News from Absurdistan

by Peter Löcke //

How do you deal with the madness of time? I try to take digital time-outs. Offline is supposedly the new organic. But that's not the last word in wisdom, because it means you swallow an entire week's worth of news unchewed and undigested in one go. That's what happened this Monday morning after my seven-day media break. Instead of immediately getting drunk, I try to process what has left me speechless. 

Georg Restle devotes himself to the topic of vaccine damage on WDR. He actually focuses on the topics of Post Vac and Long Covid. His three messages? Still a pandemic. A disproportionate number of unvaccinated people. The vaccination works. That's what PEI, studies and model calculations say, because unfortunately there is no data. Then the monitor sends the touching story of 36-year-old Long Covid patient Christoph. Monitor does not mention that Christoph is quadruple vaccinated.

It couldn't be more embarrassing? It is possible. SPIEGEL TV, of all places, now wants to come to terms with this and asks itself in a contributionwhy vaccine damage and the suffering of vaccine victims are not taken seriously. Did I say vaccine damage? Of course I meant the euphemism Post Vac, which is also used by SPIEGEL. If you had been in Hamburg  couldn't you at least replace the speaker of the article? It is the same spokesperson who two years ago put an aluminum hat on the head of every critic of vaccinations and measures and put a Reichsbürger flag in their hands. How can you work for the SPIEGEL and continue to look into it? Reminder! I would like to put this question to Sascha Lobo and Nikolaus Blome.

And thus the bridge to other quality journalists. It is leaking out that the public broadcasters are Significant increase in broadcasting fee want. In future, another five euros a month as a reward for the work not done in recent years. Which of the two possible explanations is more worrying for you as a reader? The brazen audacity to be able to afford this or even the inner conviction that such an increase is justified? I find both possibilities worrying.

But in theory, the ÖRR is independent and neutral. In order to prove this TV presenter Luisa Klamroth and climate activist Louis Neubauer (or something like that) together towards the climate referendum in Berlin. Crap! The project, which was unilaterally advertised in the media, fails with a crash. This will have two consequences. The stupid people will be educated even more penetratingly, just like with gendering. I find that worrying. Klamroth's ratings will continue to plummet. The  I think it's tough, but fair.

Dieter Nuhr is treated unfairly. The good Dieter wants to protect himself on all sides and in return receives material from all sides. Nuhr was against the war last year and is now in favor of it without any alternative. Nuhr has a problem with the Exclusion of dissentersfound the Exclusion of the unvaccinated but right. Nuhr now thinks the Greens are a bit stupid, but so do lateral thinkers. This turns the satirist's life into real satire. For some he is a turncoat and pharisee, for the Böhmermann faction he is a Nazi. I almost feel sorry for Nuhr. Almost.

What is our chancellor actually doing hiding behind a fortress and Warburg? He is currently No worries about German banks. This, in turn, is causing great concern among banks and citizens alike. I understand that. The house is on fire when Olaf Scholz says that the German banking system is well positioned.

France is also on fire, as Macron's pension project "Dare to be more dictatorial" is being rejected by large sections of the population. Are these harbingers for Germany? I don't think so, because civil courage and resistance are not among the core competencies of the average Teuton. If necessary, the traffic light will elect a new people in new elections. There is nothing that is not absurd enough to become a reality in Germany tomorrow.

The little everyday absurdities in fast-forward. In future, Reichelt-Julian will no longer be allowed to call a man who defines himself as a woman a man. At Infringement faces a fine of a quarter of a million euros. The leader of the Left Party, Janine Wissler, calls for a Abolition of homework for pupils. The city of Detmold also offers Dog tax registration the answer options "various" and "no answer". Three messages. Three questions from me.

Will I soon have to refer to Ms. Baerbock as my leader and Mr. Habeck as my chief because that's how they define themselves? Can pupils not do their homework on school-free Future Fridays? Is there a male Doberman in the cultural city of Detmold who defines himself as a female Maltese? I would like answers to these questions and all other absurdities.

I won't get any answers in my local pub. The philosophical question of "Nagelsmann or Tuchel?" will probably be discussed there. My landlady will ask me whether Germany's double-packer Füllkrug gives me hope. He does indeed.

"Fill the jug. Whisky in the jar. I'm taking my media time-out."

Articles identified by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

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11 Responses

  1. the comment is total nonsense. but don't scold me right away. not the comment itself, but the facts that mr. löcke unfortunately on the one hand, and fortunately on the other, mentions. 4 years ago i would have written that such a thing will never be possible in d. in the meantime, this country has turned into a disaster. i think it's good that there are more and more people who are waking up from this nightmare and using their own brains. because at some point even the stupidest should see the light. well and the fact that people are quick to throw their flag in the wind, in german, have no honor and no self-respect, can be found everywhere. but d seems to be predestined for this. the land of poets and thinkers is becoming the land of saliva lickers and ass kissers. actually the only thing that helps is the saying, "nothing is set in stone". well then!!!!

  2. I've been sitting helplessly in front of this summary of the misery of a formerly cultured society for two hours now and don't know what to do next. It was all so cleverly structured, wasn't it? People who work pay taxes to promote the common good. That the poor don't have to be poor, that people who have worked their whole lives receive a pension (which they have paid into). That schools, hospitals, infrastructure, etc., everything that serves the common good, is paid for by taxpayers and protected in return. A good system, isn't it? It is also part of this democratic order that people who are threatened with death because they defend themselves against an unjust regime should be granted asylum. Local history, 3rd elementary school class. ...And in the search above the 3rd elementary school class I found, for example: Oswald Spengler
    The downfall of the West
    Outlines of a morphology of world history
    Volume One: Form and Reality
    Preliminary remark
    Chapter 1: The meaning of numbers
    Chapter 2: The problem of world history
    Chapter 3: Macrocosm
    Chapter 4: Music and sculpture
    Chapter 5: Soul image and attitude to life
    Chapter 6: Faustian and Apollonian knowledge of nature
    Second volume: World historical perspectives
    Chapter 1: Origin and landscape
    Chapter 2: Cities and peoples
    Chapter 3: Problems of Arab culture
    Chapter 4: The state
    Chapter 5: The formal world of economic life
    Register I: Persons and objects
    Register II: Authors used or recommended

    Oswald Spengler
    The downfall of the West
    Outlines of a morphology of world history
    Volume One: Form and Reality
    Preliminary remark
    Chapter 1: The meaning of numbers
    Chapter 2: The problem of world history
    Chapter 3: Macrocosm
    Chapter 4: Music and sculpture
    Chapter 5: Soul image and attitude to life
    Chapter 6: Faustian and Apollonian knowledge of nature
    Second volume: World historical perspectives
    Chapter 1: Origin and landscape
    Chapter 2: Cities and peoples
    Chapter 3: Problems of Arab culture
    Chapter 4: The state
    Chapter 5: The formal world of economic life
    Register I: Persons and objects
    Register II: Authors used or recommended

  3. The question of questions to which I would very much like an answer: How absurd does it have to get before sanity returns? - Thank you Mr. Löcke, you always manage to make me smile - despite all the madness.

  4. Anyone who has followed the debate about the EU ban on cars with internal combustion engines from 2035, which two thirds of German citizens reject according to an ARD survey, can only shake their heads. No sooner had a minimal agreement been reached on an exemption for cars with eFuels than it was immediately scrapped due to legal concerns. There is only one lesson to be learned from this political farce: a country only needs to have a sufficiently high number of lawyers, political scientists, sociologists, teachers and Greens in politics, as well as journalists who are biased because they are in precarious employment, to report on politics and it will almost automatically end up as Absurdistan.

  5. ... so I walk through the woods and meadows, thinking bareheaded (the aluminum hat doesn't suit me), both hands clasped behind my back, walking around like a typical thinker and observing what's flying in the sky: The pigeons, the crows, some songbirds, the kite, the hawk, the sparrowhawk, the jay and various flying objects with loud engines. Meanwhile, the Reichsbürger flag and aluminum hat distributors stand nicely decorated and unjudged by the wayside...

  6. "The little absurdities of everyday life in fast-forward. ..."

    Dear Mr. Löcke,
    I should have quoted several paragraphs, but I decided on the one I mentioned: I don't even know which example made me gag the most. It was intense with each one ...

    Thank you for the apt description of my mental life too ... (if I leave out soccer in general and Füllkrug in particular ...)

  7. There is no better way to express the whole dilemma of this country in a short and effective article. Thank you very much.

  8. Dear Mr. Löcke,
    You should practice abstinence from the media more often....f articles like this come out of it, your fasting is very productive. Thank you for this early highlight of journalistic work at the beginning of the week.

  9. Aaach, what a fine bedtime snack that brings me the most important pieces of real satire in fast-forward and at the same time entertains me so much that I'm already looking forward to the next column 🙂

    What made me curious? It was the shallow stuff, the below-the-belt stuff! Because during a life in a time of freedom, I was allowed to get to know everything in passing that my very Catholic parents would never have dared to dream of. The whole range, relaxed and easy-going, above all informal and mutually respectful. How else could it be? Most recently, many years ago, a transgender case.

    So now we have the salad imposed from above in this respect, so my curiosity turned specifically to this: the trans man - or trans woman? I am completely confused by the terminology ... - that is, where ersiees was only referred to as "man" instead of biological. So this is what it looks like, the old, original version of the incriminated article from February 3:
    compared to the now mathematically adjusted →

    The difference is not hard to find, just one word. What counts is obviously the media wave that is now riding on the court ruling! Well, good night everyone :-)

  10. far as this climate decision is concerned, I still have to grin. The media's green leviathan was once again just a pop dance by the hypocritical media.
    ...and also: "Klamroth's ratings continue to plummet. I think that's tough, but fair."

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