About thinking

from Markus Langemann

If independent thinking were a plant, it would be on the Red List of endangered animal and plant species. It would be taken care of. We would immediately create a biotope in which it could regenerate and multiply. Then this beautiful, graceful and endangered plant would be sown again.

When we talk about independent thinking here, we don't mean that you think about your points in Flensburg.

Thinking as a process for independently gaining questions, even knowledge, is clearly eroding in our society.

This threatens self-determination, the pursuit of freedom and reason, with extinction. We, as a society, are playing the card: "Go back to the Enlightenment". Welcome to the day before yesterday, before the time of liberation from bondage through the use of reason.

In this article, you will find out what engineer Prof. Maximilian Ruppert, psychologist Prof. Dr. Dr. Walach and Austrian social scientist Prof. Bernhard Heinzlmaier think about thinking.

The salon talk mentioned in this article, which is definitely worth seeing see here. I promise you, a visit to Antje Maly-Samiralow is worthwhile.

18.4.22 Addendum. We are publishing the original of the following e-mail relating to the article of 16.4.22:
Hello Mr. Langemann,
I heard your conversation with Mr. Ruppert on YouTube today.
Based on personal experience, I can confirm from the "free" economy that although there is freedom of opinion in Germany, this can also have considerable professional consequences there.
Without the vaccination, I would have been dismissed in 2021, and the employer actually succeeded. After the vaccinations, I had what I call various "educational talks". Four months later, I was asked whether I should have a booster vaccination.
Am I an isolated case there? Probably not. Would I make it public? Never, because I would only harm myself again and it wouldn't change anything.
These problems, in more detail of course, are only known to my family. I'm actually ashamed that I gave in to it. That this was done out of economic necessity is certainly no surprise. The YouTube post at least gave me the courage to write to you anonymously. It's a juggernaut that has been created here. Not because it got to me personally, but because there are many similar references to the right and left.
Have a nice Easter Monday!
Yours sincerely

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6 Responses

  1. "... because I would only harm myself again." (from the attached email)
    I don't want to condemn the gentleman. His shame is palpable. Presumably the usual thinking and his own existential fears are behind it. How many millions of people think the same way?
    In the private sector under pressure from the employer. In the public sector. In social organizations, in the church? How many teachers? How many in the medical profession and insurance companies? How many in the academic world? How many in the media world? Millions of professions that only participate out of fear. And in every field, these people see "colleagues" who have been shaved because they rebelled. Punish one, educate thousands.
    I am all the more grateful for the Prof. Rupperts of this world who are willing to risk their own savings. Who are prepared to lose everything. Who stand in the storm when the wind blows hardest. It makes me sad that there seem to be so few of them. On the other hand, it gives me hope when Mr. Ruppert said in the interview that he would get three commitments if he asked two people to take part in his project.
    Whether in Austria, Germany or elsewhere, the vaccine doses for the fall have already been ordered. Lauterbach's "killer variant" has already been decided. The state of emergency as the new normal. Madness.
    I can't get one poster out of my mind. "You think it stops when you are obedient. It never stops because you are obedient."

  2. Positive information transfer

    This has been possible for the first time since 2020,
    to exempt children and young people from the obligation to stay in school.
    Some parents have taken advantage of this opportunity.
    Not all of these parents have the means and opportunities,
    home schooling and all-day care,
    something about networking with other parents,
    who have the means and possibilities,
    solutions for the former.

    The observations
    the independent communities that form as a result
    and, above all, the development of children and young people,
    who are voluntarily in home schooling and
    also form communities with each other,
    are sensational.

    Unfortunately, this group receives little or no attention,
    it shows in all clarity,
    what lived freedom and peaceful community
    for incredible potential.

    Best regards
    G. Schmidt

  3. well.... Countries of thinkers are probably different now, it seems to me, the burning glass Corona ( nonsense ) reveals the inability to think SELF to an almost monstrous extent, here in the country.
    The systemic diseducation of self-thinking through institutions of indoctrination by the state (starting as early as kindergarten) has been going on for decades; conformity is rewarded, stubbornness, originality, free will, even intellectual free will, is punished.
    The RIGHT to say no, to disobey, is not taught, made into a "wrong", punished.
    Without freedom of thought there can be no independent thinking, of course - the good grades at school go to those who thoughtlessly accept what they are fed.
    So we can see that the problem lies much, much deeper; education needs to be fundamentally rethought, instead of a black state education, a liberal one.
    Without freedom, everything is nothing and without it, everything must fail.
    If the free spirit of children is suppressed, how can they become independent adults?
    And philosophy ? - the primal - primal - free and independent thinking - oh my goodness ! - take a look at Precht !

    1. One of my favorite questions fits in with this:

      Why is psychology not a main subject at school? Although the subject of psychology accompanies ALL people without exception, regardless of their background or career choice, throughout their lives. Every day. In dealing with themselves, other people and the world.

      The answer is obvious: because knowing, feeling and analyzing people are simply not needed in a society like ours. This is precisely the reason why Germany has been stagnating for over 30 years, powerless and visionless.
      And even the social milleus, who were assumed to have a good deal of reflective and thinking ability and a compass for ethics before corona, have impressively shown that judging is easier than thinking.

      Mr. Langemann, thank you for your work.

  4. So thinking is being abolished, which is a step backwards in social development that is not only damaging the land of thinkers, but is also robbing us of our elite and our future bit by bit.

  5. Mr. Markus Langemann
    Very nicely put to your point!
    My point lies in the indoctrinated, modeled payer virus. Your mentioned important people, all think they are payers of their livelihood, taxes and welfare! All WRONG! But please think correctly and not taken over by supervised education, because these teachings are manipulation to the power of three!

    We exchange our services to meet each other's needs, no more and no less! Payers, like the virus, are non-existent, only modeled! If the generation of money, separate from the economy, were organized correctly as a trust function without any interest and del credere risk, and the pro rata generation of money for the exchange of state and social services were implemented correctly from the economic revenues between the economy and the state, we would have a different society, without globalization and without politicians!

    It is also interesting to note that the social credit system demanded by the WEF clique has long been included in the price of performance and the volume of money, only it does not require Marxism and a bonus-malus system, no total control!

    Happy Easter from Switzerland, Georg Bender

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