
by Peter Löcke //

Pride. Is pride a noble character trait or a human weakness? That's complicated. It depends on what you as a person are proud of and what you believe in. It even depends on the language in which you use the word. Being prideful is good. Being proud is bad.

Felix Kalu Nmecha is a 22-year-old professional footballer and also a 30 million euro new acquisition from Borussia Dortmund. On the surface, Nmecha is not suspected of being a radically intolerant person. After all, the son of a German mother and Nigerian father has dark skin and also lived in England for a long time. But Nmecha is also a devout Christian. This fact and the sharing of two Instagram posts critical of LGBTQ became the kicking millionaire's undoing. Such behavior is homophobic, transphobic and queer-hostile. Nmecha's actions out of religious conviction were intolerable for the religious tolerance movement. For the new employer, the Christian footballer's fall from grace posed an image problem. Is sharing two controversial tweets compatible with BVB's canon of values? BVB Aktiengesellschaft took precautions. Should Felix Nmecha place a digital heart in the wrong place in the future, he could face severe contractual penalties. That's what the journalistic sparrows are whistling from all the media rooftops.

For a better understanding: Why does the devout Christian Felix Nmecha have a problem with the queer Pride movement? For one thing, the professional footballer actually believes that there are only two genders. The other reason seems even more important. Devout Christians believe there are seven deadly sins. You can smile at that or not. It is their belief that I tolerate. One of these deadly sins is called pride in German. This refers to human hubris, human vanity, which in the worst cases leads to narcissism and megalomania. In English, this deadly sin is called pride.

Very well. Footballer Nmecha will be intelligent enough to keep his fingers and feet still off the pitch from now on. When he moves his feet on the pitch and scores the first goal for his new employer, Felix, the lucky one, will kiss the club logo. Then thousands of flags are waved to loud cheers. In this case, a sea of black and yellow flags. There is also something religious about it.

Speaking of flags and banners. Have you noticed this as much as I have? On rooftops and market squares, in front of town halls and DIY stores, in shopping centers and small shops - more and more rainbow flags, and not just in the proud month. Sorry. I meant during Pride Month, of course. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius was probably the last German minister to fly the rainbow flag last week. Mr. Pistorius was late. At least he didn't wear a rainbow armband like Nancy Faeser once did in Qatar.

I try to restrain myself. Maybe I'm being too harsh in my judgment. After all, LGBTQ is a tolerance movement. A movement that sees itself as fighting against all forms of injustice and fascism. Never again should there be images like those of ninety years ago. Those terrible images when Germany was uniformly flagged and many people wore armbands. To prevent this, we need even more uniform rainbow flags and even more armbands against fascism.

Now I'm really reining myself in. Unfortunately, I am neither prideful nor proud. I am not very religious. I've fallen away from faith too often in my life for that. So I don't wave a rainbow flag or wear a cross like Felix Nmecha. Are there really seven deadly sins and is pride one of them? I don't know. But what I do know is that pride comes before a fall. Pride always comes before a fall.

A strange case occurred last week in front of the town hall in Pirna, Saxony. Unknown perpetrators tore down and stole a rainbow flag and a transgender flag overnight. I criticize that, just as I criticize any form of vandalism. But I am still surprised. The state security was called in. Removing a rainbow flag seems to be a mortal sin committed by the state in the best Germany ever. Felix Nmecha didn't comment on this on Instagram. Smart man. I'm proud of Felix Nmecha.

Articles identified by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

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7 Responses

  1. Like rising in a delicate cloud
    Two rainbows with the same color.
    When Juno commands her Magt,
    and from the inside the outside dissolves.
    Like Dante and Virgil, we are on a journey through hell.
    Recommended reading: The Divine Comedy
    Every age has to make its way through hell. It's a shame that we've just been caught out again after the short, nice break. Now would be the time to spare our children the journey through hell on the basis of experienced history. If we could do that, we would be real heroes.

  2. Aren't we clearing the way for these senseless things by rubbing against them again and again? The oak tree doesn't care if a being of any kind rubs against its roots, doesn't it? Where is the political base of these people? What do the perhaps even manipulated polls say? Nobody cares. Period. In our society, everyone can live out their sexuality as long as they don't objectify children or addicts. That's a good thing. Not everyone has to like it, but it's still good. Everyone should be happy in his own way, as Old Fritz once said. He may not have been a one hundred percent straight man, but he was undoubtedly one of the most important and legendary figures in European history. We've seen it all before.

  3. I share the opinion with Felix Nmecha on 100%! I find all this LGBTQ hullabaloo just hilarious, as if we didn't have enough other problems to solve than these issues? Well, our politicians like to ride these waves where people can be moderated and re-educated. It's just embarrassing!

  4. Where rainbow flags wave in the wind today and hang limply downwards in a calm, the swastika flag was seen flapping merrily in the Third Reich.

  5. Tolerance is another word for self-denial. In most cases, denying oneself requires a conviction or loyalty to a system. From this loyalty, which means nothing other than making oneself common with something over which one does not want to or cannot exert any influence, a group morality is filtered. If the system is an ideology, the self-denying person stands in the way of becoming human for various reasons and morality consists of creating images of the enemy, then the potential for self-reflection is extremely low and the mind as a conservative force acquires the status of anti-morality. If a critical mind now assumes that all the problems that contribute to division in this country (basically all the conflicts in and around this country have been initiated by politics, the media and downstream institutions) were first constructed by those who use these problems with the confused intention of making a large part of the population blind to cause and effect, then we understand where this counter-world will lead. Tolerance is self-mutilation and mutilation of others. There is no promotion of understanding and sympathy because the goal contradicts the rational, it is indoctrination in order to select. Anyone who is not tolerant is a Nazi. Anyone who analyzes the different levels of this system (regardless of whether it resembles socialism or fascism) and is not confused by the 'all-too-human' will see a picture of collective subjugation. A rainbow flag in front of the DIY store means: "We, the Globus DIY store XY in Hilbertsheim say no to the theory of evolution, we postulate a new way of thinking above the classical mind, we doubt the Big Bang, gravity and bisexuality. The staff is suspicious of the natural philosophy of antiquity up to Giordano Bruno, and we are all opposed to any declaration of civilization by Rousseau or Schopenhauer." If concentrated, unquestioned loyalty to an ideology does not manifest itself here, when will it?

  6. It gets on my nerves completely, as if there's nothing more important than hoisting flags. It's all so crazy. I'm lying here with my LP shunt implanted last Thursday and all I'm being bombarded with is this crap. I really wonder if one day I'll have to open the tube to finally find peace. I just wonder who can still put up with all this nonsense.

  7. An uplifting article, I laughed heartily. My THANKS and a little heart for that.

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