by Peter Löcke //
Experts say so. Experts consider the "Weitblick" event location to be an important meeting place for the right-wing scene. In his inquiry to the publisher of this platform, SZ editor Bernd Kastner remained vague as to exactly which experts are involved and how these experts justify the accusation. Thankfully, the SZ author trio Sebastian Krass, Leon Lindenberger & Bernd Kastner were more specific in the articles hidden behind a paywall. Behind the experts are the statements of two institutions.
The number one authority is the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The VS replied to the SZ that the Weitblick was not an object of observation, but that they were keeping a close eye on the location. What a pity. Once again, only allusions instead of substantive arguments. That doesn't help me as an interested reader. How you can follow something or someone closely without observing them is also beyond me.
Institution number two, the "firm"knows more than the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The firm in question is the Fachinformationsstelle Rechtsextremismus, located at the Feierwerk cultural center in Munich. Feierwerk, in turn, is a registered association that is primarily characterized by financed by state pots. The specialist information center in question confirmed to the SZ that the Weitblick venue has been an important location for the right-wing political scene since 2020. Specific examples are only mentioned from 2024, such as an event organized by the party "dieBasis", a party that locates itself on the left. So what makes a person a right-wing extremist in the assessment of the specialist information center on right-wing extremism? It makes sense to take a closer look at the firm's press releases from 2020 to 2023. Here is an overview. Are you right-wing extremist, am I? Join me in doing the fact or Nazi check! After all, being on the political right is increasingly associated with Germany's darkest period. Should we fail, I would distance myself formally from myself so as not to become guilty of contact with my own person. Nothing is further from my mind than being right-wing extremist.
Are you interested in the historian and peace researcher Daniele Ganser, who is critical of the USA and NATO? Then you belong to the "conspiracy ideology scene" and have "no fear of contact with the extreme right". According to Anne Wild, the head of the firm. So do not visit Ganser's appearance at Circus Kroneto form your own opinion at the source. Then, according to firm, you are just as far-right as the critics of the government's corona measures, because then you are the "Pandemic denier scene" [sic!] belong to.
Ganser supporters and/or critics of government coronavirus measures equal far-right? The verdict is not really surprising. What is surprising, however, is what else falls under right-wing extremism. Do you, like me, take a critical view when the Drag King Erich Big Clit gives a reading in front of children together with other trans activists in the public library? If you see this as a tasteless endangerment of children's welfare, you are right-wing extremist. In the eyes of firm, that makes me and you an agitator who is against diversity, variety, tolerance, openness and democratic coexistence. Such an attitude also shows a sexist and anti-feminist attitude.
You are also a radical anti-feminist and, of course, far-right extremist if you hold the wrong view on the polarizing issue of abortion. Traditionally, two opposing world views clash here. There is the group that supports women's right to self-determination. And there is the group of those who stand up for unborn life. The latter lobby calls for the "March for Life" demonstration once a year. The firm warns against this demonstration: "Anti-feminism forms the cement that brings together various (extreme) right-wing, conservative and Christian fundamentalist milieus." Controversial speakers such as Stephan Pilsinger speak at these demonstrations and in this milieu. Is Pilsinger an AfD member, a conspirator, even a Reichsbürger? No. He is a doctor and Directly elected CSU member of the German Bundestag. Pilsinger's constituency office is located in Munich, where the firm is also based and receives financial support from the CSU state government, so that firm CSU members like Pilsinger are associated with right-wing extremists. A certain irony cannot be denied in view of this constellation.
Did you pass the fact check? I have failed. There seems to be a right-wing extremist in me, even though I classify myself as left-liberal. So I should actually do a fact check with the state-funded registered association "fils". Fils is the specialist information center for left-wing extremism in Munich. I googled this association. It doesn't exist. No experts on left-wing extremism in Munich - no problem.
Articles identified by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.
9 Responses
Who cares about this chatter? Never try to drink the cocoa you're being pulled through! In 1979, the FDJ leadership in Dresden told us primans from the West about the anti-capitalist protective wall, and one of them asked why the minefields were on the inside. Not much more came of it. That can no longer happen today because you no longer talk to people who think differently - not because you might run out of arguments, not that, but because the person who thinks differently is worth less as a person and is "down", so to speak.
From the extreme left, everything is on the right, just as from the South Pole it only goes north in all directions. Incidentally, projection, slander and gaslighting are the main strategies of those affected by the relevant personality disorders - and therefore logically the cornerstones of left-wing agitation. In this respect, everything is correct, nothing new or even surprising.
From my point of view, the real question is how long we will continue to work on the content of the sputum of the obviously seriously disturbed and jump over every stick that the parasitic destroyers of culture hold out to us with a sneer instead of finally getting rid of them with the necessary sustainability.
I've known for a long time that I'm right-wing extremist (hello, you bangers from the State Security, if you're reading this) - as a former (!!) regular voter of the SPD (that of H. Schmidt or at least H.J. Vogel) for three decades.
(Although there wasn't really much left in 2013).
For years now, the quality media have been slapping us in the face with more and more hysteria every day: every spark of common sense, and thus the actual ability to survive in real life, is labeled as right-wing (populist, radical, extreme) - meanwhile there seems to be only the last variant ...
Obviously the result of the long march (through the institutions) : Maoist-style cultural revolution ...
Thank you. 100 percent approval. That was also my choice back then. I even got a silver badge of honor for 25 years of membership; I resigned because of Lafontaine's and other people's rummaging against reunification. (Yes, even the Juso Scholz preferred to maintain official contacts with Honecker and the FDJ than to support the opposition in the GDR).
Today there would be many, many more reasons NOT to vote for the SPD and the Greens.
(If the SPD would learn something from the Scandinavian social democrats with regard to the immigration ban and migration policy, I would think again).
Dear Mr. Löcke,
"Left" and "liberal" are a typical oxymoron, they never go together in one word. You don't say: I'm authoritarian-anti-authoritarian, do you?
Could it be that Lindner of the FDP believes he has reinvented liberalism?
Otherwise, their participation in the eco-socialist government would be incomprehensible.
The worst and most perfidious thing about the SZ's smear campaign is the fact that it is destroying the livelihood of the operator of Weitblick. The Congress of Clear Words last November was certainly a good thing for him, but he can't make a living from such events alone. The majority are corporate events and some large and well-known companies and societies have probably already indicated that the Weitblick is no longer an option for them. Due to pressure from the landlord, he has also already had to concede that he will no longer offer space to political groups from the "actual or perceived right-wing political scene". We all know what that means.
This raises the question for me of how we can support him. He is probably considering taking legal action against SZ. It's hard to say whether he has any chance of success. Apart from financial support (direct or in the form of events), are there any other options, e.g. via the Club der klaren Worte?
Dear Mr. Löcke, I've been annoyed for 4 years by the straightforward linking of a critical attitude to corona policy and other topics with 'right-wing' and the immanent insinuation of being racist, identitarian and a criminal...with Ms. Faeser's legislative proposal, firm and felt will soon be allowed to administer the idea of democracy prescribed by the federal government on a tax-privileged basis...I would much prefer an independent, differentiated press of different colors for political education...'right-wing' is part of the legitimate democratic spectrum even if you choose something should at least be differentiated from extremism...
Thank you, Mr. Löcke, very informative. Now I finally know where I stand. I'm off then! Could you turn off the light, please? Oh's already off...