

The healing of the leper

by Peter Löcke //

I would like to dedicate this column to a very special person. He is the Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, has called for a tougher pandemic regime, sees coronavirus as a plague of biblical proportions and vaccination as the Moses who will lead humanity out of the plague. Isn't it amazing that a person who uses the language of a dictator describes critics of it as radical non-democrats? Isn't it amazing that a person who accuses dissenters of religious fanaticism increasingly uses religious metaphors instead of arguing objectively? I am not a judge and any form of violence is abhorrent to me. Perhaps 73-year-old Winfried Kretschmann will one day have to answer for his words and actions in a proper court of law. That is currently unlikely, considering the German justice system in December 2021. But perhaps there really will be a final court. I don't really believe in that either, but Mr. Kretschmann, as a Bible-thumping statesman, apparently does. So I would like to give the old, white man whose party warns against old, white men two parables. One from the Bible, the Gospel of Luke. The second parable is a remake from my humble pen. To avoid any misunderstandings: I am not a religious person, but I have the greatest respect for people who draw their strength, their love and their truthfulness from their faith.
In one of the towns, Jesus met a man whose body was eaten away by leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he prostrated himself before him and begged him: "Lord, if you are willing, you can heal me!" Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him and said: "I will! Be well!" The man was healed of his illness. Jesus told him not to talk about his healing. "Go and be examined by the priest," he told him, "and bring the sacrifice for your healing, as Moses commanded in the law! Let them see that God has healed you." But that didn't change the fact that more and more people were talking about Jesus' miracles. They flocked to him in droves. They wanted to hear him and be healed of their illnesses. But Jesus withdrew from the crowd to pray in solitude (Luke 5, 12-16).

In one of the German cities, the bishop met a man whose body was healthy. When he saw the bishop, he prostrated himself before him and begged him: "Mr. Bishop, if you want, you can give me comfort in these times of human coldness!" The bishop pulled his hand away, didn't touch him, followed the AHA formula and said, "I don't want to. You might be infected." Then the healthy man's soul and finally his body became ill. The bishop ordered him to keep his distance, wear a mask and remain silent so as not to give the aerosols a chance. "Go, but do not let the doctor test you for antibodies," he urged him, "but instead bring the vaccine sacrifice for your healing, because the vaccine comes from Moses and is now ordered by law! Let them see that the state and Biontech have healed you." But that didn't change the fact that more and more people were speaking out about the attitude of the church and the state. They turned away in droves. They no longer wanted to listen to the bishop so as not to become ill. The bishop also withdrew from the crowd to speak the Word for Sunday in the spotlight together with Winfried Kretschmann, proclaiming the good news of the vaccination created by God.
If you can't part the sea, at least you can part an entire society. Amen.

Articles identified by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

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38 Responses

  1. No matter what area of life people look at, the only relevant question is always and everywhere;
    Freedom, peace, self-determination and personal responsibility or coercion and violence.
    If a doctor refuses to help and advise certain people, it may seem strange and repulsive, but if there were a free market and a free society, people would be free to choose between a wide range of different doctors, treatments and consultations and everyone would find a doctor who suits them and every doctor would find their desired clientele.
    However, if a central authority dictates to all doctors in the same way, under the threat and use of force, which people they may and may not accept as patients, which treatments they should and should not recommend or even prescribe to their patients, etc., then many conflicts arise.
    If an entrepreneur would only allow certain people into his business premises, e.g. only people who wear a mask or only people who present a certain vaccination status, it may seem strange and repulsive, but if there were a free market and a free society, people would be free to choose between a wide range of different businesses and every customer would find the right business for him and every entrepreneur would find his desired clientele.
    However, if a central authority dictates to all entrepreneurs, under threat and use of force, which people they are allowed to admit and which they are not allowed to offer products and services to, then conflicts arise.
    This affects all areas of people's lives
    and only one thing always and everywhere leads to conflict:
    Coercion and violence

    People decide with their personal actions, choose how they want to live.
    Dictated and prescribed by a central authority or free, peaceful, self-determined and self-responsible.
    The solution lies in the hands of the people.
    Each individual.

  2. A great column. Unfortunately, people still haven't understood (at least half of them) what this is actually about. If it were really such a deadly virus, then millions of people would have been killed by these moronic measures that have been in place for months. But the opposite is the case (we even have an under-mortality rate). However, this is not because of the measures, but because a normal flu epidemic, which occurs every year in the fall/winter, makes people fall ill and sometimes even causes deaths (as in the winter of 2017). So if it's not about health, what is it about? If the so-called politicians don't (want to or can't) know, then who does? You can only guess who or what is behind it. I don't want to speculate here, but the corrupt and bought media are largely to blame for this disgusting and perfidious situation. The whole "game" only works because the media and publishers bring this disgusting propaganda closer to the people and many believe what they are told. I am sometimes shocked at how halfway intelligent people believe this propaganda garbage and pass on what they see and hear every day, it's incredible. Now the question is, how do we get out of this situation? The judiciary is completely "bought" and paralyzed. The so-called politicians are also "bought" or controlled. In my opinion, Dr. Füllmich is not getting anywhere either. The media are also "bought" and controlled. So what can we do? In my opinion, there is only one way to put an end to this perfidious and disgusting propaganda and that is to refuse to pay fees to the public state broadcasters or to reduce these compulsory fees to EUR 1 per month. The two private propaganda channels Welt (Springer Verlag) and ntv (Bertelsmann) only have the option of reducing their advertising revenue by boycotting the products of their respective advertising partners. This also worked well at the time with the Brent Spar oil platform, which was to be sunk. By calling for a boycott to stop filling up with Shell, the oil company finally caved in and stopped the campaign. A complete success. Nobody knows how long something like this (.....) can last. But it's an idea that I think would work if it spreads quickly. In my opinion, the compulsory fees to the public state broadcasters are unconstitutional anyway, even if the Federal Administrative Court, which is also under political control, has decided otherwise.

  3. Dear Mr. Löcke, dear Mr. Langemann.

    Thank you for this enlightening text. Thank you for your platform and support in these dark days. May we receive justice, whether from this world or another.

  4. I don't have to understand everything... and the post above is one of the things I don't understand. First (and not unfounded) reference is made to Mr. Kretschmann's questionable past and its possible influence on the present - and then comes a fairy tale about an imaginary bishop and an alleged statement that was certainly not made by a bishop. As a spasmodic reference to Kretschmann, the two then appear together in the Word on Sunday.
    What do you have to have smoked to come up with such a crude text? Is the herb that is soon to be legalized enough or do you need something harder?

    1. Hello Mr. Urlritsch (?) or Mr. Nickname,
      Thank you for being here and for your criticism. Explaining parables and metaphors is like explaining the punch line of a joke. The situation is unpleasant or even embarrassing for both sides.
      Regarding your questions: I smoked the last herb semi-legally in a Dutch coffee shop during the DM era. Although, unlike a former American president, I inhaled, that should have worn off three decades later. I like to drink a Veterano, but a "Reserva" with 36 revolutions, not the adulterated version with only 30 percent. The focus is on enjoyment, not delirium. This crude text was only written under caffeine.

    2. Hello Mr./Mrs. Ulritsch,
      I don't think you've understood the story, and you obviously lack a sense of humor.
      Best regards

    3. Dear U.,
      Apparently we agree on the Mao fan K.. Nice. I think you can see the confusion in the official church from the fact that the ministers have not understood what they have done by marginalizing the minority (?) in their congregations. Why hasn't anyone thought of celebrating at least some services outdoors, all together? Instead, we hear of unbelievable, aggressive smear campaigns, even from the ranks of the laity. Have none of them ever heard or read the most basic texts from the Bible? This must have been what the beginning of the Inquisition felt like. Is poor Bhakdi soon to be burned at the stake?

    4. Crude... The new magic word of the proponents. Comes back to me with every second criticism.
      Come up with something new.

  5. I have often mentioned this parable of Jesus and the encounter with the leper to friends.
    The conversion to the current coronavirus era has been a perfect success.
    But the Pharisees will continue to try to stay in power and make vaccination palatable to us, or try to force us into it!

  6. Thank you very much!

    One of the tasks is also to keep your zest for life and not let yourself lose your cool - that's how I see it.
    The topic is highly emotional, let's remain rational and respectful, that's the superior strategy in the long run.

  7. Thank you for this wonderful column!
    Where does Mr. Kretschmann get his motivation for his p(l)andemic statements? I don't know, I can only guess. One thing is certain - it is not a useful intention for people. It is even contrary to humanity to the highest degree. Despite his age and hair color, he is definitely not a wise man!

  8. I never thought I would ever quote Franz Josef Strauss. It has come to this: Franz Josef Strauss on the politics of fear : "Whoever confuses people, Whoever puts them in uncertainty, excitement and fear without reason, is doing the devil's work." Also available on youtube:
    And another thing, while we're on the subject of God and faith. I was surprised that the Pope has not yet really intervened when God's order is being disrupted and restructured in such a way and some people have the audacity to set up their own plan for God: And promptly comes the statement from our dear media: "Cardinal Müller once again spreads corona conspiracy myths
    Cardinal Müller is one of the highest judges of the Vatican Court. Now the former bishop of Regensburg has once again attracted attention with conspiracy myths and statements against the coronavirus measures - and not for the first time." Our father, so loving and concerned about his flock, has also spoken out against the cardinal. According to the Donaukurier newspaper, Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder has criticized the recent statements made by emeritus Curia Cardinal Gerhard Müller. Müller had told the St. Boniface Institute in Austria that the coronavirus pandemic was being used to "bring people into line" and subject them to "total control". Söder explained that "as far as I have read" - Pope Francis has also been vaccinated against coronavirus. His bishops and cardinals should also follow suit. Here is a source of reports that are well worth reading:
    According to the Donaukurier newspaper, Bavaria's Minister-President Markus Söder has criticized the recent statements made by emeritus curia cardinal Gerhard Müller. Müller had told the St. Boniface Institute in Austria that the coronavirus pandemic was being used to "bring people into line" and subject them to "total control". Söder explained that "as far as I have read" - Pope Francis has also been vaccinated against coronavirus. His bishops and cardinals should also follow suit. ..... The Inquisition sends its regards. 1TP5My opinion is not important

    1. Cicero, Ovid and Seneca
      sad in exile, or to put it in a modified form based on Karl Valentin: In a foreign country, the foreigner is always a stranger.

  9. Anyone who, like Kretschmann in his early twenties, in the seventies, was close to Mao, the worst mass murderer and torturer of human beings the world has ever seen, I would like to deny him an internalized democratic attitude. Somehow I don't really find his statements, his brutal discrimination against those who think differently, his continued disregard for basic rights, especially those of the weakest members of our society, surprising.
    It is actually surprising that voters with the highest average level of education vote for a party whose front ranks repeatedly include legendarily overburdened functionaries.
    But I was one of them myself; environmental and peace policy was more important to me than anything else. With fracked gas from the USA and the botched foreign policy towards Russia, there is nothing left of it. Even the war in Yugoslavia was a signal that we should have reacted to. The civil rights policy that was once lived out of resistance has been forgotten by the government. Habeck sees China (here he is again, Mao) as a guideline for governing through. Governing through - you have to let it melt in your mouth - was also one of Mrs. Merkel's words.
    The churches, but also Malteser, Johanniter, DRK, Caritas, Diakonie all at the forefront of Corona. All the do-gooders are oblivious, not really good, but only easily manipulated by a small, not so good minority in their ranks, i.e. dealing with child abuse in the Protestant and Catholic churches or in children's homes and in the vicinity of youth welfare offices?
    The churches will empty, many will not forget the doors that are closed to them. We hear that the orthodox churches are growing in popularity. Free churches and the anthroposophical Christian communities are taking different paths. Are the bishops of the official churches with their big cars and fine residences still authentic shepherds of their congregations? I think people will be able to see that and increasingly want to.

    1. Dear Dr. Wessel,

      The German Red Cross in particular, for me always a symbol of seriousness, recently took a sharp turn when truckers were vaccinated by a mobile DRK team at a highway service station on the A7. According to the motto: Shut and drive... Can it get ANY more (un)serious?

  10. Thank you very much for such a well-written article. It gives us courage! And we always need it when we "go for a walk" on Mondays at 6pm and there are more and more of us! There are even vaccinated people who no longer want to have the 3rd and 4th and umpteenth vaccination!

      1. dear monika,
        I can understand this wish all too well.
        i wish you may find a valuable companion.
        the little poem about the tracks in the sand comes to mind.
        Among other things, it says ..." where you have only seen a trace, I have carried you."
        perhaps we walk secure in this awareness of not being alone.

        all the best to you

  11. New denomination: The Corona Witnesses
    They wouldn't even let Jesus into the church service as a converted man.
    What were the words of Kretschmann in a talk show?
    When the *stuff is there and everyone has been stamped, the SPUUK is OVER!
    (See Gibraltar, 100% ge*mft, incidence 1,200?
    What I find frightening is how the majority of "conspiracy theories" are gradually coming true.

  12. Anyone who is against compulsory vaccination (i.e. anyone who has not been vaccinated or forced to be vaccinated en masse, i.e. anyone who is normal) could emigrate to Portugal.
    This is recommended because it is almost certain that no compulsory vaccination will be introduced there, as the vaccination rate is around 95%.
    But not too many (non-vaccinated) people should emigrate, because the country has only about 10 million inhabitants and the vaccination rate would then fall rapidly...

  13. At the time, it also seemed impossible to escape the inhumanities of the GDR regime.
    escape, maybe this time it is again
    necessary to take to the streets and
    rehearse ," WE ARE THE PEOPLE."

  14. Remakes of Bible stories are usually somewhat double-edged. This is also the case here. First of all, the biblical text is not a parable, but a healing story. An event from the life of Jesus is reported, whereby it doesn't matter whether you believe that the scene happened in reality or not: a parable doesn't even make this claim.
    What is remarkable about the story is that Jesus heals the man and then sends him to the priests to perform the purification rites. The text suggests that Jesus wanted to cover up the traces of his work (my interpretation).
    Your version has more in common with the parable (!) of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10.

  15. Unfortunately, once again only we will be licking our wounds with these well-chosen words. Or do we believe that some MP will start to think about it? Some time ago, I told the Bishop of Lower Saxony about my family's current suffering. So far there has been no response.
    In my opinion, it would be more important to think about what individuals can do to prevent a future "compulsory vaccination". With our legal system, which is currently collapsing, there would be practically no protection against the encroaching state. If they can wave everything through, from heavy fines to withdrawal of the FE and even "preventive detention" (what a disgusting word in 21st century Germany), the only last resort at some point will be vaccination, or does someone see it differently?

    1. The legal system is collapsing, yes. The separation of powers has not worked for a long time. I've been aware of blatant cases for thirty years. In 1981, I had a D plate on my ancient rusty Mercedes with a Chiquita sticker in the middle. So nothing new. What is new is the invasiveness, now it's not just about money, now it's quite obviously about civil rights and physical integrity, a completely unbounded subjugation is demanded, not far removed from serfdom. Throughout history, feudal rule has repeatedly laid claim to the property and life and limb of the originally free, only today we can read and write, inform ourselves, we can defend ourselves if we want to. I believe that we are not allowed to resign ourselves and that our task of protecting our descendants from lack of freedom and arbitrariness should be motivation enough for us to try everything, and non-violently, to resist this undesirable development.
      Audaces fortuna iuvat! You can google it.

    2. I'll even accept detention. And since I will be the only one to do so, they will certainly not be able to avoid setting up camps.

  16. Is there any better way to express the madness and absurdity in this country? Fantastic! Thank you very much, Mr. Löck!

  17. At the moment, there is little hope that such politicians can be stopped, and from today's perspective, certainly not domestically. But they must expect that one day they will have to take responsibility for their actions. The court in The Hague will then be responsible for such cases.

  18. They preach water and almost drown in wine themselves. None of these politically self-appointed prophets actually know what they are talking about. They follow the valid political agenda of "follow the media and there will be peace and quiet in your own vita". This is the only way to secure the best places at the people's feeding bowl. We don't need new politicians, we need new media. The true rulers of this world have quickly realized that the control and management of information defines true power. They use it to sell us everything. Health, fear, war and much more at an "acceptable" price.

  19. When I introduce myself to someone and have to clarify the not-so-common first name, which is often misunderstood as "Wilfried" at first, I always regret that Winnie Schäfer has been working for clubs abroad for over 20 years and is no longer suitable as an example in this country due to the loss of familiarity. So Mr. Kretschmann comes to the well-deserved honour of being named as an example of a person from whom I must distance myself and who is absolutely embarrassing to me as a first-name cousin!

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