
Vance spricht von einer «bedrohten Meinungsfreiheit in Europa»
von Markus Langemann// Die Rede von US-Vizepräsident J. D. Vance auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz war heute mit großer Spannung erwartet...
Was soll das?
Kommentar von Markus Langemann// Fragen sind weit mehr als Mittel zur Informationsbeschaffung. Sie sind Ausdruck unserer Neugier, unseres Zweifels und...

I was saved by God to make America great again

Ten key projects that Trump wants to implement immediately according to his speech: Immediate national emergency on the southern border End illegal immigration with reintroduction of the "Remain in Mexico" policy

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Sustainable organic German

Commentary by Peter Löcke // Can I use language to demarcate without excluding? Can I use words to name differences without being suspected of marginalizing other people?

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Merry Christmas

by Markus Langemann // How much Christmas do you still feel in your heart? Advertisers from ALDI to Zalando exuded a collective spot landing with their

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The enemy of my enemy...

by Dr. Johanna Weber // Assad had to leave Syria, the rebels control the country. But why, and what misconduct did he allow himself to commit? The poison gas accusations

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The league of self-thinkers

Commentary by Markus Langemann // Big changes can only be felt on a small scale. Some feel them in their little fingers, others in their micro-interactions. I count myself

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Readers about us.

Dear Mr. Langemann,
I would like to thank you very much for your valuable work. Your site is currently my favorite website and I recommend it as often as I can.

Dr. med. Christine Krishnabhakdi

Dear Mr. Langemann, thank you very much for your professionalism!
Since the beginning of CdkW, I have used you and your team as a shield against political-profit disinformation and as a great, tidy reason for hope.

Nadia Aleksander

Thank you Markus Langemann,
You do what I would expect journalists to do. Thank you.

Hans Romanov

Dear Mr. Langemann,

I have been regularly following, reading and sharing your outstanding journalistic contributions - whether in text, audio or video form - since 2020.

"Club der klaren Worte" has become my favorite and most important source of information.

As a lecturer, I am getting through the crisis (still) reasonably unscathed, at least economically, so it is particularly important to me to support your format, as I value your work and you are a "rock in the media surf" for me.
Your choice of words is always a pleasure for me. Best regards from Berlin

Lil Korfmacher-Finke

Dear Mr. Langemann

You do great journalism.
We had subscribed to the FAZ since 1991 and canceled our subscription at the end of 2021. It had become unbearable. They do authentic and independent journalism!

With best regards

Nikolaus Heuer

Dear Mr. Langemann,

I would like to thank you very much for your factual, clear, investigative and analytical contributions on the "corona crisis"! In view of the total failure of the so-called "mainstream media" / "traditional media" in terms of objective, neutral and comprehensive reporting, which has been a process for decades, your work and that of your colleagues is invaluable!

Dr. Marion Rosenke

Thank you, thank you. I find it really encouraging to read and see your weekly reports.

Robert Finkel

Dear Mr. Langemann,
On behalf of many others, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable work as an independent journalist and I am happy to support you with my donation! It is so important that we all make our voices heard again and again and bring the truth to light!

Continued good luck

Alexandra v. Peter

Dear Mr. Langemann,
I follow your YouTube channel and the articles on your site with great interest and respect. Yours sincerely

Michael Stapel

Dear Mr. Langemann!
Thank you very much for your educational work. I am an art historian and am untalented and untrained in political matters. But I am slowly learning to differentiate between how news and information from the media should be evaluated.

Dr. Brigitte Uhde-Stahl

Hello Mr. Langemann,
I am very enthusiastic about your reports and assessments in the media library and have listened to some of your reports several times. The work you do is really great.
Best regards & many thanks for your work!

Daniela Wißen

Hello Mr. Langemann,
Thank you for your very good journalistic work, especially these days! I enjoy listening to your contributions.

Kerst Grießbach

Hello Mr. Langemann,
Thank you very much for your work! You are a real boon in our current media landscape!

Miriam Wolf

Dear Mr. Langemann,

I would like to express my respect and appreciation for your really high-quality work!

Factual, objective and well-researched - this is all too rare in today's media landscape.

I hope that you will be able to continue reporting in this way, as this is unfortunately no longer a matter of course.

Keep up the good work, you have won me as a regular reader...

Bastian Wolf


Kommentar von Peter Löcke//   Zwei statt drei Tote, Park statt Marktplatz, Aschaffenburg statt Solingen. Für einen kurzen Moment überfiel mich ein zynischer Gedanke. Nimm

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I was saved by God to make America great again

Ten key projects that Trump wants to implement immediately according to his speech: Immediate national emergency on the southern border End illegal immigration with reintroduction of the "Remain in Mexico" policy

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Sustainable organic German

Commentary by Peter Löcke // Can I use language to demarcate without excluding? Can I use words to name differences without being suspected of marginalizing other people?

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Germany top of the league

According to the "Ukraine Support Tracker", Germany is the front-runner in the country comparison with 21.4 billion euros spent on Ukrainian refugees in the period from January 24, 2022 to January 15, 2024.

Great sport

by Peter Löcke // Let's not talk about politics, please. I often hear sentences like this. Disenchantment with politics wherever you look and whoever you ask. Sometimes

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Löcke column


Germany top of the league

According to the "Ukraine Support Tracker", Germany is the front-runner in the country comparison with 21.4 billion euros spent on Ukrainian refugees in the period from January 24, 2022 to January 15, 2024.

Dear Mr. Langemann

You do great journalism.
We had subscribed to the FAZ since 1991 and canceled our subscription at the end of 2021. It had become unbearable. They do authentic and independent journalism!

With best regards

Nikolaus Heuer

Dear Mr. Langemann,
I would like to thank you very much for your valuable work. Your site is currently my favorite website and I recommend it as often as I can.

Dr. med. Christine Krishnabhakdi

Thank you Markus Langemann,
You do what I would expect journalists to do. Thank you.

Hans Romanov

Dear Mr. Langemann,

I have been regularly following, reading and sharing your outstanding journalistic contributions - whether in text, audio or video form - since 2020.

"Club der klaren Worte" has become my favorite and most important source of information.

As a lecturer, I am getting through the crisis (still) reasonably unscathed, at least economically, so it is particularly important to me to support your format, as I value your work and you are a "rock in the media surf" for me.
Your choice of words is always a pleasure for me. Best regards from Berlin

Lil Korfmacher-Finke

Dear Mr. Langemann,

I would like to thank you very much for your factual, clear, investigative and analytical contributions on the "corona crisis"! In view of the total failure of the so-called "mainstream media" / "traditional media" in terms of objective, neutral and comprehensive reporting, which has been a process for decades, your work and that of your colleagues is invaluable!

Dr. Marion Rosenke

Thank you, thank you. I find it really encouraging to read and see your weekly reports.

Robert Finkel

Dear Mr. Langemann,
On behalf of many others, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable work as an independent journalist and I am happy to support you with my donation! It is so important that we all make our voices heard again and again and bring the truth to light!

Continued good luck

Alexandra v. Peter

Dear Mr. Langemann,
I follow your YouTube channel and the articles on your site with great interest and respect. Yours sincerely

Michael Stapel

Dear Mr. Langemann!
Thank you very much for your educational work. I am an art historian and am untalented and untrained in political matters. But I am slowly learning to differentiate between how news and information from the media should be evaluated.

Dr. Brigitte Uhde-Stahl

Hello Mr. Langemann,
I am very enthusiastic about your reports and assessments in the media library and have listened to some of your reports several times. The work you do is really great.
Best regards & many thanks for your work!

Daniela Wißen

Hello Mr. Langemann,
Thank you for your very good journalistic work, especially these days! I enjoy listening to your contributions.

Kerst Grießbach

Hello Mr. Langemann,
Thank you very much for your work! You are a real boon in our current media landscape!

Miriam Wolf

Dear Mr. Langemann,

I would like to express my respect and appreciation for your really high-quality work!

Factual, objective and well-researched - this is all too rare in today's media landscape.

I hope that you will be able to continue reporting in this way, as this is unfortunately no longer a matter of course.

Keep up the good work, you have won me as a regular reader...

Bastian Wolf

Smooth words and flattering facial expressions are rarely combined with a decent character.
