the people who, fortunately, still exist in abundance.
    Yours, Jonny Stadler

  38. I'm afraid a minister like Habeck won't be able to do that. Our politicians live in a closed bubble, in which their little world is kept quere, green and funny by the vassals around them. People's existential problems are of no interest to them - why should they? There is plenty of everything in the bubble and it doesn't matter what it costs. These livelihoods have to pay for it as long as they are not yet broken - and when they are, the remaining ones will pay more.
    Your words, Mr. Langemann, might give someone (m/f/something) there pause for thought - but these words will never reach anyone. There's no room for that in their world and to keep it that way, armored limousines and bodyguards provide the necessary distance.

  39. Dear Mr. Langemann,
    Thank you very much for this once again sensationally accurate commentary on the madness that prevails in this country right now. You are a great enrichment for me. Many greetings from a B747 captain with ATPL training.

  40. Mr. Langemann, thank you for this eloquent text, which hits the nail on the head with a sharp fountain pen!
    Thank you, my glass is full and after this uplifting read, so is my spirit.
    I wish you a full coffers and a constantly flowing source of words for your journalistic texts.

  41. Simply delicious. If only the whole thing wasn't so sad. But maybe, just maybe, Habeck's evil fairy tale will end halfway well after all - in the interests of us citizens, of course. Chase them all out of the country in disgrace!

  42. It is common for politicians to be criticized, even polemically - but this still implies and suggests that the subject of this criticism justifies it, is worth criticizing - and that this criticism has a purpose. But with what the German (still) Economics Minister Habeck is saying - this spooky way in which he tried to talk away (energy price-induced) insolvencies as non-actual insolvencies on a talk show (remember: the energy price disaster is a direct consequence of the sanctions disaster) and then this ludicrous children's book, "Little heroes, big adventures", is it really a book for children, quote: "Blackout is exciting"(!)? Or what is Habeck trying to achieve with this topic in a "children's book", of all things, published in the first "Corona Spring", 2020? - In all of this, one can ask oneself whether criticism still makes sense. Habeck should do the people of Germany, and himself, a favor: "I'm off then." As Rainer Barzel said: "A good exit adorns the freestyle." Unfortunately, this is an art that hardly any politician has mastered today ...

    1. Mr. Scharenberg! May I add that the "energy price disaster" is by no means the "direct consequence of the sanctions disaster"? It all started with the energy transition. I can't dismantle the gas stove in a household without having an alternative such as an electric stove, an induction stove, a wood-burning stove or a microwave ready at the same time. The next idiotic move - by the EU - was not to pass on the low gas price 1:1 to the population but to make it tradable on the stock exchange. The end result: a few energy speculators are now walking through history with a golden nose, while the people are groaning under the highest energy prices in the world. Only now - as the icing on the cake, so to speak - are the sanctions coming. Did the sanctionists really believe that Putin would thank them warmly and continue to supply cheap gas? Suggestion: the mRNA injections were cleared by conditional approval, how about conditional approval for North Stream 2?
      Best regards from Vienna!

      1. Thank you very much, Mr. Zenker. This is the first time I have read an article that draws attention to the fact that cheap Russian gas on the stock exchange
        must be traded and is traded there at spot prices. This was decided by the EU Commission. The EU has therefore
        that the end consumer does not benefit from the cheap Russian natural gas. This fact is being kept secret here in Germany like a state secret. That alone is reason enough to close the store in Brussels, because the EU has ensured that a few speculators - probably banks, as always, in pole position - can line their pockets at the expense of the general public. In addition, of course, there are the various levies and taxes to make energy even more expensive. The rise in energy prices has been planned for a long time and the
        Accusations against Putin only serve to conceal the real culprits.

  43. there is nothing to add. unfortunately, there are still too many people who do not know you and others who skillfully and eloquently formulate the downfall of this colorful country, who seriously deal with this tragedy and try to open the eyes of those who are not completely lost, or who are not willing to use their own minds. the bills for energy consumption in 2022 will not arrive until 2023, and so hopefully all those who have to earn money with their hands will finally wake up. the shelf life of green has long since passed. by the way: gauck's statement may be true, but not very credible coming from an amoral, characterless subject. f.j.strauß is better, who said:
    all the best and hang in there.

  44. Dear Mr. Langemann,
    Could you make it so that you can revise your comment after posting it? Then I could have quickly removed the double B. So I ask you to simply delete the one comment.

    Have a nice rest of Sunday with an Oban or whatever whisky you prefer.

  45. Well taken. He won't leave as long as there's something to get.
    What will happen before the first voters wish for a July 14, 1789? Knowing full well what happened afterwards.

  46. Bravo Mr. Langemann, sometimes the vanity in your formulations annoys me. But here - chapeau, a pure delight! Just one more request: let's tar and feather him. People need a little satisfaction. Then we'll take Lauterbach, and then Scholz. We'll let Baerbock go because of general insanity. All the rest of them are already taking to their heels anyway. Oh, you've stimulated my imagination so much with the French Revolution. Of course, I don't mean that they should be tarred and feathered. But the idea is simply delightful.

  47. Absolutely great, I hope the professionals you mentioned finally say goodbye.
    THANK YOU, your humor is unbeatable!

  48. Dear Mr. Langemann, all your texts are always refreshing...thank you. But what can we do to make it clear to the Berlin gang that they are completely unwelcome? The boys and girls are so much on their own planet and don't notice anything. So what can we do? Does anyone have any ideas?

  49. The discussions in the best Germany we've ever had are getting more and more crazy. The existential question is how long we can take a hot shower in the morning without being considered Putinist. But then "the self-righteous" drive their 2-tonne E-SUV to the bakery to get bread rolls. That's not a problem. Uhhm, but it's kind of stupid that this baker has just stopped selling because he can no longer pay the electricity costs. Too bad. That's economic policy à la Habeck.
    Oh yes, the Queen hasn't died, she's just no longer alive.

  50. Compliments Mr. Langemann,
    So to the point that I can laugh out loud (which I do regularly with her posts). I am often angry at these entities that are destroying this country. Your articles help me to get my emotions back under my control instead of running amok in circles in the house and tearing up the stuffed animals. How much longer can we hold out before we unleash the storm?
    Thank you for your razor-sharp word acrobatics.

  51. You forgot the "health" ministry in your list of ministers. Please don't leave it in its current form when the others have been given new powers. The only question is where this can be found. Unfortunately, I don't see a country with the current selection available.

  52. Grassland

    A wind turbine stands in the forest - a horror for nature:
    Chops up insects, birds and bats every hour.

    It's so green when Robert's phrases glow,
    it's so green when Habeck's flowers bloom.
    His love of his homeland is what "always made him vomit".
    To do something with Germany - the art has eluded him to this day.

    There can be no betrayal of the people, there is no people - you hear him say.
    The time of in-ku-ba-tion - he explains happily -
    Can be doubled with "social distancing" - or something.

    Medically, that's not possible - but what does he care - Annalena from Berlin always helps him when needed.
    She sets the goblins from all the batteries
    free - they are happy to join the fight against climate deniers.
    And if there's a lack of electricity when it's dark, Baerbock gets it from the grid - she'll find it there.

    Not just one wind turbine - but thirty thousand - chop up tons of fauna, nature endures it horribly!

    Dr. med. Rüdiger Pötsch

  53. Fantastic, I can only agree with the other comments.
    Thank you very much. We just had a good laugh in the family.

    I share the hope of a storming of the Berlin Bastille, but I don't believe in it.

    There have been many reasons for a storm in the last 2.5 years without anything happening. The majority of Germans are simply stupid and too comfortable to do anything about all this madness.

    Thank you again for your excellent work.

  54. Dear Mr. Langemann
    It is always a real pleasure for me to read your comments. The way you get to the heart of the matter in a humorous yet bitterly truthful way. Chapeau!
    I can just use the saying when I look at our government that the tinitus in my eyes is almost unbearable. "I really only see whistles"
    In this sense
    Friedhelm Schneider

  55. Well, that's exactly how it is. You have described the facts of the case and your demand to Mr. Habeck with your special humor and sarcasm. Thank you very much for that. And I also fully agree with your assessment that the currently endangered Bastille is in Berlin. Since the traffic light politicians will not resign, they will all have to be removed from office - and I wonder how that will work. It has never been as necessary as it is now.....

    1. How does that work...?!
      There are currently only two options.
      1) Yellow vests, yellow vests, yellow vests.
      2) Vote of no confidence next year.
      MfG - Lucy

  56. What a great summary of the (by the worst administration ever possibly even wanted?) downsizing scenario. Nowhere is the shortage of skilled workers more evident than in the highest German administration, the negative consequences of which we can currently only guess at best, whereby you, Mr. Langemann, with your tireless research, wonderful bitingness, paired with the finest sarcasm, successfully contribute to the fact that one is not only informed, but still endures the horrors of this destruction of democracy, which I, as someone who was allowed to grow up in democracy and freedom, would never have thought possible, with a laughing eye!
    Thank you very much for this, and please keep up the good work!
    Arne Brand

  57. There is no better way to portray..... class Mr. Langemann.
    I just fear that Habeck and the other ruling crew are simply so Teflon-coated that criticism will lead to nothing, and the citizens of the country will be allowed to go along with this tragedy for another 3 years.

  58. Super ingenious contribution!!! Unfortunately, this German people - uhhh is it still allowed to write like this - is so rarely stupid that you have to be careful what you say! An economy minister who should rather write children's books, a chancellor who can't remember anything..., a foreign ministry who wants to steer her African country in a new direction -> we are a rich country and I want to change that..., no matter who you list..., none, none a degree, except fraud-> Ergo: No German citizen should complain... You elected this garbage and junk out of stupidity and arrogance!!!! Sometimes I wish that such "voters" would freeze to death in their own or rented house!!!! The main thing is that I am CO2 neutral and Ukraine doesn't fall! I would be very, very, very careful if the Russian army withdraws!!!! If there is no Russian in the country, a nuclear strike is more worthwhile! No government can be that stupid!!!! Finally sit down at a table! And please without the foreign minister and green Fxxxx from Germany, who is perfect at gendering but can't speak a normal German sentence!

  59. Mr. Langemann,
    This time you have outdone yourself. What a perceptive, pertinent and ingenious contribution. thank you for that!

  60. Good evening Mr. Langemann,

    I would like to invite you for a cup of coffee in my workshop in Haidhausen.
    Thank you for your work and effort for our well-being.
    May all 81 million passengers find and read your texts before using the vomit bag...

    Best regards!

    1. My first idea: We simply print Mr. Langemann's contributions on every bread roll bag before we have to bake our own bread - without electricity, of course, only with wind from our own power. A second idea would be: We pin the 12 best ones to the entrance to the Bundestag.
      I turned my back on Munich, it was unbearable.

    2. An excellent statement from you! May I join you? I can no longer stand these government failures. An entire country is being driven to the wall for an idiology and it is being concealed, denied and "talked up". Not by us, but by almost all the media. Thank you Mr. Langemann for your excellent work!

  61. Salute!

    Oui. La belle France...

    Highly recommended "La Marseillaise".

    Best the absolutely unique version,
    sung by Mireille Mathieu.
    Legendary performance...
    French subtitles.
    Black and white film.

    Merci bien, Mireille...!


  62. My dear Greens,

    I am Olaf Erber, your voter from last year.

    I have just read your short-term energy supply security measures ordinance ( - what a monster of a word. Quite amazing!

    We run a small youth hostel in an old school on the beautiful Schwielochsee - Brandenburg.
    In the past, the roof was insulated and heat-insulating windows were installed within the economic possibilities of a social institution with limited income and without state funding. In 2018, we had a new, state-recommended gas heating system with solar support installed. Our sockets supply the best green electricity.
    After all, we have reduced consumption by almost 50% thanks to this and our careful use of energy. We were really proud of that.

    But now the state, in the form of the Greens, whom I voted for, is coming along and telling us - no, decreeing - that from now on affordable gas will no longer be available.
    And that's because you, my dear Greens, want to conquer the Russian bear. I would like to quote Robert Habeck and say to him: "You can forget it, old man".
    To believe that you can bring Russia into line with the West with sanctions is at least as naive as my earlier assumption that you Greens would act for the good of our society if you came into government.
    To my knowledge, there is not a single case in human history in which economic sanctions have led to anything good or even fulfilled their intended purpose.

    So it looks terrible for our social institution. For us, your policy will mean that we will have to close, at least during the heating period, because we will no longer be able to heat the building - either heating is prohibited or there is no gas or we simply can no longer pay for gas. It remains to be seen how much damage buildings and inventory will suffer if they are not heated properly.

    Alternatives to gas?

    Not a chance.

    A heat pump, for example, would cost at least €60,000 and would not be available. It would also be impossible to operate, as the cable cross-sections of the power supply lines in the streets will not be sufficient if people resort to electricity in winter (they will certainly not adhere to your short-term energy supply security measures when it gets cold). This is even the case in new development areas, as a service technician from a major energy supplier recently told us. The technicians are already sweating just thinking about the charging stations for electric cars in residential areas.

    After two and a half years of terrible measures, we are already struggling with the economic consequences. I can tell you that we only had about ten percent of the normal number of school trips here this year. We are keeping our heads above water with family reunions and company outings, which are actually forbidden.

    So now "freezing for freedom".
    Of course, our guests have the freedom to stay at home in front of their fan heater instead of freezing their butts off with us.

    You, my dear Greens, can perhaps imagine what will happen to my voting behavior now - but probably not. I could quote Robert Habeck again... ;O)

    Sunny greetings from the beautiful Schwielochsee

    Olaf Erber

    PS: Is it actually possible to be added to the list of beneficiaries of the planned gas levy? After all, we are threatened with bankruptcy by your energy and foreign policy - more so than UNIPER

    1. We can only hope that you, Olaf, will not be the only one to look back on your election decision at that time and give the middle finger to these incorrigible "Green" fools, traitors, incompetents and fantasists - above all Habeck and Baerbock.

      I wish your company and all employees all the best for the future until the current "plague" has been eradicated.

      Best regards to Schwielochsee-Jessern

  63. Wonderful,
    You could hardly describe our current government more aptly!
    No matter how sad it is, I still had to laugh!
    Thank you for that!!!

  64. Good evening Mr. Langemann,
    Your writing style and your way of expressing yourself is once again so wonderfully and aptly formulated that you find yourself laughing maliciously at the resounding scolding that you dish out to Mr. Habeck here, which is absolutely justified and overdue. I actually stopped laughing once again when I watched this disgrace on a continuous loop after I clicked away the first 10 references to the video of him on Maischberger because I didn't want to do it to myself.
    Thank you for always finding the truly true and clear words for this!!!
    Have a nice evening
    Carmen Friedrich

  65. Grandiose!
    Thank you, thank you very much for this heart-warming text. Gallows humor, what else is left for us.
    The time for resignations is long gone.

    1. Is that her...?
      Be careful with prophecy...
      Perhaps there will be a tsunami, a kind of
      new wave of German resignations.
      Vintage" brand; grandiose...
      This is clearly not the way forward.
      This country is dying.

  66. This comment can't be topped - three thumbs up! Mr. Langemann, if you didn't exist, you would have to be invented!

  67. Thank you for your commitment, Mr. Langemann. I'm a bit emotionally "nibbled" at the moment and react almost aggressively to people who relativize current politics and promote understanding. In a storm, the most experienced captain and not the cabin crew has to navigate the ship...
    Best regards Maria Goldhofer

    1. And who would that be? I don't know anyone - except outside this government. And good old Oskar comes to mind.

  68. unbelievably bad governance,
    incredibly well commented!
    you might want to explain the add blue:
    it's like because ammo, from which the add blue is extracted as an additional product, is no longer produced (energy), there will soon be no more gasoline and/or diesel cars to drive. i.e. no more trucks and delivery vans to supply the markets. no more cars to get to work, etc.

  69. Hello Mr. Langemann,

    Satire and cynicism in all honor. It is simply fun to listen to you or read about you.

    Unfortunately, the Habecksche issue is all too serious and the situation is becoming increasingly acute.
    The storming of the Bastille is more overdue than the people should let this cretin continue to act over the winter!

  70. Dear Mr. Langemann,
    Thank you for once again formulating very apt words with the appropriate chutzpah and wit. That alone makes the unbearable behind it bearable.
    But let's look at the good in the bad: this historic week 36, which is now coming to an end, has woken up an enormous number of previously dormant people with Habeck's appearance on Meischberger. The bells are slowly ringing in their heads too. That's good. Very good, in fact.
    Have a great evening and please keep up the good work. We all need this kind of brain aerobics more urgently than ever.

  71. Yes, dear Mr. Langemann, the full glass is already half empty in front of me. Oh yes, no one can write an obituary for the children's book author better and more directly to the point than you. Thank you for that. I always enjoy reading your articles, because truth, satire and intelligence come together to make an irrefutable statement. And there is a lack of intelligence in our infantile political world. Yes, thank you once again.

    1. I don't think it's so much down to a lack of intelligence. It would certainly suffice as a tool. I think it's more to do with greed, which is known to eat brains. Not for nothing is it one of the deadly sins. In Baerbock's case, it may actually be a lack of intelligence. But then again, we already had a Mr. Lübke as Federal President - if anyone here can still remember him. In that position, at least you couldn't do much damage back then. It is not at all comforting to have such a trampoline as Foreign Minister. Lately I've noticed a hitherto unknown patriotism in myself and it really physically attacks me to be ridiculed for this dancer all over the world. The time has come: I am ashamed of Germany. I'm happy to admit it now: I recently voted for the AFD for the first time. And I will do so again. If only because of Alice Weidel. The woke lady together with Sarah Wagenknecht and old Oskar. What do we need parties for, especially with this anti-democratic party attitude? Direct elections and direct voting would be a possible solution. When it comes to saving an entire nation, which Habeck says doesn't exist, we must very quickly take paths that were previously unimaginable. The hut is on fire - unfortunately, not enough people have noticed. So the first thing to do is to get everyone out on the streets and get the police on board. It won't work without them. Let's remind them that we used to call them "Schutzmann" and make them our protectors again. After all, we pay them too.

  72. Dear Mr. Langemann, this rhetorical tightening up is absolutely necessary now. You can't just leave this once wonderful country to these unspeakable careerists and the stupid among the people!
    Thank you for that,
    Ernst Barth

    1. ...I'm with you...but what in God's name could be done? I lack the imagination. Or do we two want to join forces? Greetings Markus Kreuzer

      1. Mr. Markus Kreuzer: what can we do: we have to take to the streets, as many citizens as possible, this impudent, incompetent bunch of politicians will not go it alone! There is no decency here!

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"Controversy is not an annoying evil, but a necessary prerequisite for the success of democracy." Federal President Dr. h.c. Joachim Gauck (ret.), only 5 years ago in his speech on the Day of the Basic Law.
