On December 25, 2020, I took a tour of several wards in a randomly selected hospital in the middle of Germany. A hospital far from the urban centers, yet a large city with more than 100,000 inhabitants. A town in Lower Saxony, in the northern Harz foreland. The city is part of the Hanover-Braunschweig metropolitan region. It is home to the Heliosklinik in Salzgitter-Lebenstedt. An academic teaching hospital of the Hanover Medical School.
In the video, I show the snapshot, a few minutes before 6 p.m., on Christmas Day 2020 during a walk through several wards on level four. This level contains "normal" hospital wards, such as cardiology, angiology, general vascular surgery and gastroenterology.
The entire hospital made a very quiet "patient-empty" impression. No hustle and bustle. Empty parking lots.
In the video you can also see a brief look at the optional services ward (with increased comfort and services).
These rooms were empty on the floor.
According to the Helios data sheet, a patient with Covid19 was in the intensive care unit at the time.
According to the DIVI register, there were a total of 5 patients in Salzgitter, which represents a share of approx. 17% of the total of 28 available intensive care beds.
My personal opinion:
I was very surprised to find such a quiet and "deserted" hospital during a visit. Especially because I had read and seen various alarming reports about overcrowded hospitals and overworked nurses in numerous media reports in the leading media before and during the holidays.
Please note: Of course, this video does not reflect the situation in other clinics in the country.
In this respect, it is just as arbitrary a selection of clinics as has been made in other media.
So it's about a subjective view of a hospital that many people are denied these days. Unfortunately, the leading media do not provide this unagitated view. You can see the video in the Videos section.
47 Responses
...the protest of family doctors to be vaccinated as a priority because they care for 7 out of 8 corona patients is actually a great opportunity to highlight the disproportionality and hypocrisy of the political measures...
...today (12.2.) our local cheese paper headlines: "Doctors: The vaccination ordinance is a scandal - in Lower Saxony, GPs treat 7 out of 8 corona patients. But others are vaccinated"
Consequence of the political distortion of reality of overburdened hospitals...and conversely: 7 out of 8 patients do not fall ill with corona so seriously that inpatient treatment is necessary...One would like to relieve the health system - and vaccinate the MdK...
It's getting more and more grotesque...
The German government is subsidizing hospital closures (also in the coronavirus year 2020 and certainly also in 2021) with 500 million euros per year. A total of 20 hospitals were closed in 2020, including 4 in Bavaria (Parsberg, Waldsassen, Vohenstrauß and Fürth). These include hospitals that were still treating coronavirus patients in the spring. Source: https://www.gemeingut.org/neues-buendnis-klinikrettung-de-fordert-sofortigen-stopp-der-schliessungen-von-krankenhaeusern/ There is a petition against the closure of the hospitals on the website of the association GiB Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand which runs until January 27: https://www.gemeingut.org/civi-public/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fpetition%2Fsign&sid=29&reset=
As you write - a subjective insight.
Here you can find more information on the figures for Helios Klinik:
Best regards!
Anyone who knows who the funders of Correctiv are and recognizes the methods these "journalists" use to spread falsehoods about other people will no longer read a single article there.
A "fact check" from "Correktiv"? Are you serious? Anyone who links such primitive propaganda here is either paid to do so or has left their thinking to the TV for a very long time. On the other hand, those who act REDLIGHTLY will look in the FAITHFUL intensive care bed register and realize that the situation is no worse than in any other flu season and that the C-19 patients make up only a fraction.
Hello. Do you have such a credible register of intensive care beds? I would be very interested in the link.
Yes, yes. I get it.
The principle of the alleged fact check:
Statement: "Help, my house is on fire!"
Statement partially incorrect. Only the upper floors are on fire. The basement is not on fire.
Hello Mr. Langemann, I wish you and your team a happy new year.
Happy New Year to all of you who are here.
Once again a very good report, the way journalism should be.
I had to smile when I read the article because something similar is happening in my town, in the opposite sense.
In my town, the hospital is always full house from January to December. And I didn't notice much difference in 2020.
I live in a district town less than half a kilometer from the hospital. As an attentive pedestrian, I have been
haven't noticed any difference compared to the past 5 years.
I therefore assume that neither in the hospitals where there is a lot going on anyway, nor in those where there is rarely anything coming in, a
there is such a big difference.
At least not in the way it is presented in the radio scaremongering.
I have also heard similar things from friends, acquaintances and family.
If you believe the broadcast media, you would think that the seams would burst everywhere.
Even for those who hardly have any patients. It's a pity that there are too few people who are willing to take the trouble to find out about the situation for the sake of curiosity.
to check.
Those who know little believe too much
So, to everyone who writes here and tries to get involved in other ways so that something changes. END. My husband and I have just come from a lateral thinking demo with candles in Meiningen. There were 40-50 participants, as there have been the last few times. Meiningen has a population of around 20,000, not including the incorporated towns.
The peaceful DEMO always starts at 18:30. We drove 23 km there and 23 km back again and I am extremely disappointed.
The "German Michel" will probably say thank you on Tuesday for extending the lockdown until the end of January or February. Either the German citizen is simply fed up and thinks it will work out somehow... I have no idea.
In any case, we won't be going to the DEMO any more. DEMOs weren't that miserable in the GDR during the fall of communism (I was there).
I will no longer bother you with my texts in future. We have suffered the least from all the " lockdowns, lockdowns and lockdowns. We go to work and enjoy our rural nature in our free time. Thank you for reading my texts. But if I keep on writing, I'll only get myself into a state of helplessness and my life will be too short for that.
Thank you, Conny,
I feel the same way.
All the best!
Happy New Year to the Langemann team
This video reflects the whole misery of this so-called corona pandemic . Even if this is just a snapshot .
In Bavaria, all deaths are classified as corona deaths. These deaths are not autopsied to determine whether they are really corona-related.
And they even published these death figures. You don't see that much brazenness every day.
Corona is not my biggest concern, our politicians are the bigger problem here. Merkel /Markus Söder /Jens Spahn / Lauterbach / and soooo on. Who also govern with the new § 28a Infection Protection Act in a landlord style.
And as long as this PCR test ( https://www.aerzteblatt.de/archiv/213794/COVID-19-Krise-Falsch-Positiv-Rate-als-Problem ) to locate Corona
is used, the door is open for our rulers to trample on our fundamental rights
And the propaganda machinery with our public media is running perfectly, giving us horror stories and untruths every day.
and tell lies, and then there are our newspapers. And those in Bavaria always go one better.
Where is the debate in our public media ARD ZDF etc. between luminaries (I'm not talking about wannabe scientists
with the party book in hand ) of infection science and RKI or Drosten
But on the other hand, if you are on the drip of the prime ministers and GEZ, of course you have to keep your feet still, "It's completely understandable",
So this wish will probably remain a wish,
And what does the German Michel do //denounce the authorities,// and bury his head in the sand?
And those who think differently are observed and persecuted by the BND. That was already the case in 1933, and the Stasi sends its regards again.
But maybe it will come to light at some point, you shouldn't give up hope.
Hello, hope dies last. If there are only 50-100 people at today's candlelight demonstration in southern Thuringia, then I will have sacrificed my time and my gasoline for the last time (46 km). If the shopkeepers, restaurant owners, etc. are absent again, then I can only say, "Every people gets the government it deserves!"
So see you tomorrow.
Hello Hans,
The article in the Ärzteblatt is about the false-positive rate of antibody tests (immunity detection) - not about PCR (pathogen detection). One is the detection of the immune reaction, the other of the (supposed) infection. A distinction must be made...
Greetings, Verena
Hello Verena
You are absolutely right
I must apologize for my mistake. Mea culpa
Here is the correct reference to the Ärzteblatt article:
Just found it, will it help?
Good evening, has there ever been a petition in Germany that has been signed by enough citizens to have any effect? TTIP perhaps?
All I know is that I have already signed a few petitions, with zero success! As the saying goes, if elections and petitions changed anything, they would have been abolished long ago. Our federal government doesn't even "scratch" that. They keep going on and on, the next lockdown, schools and daycare centers remain closed and our children are getting more and more stupid. Ski resorts are now even being cleared for tobogganing (see Masserberg, Winterberg, Harz, Sauerland etc.), and that's by the police and riot police. This government with its prime ministers does what it wants with us. And we are powerless !!!! And a petition is supposed to do any good? I'm just waiting for the use of armed force, then you'll have done it once and for all. Spreading FEAR, FEAR. I took a look at the LIVE DEMO in Vienna today, but there were more than 100 citizens on the streets! And in Nuremberg it was over very quickly. I'm just about to give up, it's as simple as that.
Please also read the report at Reitschuster, very up-to-date
The little video here also says something other than ...give upˋ
The petition was blocked by the operator of the website. So much for that....
2020 was crazy, 2021 will be completely crazy.
Good night Germany.
Hello, in this context I have linked this video by Gerd Reuther, which, among other things, refers to the historical problems of Pasteur, but also of Robert Koch. It is also very informative and presented in an understandable way, in my opinion.
Luckily I found it on Vimeo, because the deletion gods of You tube were once again of the opinion that "the terms of use" had been violated.
Somehow this year I feel like I have to apologize for adding my two cents again. But there are some, I think, good thoughts coming in right now, at the beginning of this year...
The following is a small excerpt from a letter we received from friends who have since emigrated from Germany:
"... Yes, looking at the past always shows you that it could be even worse. But that's not so relevant for me. Today we have completely different insights. And we are working with fundamentally wrong findings that have simply never been corrected. Out of false pride?
"The famous "Pope of Vaccination" Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) lied. Prof. Gerald L. Geison, a medical historian at the University of Princeton, received Pasteur's original laboratory diaries from a great-great-grandson, although Pasteur had stipulated that they should remain in the family forever.
We now know why. Prof. Gerald L. Geison researched the diaries for 20 years. He went public with the results in 1993. The Süddeutsche Zeitung reported this on February 18, 1993 as follows: "Pasteur had only entered particularly negative test results in the diaries, but had embellished the published data and sometimes - especially in his spectacular vaccination experiments - deliberately lied."
And it is the same today. The big problem is the bias in medicine. There are few truly independent doctors. Many are paid by Big Pharma. Or sponsored, if you prefer that word. The network of industry, politics and medicine is so intertwined that there must be conflicts of interest.
Furthermore, everyone can be blackmailed. That's probably why you don't hear many critical voices in public. Because they are immediately put down. Doctors at large companies (clinics) cannot express their private opinions because they are not allowed to.
So everything is not quite as it seems.
Yes, it would probably be better to consume less funny news. That's true. We're not that good at it yet. But xxxx is so deeply disappointed by everything that's going on. It's like a house of cards collapsing. Working for people for decades. Been in hospital day and night. Believed in democracy. Thought we were in the midst of a great reconstruction. Only to realize that a lot of it was just for show.
There they are again, the networked dependencies. That hurts.
I also worked in the clinic. For 25 years. But I'm a photographer and not a medical professional. But I was in pole position when it came to information. I listened to so many lectures from the most famous professors.
And I kept asking myself the same thing: "If we know and recognize so many things, how can it be, for example, that after 60 years of cancer research, somehow nothing has progressed?"
They understand the tiny processes. They actually know exactly where the causes lie. But nothing changes.
In 2014, we lost 11, 12, 13 friends, I don't even remember exactly how many. They all had cancer.
We accept that too. Just like that. It's just not contagious. Hahahaaa.
For me, it hasn't been "true" for a long time. We are here to experience "the self". So yes, don't worry, it's not that important.
The world keeps turning. We little humans have a different task. We should learn and grow here. But we have been skillfully cut off from the connections of our "being". The western world lives mainly in consumption.
Our true existence remains a mystery to most people. Too bad. The system has never wanted us to recognize who we really are. And what we are actually capable of.
But there are still enough "crazy people" who have a clue. Just like you two. The creativity of your professions and hobbies alone makes it impossible for you to be "blind".
Your hearts are open, despite all the "weird stuff" going on around you. There are still many of them! Creativity is the key.
The outside is a reflection of the inside. So: there is a lot to do on the inside. Trust that you are doing the right thing! Salvation dwells in the light.
But man lives in duality. They need the dark in order to recognize the light...."
Have a good night tonight.
Hey dear Corinna, dear Mick,
remains open and free at heart.
Everything is changing.
Boris Reitschuster gets to the heart of the matter
I have to comment again because I'm just bursting at the seams... Sorry, please. Our SPD "health expert" is once again predicting the worst months of the entire pandemic, with more infections and deaths than ever before, and the only salvation is the approval of two more vaccines, so that perhaps from April there will be light at the end of the tunnel... etc. etc. Is this man actually in the service of health? Does he believe that this panic rhetoric promotes any kind of health? Is the man actually a health or disaster expert? What he guarantees, in my opinion, is that he is on the payroll of Big Pharma. Man, man, man....
According to official daily intensive care bed statistics, a third of the approximately 1260 intensive care beds in Berlin have been occupied by corona patients (with or because of corona) for weeks and months. Departmental short-time working is in place in many hospitals.
As far as I know, there has not been a single patient in the special corona center at the Berlin exhibition grounds. A grave of millions.
How do the reports in the ÖR come about, one wonders?
I had a similar experience. According to a report in BILD Online from December 4, 2020 about the Collm Clinic in Ohschatz (Saxony)
The BILD Online headline "Clinic on the brink of collapse infected nurses must care for corona patients"
Since the clinic was mentioned by name, I took the trouble to call there myself and find out about the current conditions in the clinic.
My contacts at the clinic were absolutely irritated by my descriptions (which I had taken from the report) and could not confirm anything of the sort. The conditions and all procedures in the clinic were regular. Bed occupancy was also at the previous year's level and normal!
...it is true that, as a result of and due to relevant staff shortages, hospital staff who have tested positive according to RKI recommendations but who are symptom-free or have only mild symptoms (and are therefore not sick in bed) are allowed to continue working on CoViD isolation wards and only receive a "limited quarantine". (The same "stink" remains). Anyone familiar with the generally tight staffing capacities in hospitals knows that patient care and hospital logistics are otherwise no longer guaranteed.... quarantine is much worse than symptoms of illness...sick employees and for normal wards must prove 72 hours symptom-free and then 2 negative PCR tests within 48 hours for re-admission (which can still be positive for quite a long time after falling ill - particle detection...).
Hello Mr. Linsner,
Now action follows:
The operator of a sports store in Rosenheim wants to open his 5 stores on January 11th,
even if the lockdown is extended.
In addition:
Zahnärzte stehen auf.de is in the process of establishing a network
Hopefully something will slowly happen. We'll take to the streets again on Monday after work with our candles (peacefully and surrounded by police wearing face masks). Hopefully the demonstrators will slowly multiply. With the best will in the world, I can't imagine that the many store owners, hairdressers, restaurant owners, artists, trade fair organizers, etc. don't care that they are banned from working.
Another little anecdote: My husband ordered formwork bricks from our TOOM DIY store in Thuringia in November and called the said TOOM store in Meiningen on December 29, 2020. After a long wait, he got an employee on the line. When asked whether the bricks were there, could be paid for online and possibly picked up by us with a trailer, the employee replied: "We are not allowed to give out ANYTHING at all, not even to a local craftsman if he needed something (for example to repair a heating system in winter or even a water pipe)". Our honorable district administrator Peggy Greiser has decreed a TOTAL CLOSURE. The employee is also only in the TOOM store in case a company might deliver goods.... You have to imagine what our elected representatives are presuming to do. All I can say is: lock them up, lock them up and, best of all, lock them up
It's starting to bubble up everywhere......
I was talking to my hairdresser and her husband earlier on our winter hike (3 stores, 2 of them for rent).
She hasn't "seen a cent" yet. She has to hire a tax consultant for KUG and corona aid because the application is far too complicated for her and it's not her main job. She told me that the subsidies after the first lockdown barely covered the rent. Abuse my ass ... Oh, there was KUG for her employees, she personally didn't see a cent (she is an entrepreneur after all).
Wasn't there talk in our government of a WUMS out of the crisis, or something...
Hopefully it really is bubbling. As the saying goes: "I can hear the message, but I don't believe it."
In March 2020, a clinic in Ingelheim was declared a special clinic for coronavirus patients. On December 31, 2020, 190 employees were left out in the cold because the coronavirus patients Mr. Spahn had advised did not show up and the clinic had to file for insolvency as a result.
Of the 140 beds in the "Corona Special Clinic", an average of 6-8 beds were occupied by patients who were not infected with coronavirus during the nine months, but who were nevertheless happy that 190 employees were taking care of their health problems.
This report is amazing, it's hard to believe, I believe it, because my friend's daughter works in the hospital, she says there's nothing going on, at least not more than usual, rather less
Good morning, everyone, and a happy new year!
Actually, I didn't want to comment any more this year, simply because everything has already been said and action should now follow. However, I couldn't leave the following link to an article on kath.net without posting it. Because it is simply too good and sums it up too well 🙂
Best regards.
Hello Mr. LInsner,
First of all, I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year 2021. Secondly, I see it the same way you do, I am so tired of writing. Action should follow, but how?
The following link that you have posted is simply very good and can be passed on. My husband was thrilled because he hit the nail on the head.
meets". Don't stop writing and spreading the word, because "every drop wears away the stone".
Best regards
Very interesting presentation. The chart at about minute 40 shocked me " ... broad resistance (of the population) only after more than ten years ...".
Freelance journalists PLEASE continue !
The KH-SZ-Lebenstedt has belonged to Helios since 2015. Obviously, entire wards are closed due to staff shortages...the "collapse" of the healthcare system has - for years - had other, self-made reasons...
Hopefully a different, Happy New Year...
So the opinions and views of scientists differ...
We will see who is right and who is wrong in the end.
...on Christmas Day it can be quiet on normal wards - quieter than usual when elective operations have had to be postponed. The music plays when it does, then in the admission ward - and intensive care... But apart from the other, different alarmism, it is above all deeply frightening to see the malicious response in the local media Regional38 to the visit to the hospital...
I watched this informative video shortly after it was published on YouTube, but found that it was no longer available on this platform a short time later. I am not in a position to judge whether this is once again a case of censorship, i.e. arbitrary deletion by Google, but it seems likely. Perhaps at the instigation of the Federal Ministry of Health, which does not want such images to reach the public under any circumstances. Or maybe the author/producer removed it himself? Regardless, it will definitely remain available as evidence for the future investigation into the disastrous "PCR test pandemic".
I wish the Langemann team and all visitors to this medium all the best for the New Year, and may all your dreams and wishes come true in 2021! Take care of yourself. Take care and stay cool!
At Leverkusen Municipal Hospital and Marienkrankenhaus Bergisch Gladbach, it was as quiet over Christmas as it often is at Christmas. I heard that from two nurses who work there.
What I've been saying since March, this pandemic only exists on TV. But our whole life is determined by this tube, this tube determines how we think, how we act and what kind of opinion we should have. A healthy discourse has not been welcome for years, either you are for me (the tube) or I stigmatize and defame you in the worst possible way. I have long wondered what this has to do with democracy, but unfortunately I have to say that this stigmatization is bearing fruit, the best known example of this in my eyes is Hans-Georg Maaßen. The world is heading full throttle towards a health dictatorship.
I myself work as a kitchen assistant in a medical facility; it was "appointed" as an emergency facility for Covid cases at the beginning of the year - the end result was that my colleagues and I (affecting the entire facility) were able to reduce overtime or go into short-time working. Overtime that, by the way, had accumulated again BETWEEN the first and second wave, because normal operations had returned to some extent. Now, in the second lockdown, which was decided due to the high spread, I can reduce overtime again because there is nothing going on. So even the last person should be starting to notice...
Thank you very much for your work, Mr. Langemann. You, and many other people outside the mainstream, give hope in these times of education, media and government crisis.
First of all, thank you for your work Mr. Langemann. As so often, you show the other side of the coin here. In these times, it is incredibly difficult to reach the masses who have been dumbed down by the mainstream (forgive the expression). But please don't give up. I recently set up a homepage http://www.nicht-systemrelevant.eu created to help the people who are suffering as a result of the measures. I would never have believed that it is so difficult to inspire people for a good cause. I wish you a successful new year from here and hope that the madness comes to an end soon. If you are interested in my endeavors, I am at your disposal.
"Reality is what affects us. The truth is what is" is the saying. You can follow "reality" in the news again right now. Will we ever know the "truth"? We will see.
Hello, I found it a bit irritating that nobody was to be seen in this video apart from a person in a white coat scurrying past in the background, apparently by mistake. However, it is not unusual for one or the other ward to be closed over the holidays due to lack of occupancy.
In my experience, however, these are mostly private wards.
Manipulating people with numbers is a well-known game. ..........and unfortunately the old parties and co. have mastered this to perfection. to perfection, at least thanks to the leading media for the masses. The truth will come out at some point........ possibly too late for many
Many of us have contact with people in hospitals, including me. These people tell us about everyday life. The enormous burden (due to protective clothing, disinfectants, etc.) is disproportionate to the corona patients. Those people who died with corona would certainly not have lived a day longer. Because they all ended up in intensive care anyway, some of them with the most severe pre-existing conditions. There is not a single patient who died solely from corona. Not a single one!!! I'm only talking about two clinics here. One of them a very large one. What is reported to us in all the media does not even begin to reflect what is actually going on in the hospitals as a whole. That's my immediate environment, those who work on site. These staff have already announced that you can count the number of employees who have volunteered to be vaccinated on one hand. At the end of the day, people don't let themselves be cheated, even if it sometimes seems that way. Mr. Langemann, thank you for your commitment