Merkel: "No new freedoms..."

This sentence by German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel might interest you. I let it sink in for a few hours and during this time I weighed up whether to inform you about these words. I decided to inform you about this quote because it has far-reaching consequences. Even if the plan is not implemented or the sentence is withdrawn, it must be recorded.

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94 Responses

  1. ...and the Tagesschau (!) reports on the German Cancer Aid, the 250,000 new cases per year, postponed therapies...that the statement of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of 4.11.2020 was suppressed by the media and now the practitioners are being offered compensation payments for "fewer cases" - while people with other diseases are looking down the tube...instead of changing the policy...uff. Are doctors supposed to be bought to stand still?

    1. of the KBV, "Position paper of 4.11.2020" - including charts for press conference...unfortunately you have to search pretty hard for it...

    2. Most of them already do. Anyone who still works for health insurance patients is completely on the hamster wheel anyway. The technical regulations for the software alone are a horror that cannot be dealt with using technical expertise. This has been pure socialism for 20 years, especially for general practitioners. One of my school friends is currently suing the tax office because he bought "oversized printers" (purchased in 2016) and the tax office sees this as a private expense.

    3. What kind of question is that? The doctors have long since been bought to stand still. Where is a doctor going to stand up and fight? The few, around 2,500 doctors in Germany who have joined forces and are not submitting to this scam are far too few. The doctors are cowardly tied to their practice chairs and are more afraid than loving their country that they will be threatened with the withdrawal of their license to practice if they don't continue to track, participate in testing and now, above all, inject people with these gene-manipulating injections, whether people die from them or not, the doctors will not stop treating with these poisons, of which most of these doctors don't even know what this gene-manipulating stuff will do to a person's body.
      A Merkel, a Söder, a Spahn and a Lauterbach, a Klöckner, an Altmaier, a Scholz and all ARD - ZDF - SAT-1 - RTL - 3-SAT and ARTE unit presenters are guaranteed not to have been treated with this stuff. And they won't either. It's so dishonest what's going on here.

        1. Mr. Torsten,
          to what is the one clear statement?
          To further curtail your - and our - fundamental rights?
          I am a former citizen of the GDR. And I know what a dictatorship feels like.

          1. Dear Mr. Gaertner,
            So you know what a dictatorship feels like?
            Then it should also be clear to you that the FRG is in no way a dictatorship.
            As long as we have free elections, with many different parties and no single list, as long as people can take to the streets and shout their totalitarian and anti-parliamentary slogans, as long as every educated person and also, I would like to emphasize this, every uneducated person can express their opinion, we do not have a dictatorship.
            I hope you wake up soon, because it would be more important for you than for the people who adhere to the measures and thus protect other people.

  2. ...the Ethics Council today not only recommends "no special rights for vaccinated people", it also recommends that restrictions on fundamental rights be withdrawn, provided there is no threat of overloading the health system - one should be guided by hospitalization figures, serious disease progression and death figures, not incidence figures...then the restrictions on fundamental rights can be dropped, can't they?

  3. Have you ever thought about the following interpretation?

    "Hostage-taking of the German / European people by lobby-controlled professional politicians in order to extort the enforcement of economic interests of global corporations (vaccination obligation directly or indirectly and others) from the people"

    Classic and historically successful support mechanisms are used here, e.g:

    -> Takeover of the supposedly free media and thus manipulation of public opinion
    -> Indoctrination campaigns of children started (e.g. Pixi book of the Minister of Health)
    -> Disinformation campaign
    -> Defamation and persecution and suppression of critics
    -> Establishment of unconditionally obedient secondary executive structures (denunciation, auxiliary sheriffs, block "observers") - all of which have already existed several times in Germany.

    This is reminiscent of various historical moments - for example, "Saddam H. has weapons of mass destruction"

    Comparisons with Germany's darkest period would also be appropriate.

    The forces at work here must be immediately clear to any consciously thinking citizen.

    I would never have expected that we would have to experience this in Germany.


    1. In addition to the commentary, I would like to point out that a marginal figure in the political landscape is currently being pushed to the forefront of the media for no good reason. Even those who do not consume force-funded propaganda channels will have noticed that even before the election of Laschet as CDU party chairman, the dictator's offspring from Bavaria, Markus Söder, is disproportionately often pushed to the fore in the media. It is striking that this also happens with topics in which the person is even included in the headlines in a completely superfluous way, although there is no justifiable connection or even achievements of the person that would justify this. In my opinion, this dictator's offcut is being sold to the brainwashed as a savior. It is no mischief to see parallels to 1933. Even Munich would be right.

    2. "All you have to do is repeat certain claims regularly and the people will believe them!"
      original statement by Joseph Goebbels

      or also
      "It's easier to govern a stupid people..."

      1. If certain assertions are repeated and underlined by police violence, for example, the mentally weak people certainly don't believe them, but they submit. And as a result, they believe (in) their own weakness. Victory on points for the operators.

        Besides, in Germany people prefer to hunt down the critics rather than the ones being criticized. Is that stupidity or just bad character?

        Why are Spiegel & Co. surviving financially with their Corona attitude, why hasn't the money tap been turned off there long ago?
        It is unlikely that shareholders would pump money into a corpse.

        It is best when a nation keeps itself in check. Napoleon Bonaparte already realized this.
        Since you can verbally bash Germans as Nazis, anti-Semites, (Holocaust/Corona) deniers, etc. etc. - especially with older people this might (still) work - you already have 50% resistance and willpower in the bag. Younger people are kept in check by peer pressure or (financial) incentives.

        Anyone who wonders how all this is possible today must have been asleep for the last 20 years and missed out on developments. This self-criticism is definitely necessary! The German sovereign has never learned to stand up for itself. Today, it is actively threatened by official politics. Since 1990 at the latest, this has also been taken away from the citizens of the former FRG. Not with a sledgehammer, no, through the back door, as every skillful leader does.

        Ex-VS President Dr. Hans-Georg Maaßen made it clear in his speech in Erfurt in 2020 that the FRG had been politically taken over by the GDR. Merkel was in the best position as an agitator, her dream job so to speak. Today she is Chancellor and pompously proclaims "new freedoms" to the people. As if she were GOD. A woman from a pastor's household who is not Christian and who holds nothing sacred. And the BMI's coronavirus methods are reminiscent of the Ministry for State Security (MfS).

    3. Nobody wakes up here......
      Anyone who knows the movie "They Live" by John Carpenter...has a dejavue....

  4. We live in the 21st century.
    Common sense will prevail.
    The corona strategists have done the math without the WIRT.

    1. I have long since lost faith in the common sense of the masses. If you don't want to fight for your own personal freedoms and only rely on others, sooner or later you will automatically wake up to a totalitarian system, see the German past.

      1. Common sense is not a discipline of faith. Anyone who has understood nature as the basis of life knows that this or other killer viruses do not exist in this way. If it were otherwise, the earth would look like the moon. Humanity is a blink of an eye in the history of the earth.
        The gods in white want everyone to be a patient from birth. Anyone who has understood nature as the basis of life knows that common sense will prevail. You have to be patient.

        1. Patience is really difficult these days, especially women 30-50 are penetrating when it comes to the C-question and are ready to rush ahead with obedience.
          Arguments don't help either, because the media (enemies of humanity) have implanted this so firmly in their heads that common sense is completely suppressed. It even goes so far as to defame those who think differently. The awakening will take some time.

        2. ...a bit of childlike faith...those who bury their heads in the sand today will gnash their teeth tomorrow...a bit more BGVA1, common sense, certainly doesn't hurt...a self-fulfilling prophecy that heralds the next dictatorship should not be allowed to run undisturbed...

          1. Sorry, to me it sounds more like you don't want to/can't take your head out of the sand. I wish you more self-confidence, only that will convince you. The laws of nature are sublime, even plants can be bred back. All living things adapt to the conditions. The conditions that prevail at the moment are not conducive to survival. So they will also change again and disappear. Surely all this is hard to bear. We should keep calm and wait for the human enemy to make his mistakes, recognize them and confront him with them. It'll be fine, we'll manage, we'll get there...

          2. ...with an FFP2 mask you can bury your head in the sand today WITHOUT gnashing your teeth tomorrow...:-) That's something...

        3. I would rather call what you write divine wisdom. There are some people who, in their limitedness, believe that they have to change and improve natural systems, whereby the opposite result regularly occurs. The Creator, nature and its inherent spirit, its intelligence, show the human mind the way and its limits. The human mind can dock onto divine intelligence. Then something clever will emerge. Whenever personal advantages dominate, this affects the balance. Even those who bear responsibility today and yet act irresponsibly know this. They would even blow up the earth atomically because they do not follow divine wisdom and the path of love. That is why love etc. is frowned upon in a materialistic, capitalistic, selfish world. This world worships money, the devil. But only God lives, God IS life. You cannot want to live and reject (him) at the same time!

    2. I fear that this will not happen. Common sense, if it was there, has pretty much fallen by the wayside. When you see old people on the street wearing FFP2 masks in all seriousness (a protective mask against dust, paint, etc.) that reduces breathing by up to 30 % and still believe this is FOR their health, I can't think of anything else.

      1. It's not just older people, but almost everyone here now, even outside the "compulsory zones". I can't think of anything intelligent to say about it either...

        1. Yes, this is what it looks like when a person no longer has access to his/her spiritual being. He can no longer draw from the source, can no longer internalize knowledge. Everyone can now do something, namely, do by doing nothing (Zen). Reduce the slave apparatus to zero, dry it out.

      2. I maintain that these are people who were not particularly intellectually active even at a younger age. The educational catastrophe and the lack of education in Germany are also well known. Initially, i.e. about 20 years ago, I thought I couldn't come up with deficits in intelligence and intellect, that would be arrogant. But that was my feeling and now the facts and figures simply speak for themselves. I have also realized that the further man moves away from divine wisdom and teaching, the more stupid he becomes in the sense of being incapable. God's "punishment" on earth, so to speak. Maybe that's what Lilja means by "common sense"?

  5. Threats and bans. The guilt complex and the obedience to authority of a nationality, such as the Germans, makes it possible for restrictions on freedom and life to be enforced so easily. If people were aware of their collective power, they would stand up and say "no", "we're not going along with this any more" ... but apparently the damage has to be done to many more people to wake up and fight back. Sad!

    1. Absolutely, that's how it is! At the same time, this shows that those who are awake or have always been bright, truly enlightened because they are standing in the light, are not caught up in the hysteria, let alone the virus itself. Why should God kill his followers? For those who are close to God, to themselves, who are at peace within themselves, this is an external spectacle that has nothing to do with reality, namely the New Earth that HE proclaims.

  6. If you want to understand Angela Merkel's political actions, you should study her past in the GDR.
    I am linking to an interesting documentary by NDR, when ARD was still reporting in a critically distanced manner:

    Who is Angela Merkel? FDJ past - role model: Catherine the Great.

    1. Hello, I recommend " Stefan Schubert - Vorsicht Diktatur " 1st edition August 2020 by Kopp Verlag. It describes Merkel well and how she has tinkered with the "Merkel dictatorship, i.e. socialism" in the shadow of Corona. Very entertaining and a top substitute for public / legal media. Fellow thinkers
      have confirmed this.

      Otherwise, don't hang your head - it's crumbling everywhere!

  7. I would now like to write the receipt comes with the election, but it already seems to be written in black and green, which is why Mr. Spahn and Ms. Baerbock have already been invited to the coffee party of Mr. Schwab (by the way, the advocate of transhumanism).
    The press has also withheld important points from us in the US elections or has hardly reported them at all. But this information is only available from politically independent newspapers such as this one or the Epochtimes, for example.

    1. ad LexB:
      I also don't believe that there will be a reckoning after the election, if it takes place at all.
      I rather think the mainstream press will sell us a 99.9 percent approval rating for the Politburo.
      "L'état c'est moi"
      LouisXIV wasn't quite so tight either!

      1. That's right. Just as the press would have us believe in their ominous surveys.
        And the press also makes us believe that there are who knows how many people willing to be vaccinated, but this is not correct. I have already heard from a city councillor that this was not the case and that vaccine had to be destroyed after the home visit.

      2. After the election, we will pay the price in the form of taxes and levies, because this madness has to be paid for.

        1. It is already set in stone that the expropriation will settle at a minimum of 25%!!!! Quickest account cleanup. That's no advice. Real estate, land, or in select stocks, win Max Otte.

    2. The receipt comes with the election, but not to the Bundestag. This time, everyone should make their own INNER choice. That's why there's a lot of excitement because Michael Ballweg from QUERDENKEN-711, for example, once said something about the constitution in passing. Oh, that was really weird and nasty, almost insidious and of course RÄCHTS. It's just stupid that a former air force officer who served in the NVA & Bundeswehr confirmed the basic facts in Hanover. The gentleman is demonstrably "unsuspicious". It will be exciting when more FRG citizens realize what kind of entity they are de facto living in. Because then they will understand all the processes much better. So far, a lot has been shrouded in fog and any involvement with the political "FRG system" is viewed critically by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. However, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is nothing other than the MfS as far as its tasks are concerned.

  8. Mrs. Merkel interprets the absolutist guiding principle "L'état c'est moi" in her own personal way and thus ignores our common democratic constitution, while the parliament, i.e. the "representatives of the people" who are funded by all of us, silently nods off every measure. Based on the fact that more and more people are deciding NOT to participate in the genetic engineering human experiment, i.e. to refuse vaccination, the question arises as to whether the Berlin Central Committee wants to risk leading this country to complete economic and social ruin through another series of lockdowns and official decrees. I fear that, in addition to the informed, alert citizens, more and more sleepyheads will be struck by a flash of inspiration and revolt, with the danger that civil protest will no longer be non-violent. Did the Politburo take this scenario into account? Probably not, because the former FDJ secretary for agitation and propaganda actually believes that the people will continue to dance to her tune. Honecker failed and ultimately fell due to a massive denial of reality! We are the people, we are the sovereign - not this incompetent authoritarian click on the Spree! People, wake up at last.

    1. I think that was certainly taken into account, after all, they don't want to fail like they did in 1989. Who says that the goal is not a "new" socialism? Merkel already announced on May 17, 2005 "We have no right to perpetual democracy". Was she or is she clairvoyant?

      Today, Antifa embodies the IM. The majority of the police (or, more accurately, the "Werksschutz", see the word mark POLIZEI at the Trademark and Patent Office in Munich, from where all state "police forces" are licensed) are not on the side of the population.

      Clever regulations have ensured that anyone who is dependent on productive, performance-related income - which is the vast majority of people - can be controlled in such a way that they refrain from any resistance because or when they realize that the existence of their family or individual business is at stake. In the GDR there was little economic gagging, in the FRG hardly any material gagging because of the Basic Law. The merger to form the FRG made both possible.

      The fact that the "state aid" has not yet been paid out was intentional. The state is the initiator of this crisis, not the solution!

      1. P.S. Against this background, the German state / nationality / sovereignty is to be abolished and absorbed into the EU, the United States of Europe. So much for the plan. Can already be read in the Treaties of Rome (to some extent) and was concretized in the Maastricht Treaty and the Treaty of Lisbon. It is only thanks to the wide-awake Dutch and French that there is (still) no "European Constitution".

  9. Even if it is up to everyone to choose their own words, one could assume that Angela Merkel replied by repeating the choice of words from the question. The complete context ( including the...
    1st question from Christina Dunz (from 32:40):
    "Will there be NEW freedoms for vaccinated people that non-vaccinated people don't get yet?"

    2. answer Angela Merkel: "As long as we have a situation like the one we have now, where a very small minority is vaccinated and a large majority is not, there will be no NEW freedoms...
    Once we have made everyone a vaccination offer, things will look different. What happens in between will certainly also be the subject of discussion."

    This is also shown in the ARD program "Farbe bekennen" (
    taken up.
    Statement by Angela Merkel (at 12:14) "Until everyone is vaccinated, that there is no relaxation, that is not the path we are aiming for."

    Also from the moderator: "...we are talking about OLD freedoms..."
    Angela Merkel's reaction (at 12:40): "We must not get used to the fact that normal life as we know it, with our freedoms, is the life that is no longer normal. We want to get back to that. These are basic rights and everyone has them."

    But what really worries me (from about 13:41): "I think that if we can later offer a lot of people vaccination and then some people say (we don't make vaccination compulsory) now I don't want to be vaccinated, then maybe you have to make such distinctions and say ok, if you don't want it, maybe you can't do certain things."
    => Regardless of whether you want to be vaccinated now, later or not at all, why should you be left out of certain things?

    Wasn't it said that the pandemic will be over when we HAVE A VACCINE? Not when ALL people have been vaccinated...

    1. cruel! these statements scare me and no, I will not be vaccinated with this vaccine, no matter what comes and what they plan to do with us! My reaction/receipt will come with the upcoming elections!

      1. The question is whether the elections will take place at all! I have a very bad fear that the government will continue to govern provisionally without consulting the citizens!

      2. I believe that there will be no normal elections. We will have the excuse that because of some mutation it is only possible to vote digitally or by post.
        This opens the door to manipulation.

  10. Sorry, why is this woman so overrated? Right from the start, she only does what she is told to do by the level above her. Many believe that she makes decisions or even asserts herself against others with her decisions. But where is that? The decisions come from the level above her. Getting out of nuclear power in order to get rid of nuclear waste for 22 billion was not Merkel's decision but the cleverness of the nuclear power plant operators and the two heroes Trittin and Platzek were the best dilettantes for being ripped off. Merkel has nothing, not even the much-cited sophistication of a politburo-trained functionary. Merkel is the pudding that can't be pinned down to anything and that nobody can nail to the wall. She is the type that nobody wants to follow. She is only there because she does what she is told from above and everything that could jeopardize her is cleared out of the way from above. Boris Reitschuster recently said that he had her
    perceived as charismatic. I think it's because of his youth. I say that because I'm 69.

  11. I have looked at all the comments and I think they miss some very important points. First of all, Dr. A. Merkel is the smartest politician Germany has had at this level for a long time. I.e. she knows exactly what she is doing. Unlike all the pseudo-democrats of all colors surrounding her, she has taken on a clear mission. Even as "Kohl's girl". She is a servant of capital. Take a look at her career. In the age of selective perception, it is enough if GG Art. 14 para. 2 sentence 1 comes into play. There is no protest from the BverfGE. So that's okay. You can read about the intended goals here:
    The founder of the World Economic Forum, economist Prof. Klaus Schwab, had already set out the framework in his book of the same name "Covid-19: The Great Reset" in July: after the coronavirus pandemic, the world needs nothing less than a global reorganization of social, political and economic conditions.
    Ernst Wolf explains why the majority of people in Germany, for example, are being driven into bankruptcy.

  12. Hello Rainer, thank you very much for your information regarding the weight of the Council of Europe.
    If this is the case, why is measles vaccination compulsory in kindergartens and schools?
    That contradicts itself.

  13. It's our own fault that it's getting worse and worse, instead of everyone simply taking their basic rights every day, we beg for small concessions, many think that they are saving their little prosperity into the "new normality" and only wake up when their own fridge remains empty, well, with hunger in their stomachs, many will finally demonstrate

    1. Yes, that's exactly what will happen.
      The third biological world war has quietly begun.
      ( Plans of a crazy PC operating system inventor )
      With Muddi, socialism has taken hold like a plague ( that's the REAL PANDEMIC ) worldwide !!! ( say with INTENTION FESTKRALLEN )
      I and MANY, MANY PEOPLE will "trim" the claws of these fantasists with PEACEFUL INTENTIONS
      Let's get to work:" There is a lot to DO!" ‍♂️❤️

  14. Hello, did you hear the CDU city councillor from Saxony-Anhalt - he called the whole absurdity "Merkel's central committee"! Even though he resigned afterwards, that's exactly right.
    I certainly won't let Mrs. Merkel tell me that I have to be vaccinated. It's bad enough that this woman is paid for by our tax money, together with the "collected politicians".
    PS. Our red Bodo, who was elevated back into office by Merkel, briefly announced on MDR at 17:45 that he would simply extend the lockdown until 19.02.2021, without parliament of course. He simply doesn't belong in such an AMT.
    The only thing that helps is the "street", as in Austria.

  15. ...the moment approved vaccines are available, the "epidemic emergency of national scope" must actually disappear into thin air...I'm not a lawyer, but the constructed legal basis for all this nonsense can't hold up if prevention and treatment are possible...

      1. We need to be aware of the vaccination or any other health threat in 2021. in principle no longer entertained. However, because this is a fact, Bill Gates wants to provide further evidence. Evidence: his own statements. So beware of bio-terrorism in 2021/22.

        The PCR test has de facto been overturned (see e.g. DDr. Renate Holzeisen (RA)) and is now only a matter of time. The whole madness, the entire narrative, is based on this test. Because the strategists and planners of the coup (aka Great Reset) have known this from the start, Merkel said that the pandemic will end when the vaccine is available and everyone has been vaccinated. Whether this is constitutionally tenable was already knowingly ignored at the time; in any case, top politicians are not naive, at best they are unscrupulous!

        Anyone(!) who is informed knows that the corona campaign is a diversionary tactic from the Great Reset, as can be read in Klaus Schwab: Covid-19 - The Great Reset. And also in sources such as Event-201, all of which are public sources, provided they have not been covered up. Thank goodness the internet has a practically eternal memory!

  16. The Austrians led the way at the weekend: despite the banned rallies, thousands of people took to the streets!
    Vaccination: NEVER! Warning reports from a scientist can be seen and heard at the end of the 37th meeting of the Corona Committee. We can only hope that the vaccine industry will have to deal with the quality problems for a long time to come and that the population will finally realize that they are being injected with poison, which in many cases leads to certain death, as has already been reported several times in Germany.

    1. Mass tests for the hairdresser?
      Compulsory tests for primary school pupils...
      Kurz has not thrown the people more than a bone.

  17. Now the footnote at the very end can also be questioned...
    ...the SED was history ...
    ...or was the FRG secretly infiltrated and taken over by this organization?

  18. The sentence is nothing short of outrageous. It is not about new freedoms that this lady generously wants to "give" us or not, but about our FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS under the Basic Law, which she has unconstitutionally and dictatorially restricted!

  19. (Source WDR): "... Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is sticking to her promise that every citizen could be offered a vaccination by the end of the summer. ..."

    When I write a commercial "offer", I also state the delivery date. Given the current situation and the number of necessary vaccinations, I estimate March 2025 as the "delivery date" for the personal offer!

    once again skillfully formulated by AM.

    1. An offer is generally subject to changeThis applies to both suppliers and interested parties as long as the parties have not agreed on conditions (expression of intent). Subject to change = non-binding = free of liability. In this case, technical terms are used that the uninitiated citizen neither knows nor understands or misunderstands, as law differs fundamentally from everyday language. This distinction is called legal code. German equivalent: Legal definition. Or: Statutory law.

      Offers can be rejected unconditionally(!); there is no contract or (secondary) obligation.
      The use of terms from the Private law reveals that the state with the citizen Playing cat and mouse. Rejecting an offer under private law can never justify the loss or reduction of fundamental rights or rights equivalent to fundamental rights. If there were a deadly pandemic, other means of response would also be available.

      Citizens must be careful and it is ultimately their only effective weapon of defense that they are not legally lulled and is served over the spoon. The main reasons for this are Formal legal knowledge indispensable. In plain language: the opponent, in this case the state, can (only) be defeated with its own means, methods and weapons. This is also important for the calculation of (own) resources. Means: Peacefulness. Consistency. A clear edge.

  20. The fact that politicians can act like Mrs. Merkel and especially Mr. Söder is down to us. We no longer have an independent media, hardly any opposition (how can you call yourself liberal and go along with everything?!) and a people who allow themselves to be intimidated by the oldest method of manipulation - fear. Every people gets the government it deserves. In the East it took 40 years for us to take to the streets. I hope it goes a bit faster this time...... I don't want to compare the current situation with the GDR, but there are initial signs and many politicians seem to enjoy dictatorial rule. In the past, such machinations by Merkel and Söder would have been torn to shreds, but today? There are many studies by highly respected scientists who consider a lockdown in its current form to be wrong, but we are going along with everything and paying the bill. We are already brave!

  21. The phenomenon of a society that has been raised in an authoritarian manner for generations is visibly written on the face with a mask. If children are kept small through incapacitation and their developmental impulses of sovereignty and perception of reality are tied to the legitimization of their parents, they become dependent. These children, filled with fear, mature under the need for recognition from this authority. In the course of their lives, this authority is transferred to "Father State". This authority, equipped with the pedagogical instruments of child rearing, effectively takes effect in a large part of society. A society that never learned to take responsibility for itself. True to the motto: if you are not well-behaved, the bus driver will turn back and you will be grounded. Or should I rather will be segregated!

    1. The society that never learned to take responsibility for itself.

      The society that has had the guilt complex hammered into it, both in the West and in the East.

      I am not affected by this in the long term, although

      I was born in the GDR and lived there for 14 years,
      continued my life in the FRG,
      had difficult domestic and strained social conditions,
      I am exposed to serious physical impairments,
      twice jumped off the brink of death,

      None of this stopped me from looking into the origins and backgrounds of condemnations. I had no one to hide behind or to stand up for me. I didn't feel like I had a childhood. But I am neither bitter nor have I killed myself (although I have played through all the different ways of dying!).

      I am neither the cause nor am I to blame for the catastrophic conditions that prevail in the world in general and especially in the godless societies of the so-called "Western values". But only I can do something about it!

      I have faith in myself, in myself, I recognized the external distraction and "seduction" very early on - even as a small child - and never submitted to it. I could have made a career in the FRG or abroad. I made a different decision. I never fell into addiction(s) because I never succumbed to it, I never had [financial] debts... I never worshipped the devil, I never sold my soul to him. Instead, I walked barefoot over the fire, over coals that were glowing at around 900 degrees Celsius. Unharmed, of course.

      All this means:
      You can also make your way in German society. And survive. But you won't be able to brag or boast about it. Although this is ostensibly about constant growth, inner greatness is completely ignored: Compassion, pain, forgiveness, mindfulness, humility, restraint, gratitude, ...

      There is no third-party debt. There is only one (pre)condition: Absolute honesty. To yourself. To others. Without compromise. You may have few or no friends. The path is often lonely and rocky. But only it makes you successful. It provides insights and insights, deep knowledge, solves doubts and fears, is liberating.

      My heart is attached to Germany. And it bleeds. I will not allow it to be torn from the (people's) body!
      Many greetings from here to Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife, Prof. Dr. Corinna Reis.

  22. What new freedoms is Mrs. Merkel actually fantasizing about? It is our basic rights that have been massively restricted for almost a year. Hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and their employees have been banned from working, while at the same time their entire income has been withdrawn.
    And our courts? Close their eyes to the permanent breach of the constitution!
    We can only hope that more and more people will defend themselves against these violations of fundamental rights, in court and on the streets, and that this will lead to the restoration of our fundamental rights

  23. Well, it wasn't so long ago that she made a little slip of the tongue when she said this pandemic would "hopefully" be a challenge of the century ... sometimes the truth does slip out of that "diamond-shaped cluster of cells"!

  24. Freedom is not the absence of restriction and limitation. Rather, it consists of a creative, inventive way of reacting to this limitation, in which we find our selfhood.

  25. I have copied this text. It probably originally comes from a dental info 2020.

    Any compulsory vaccination is now illegal from the outset
    The Council of Europe (not to be confused with the EU), to which all European states belong with the exception of Belarus, Kosovo and the Vatican and which is the institution responsible for the European Court of Human Rights, decided on January 27, 2021 in its Resolution 2361/2021, among other things, that no one may be vaccinated against their will under pressure.
    The 47 member states are requested to point out before vaccination that vaccination is not compulsory and that non-vaccinated persons must not be discriminated against. Discrimination is expressly forbidden even in the case of existing health risks or if someone does not wish to be vaccinated.
    Vaccine manufacturers are required to publish all information on the safety of vaccines.
    With this resolution, the most important human rights organization in Europe has now set standards and obligations and created guidelines under international law that are to be applied by the 47 member states, including the EU as an organization.
    Discrimination in the workplace or bans on travel for non-vaccinated people are therefore legally excluded. This can now be invoked in any court proceedings, against any authority, employer, travel provider, care home manager, etc.

    This can be found under 7.3:

    By the way, the expression on "my" chancellor's face in the photo above spontaneously reminded me of Margret Thatcher's, for me at least the worst woman of all time that I know.....

    1. The decisions of the Council of Europe are not binding on the member states. The Parliamentary Assembly - as the consultative body of the Council of Europe - discusses issues that fall within its competence and submits its decisions to the Committee of Ministers in the form of recommendations (Art. 22 of the Council of Europe Statute). This does not mean that its resolutions are legally binding or that the member states are obliged to comply with them. Unlike, for example, Art. 25 of the UN Charter (regarding resolutions of the UN Security Council), the Statute of the Council of Europe does not(!) provide for such an obligation. The so-called Council of Europe does not question the alliance of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which are predominantly in the hands of private interest groups. All organizations receive massive financial support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. How are you supposed to get out of something like this? Just with good words?

    2. Precisely because this is known and, of course, logical, there will be no mandatory vaccination in the literal sense. This will be taken over by private companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter & Co. who will censor to their heart's content whatever is on the government's wish list. If you're not vaccinated, you won't get a job. Or a loan. No car. No cell phone. Or have special conditions. It's all been tried and tested in China - the country where this virus originated.

      Does anyone actually realize what "trade agreements" are for? Or what private-public partnerships mean? I'm afraid not.

      What the Council of Europe means is smoke and mirrors, legally non-binding and only a recommendation, not a directive or even a regulation, and it certainly does not have the force of law. And that is where Mrs. Merkel wants to get to with all her might: Away from the state, away from the sovereign, away from nationality and identity. The individual is to disappear completely, to be absorbed into a broad, infinite, synchronized mass. Because human beings are not so predisposed, they should be educated in this direction.

      Rights are no longer granted, but conferred or withdrawn. The authority | DIE PARTEI | for this are superhumans, as they are already (not) appearing facelessly today. A godless meta-society that denies itself and its origins, completely cut off from itself, its own impulses and drives - which supposedly only hinder, lead to wars and hardships because the human spirit is so limited. More scorn and contempt are impossible!

  26. The freedoms that are guaranteed to me under the Basic Law are enough for me.
    I don't want new freedoms, I want the old ones!

  27. These words from Mrs. Merkel leave me stunned. I agree with Prof. Dr. Prantl's hope, which he expressed in the great interview with the Berliner Zeitung on January 30: 'I hope that society will wake up'. I hope that it will finally wake up. We can't go on giving up our freedom because of a virus that is not nearly as deadly as the mainstream media would have us believe. What are we letting happen to us?

  28. I would argue that Mrs. Merkel is clearly overstepping her authority and is continuing to pursue her agenda of economic and social destruction. It is simply out of proportion and inexplicable. Furthermore, we cannot seriously expect everyone to accept a genetically engineered vaccine. Everyone is responsible for their own health, according to the law at least the state is not as it cannot "deliver" health and if I have cancer I can also refuse treatment. Very presumptuous politics.

  29. That was to be expected! They are at an impasse because the majority of Germans reject vaccination. Without vaccinations, which are the savior and were postulated as the only way out of the corona crisis, they cannot explain a withdrawal of the measures. If the number of new infections goes down, the vaccine is the reason; if it stays high, the anti-vaccination campaigners are to blame. It's as simple as that! But what if too few people are getting vaccinated and the numbers are still falling? How do we explain this to our citizens who are deprived of their freedom? Exactly - it doesn't work. You would have to admit mistakes. You can't, because it might have consequences for your own career (certainly also financially). So they are trying to force people to be vaccinated! Without compulsory vaccination - completely voluntary - because otherwise all basic rights will continue to be dictatorially withdrawn.

    1. As Dr. Bahkdi said in March. Stop testing healthy people and take the PCR test for what it is. It is unsuitable for human diagnostics.

    1. But it won't be that easy, Christina, if you want to stay in a hotel, for example, and there isn't one...

      1. Sooner or later, the market will sort it out. You can see it very clearly. Everything can be regulated by money. The consumer just has to be able to say no sometimes and not be manipulated by constraints.

        1. Exactly, Bob, that's why I wouldn't go to any places as a "vaccinated person" to which I would only have access as such.

          1. Yes, it may be that the market regulates this in stores and hotels, but it will also have to do with the workplace, possibly even the work permit (care, educator, etc.).
            The upcoming compulsory testing in schools in Austria is just the preparation for compulsory vaccination, even if it will be called something else.
            And if the family breaks up over whether or not to vaccinate the children...
            A few years without a vacation abroad is a gift in comparison.

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