Commentary by Peter Löcke //
Politics and soccer have astonishing parallels in terms of language and content. This is especially true in times of crisis. When things are not going so well, identical mechanisms take effect. Clubs and parties in crisis can get away with holding out, announcing sober analyses and internal reappraisals, scolding the media and other accusations for a while, but at some point the pressure has to be taken off. Then heads have to roll to appease fans and voters. After all, the fish stinks from the head. Or so the saying goes. But which heads should roll?
The Alliance/The Greens party opted for Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour. They have now resigned. In addition to the two political celebrities, the unknown rest of the six-member federal executive board will also be stepping down from mid-November 2024. In addition to the duo Lang & Nouripour, the generally unknown Emily Büning, Frederic Carpenter, Pegah Edalatian and Heiko Knopf are taking responsibility for the Green Party's plight. Are they pawns? Of course they are. The role of the Federal Executive Committee is merely to represent the party internally and externally. This is officially stated on the homepage [1]. Their activities are public relations work. None of those named are ministers or political decision-makers. But what matters is on the pitch. And there are others.
In the political arena, the stars Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck are not for sale. The German Foreign Minister is currently on an away game in New York. At the 79th UN General Assembly, the former Green Party captain is once again unerringly stomping all diplomacy that stands on two legs. As usual, Baerbock shines with verbal bloodbaths at teenage level instead of a linguistic feel for the ball. She sees herself as a successful Eurofighter. This self-perception is just as bizarre as that of the new Green Party captain Robert Habeck. He sees Germany in the economic Champions League in the distant future, while in the present he is transforming the domestic economy into the third division. So shouldn't the Greens' two star players actually be sacked?
Of course not. A party doesn't do that any more than a soccer club. The coach, manager, presidium, groundsman and treasurer must first be released and replaced by new faces. New faces stand for a fresh start. Where does the fish start to stink? That is difficult to determine when the whole fish is already stinking, only heads are rolling from the second row and problems are not specifically named.
The Greens are the only party that names problems. It is the only party that is self-critical. I have read this several times in the mainstream media in response to the resignations. I think this analysis is wrong. The only thing that is true is that the other two parties, the SPD and FDP, have not yet drawn any personnel conclusions from various election failures.
Self-criticism looks substantive and concrete. Political self-criticism can be seen in the admission of wrong policies and the announcement of a change of direction. None of this appears in the unctuous statements - neither in the statement by Lang & Nouripour at midday [2] on September 25 nor in Habeck's interview that evening on ZDF heute journal [3]. The irony and dishonesty lies in the flexible understanding of the term responsibility. The German Vice-Chancellor wants to take responsibility by remaining in office. At the same time, Habeck praises the responsibility of his federal executive committee by having its members resign from office. In a situation like this, youthful honesty is a good thing.
That same evening, the ten-member board of the Green Youth also announced its resignation [4]. What's more. The upcoming Ricardas and Emilias want to leave the party and found a new movement to the left of the Greens. Whether it's special assets, Lützerath or the tightening of asylum laws - the Green Youth see their parent party as having moved too far to the right. This can be seen as bizarre when the youth of a radical party do not consider the positions of the party leadership to be radical enough. But at least the statement is honest and concrete in terms of content. And in contrast to the resignation of the federal executive, the statement by the Sturm & Drang department seems authentic and not coordinated with the party superiors.
Double whammy through double resignation. In soccer, when a double is scored, a player has scored two goals. Whether or not the Green double pack is more likely to be own goals will become clear between November 15 and 17. This is when the Green Party conference will take place in Wiesbaden, where decisions will be made on the new federal party executive and, above all, on the announced change of direction. What direction will the change of direction take? That is the really exciting Green question.
Do the youth-style Greens want to become even more radical than they are already perceived to be by the majority of the population? Or do the Greens want to abandon religious beliefs in order to become more electable again? In both cases, they will lose credibility and voters. A dilemma.
The decisive factor is on the pitch and at the ballot box. It's all about points and percentage points. Most recently, the Greens were polling below ten percent. At some point, every fish becomes inedible.
9 Responses
Anyone who votes for the traffic lights is voting for Germany's Calcuttaization, as the filthy gang has already proven.
I am completely disillusioned with the so-called party "democracy" of the "values West".
Thanks for that!!!!
Only when everyone has been allowed to realize how sick the whole thing is will we have a real change of direction in the realm of possibility!
WE ARE THE CREATORS of our reality, if we want to change our community with united forces, towards peace, dignity, humanity, love and responsibility, then this requires that we first recognize the current problems, then look for meaningful and sustainable solutions! Everyone can join in, let's create the world we want to live in!!!!
Ask yourselves and your ideological contemporaries whether you and they are anarchists, democrats, fascists or cultural Marxists.
1. anarchists have a very difficult time. They hardly exist. The other three groups are rarely familiar with the correct definition of the term "anarchy" - thanks to misconditioning by the media and education.
2. the Democrats also have a hard time if they are true Democrats. There is no infrastructure for them. They are offered to make one or two crosses every 4 or 5 years. That is sheer mockery for them.
3. all those who question critically become fascists. According to the cultural Marxists. Aluhut comes as a bonus on top.
The true fascists are also often deceived into believing that Antifa are "leftists", which they are not. See 4.
Moreover, the communists and fascists were chosen almost simultaneously by the same "think tanks" (or "round tables"), as early as the end of the 19th century. They were created artificially and externally, in the sense of "divide et impera".
4. the cultural Marxists are infiltrating political events and the media with lobbying. They say "Germany has no culture", "Never again Germany", "Germany is dying", want to blame "old white men" for everything bad and propagate disguise (which has always been their trademark) and the destruction of cultural monuments reminiscent of "old white men from the past". They think they are "left-wing" but are actually left-liberal and play the useful idiots for the party oligarchy called BRD.
When everyone has beaten each other to death, the psychopaths of the top ten thousand will toast to that. Because that was their plan.
two uneducated, work-shy no-goods as representatives of the Greens resign...... ridiculous and not worthy of any news. Guys like them will continue to gorge themselves on other Buffetts.... there are still enough stupid people paying for it.
No matter which successors are supposed to save something here. The Greens have been exposed. Baerbock and Habeck think they are too great and are not intelligent enough to realize that they are the ones who have to take their hats off. They suffer from Dunning-Kruger syndrome.
It doesn't matter which direction their policy should take. It will never be for the good of the Germans.
PS: but that also applies to the SPD, CDU/CSU, FDP and now me BSW. All parties just for their own sake.
BSW in particular has exposed itself as a CIA submarine with the aim of bringing Germany fully back on course with the USA in order to destroy Europe...
It's disgusting that a Ms. Wagenknecht gets into bed with such zombies just to be allowed to eat the crumbs of power.
How could it come to this, that a Stone Age party (not to talk of a sect again) determines the direction of German domestic and foreign policy? And the people who didn't vote for it - more than 80 percent of voters - didn't put up a massive fight against it? To make a long story short: This is only possible in a political system in which "the voter" casts his vote. And politicians decide what to do with it. What the "consumer citizen" is to the corporation, the "voter" is to the parties. The rest is advertising and mass media, or the right image/narrative in and from the mass media. The second crucial question is: Why does the system of representative democracy have such negative consequences in Germany in particular? Because the Germans have been so shaken by two traumas in a hundred years that they are now so afraid of doing the wrong thing that they no longer do anything. In other words: Being an example of good in the world is more important to many than making a right decision and standing up for it. And, thirdly, you can afford to be good after all. At least that's what those you trust with your vote say. The fact that this is wrong again does not want to enter the shaken German stubbornness. After all, perhaps there is still a chance that the world will recover from the German character? And everyone else would then be ghost drivers. Oh, how nice, says little Häwelmann.
The only direction for this demagogic gang would be back to the political Stone Age. A so-called party that betrays all human values should simply be banned or, better still, banned from politics for life.
Simply get back to reality, engage in discussions with people who think differently, question your own points of view, talk to people about where the shoe pinches instead of always thinking your own nose is the end of the world. Rediscover environmental protection, peace and civil rights. There are countless people in the Green Party who could do better than.... .
First class!