


Die Sendung in einfacher Sprache

von Peter Löcke // Nachrichten gibt es endlich in einfacher Sprache. Exklusiv für Menschen, die inklusiv betreut werden müssen. Hier das Original der Pilotsendung [1].

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Correctiv thought through to the end

by Peter Löcke // "We thought it through to the end." This is how the accompanying text for the video "Grandma, what was in Germany again?" begins. The clip was

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Propaganda at it's best

by Dr. Johanna Weber Discussions about whether the new corona vaccines are really safe are currently on the rise. Yet everything should actually have been properly tested

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by Prof. Dr. Oliver Hirsch Laura Dodsworth, writer, photographer and film producer, published a book about fear in May 2021, about the fear of a

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overnewsed and underinformed

Commentary by Markus Langemann // Meta Platforms, Inc., formerly Facebook, Inc., operates the social media platform Instagram. Users can post their photos and videos

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Ein Loblied auf Steffen Seibert

von Peter Löcke // Immobilienmakler, Versicherungsvertreter, Autoverkäufer – mein Verhältnis zu diesen Berufen ist ambivalent. Ich verspüre eine gewisse Abneigung, weil es sich um Personen

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The killing of one's own mind

"The brainwashed is in a state of panic because his evaluations and norms have been undermined. The core strategy of menticide is all hope, all anticipation,

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Merkel: "No new freedoms..."

This sentence by German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel might interest you. I let it sink in for a few hours and during this time I weighed up whether

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Propaganda with taxpayers' money

I would like to sharpen your awareness of propaganda these days, especially in public service media. Deutsche Welle is the public international broadcaster

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Censorship in Germany

The video published on Sunday, January 17 at 13:00 "Pictures from the Krankenhaus rechts der Isar in Munich. Second largest hospital in Munich", was

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Something is getting out of hand

In a newspaper interview, Minister President Markus Söder speaks of the threat of a coronavirus RAF, while CSU parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament Thomas Kreuzer thinks it is a good thing when members of parliament who are critical of the

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