

May 16, 2021

The open society and its new enemies

We are experiencing a turning point. The corona complex has ignited a toxic mixture of excessive demands in digital decadence, the rise of invisible capital, the loss of identity in the global space and, in particular, the erosion of intellect in times of thick Twitter thumbs and political self-empowerment by means of hashtag populism. These are just a few of the ingredients for the social explosives whose post-explosive powder vapor is now biting into our eyes and throats. It is a time of testing, of not resisting the temptation of lack of freedom.
Yes, you think for yourself. And for that reason alone, you often have to defend your own views. This isolation is perhaps the price of freedom. We decide how open, how free our society should be in the future. You do! Now. Philosopher Michael Esfeld on the "open society and its new enemies" in the Club of Clear Words. (ML)

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