The loss of face

by Peter Löcke //

"What are people supposed to think?"

Perhaps you know the phrase from your youth. I do. Worryingly uttered by my father. After all, as a teenager and later on, I did the odd stupid thing. Behind this parental concern lies a fantasy of disaster. Ultimately, it is fear. It's the fear that you or your family will lose your reputation, standing and prestige. It's not the actual offenses that are bad. For many people, it is bad when the offenses become public. The reason is the deeply human fear of losing face.

It starts with the little things, the embarrassments of life. Do you fart on a walk in the woods or alone in front of the TV? You won't care. If the same thing happens to you in the elevator next to work colleagues, you will blush with shame. What if things get bigger, if, in the worst case, you have a much-cited skeleton in your closet that nobody knows about? Whether it's a professional or private corpse, very few people take responsibility. There are many reasons for this. There are pragmatic reasons such as fear of financial or legal consequences. Above all, there are psychological explanations. Shame, anger at oneself, repression or even narcissism, which makes any kind of self-criticism impossible. The greatest fear is the fear of losing face.

From the private sphere to the big issues of the day. Germany in its biggest energy crisis. And now? A return to old forms of energy such as nuclear power or must the energy transition to so-called renewables, which Merkel has been pursuing since Fukushima and which the whole of Germany has been following, be taken even more radically? The question is being discussed legitimately and yet it bores me. It bores me because I think I know the answer. Politics, the media and instrumentalized science have been marching in lockstep for a decade. No industrialized nation in the world has followed this path as radically as Germany. The really exciting question is: after ten years of bringing all institutions into line, after ten years of supposedly having no alternative, is it even possible to see things clearly and turn back? My sad answer is: No. So the gas pedal is being pressed down on Germany's ghost ride. Germany's radical path was not radical enough. The energy transition was not energy-efficient enough. That's the only explanation that won't make politicians, the media and hundreds of climate researchers lose face.

The same phenomenon with corona. Are you surprised and outraged by the planned new Infection Protection Act? Unfortunately not me. Has Lauterbach's madness finally gone mad? How can Minister of Justice Buschmann be so cynical as to sell the planned thumbscrews as appropriate while brazenly presenting himself as a minister of freedom? Justified questions, justified anger. And yet, as with the topic of energy, the really exciting question is: after two and a half years of fear politics, is it even possible to see reason and turn back? I fear not: No. Is it possible for politicians to repeal all the measures? I fear not: No. What would happen if they did? What if we decided today to do nothing except return to normality? A return to normality, without masks, social distancing, vaccinations, compulsory testing and coercive measures. Think this thought through to the end. It is decided and then nothing happens. No overcrowded intensive care units, no piles of corpses. Nothing.

"What do you mean? Those covidiots were right all along?" 

How great would the anger of all (!) people towards politics, the media and science be afterwards? The fear of this human rage and of losing face oozes from every pore of those involved in the artificially created fear. All actors in politics, the media and bought science.

There is also a fear of losing face when it comes to war. "Slava Ukraini", glory to Ukraine, can be heard from all channels and the mouths of dozens of politicians. Anyone who doesn't join in this chorus is a Putin supporter, lacking solidarity. Ukraine must win. Whatever that means. Instead of looking to the future, I would like to look to the past. What was it actually like back then in the Cuban Missile Crisis, when two nuclear powers clashed? Two gunslingers, their hands nervously on their holsters. Western media and politicians called for the revolver to be drawn first. The USA had to win. Just don't show any weakness. Anything else would be a loss of face. After all, the Russians were the bad guys because they spontaneously and without reason came up with the idea of stationing nuclear weapons in Cuba. Who in the Western world knew that the USA also had nuclear weapons parked right on Russia's doorstep, in Turkey? Nobody. Who in the West criticized the fact that the USA tried several times to overthrow Castro? Nobody. A solution was found back then. What did it look like?

A face-saving solution was found for all parties.

Something humorous after so much melancholy. Once, when I was standing in a crowded elevator, it suddenly smelled bad. I was identified as the culprit, although that wasn't true. Nevertheless, I blushed at the mass accusation. I'm no stranger to the fear of losing face. When I was then addressed personally, I said the following: "Of course I just farted. Or do you think I always smell like that?" 

I wonder what people thought? I didn't care.

Articles identified by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

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13 Responses

  1. "What do you mean? Those covidiots were right all along?"
    NO! Because not me, but Covid disciples are the real idiots...
    In Germany, the Czech Republic and elsewhere.

  2. Dear Mr. Löcke, as always an interesting article, but I do have a few comments. I don't think nuclear power plants as we have experienced them so far are responsible. I will change my mind the moment reinsurers are found who are willing and able to assume full liability for the consequences of a meltdown. Incidentally, the same also applies to chlorine chemistry, the hazard potential of which is vastly underestimated. There now appear to be new designs for fast breeder reactors that utilize nuclear waste and are considerably safer. They are supposed to provide a far-reaching solution to all energy problems - for me, this is only conceivable with appropriate liability on the part of the operators, after all, extremely toxic plutonium is being handled there. The controversial issue of climate change, which, even if many believe it to be so, has not yet been fully discussed, is driving us to take actions that may turn out not to be based on facts, all the more so because an isolated Central European approach will not be effective. But apart from CO2, the burning of fossil hydrocarbons means environmental pollution that we cannot ignore in the long term. But in my view, there is no reason to panic. There are more and more contributions to regenerative agriculture and forestry, e.g. "Holistic Management" by Allan Savory from Zimbabwe or the Save Soil movement by Sahdguru from India, which show ways out of the progressive degradation of soils. These are the solutions that can be used to feed a growing world population without any problems. Savory assumes that climate change can be reversed. The only thing to say about corona is that this is also a policy underpinned by fear propaganda. Incompetence, corruption, abuse of power or even worse? Presumably many will soon know more. The conflict between NATO and the Russian Federation in Ukraine should bring us all, here and there, to our senses that a negotiated solution would be a sign of political competence. The people whose lives are endangered by this outbreak of violence will thank all those involved who are working towards a peace based on a balance of interests. Compromise does not mean losing face. Kind regards. H.W..

  3. "I wonder what people thought. I didn't care."

    I hadn't read such a beautiful sentence for a long time.
    I feel the same way.
    I rarely fart in elevators, but I love walking through the woods and parks barefoot. That's why quite a few people think I'm more or less moronic, but please, let them. I always greet people cheerfully, and I couldn't care less what they think of me.

    1. The purpose of life is not to please everyone or to be pleasing to everyone.
      The other day at Aldi: A young man - well, how should I put it - obviously very concerned about his appearance, with smooth movements, kneels in front of a lower shelf and clears a large box with the goods on it. I was in the store for the first time, thought he was an employee, and asked him where to find a particular item. He looks up at me, offended, and asks if he looks like he's busy here. I said, "Not you, of course, but what you do here (sorting goods). He then calmed down and I assured him that I had often been misjudged. .... As a note.

  4. And to hide their own loss of face, the majority of the population is to be robbed of their face again from the fall by forcing masks back on them. Let's show face, never again a mask.

    1. Well described, Ms. Ines - if the shenanigans really do start again, there will be frequent
      "Forgetfulness" and the increased appearance of mask deniers. The judiciary (§ & €), police, authorities and especially politicians (€$#) are
      then busy again and can't take care of the important things. However - you can't take care of your face anyway.
      not be "robbed"; if the mummery is unavoidable, the mask simply shows its "face" : ...... the material can be easily labeled
      ( with felt-tip pen ) - thus free space for mockery + satire , everyone as he wants (please no insults) / couple suggestions : "shut up pay taxes"
      "Breathtaking" , "VolksMaulKorb - MaulKorbVolk" , "protects against fines" , "FFP 4" , "CSU mask scandal" ........
      Concerning the upcoming "vaccination" campaigns: since there is an Infection Protection Act, it is high time we had an Injection Protection Act.

      PS The state cabaret artists have a return favor

  5. " Some people delude themselves, no one can imitate them so quickly. " The fear of losing face is just a symptom. In my opinion, the cause lies deeper. It takes a certain degree of human greatness to admit failure and deal with the bad feelings and emotions that come with it. In politics and in the media, this repression and lying to oneself is fatal. The problem is that there always has to be someone to blame on the outside, be it the evil Putin or the evil coronavirus, in order to maintain this self-deception. This fuels wars, whether through sanctions as a weapon or with military weapons. There are no winners, no matter what kind of conflict it is, both sides always lose; winning at all costs and suppressing the associated losses is one of life's greatest lies. As long as everyone feels they are in the right! and therefore counts themselves among the "good guys", this madness will not stop. History teaches us that entire nations have been dragged into the abyss by this inner attitude. In any case, this cannot be explained rationally.

  6. How right Peter Löcke is once again. But only those who have a face can suffer a loss of face. Our so-called politicians, scientists and pseudo-health experts have long since sold their face and conscience, to the detriment and harm of the people. Never before in the history of this country has there been so much perversion and misanthropy from the top.

  7. Finally something to laugh about.... Well roared lion, even if innocent! Do you think I always smell like that?, I really must remember that sentence.
    Unfortunately, there is no rowing back. You have to keep a straight face. It's just stupid that it's all so transparent now and some of the lies are so brazen. Yes, yes, the dear Western values that are always moralizing and have enough dirt on themselves. Let's wait for the fall; politicians, the media and scientists should already be sweating, and not just because of the current temperatures. What use is all this? I have actually experienced that someone close to me felt obliged to put a little note in my letterbox saying that my music is too loud and other unflattering remarks about my private life. The perfidious thing is that the person didn't identify himself. So I know that I am under surveillance. The person presumed to know about me. After all, he/she had to work, it was written. Yes, and I had to do that before I got ill and if things ever get better I'll have to do it again...
    You know what I say to myself: Now more than ever! Once you've ruined your reputation, you can live a carefree life. I have absolutely no idea what drives such people. Is it envy, is it their own inability or is it just stupidity? If I have a problem with my neighbors, I speak to them directly and not incognito. The question here is probably who loses more face, the denouncer or me. On that note, fart all you want.

  8. Dear Mr. Löcke,

    I largely agree with your thoughts, BUT one thing will not happen: ALL people will have anger and resentment towards politics, the! science or the media. No, so many followers have defended them to the last detail and would also have to complain about losing face.
    Unfortunately, rethinking is wishful thinking...
    However, I am optimistic that Cor.ona and all the planemaking will be over despite the 4th vaccination and monkeypox. I'm not sure about the energy turnaround or the way out, but I think common sense will have to prevail there too. "The people" won't put up with everything. And when it's cold because there's no electricity, you won't be able to completely do without nuclear power plants. Although I myself am not so enthusiastic about the fact that there is still no real way out of nuclear power...

  9. Sad findings !!!!! Only the patient doesn't want to know, would rather die, even though he is afraid of death.

    Thank you very much.

  10. The phrase "the path of the energy transition that Merkel has taken since Fukushima and that the whole of Germany has followed" did not seem quite right to me when I read it, as Gerhard Schröder's first cabinet and Jürgen Trittin's leadership had already set the energy transition on its political course.

    To my delight, by the way, as this meant that the investment in my own solar power system in 1995 could still be amortized in the end, although our municipal utility successfully blocked the city council resolution on cost-covering remuneration, which was the basis for my decision, until the red-green municipal interlude in more black-yellow dominance was history again in 1999 after just one legislative term. In principle, I find the "Agreement of June 14, 2000" reached with the industry at the time (see compared to Merkel's incredibly self-righteous zigzagging before and after Fukushima, a politically comparatively still exemplary path, which, by the way, I myself was not even aware of, had actually been taken much longer, although originally still in a rather controversial and rather different direction (cf.äche).

    As you can see: I had to do a little research myself to trace the roots of the term "energy transition" and ended up finding a publication by the Freiburg Ökö-Institut in 1980: Coming back to the original impulse, the quoted formulation is not so bad after all, because Merkel's latest move ultimately meant a turnaround away from social discourse and consensus, reliable planning and political reason. Ultimately, the decades-old slogan of the "energy transition", like so many other things in our here and now, degenerated into a "façade", behind which sometimes less, but often more hidden clientele interests reign and often also the bright madness.

    For my PV system, this means that it would have made economic sense to sell it second-hand after the Trittin tariff expired in order to achieve a final yield. From an ecological point of view, that would be madness, because it has been running and running and running for 28 years with practically no problems (for those interested in the subject: even without any noticeable loss of efficiency), just like the proverbial VW Beetle. And I'm not prepared to give in to the madness!

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