

Free of charge: Download the transcript of the PCR interview here

The interview on the performance of PCR tests is one of the most widely watched interviews in Germany, Austria and Switzerland these days, and is also attracting increasing interest throughout Europe.

Nobel Prize winner Prof. Dr. Ezekiel Okemwa wrote under part 2 of the interview, which you can also find here in the club and on YouTube:

“As UN civil society East Africa – UNGA 2020 award SDG pioneers – with 1.45 million members, we are very grateful for your comments – ASANTE SANA. Prof. Dr. Ezekiel Okemwa (Nobel Prize Laureate – with Al-Gore)”

This interview was conducted on 17.9.2020. The original video was published for the first time on 18.9.2020 for all then e-mail subscribers of the “Club of Clear Words”. On 19.9.2020 the interview was made available to the international public on YouTube.

You get the interview here in englisch language as a transcript.

You are welcome to copy and distribute this interview or forward it by e-mail. Please be fair and always refer to the original source:


Please let us know in which context you plan to distribute it as a mass reproduction.
If you come to the conviction that independent press is important in a plural and democratic society, we are happy to receive appropriate support via PayPal, as we work pro bono. With this support we can hire translators and transcribers, run servers, expand websites and obtain further information.

Thanks a lot


Markus Langemann



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