

The death of Europe and the birth of a new order

"Putin's imperial madness": In the West, experts, journalists and politicians are unanimous when it comes to the causes of the conflict in Ukraine. But a look outside the box quickly reveals that analysts in the Global South come to a different conclusion. It can be refreshing for the mind to follow the eyes and thoughts of someone who has his home in Estelí, Nicaragua, when looking at the Ukraine crisis.
by Augusto Zamora Rodríguez
Ukraine - a geopolitical conflict

Fortunately, there is no Nobel Prize for human stupidity, because it would be impossible to award given the abundance of candidates, starting with European rulers. 
The Ukraine issue (we refuse to call it an invasion or a war, although technically it can be both) is not at all what the Western media are spasmodically claiming. Russia has no intention of annexing Ukraine, nor has it launched a war of conquest, and it is certainly not the result of an imperial mania for lost greatness.
It is a geopolitical conflict in the truest sense of the word. Geopolitical in the 19th century sense, a battle for power and interests, because there is no conflict of ideologies, no battle of systems, even if the usual mercenaries and fools - who are unfortunately not a dying breed - blather on about it. 

It is the old battle between the world that wants to be born and the world that refuses to die (as the communist Antonio Gramsci is said to have said), provoked by NATO's refusal to stop expanding towards Russia. Because that and nothing else is the reason for the military action: to gain security for Russia, which the European Union/NATO refuses to do, suggesting that they are sticking to their expansionist policy.
It is claimed, repeated and emphasized again and again that truth dies first in conflicts of this magnitude. We disagree. We believe that intelligence is the first to die. Because you have to be ignorant, simple-minded, stupid and so on to believe that Russia attacked Ukraine because of banalities such as delusions of grandeur or imperial love affairs, as in a novel by Corín Tellado. Nothing of the sort.

Wars are expensive, very expensive, and their outcome depends, as Thucydides said, on the money you have at your disposal. Vladimir Putin is not a brainless man, as they would like to portray him. He is even less of an adventurer than Crassus, the Roman billionaire who, in order to outdo Caesar and Pompey, financed a war against the Parthians, whereupon the Parthians beheaded him and crushed his 30,000 soldiers (hence the expression "craso error", big mistake).

Ukraine is a pawn, especially on the global chessboard (to get a Zbigniew Brzeziński's expression The world's most important political arena is the one on which the distribution of power will be played out over the next few decades, if we get there at all.

The USA's strategy in the triangle of powers 

We explain. There are currently three major players - Russia, the USA and China - who are divided into two camps. In one corner, like in a boxing ring, the alliance between China and Russia, in the other the USA. This is not an invention of ours. Those who say this and repeat it ad nauseam are the USA and its European henhouse. Since only the rags invent conflicts when it comes to geostrategic issues, we quote official US documents, to which we also provide the source link for those who want to satisfy their curiosity.

First of all, it should be said that in the USA, the government and Congress are kind enough to publish such documents after initial censorship, in such a way that those who don't want to know don't even notice. But they are there (in English, of course) and are available to the public, which is usually frighteningly small. These documents make it possible today to bring a drop of truth into the orgy of manipulation and disinformation that is taking place in this ignorant European henhouse.

Let's start with the most important document, entitled "National Defense Strategy" (National Defense Strategy), from 2018, which still sets the rules to this day:

Interstate strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the most important national security concern of the United States. The long-term strategic competition with China and Russia is a top priority for the [Defense] Department and requires greater and sustained investment because of the magnitude of the threats they currently pose to the security and prosperity of the United States and the possibility that those threats will increase in the future.”

To address this "long-term strategic competition", the Pentagon set out the following objectives alongside a comprehensive list of measures and actions.

Regarding China: "Strengthen alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific to create an interconnected security architecture capable of deterring aggression, maintaining stability and ensuring open access to shared territories."

As for Russia: "Strengthen the transatlantic alliance of NATO. A strong and free Europe, united by the common principles of democracy, national sovereignty and commitment to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, is essential for our security."

  (Article 5 regulates the case of alliance; an attack on one country is regarded as an attack on all countries).

To summarize: Since 2018, the US has been working on forming a bracket around Russia and China, the main pillars of which are their military and political alliances. In this way, NATO is to form the Atlantic front of the US army, while the USA and its allies - above all Japan - are responsible for the Pacific front.

The coming world war will be nuclear

The whole US strategy, really the whole strategy, is based on the concept of two war fronts and follows its policy during the Second World War, when the US refused to open a front in Western Europe because it wanted to use all its power against Japan (for this reason the Normandy landings had to wait until June 1944).

This concept is the result of a fact admitted in official US documents. As stated in the document "Providing for the Common Defense" (Be prepared for the common defense), also from 2018:

The military superiority of the United States - the backbone of its global influence and national security - has eroded to a dangerous degree. (...) The ability of the United States to defend its allies, its partners, and its own vital interests is increasingly in question. If the nation does not act quickly to change these circumstances, the consequences will be severe and long-lasting."

In other words, the US knows that it does not have the military capacity to stand up to the Russian-Chinese alliance. For this reason, the backbone of Washington's strategy is to bring together the maximum number of alliances and allies. In the "National Defense Strategy" This is expressed as follows: "Mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships are crucial to our strategy, as they offer a lasting, asymmetric strategic advantage that no competitor or rival can match."

In addition to our main alliances, we will also continue to build collaborations around the world. forcebecause our strength is multiplied when we combine our efforts to share costs and widen the circle of cooperation. In doing so, we recognize that our vital national interests demand closer ties with the Indo-Pacific, Europe and the Western Hemisphere.”

To summarize: Knowing in the US that they can't do it alone, they are eagerly recruiting countries willing to spend a sizable portion of their budget to make up for US inferiority and, when the time comes, serve as cannon fodder in the coming war against Russia and China.

This would explain the refusal to negotiate with Russia on security issues, because it was not about the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, but about using Ukraine as a trap for the European chicken coop to blindly and en masse assume its role as the Atlantic flank of the US.

The goal, we admit, has been achieved, and now the European henhouse will do what the US wants: arm itself against Russia and prepare for the coming war. Only this war will not be conventional.

It will be nuclear. Anyone who believes otherwise has no idea of the interests at play here.

EU and NATO on the Atlantic front 

It is within this framework that the keys to understanding the political and geopolitical movements in the world today must be sought. Those who do not imagine it or do not know it can only spout a series of nonsense cultivated in ignorance, fanaticism and lack of understanding, a lot of lack of understanding.

This described framework makes it clear, for example, that the US is leaving the entire burden - politically, militarily and economically - of the Ukraine crisis to the Atlantic front for the simple reason that it does not want to divert resources from its Pacific front, the toughest, most difficult and most costly. The EU and NATO will therefore have to engage in an arms race with Russia, as Donald Trump has already demanded as US President.

Atlantic Europe accepted this role without complaint, without measuring the costs, informing its citizens or calculating the price it would pay in its role as a subordinate chicken coop. At no time did any European government ever consider such a possibility. This is where the myth of a "brain-dead" NATO needs to be dispelled.

NATO was expanded further instead. Albania and Croatia joined in 2009 and Montenegro in 2017. Only mercenarism and stupidity have been able to maintain this fiction.

After all, the Ukraine conflict escalated precisely because of NATO's refusal to accept a neutral Ukraine. They want the country in NATO, and they are sticking to this obsession. Moreover, the dominance of the USA was already evident years ago when the henhouse obediently accepted to bury the projects of a European army and the creation of a common foreign and security policy independent of the USA.

Is Russia alone in this war? 

The other myth of the henhouse is the supposed loneliness of Russia. You have to be blind, stupid or on the take to advocate such a fallacy. First of all, Russia has the support of China and India. These are not just words, but these two countries carry more weight than the whole henhouse put together.

Outside the bubble of the henhouse, the world is better informed than the chickens, and the global web of relationships is so complex that it is difficult for rusty Atlantic neurons to digest.

China needs Russia for many reasons, from vital geostrategic issues to the New Silk Road and energy issues. India needs Russia for its disputes and jealousies with China, in addition to the fact that 75 percent of its weapons come from Russia.

The list could go on, but that is not necessary. Anyone who takes the trouble to examine the positions of the world's governments will notice that almost none of them want to get involved. They know what the USA is and they know what NATO is. They know who is causing the Ukraine crisis.

The henhouse throws itself into battle against Russia like an army of trolls from "The Lord of the Rings", with a pathological rage that gives free rein to its destructive ethos, and that's a good thing. You have to know who your friends are and who your enemies are. There will be no doubt in Moscow, if there ever was, that an understanding with the Atlanticists is not possible.

The chicken coop of trolls and puppets with its anti-Russian venom accelerated the fragmentation of the world into blocs and also brought about the political death of Europe. It will no longer be Europe, even if it seems so and remains marked on the maps. Europe will essentially be the Atlantic front of the US army, waiting for the US to order its destruction.

The birth pangs of a new world

We are witnessing live, directly and in full deformation the division of the world and the birth of a new world in which the chicken coop will be irrelevant as business will be conducted between China, Russia and the US. Nothing will close the rift that has been torn open, even if relations normalize, it will be the normality of funerals. The European peninsula will be more of a peninsula than ever, because its link to Asia is - was - Russia. Without Russia, all they have left is the Atlantic.

Another benefit for Russia and China is that the Atlantic chicken coop revealed its strategy. It is so similar to the one applied to Germany in 1918 that it is time to calculate what a bunker would cost. The difference is that Russia is not Germany. The opposite is true: Russia has everything from unlimited energy to inexhaustible agricultural resources.

And nuclear weapons. Putin ordered them to be put on alert to remind the arrogant occupants of the henhouse. Those who in a few years, like the Ukrainians today, will serve as cannon fodder for the greater glory of an empire that will cease to be an empire in those same few years. And when that is over, Russia will still be there, and the time will come to give an account.

Anger and compassion for the Ukrainian people who are being used as cannon fodder in the name of blind and absurd US strategic calculations. And traitors are the governments that put them in today's tragic situation, when their first duty should have been to ensure their well-being and peace.

Thousands of Ukrainians are fighting, without knowing it, in a war that is not theirs, provoked by a power that did not hesitate to leave them alone. The henhouse should be aware of this, but what an illusion: the chickens don't think.

Make a note of that. Russia will not leave Ukraine until it declares itself a neutral country. The Ukrainian government has accepted to negotiate with Russia. Not an intelligent idea, but an unavoidable one. Whether it takes longer or shorter, if there is no agreement, Russian tanks will arrive on the Maidan.

The arsonist in the henhouse

We end this article, which has become longer than planned, with the following comments:

The US often talks about humanity, justice and morality, but in reality it is all about interests. Washington's strategic selfishness and hypocrisy have been openly demonstrated time and again in the practice of its international policy. According to reports, at least 37 million people have been displaced in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya and Syria as a direct result of the wars waged by the US since September 11, 2001.”

When a CountryHowever powerful it may be, pursuing only its own interests, fanning flames everywhere and constantly exporting chaos to other countries, it is inevitable that its credibility will crumble and its hegemony will come to an end.”

For countries and regions that still have fantasies or act as stooges of the US, the Ukraine crisis is a good reminder: a 'partner' who only announces 'good news' when you are in trouble is not to be trusted.”

This comes from an editorial in the Global Times of the Chinese Communist Party. Don't neglect that. Nor that the crisis in Ukraine is sending a message: A peaceful settlement with the US and its henhouse is out of the question. Therefore, the only way to counter the hegemonic claims of the USA is war.

China has its Ukrainian counterpart. It's called Taiwan, the giant land-based US aircraft carrier just 230 kilometers from the Chinese mainland. If it is unwise to touch the paws of the bear, it is suicidal to do so simultaneously with the dragon and the bear.

But there is more. Atlantic viciousness encouraged former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to call for nuclear cooperation between Japan and the United States, citing the Ukraine crisis. The Global Times reacted immediately in an editorial:

The US is aware of the right-wing movement in Japan, but sees the country as the most important lever for containing China in East Asia. Therefore, it is increasingly becoming a priority for Washington to use Japan for this purpose. This allows Japan's right-wing politicians to see an opportunity and take full advantage of it to loosen the strategic shackles that have bound them for nearly 80 years. Nuclear capability is likely to be their ultimate goal in doing so.”

Game over.

The headlessness of roasted chickens  

Do you take the hint, or do you remain stupidly immersed in the toxic cloud of information? The US wants Japan to be to China what Germany will be to Russia from now on, and we know how these countries ended up in the Second World War.

In short, we are talking about pure and hard geopolitics and a game that is bigger than people realize.

Chickens don't play along. They sacrifice themselves to make soup out of them or this cholesterol-infested gringo recipe "fried chicken". Welcome to the threshold of the first great war of the 21st century. Enjoy the chicken.

Translated from the Spanish by Olga Espín. Augusto Zamora Rodríguez is the author of "Política y geopolítica para rebeldes, irreverentes y escépticos" (3rd edition, 2018); "Réquiem polifónico por Occidente" (2018) and "Malditos libertadores" (2nd edition 2020). Augusto Zamora Rodríguez was Professor of International Law and International Relations at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, lecturer at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua and visiting professor at various universities in Europe and Latin America. 

Zamora was Nicaragua's ambassador to Spain. From 1979 to 1990, he was Legal Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a member of the Nicaraguan negotiating team in the Contadora and Esquipulas peace processes, from the beginning until the electoral defeat of Sandinismo; he represented Nicaragua in the proceedings against the USA before the International Court of Justice over the Contra War and took part in numerous diplomatic missions.

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76 Responses

  1. Joel Kotkin has written an interesting book about the five global tribes: "TRIBES". In it, he describes which tribes are competing on a global level. And as long as there are tribal competitions, hardly anything will change in world history, precisely because each tribe only thinks of itself. That has always been the basis of every war. Now it has become global. The two world wars were bad enough, but whether man is capable of surviving a global war remains to be seen. Man's life on earth is played out between two parameters, namely tribal manipulation and the inadmissibility of the individual person. Our endeavor should be to reduce the magnitude of these parameters by increasing devotion to education and love. Identifying a scapegoat for human imperfections will continue to be fruitless. The universe is to be understood as an energy structure, which is why Albert Einstein gave us the explanation E=MC squared. Man himself represents a universe, which can be expressed in the formula DNA(D+E+L)=BOX. The DNA represents the visible energy, while the brackets represent the invisible forms of energy that are present in every human being (BOX) as Dedication (D), Education (E) and Love (L). Now it is up to each individual to focus on this form of energy instead of being distracted from the human energy by expressions such as race, religion and gender. That would take the wind out of the sails of the tribal manipulators. As long as we live in tribes, there will always be wars. We have to find a common denominator for the human entity (BOX) in order to learn to value each other as components of the universe and to be able to live in peace.

  2. It's like this:
    - Over the decades, we have allowed ourselves to be lulled to sleep by Putin and his Russia.
    - Over the years, we have believed that trade creates change and have repeatedly denied Ukraine EU accession and NATO membership out of consideration for Russia.
    - In doing so, we showed weakness towards Putin. He was able to take Crimea without any major consequences. He was able to let Russian warplanes repeatedly invade Swedish (neutral) airspace without any consequences. Russian warships were able to invade American waters and prevent American fishermen from fishing in their own waters without any intervention by the US Coast Guard ... (see Alaska - Bering Strait). All this without any serious reaction from the "West". In other words, weakness shown by "the West".
    - Independent sovereign states have the right to decide for themselves who they want to join. This is how Estonia. Lithuania and Latvia opted for NATO, as did Albania. Whether this suits Russia or anyone else or not, it is their right. And Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians and Poles have their own experiences with Russia (previously the Soviet Union - and the Russians were the largest nation there). The "global South" does not have this experience with Russia.
    - Putin's Russia invaded Ukraine and marched in with the aim of subjugating Ukraine. He was able to do this because Ukraine does not enjoy the protection of NATO and we have shown weakness over all these decades.
    - The "brother nation of the Ukrainians" probably no longer wants to be the "brother nation of the Russians" when it is being invaded by them.
    - Putin started this war, he can also end it at any time (i.e. immediately) and withdraw his troops from Ukraine.
    - Putin's threats are counterproductive for him and his Russia.
    - The consequences of the war started and continued by Putin are not only the sanctions against him and Russia. The consequences are also the applications and requests for membership of the EU and NATO from Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. The consequences are also the upcoming NATO memberships of Sweden and Finland. Ultimately, the "West" is moving closer to Russia.
    Putin himself is responsible for this, no one else! He alone is responsible for these consequences for himself and "his" Russia!

    1. The main article by Augusto Zamora Rodríguez describes precisely such opportune post-giggling. "Putin is to blame, Putin is to blame...!!!"

      No, he did not! Only the hegemonic policy of the USA. And the arrogant stupidity of the sgg. EU. A Europe that has not even learned from two world wars that WEAPONS are NEVER an alternative in political dealings. Unlike Putin, it has also failed to learn that sustainable GLOBAL partnerships are an indispensable prerequisite for dealing with one's own neighbors in a proper manner (in line with the values of the Enlightenment). And ultimately did not even realize that the USA is only closest to ITSELF when its past (and possibly future) president hammered it into the world's brains in eternal staccato: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN //AMERICA FIRST.

      We could have known better for 77 years. That THE RUSSIANS are precisely NOT - and certainly not UNCONDITIONALLY and to the point of total annihilation - our enemy. Instead, we have allowed ourselves to be decultivated by the USA in the most spineless way for decades. Harnessed to the cart of purely American desires for conquest and domination. Expending ourselves to the point of self-destruction in order to carry ever larger clubs into battle like our primeval ancestors.

      * * * * *

      If Mother Nature were fair, she would give us fools back our full-body hair after the indescribable decline in usable body mass. And let us slink through our learning resistance on four paws again.

    2. Do you seriously believe in what you are saying here? The article describes exactly what you are doing here....... The henhouse sends its regards....

  3. What is presented here as Rodriguez's point of view is exactly what Putin lied to his people about. For example, you can't call war war, otherwise 15 years in prison. Incidentally, the last Holocaust survivors in Ukraine who escaped Hitler and Stalin are now being killed by Putin during denazification.

    1. to "Dieter"
      You are either writing out of ignorance or total stupidity:
      1. you won't get 15 years in prison in RU if you call a war a war. Using the word Тюрьма is not forbidden. Check for yourself.
      2. if you mean the Special Military Operation RUs in the DPR (DNR), LPR or LNR/ LSN and the UA, the same applies. Details here: https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2022/darf-man-in-russland-vom-krieg-sprechen/
      3. to put Hitler and Stalin on the same level shows an enormous ignorance of history. To accuse Stalin of murderous acts, such as those committed by the German Reich against Jews, is absurd. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Autonomous_Oblast
      4. "Putin" kills "Holocaust survivors"??? Any evidence for this nonsense?
      5. side note: The greatest victims under the terror of the 1000-year Reich were not the Jews, with an estimated 6 million brutally murdered, but the citizens of the Soviet Union, including many from the Ukraine, with an estimated 25 - 27 million victims.

  4. Putin has forbidden the Russian people to call his war a war. Mr. Rodriguez abides by this and the rest of the hate-filled text seems to have been dictated to him by Lavrov.

    1. Exposing "stop the thief" rhetoric. Who was Putin's teacher, who reinterpreted wars as "peace-building operations", who spent years building wells and girls' schools in Afghanistan, who defended his security in the Hindu Kush?
      This hypocrisy and double standard are simply unbearable.

  5. There have always been wars

    As a simple person and part of a community of a country,
    it is basically almost impossible to fathom,
    which of the self-appointed country/community elites
    which pursue domestic and foreign policy goals.
    One thing is certain,
    that war is always and everywhere
    Meaning destruction, suffering, misery and death
    and that usually mainly and sometimes exclusively
    the simple, peaceful people who are not members of or close to the self-appointed elites,
    bear the costs and consequences of the wars of others.

    One thing is also certain,
    that it makes a serious difference,
    whether an aggressor must carry out his aggression with his own means and personal liability,
    or whether an aggressor has the means and opportunities,
    to pass on all costs to third parties and is not subject to any personal liability.

    Are the people,
    against which an aggressor acts or causes to be acted upon
    Furthermore, they are not entitled and/or not in a position to do so,
    to defend themselves against an aggressor - whatever the aggressor may be,
    the situation for the defenceless people affected by attacks by aggressors is worsening dramatically.

    in other words: how people in their own community/country treat each other,
    as well as how people from different communities/countries interact with each other,
    is only possible and can only be guaranteed as far as possible on a permanent basis,
    people the absolute respect
    accept the same rules for all (normatively the same rules apply to all) and
    so that everyone has the right,
    against any aggressor - no matter which one,
    in other words: against any attack on his exclusive right to his own body
    and all other owners acquired by him by peaceful means,
    to defend themselves or through authorized third parties.

    Every human being,
    who is willing,
    live his or her life peacefully, self-determined and independently
    to organize, shape and live,
    uses his knowledge and his skills and abilities to
    into peaceful cooperation (division of labor)
    with his fellow human beings
    and knows about the ethics of freedom
    and the peacemaking power
    freedom with absolute respect for other people's property.

    Without private property,
    without the exclusive right to their own body and
    without the same exclusive and binding right for all community members,
    to be allowed to acquire further owners exclusively by peaceful means
    (personal liability in the event of disregard and physical damage),
    which is only possible via
    original appropriation,
    voluntary exchange and
    Voluntary transfer
    is possible by peaceful means,
    and without the law,
    to defend and protect his property from aggressors of any kind,
    self-realization is not possible.

    A lot would already have been gained,
    if the vast majority of the people living in this community/country
    living people/community members,
    would fundamentally reject aggression against their fellow human beings.

    Peaceful coexistence
    begins with each individual.

    Best regards
    G. Schmidt

  6. This is all(!) stupid stuff! It starts with Crassus and ends with the "military weakness" of the USA and the alleged new giants India/China: the US/Russia arms budget is 10/1.
    The USA maintains around 10 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers on the world's oceans! China/Russia have only 1 each, but nowhere near this quality.
    The morbid obsessive repetitions of "chicken coop Europe" are annoying! The author clearly suffers from the fact that his country Nicaragua - and the rest of Latin America - has been part of the "backyard of the USA" for 200 years.
    And this "new Silk Road" is also just meaningless Chinese/Russian frills!
    By the way: our Bundeswehr is pretty good! It's a good trick to spread the word at home and abroad that everything is ailing and nothing works!
    Rheinmetall supplies military high-tech!!!

    1. Stupid stuff? ...probably comes from you. The USA obviously intends to lead the Europeans into open aggression against Russia. Russia cannot be defeated. An attack on Russia - despite NATO's military superiority - would mean the downfall of Europe.

      1. There are many development opportunities and Russia cannot dictate to Europe, that has never worked. It is illogical that if NATO is superior, Europe will go under. They are Russia's friend. If America had not entered the Second World War, Russia would have been lost.

        1. It's obvious that Ukraine is being burned. Sorry - and this war propaganda with great 3D animations - to order weapons - really sad. If everyone doesn't wake up now and a diplomatic solution is sought, nobody will be surprised later!

      2. I would agree with that too! Unfortunately, people don't see it and we are blindly walking into ruin. Everyone should go on strike - the fact that we are also helping to finance this madness with our economic power is bitter!

    2. Dear Mr. Schober,
      I'm not so sure that this is all nonsense. Just looking at arms spending shows that it is difficult to make an assessment without considering the underlying structures. In the USA, the arms industry is profit-driven and literally sucks the national budget dry. A stealth fighter bomber for over 100 million dollars, or 13 billion for an aircraft carrier plus 10 billion for the aircraft on it. This is considerably cheaper in Russia because the arms industry there is tightly controlled by government agencies.
      The question of whether aircraft carriers still make sense in the age of hypersonic missiles is probably not so easy to answer. In any case, in the event of an open war, I would prefer not to be on an aircraft carrier that is being attacked by many missiles from different directions at the same time. LG H.W..

  7. The European political elite, a chicken coop in its entirety? A hen-in-chief "hatched" by von der Leyen at the Bilderberg meeting? Yes, of course. The leadership of the EU in the service of non-European interest groups, conceivable. All the more so because it is not democratically legitimized. Whenever politics becomes completely illogical, the lies are at their biggest and we should take another look at it from a different perspective. In the last two years, the EU has lost the most of the relevant centers of power in the world. The expansion of the Urkraine crisis into a hot military conflict and an economic war will push the EU to its limits, perhaps even beyond them. Continental Europe will be in serious trouble and, if Ms Baerbock has her way, may even become a party to the war. This time, young women would also be conscripted into military service, called soldiers.

  8. Aha, so the Russian attack on Ukraine with tens of thousands of dead is the "Ukraine question". What disgusting nonsense from this author.

  9. Yes, I agree, these are the birth pangs of a new era! The problem is that the vast majority of us are still commenting in the old way with very clever and accurate analyses, but what good is it to know which villain can now be blamed for what exactly? More and more often, I find myself wishing for an almost outrageous and collectively unprecedented mental leap into the meta-level to solve this unimaginably crazy situation:
    What if you were to shift your thinking from the political to the energetic level? (I know that in other forums the little calf-biters would now let me off the chain to defame me as an "esoteric aluhutnazi denier") We know from quantum physics that the atomic nucleus consists of more than 99% of interstitial space and not of matter. Ergo, strictly speaking, every solid body is not matter, but merely an energy field. And matter has been scientifically proven to be an illusion! The new question from this: Who directs these energy fields, how does the "human energy field" behave, and how can entire collectives of human energy fields be directed in such a way that the earth finds its way back to its archaic beauty and purity? Through hundreds of Elon Musk's satellites? Probably not! What if more and more truly free, courageous and creative people around the globe simply do what the Earth really needs? Stop feeding the madness? Withdraw themselves from this "slapstick death torture" and become a creator of the new Zeitlater instead? Can I really be happy as a "human energy field" if I have to consciously inflict suffering on others just to be "powerful"? We ourselves are the creators of the future. Let's create something new every day that takes the ground out from under the miserable warmongering. Let's become courageous and really do what we think, just do what is needed right now. Even if we may experience disadvantages in the "old world" as a result. Courage as a pure form of energy is the only really existing vehicle into the "new world"!
    Addendum for the clever ones: Do you realize how we have been led around by the nose for years? Do you actually know that the word "violence" (instead of abuse of violence) castrates us all in the most embarrassing way, because we don't want to use "violence". "Violence" is in its root a neutral word, it lies with the administrator or manage, you create, care and take care of something so that it works out well. So let's activate all our power and not allow ourselves to be "occupied by others" in our thoughts and minds. Instead, let's do what we can't stop doing. Humans are pure beings of freedom! And not the slave of a completely insane old system!

    1. Hello Emil,

      . ..... discovered by chance and would like to leave you a comment.

      . . . In my view, an excellent comment. It's good when there are still people who have a similar way of thinking and, above all, go to such great lengths to find the right words and formulations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you.
      Best regards Ilona

      P. S.
      I am also someone who is interested in many things. Also like to be up to date.
      Probably discovered by chance :))

  10. Very good article, thank you.
    Question for me though:
    How do you reconcile this article with the anti-Russian agitation of Mr. Maaßen, to whom you offer a forum on this blog?

  11. Muchas Gracias Profesor Augusto, I have been waiting a long time for this differentiated summary. Reality brought into perspective. As a contemporary witness, politically at least since 2001 in critical questioning of the explicit global political polarization, the series of strategically waged resource wars in the NATO alliance, the expulsion and uprooting of entire cultural states, refugee misery of unbearable proportions because containers are not a humane permanent residence.
    The players and their objectives are clearly described here. Ukraine, as the most south-western part of Russia with borders to Central Europe, is historically a coveted gem, after all with 603,500 km2, a wheat chamber, a wealth of natural resources and access to the Black Sea, it is of central importance for the balance (geopolitically) of the entire region and the global commodities market.
    As with Corona on the core question: How does consensus work globally? Should government debt be about......???
    Example Germany : "It is enough for investors to know that the state can also borrow elsewhere. "
    Prof. Jens Boysen-Hogrefe
    In any case, Montaigne said: know about the terrible and hope that it doesn't happen!
    Thank you Mr. Langmann

  12. Thanks for the article!

    However, I find the use of the chicken coop to describe Europe's actions inappropriate: we should not insult these poor creatures who are kept and slaughtered by the millions in atrocious conditions. Chickens are not to blame for their fate, they are victims who deserve compassion, and whether they are as stupid as Europeans, I dare to doubt. Instead, Europe has chosen this fate itself, out of stupidity, ignorance, arrogance, cowardice, to be abused for the imperial interests of the USA. It does so in the belief that it will have a share in imperial power. An illusion. It is nothing but a collection of provinces of the empire, as it was under Rome.
    Europe has never come to terms with its colonial past, on the contrary, it has merely clothed it in a new guise, "modernized" it, it has never renounced its colonial claim over the rest of the world, in tow of the USA, but now Europe has finally, by choice, become a colony itself.

  13. ...now Russia has exactly what it didn't want: Nato troops directly on its western border...
    Suggest that Putin, Lavrov and their apparatus, including the KGB, now look for a property in Mariupol to move to (without supply contracts), but clear out the Kremlin completely and leave the White House in the Kremlin to refugees from Ukraine - Chechnya and Syria...

  14. What you forget is that the Imperial strategy is basically the same that every other side intends to use. The wild beasts do not differ from each other in the slightest. One side may enjoy a long period of supremacy and almost untouchability, but the subtlety and human sacrifices have always been the same barrel that each state plays in its own interests according to its share of power. That is why many smaller states rely on many alliances, why the big ones rely on big alliances with more weight and why the biggest of them all enforce a special position of power.
    No one is better than the other. What would happen to Russia? Sure, they want to get their hands on resources and exploitation. Nevertheless, the West would be in a much better position to build a more productive and prosperous society in cooperation with Russia's raw materials paradise. Whether it is necessary or not. The humiliations are only humiliations if you experience them because you want to sit on your own high horse.
    Stirring up opinion against one side while condemning the other for misdeeds is naive in this conflict-ridden world. Because no one has a better war to offer than war. No one fights for justice - everyone fights for their own interests.
    Despite all the bickering, what prevents a free country from choosing its allies? The regulatory interests of its neighbors? Hello? Imperial interests and imperial interests - security interests and security interests. What's the difference? Can I move your border fence and tell you how to live in your home?
    Today, one side may be trying to limit the damage in Ukraine, because that is what captures the hearts of the local people and is expedient, otherwise a lasting peace would not be possible. Yesterday, the same Russia waged a different war for similar interests.
    For the most part, the US didn't care because it was jwd and the destabilization brought more than it cost for its own interests.

    Anyone who wields nuclear weapons is a power. The interests of both sides only serve to maintain power and nothing else. Do these people really want to protect people? Then the smaller one should simply give in. A sell-out will have its limits, because enough oligarchs would have a solid base in the gigantic country, newcomers can invest, exploit, grab but only with the help of the local profiteers and only together with the local people. People will not (have to) be worse off in the long term. The government circles, perhaps. Some perpetrators of a regime, perhaps. Or they are valuable enough to be able to cooperate. Where is the problem?
    Did he also try, they say? Joining NATO, yes, but it just wasn't possible. That was not possible under the conditions. Total submission - no other choice. Break up and dissolve, otherwise conflict.

    Does anyone want to save the world? Why not refrain from threatening to destroy the world with nuclear weapons? That would be a signal for peace and would have a worldwide effect on peace structures. Europe's arms build-up could be discontinued and economic cooperation could be rethought. But that is not possible, not wanted - in a world of power vultures, everyone is his own neighbor.

    Moralizing towards a side with supremacy and ambitions to maintain it is a simple matter.
    To take a closer look at the underlying motivational structures of all those involved, the refusal to make peace, the attitude of not allowing oneself to be subjugated and the will to choose exodus in an emergency, that is the power attitude of all those involved.

    Those who have really tried to make peace and have almost forgotten how to wage war in Europe have been left out in the cold because they have to reinvest in the alliances because of the trial of strength.
    This waste of money and human lives can be stopped immediately: Russia only has to submit, accept the disadvantages, which are no more expensive than one or two perhaps three wars. In the medium and long term, the elimination of power interests would create more space for prosperous economies and more investment in exploration and progress. Not only socially, but also in the nature of cooperation.

    But which leaders of powerful states want to throw in the towel? When will any state apparatus consider doing so before its own people, economy, livelihoods and economic opportunities are completely exhausted?

    Yes, dreamy? Radiated? trolled? Sheep-man? Whatever the accusations, it is shameful that the critical view simply pours out in a one-sided apportionment of blame, which chalks up the blame to the person involved who has the initiative function in a conflict due to the nature of the existing supremacy.

    You could also think the other way around and that is precisely why both sides are equally guilty of every confrontation and every conflict. As it always is in power politics.

  15. There's no better way to put it in a nutshell! Cannon fodder for the Americans. Selensky already said, you're next. It's just a shame that he didn't realize in time that he was being taken for a ride!

  16. "Schools teach patriotism,
    Newspapers produce exciting sensations,
    Politicians fight for re-election.
    That's why all three can do nothing to save the human race."
    Bertrand Russell

  17. In these heated times, everything is coming up again. Under the guise of democracy, it is reappearing. Imperialism in its purest form. The perpetual struggle for power in the world. Except that the weapons no longer allow an open end. How much longer will the future last? We are not the first planet to burn up. For whatever reason.

  18. Thank you from the henhouse, or gak, gak, gak, because it reads quite Asian.
    That would be a fresh start - but for whom?
    Elon Musk has also sent some StarLink terminals to Ukraine at the request of an entertainment boxer.
    Irritating for me as a chicken.

  19. My appreciation to the author. I recommend that anyone who wants to find out more about US geopolitics should read the articles on this subject by Swiss historian and peace researcher Dr. Daniel Ganser. The unwillingness of the USA to recognize Russia's security interests, combined with the aim of initiating a confrontation between the chicken coop and Russia in order to hit Europe, especially Germany, economically (according to Georg Friedmann), which has now succeeded magnificently, has led to the current situation. We, the chicken coop, are now paying the bill that the USA is issuing with its geopolitics.

  20. Dear community,
    I can only agree with Mr. Rodriguez's statements to a limited extent. I may still largely agree with his statements on European geopolitics, which are hardly, if ever, not in Europe's best interests. I take a more differentiated view of his statements on Ukraine's accession to NATO. President Putin's desire to keep Nato out of Ukraine may be understandable. However, he does not have the right to impose his will on a sovereign country, let alone attack it, destroy it and kill thousands of people. Not even its own. A Russian missile positioned in Kaliningrad only needs 5 minutes to hit Berlin. According to this logic, can the
    NATO also have the "right" to attack Russian territory in order to protect itself? Above all, I would like to question the frequently used linguistic representation of Nato's expansion. Did Nato force the Eastern Europeans, the Baltic states, Poland etc. to join? No, they joined out of conviction. And for good reason. They still have the Soviet oppression well in their collective memory.
    Best regards, Manfred

    1. Just briefly: In civil law there is § 328 BGB, according to which contracts to the detriment of third parties are invalid. This is a legal principle that certainly also applies in international law. NATO invited all former Warsaw Pact states to join its alliance, and even if these states had asked NATO to do so, NATO would have had to reject this request with reference to its contractual obligations in the course of reunification. After all, the admissions to NATO were in fact all treaties at the expense of "Moscow"; at the time, it was a matter of respecting Russia's security interests. Without this deal, there would probably have been no reunification. Consequently, admission to NATO is a breach of contract with Russia, which in my view is not right but wrong. However, NATO and the USA have never cared about international law; Daniele Ganser has done an excellent job of explaining this. ...

      1. Unfortunately wrong!!!
        NATO did not invite the former Warsaw Pact countries, but the former Warsaw Pact countries applied to NATO to be admitted, for good reason! See 1953 GDR, 1956 Hungary and 1968 Czechoslovakia!!!

        1. But the situation at that time was completely different. Where was the need for NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Probably only in the expansion of American influence in the world!

        2. Unfortunately you are wrong, please read my answer again carefully! I have not ruled out the possibility that these countries have applied to NATO. If the USA/NATO has concluded an agreement with Russia, it must abide by it and not admit these countries. It remains a breach of contract with Russia, regardless of whether the former Warsaw Pact states wanted to be admitted. NATO alone has the obligation to reject such a request, NATO should not have accepted these states. There is nothing to dispute about this, the moral motives of the Hungarians and Czechs etc. are irrelevant in this legal situation, no matter how comprehensible they may be. However, this lack of understanding alone leads us to want to blame Russia alone, we make up the story as we wish, ignore aspects of understanding and end up in propaganda. The cause of this crisis was NATO alone and not Russia. Once you understand that, you become a little quieter in your criticism of Russia.

    2. Russophobia, especially in large parts of Poland, is simply incomprehensible. This is particularly incomprehensible among the post-war generation.
      Poland, once a country on wheels, was only able to consolidate itself as a state after the Second World War. This was mainly due to the fact that the Soviet Union liberated the former eastern Polish territories from the barbaric German occupation, as well as the territories of western Poland that were then annexed by the Allies.
      It was the Soviet Union that promoted the formation of an industrial core in Poland, which then formed the basis that was modernized in the post-reunification period through massive subsidies from the West.
      And it can also be proven that the Soviet Union had invested a great deal in Poland's education, science and healthcare. After all, the majority of the former Polish intelligentsia had been murdered by the Nazis. Or the part of the Polish intelligentsia that was able to escape to the UK or the USA during the German occupation did not want to return to the Poland that the Soviet Union had liberated from the Nazi yoke.
      The communist leadership of the Soviet Union had not even restricted Catholicism in Poland. However, the secular state was promoted.

      Given the pronounced Russophobia, it was obviously a cardinal mistake on the part of the Soviet Union to allow itself to be pressured by Roosevelt and Churchill into continuing its triumphal march to Berlin. Russia is getting the thanks for this today.
      But let there be no misunderstanding. The war that Russia is now waging in Ukraine is not just either. There would have been other solutions here, especially after the arrogant Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Mr. Melnyk, waffled on about nuclear weapons for Ukraine and his president Selensky, as head of state at the Munich Security Conference, also waffled on about such things. Stefan Bandera would certainly be grateful to him.
      Incidentally, there is currently a petition calling for this ambassador to be recalled. Let him return to his home country and fight there like the Klitschkos against the Russians.

  21. Without Nato, which essentially consists of America, Putin would already be in Berlin. It is also highly questionable whether liberal Western societies will be able to hold their own against China's hegemony in the long term. Anyone who wishes for this may join this Gramski admirer and America-hater. Unfortunately, I have known this seminar talk for a very long time. It sounds good, you feel like a "see-through person", you take a higher moral perspective, only the real political consequences are absolutely terrible. The people who talk in such a privileged way are the first to flee to the West when things get serious. Despite all the criticism of America, I would rather live as an ally of this great power in a free country than under the undemocratic authoritarian yoke of Russia or China. I like the Langemann publications precisely because of the courageous democratic liberalism that is threatening to fall asleep in Germany. Here, freedom is being peddled by a left-wing ideologue.

    1. Thank you for the wise warning - without Uncle Sam's orgies of slaughter, Saddam Hussein, Anwar al Ghaddafi, Assad, the Taliban and all the other bad guys would certainly already be in Krähwinkel and Buxtehude.

      Hail America, you have saved us again and again from the most terrible dangers and should we burn up as pawns in the coming nuclear war, you will be our last grateful thought.

    2. I can only agree with Mr. Weber. The conclusions are arrogant and one-sidedly negative towards America and Europe. As a European, I resent the derogatory term "chicken coop". In view of current developments on the world stage, I hope that Europe will be united, strong and free, while preserving its national sovereignty as a partner, but never a vassal of any great power.

    3. Yes, exactly! America has already given a brief preview, under Donald J. Trump, of what democracy and a free country will/can look like. They have also shown many times that they have no qualms about installing and supporting dictatorships if it serves their expansion. I'll spare you a list of US-backed dictatorships.

  22. That's exactly how it is. Having observed and analyzed world politics for 73 years now, I can only agree. The author is not just anyone. His word should carry weight. But it doesn't, because the "chicken coop" and its media helpers suppress any relevant counter-opinion. If I had written my 3000 blog posts with such clarity, I would have been constantly censored. You are always allowed to write nonsense in chicken country, but anyone who writes the truth is censored or, if they are prominent, destroyed. And so the wave of armed conflict rolls inexorably towards Europe. Not to the USA. The author makes it clear what a perfidious game the Americans are playing and for which the Europeans are sacrificing themselves. I think the first big bang will come in 2025. Taiwan will be the trigger. There is little we citizens can do. We are the cannon fodder of the power and money elites, who also own the media.

    1. ...and until then we can have some experimental stuff administered to us so that the wait won't be too long!
      I'm afraid you're absolutely right!

  23. Thank you Mr. Langemann for this valuable (and refreshing) article!
    Refreshing in terms of the depiction of the object "chicken coop". Basically sad, but unfortunately a reality.
    Mr. Rodríguez was previously unknown to me. His presentation underlines my personal geopolitical view.
    In my personal social environment, I always reach the limits of understanding very quickly when it comes to this topic (even if only in part).
    Then I always think to myself: the cause lies in the power of the MSM. Diverse information is a debt to be collected, and this is time-intensive. Solely being fed by the MSM (ARD/ZDF & consorts) usually leads to the legitimization of the "chicken coop" on the part of the recipient.
    In my opinion, Mr. Rodríguez's essay is very condensed and, for MSM-ONLY consumers, probably seems like a message from a distant galaxy.
    An insight into this distant galaxy can easily be gained, for example, by consuming publications by the authors: "Daniele Gansser" and/or "Michael Lüders". As I said, a debt to be collected with an investment of time.

    With best regards
    Dirk Botschen

  24. What's the trick ... turn off the gas for the chickens. That brings them to the limit. Maybe then they won't need that unfortunate fusion bomb (fusion and bomb with joints s). What's new is that Switzerland is part of the chicken coop.

  25. It is time for humanity to realize the dimension of the stupidity of Biden, Putin and Jinping and all their military advisors. Our joint efforts should be aimed at depriving them of the money for their sacrilegious pursuit of power and influence and to the detriment of us all. The fact that our politicians Scholz, Habeck and Lindner are topping the stupidity of the former and pouring 100 billion euros into the fire out of sheer irrationality is unfortunately unmistakable and, in their refusal to acknowledge the geopolitical realities, has probably been a key component of the current Ukrainian catastrophe for years.

    You can only feel sorry for the Ukrainian people who have been betrayed by their own political leaders, but also by all the others. But it's like Corona. What seemed far away yesterday could hit us hard tomorrow. So let's waste no time in putting an end to these shameful goings-on as soon as possible. We are more. We are 8 billion people. They are just three old bastards who will probably die soon anyway and are therefore clinging to the power that we unsuspecting people and our naive politicians grant them.

  26. Yes, thank you ... BUT
    I afford myself the feeling/wish of "creating peace without weapons"
    and the rejection of the "MACHTBRILLE" fits in (only) with this ... in other words: power elites love their hierarchy with the tried and tested instruments of "authority, military ... Offices, schools ... " - for me as a grain of sand ("sovereign") this is all unhealthy and ...
    ALSO instead of having my head filled with "geopolitical power scenarios", I prefer to ponder how I can help to disavow/deligitimize hierarchies ...
    Sincerely, Monday, April 04, 2022
    WolliM from PB

    1. Exactly!!! How long are people going to let their heads get hot with this or that opinion? No matter which side you come from, you always get the feeling of being at the mercy of a "chicken" (just as inhumane as being called an "animal" by the WWF) who is incapable of acting. Change starts with each individual. If we don't like the world (and who could possibly like this dumping ground of self-appointed elites), then we should change it...

  27. The world has mutated into a chicken coop with years of lead time by the elite in conjunction with governments, medicine and business. People have been brought into line with mass education psychosis and all of them, including the aforementioned "criminals", do not realize that they are sawing off the branch they are sitting on.
    The modern media, including Mr. Markus Langemann, comment on the symptoms without ever vehemently demanding proof of a pathogen. These invented pathogens form the basis for the fraudulent business model of Rockefeller Pharma orthodox medicine, established in the 19th century.

    My words are clear:
    If the separation of powers under the rule of law had not been undermined and the individuals involved were not "brain castrati", the implementation of this agenda would not be possible! Every sane person would be aware that the legally and medically correct proof of the existence of the virus cannot be provided, that the PCR test is based on this fraud, and that it is therefore the implementation of a Satanist (spiritually assigned) agenda for the social credit system!

    Everyone involved in this agenda is therefore also aware that future generations - we could also be affected - will receive their allocated money ration according to the degree of their submission to the system (obedience). A bank balance as we know it today will no longer exist, because the monthly liquidity allocated according to the state's usage specifications will be canceled at the end of the month. Stores and restaurants will belong to the state, or to a few technology companies. A dream come true for the SP and the Greens, because the state will also take over thinking! Obedience is the new way of life! Worrisome, isn't it?

    Self-recognition can also lead to knowledge in order to stop the crime in time, because Satanism (spiritually classified) is clearly recognizable! What do you think, wouldn't it be appropriate for the educated intellectuals, as in the 1968s, to read the "riot act" to the state and the violent elite? Today, the Rockefeller school of medicine must once again be exposed as a criminal. If we sane people fail to do so, the train to expropriation will be unstoppable!

    Truth is a rare commodity these days, but nowhere near as rare as it will be if these elites get what they want. The elites are much more open about their agenda today than ever before, and I suspect that's because they believe they can rewrite the history of today's events with impunity after the upheaval has taken place. They believe that they own the world of information and will be able to alter our cultural memory at will.
    The mainstream media call it all "conspiracy theory". I call it conspiracy reality. It's hard to deny openly stated admissions by the elites themselves. All they can do is try to spin the information as much as possible to keep the public in line about what needs to be done. What actually needs to be done is to rid our country and perhaps the whole world of the elites.
    If we do not do this, there will come a time when nothing I say here will be remembered and no evidence of the upheaval plan will exist. The establishment will have eliminated all notions of it from written history, leaving only a fantasy story of how the world collapsed and a small organization of "visionary" elites saved it from oblivion through a new religion of centralization.

    In this sense, knowledge is power, ignorance is faith! Greetings from Switzerland Georg Bender

  28. The chickens in Germany are even still wearing masks for fear of a virus. There's a lot of work ahead of us.

    1. It's no different in Turkey! Even on the beach with fresh air and hardly any contact with virus spinners (!), many still wear the "mask".
      The propaganda is running and working.

    2. Pointless.
      Explain to a crazy person that he is crazy. As the great German philosopher Dieter Bohlen once said.

  29. Not a word about the right of peoples to self-determination, which Russia also signed up to in the Helsinki Act. What a pity.

  30. Thank you Mr. Langemann, that is the task of a good journalist to point out to the reader such extensive and, in my view, exhaustive explanations of the world situation. So that everyone who wants to can educate themselves. Many, including myself, would have neither the time nor the opportunity to find such articles, which actually belong in the general public and in the textbooks of a basic history course.
    Keep up the good work with your clear words .

    1. This article-very long-but extremely important to understand this situation, at least in large parts. Thank you very much! Right at the beginning of the Ukraine/Russia escalation, I had a very bad feeling about our support for Ukraine. My wish would be complete restraint! Unfortunately, we Germans believe everything the MSM presents to us.....siehe Corona and its consequences. We really are stupid in large numbers!

  31. The European chicken coop - there is no better way to describe the governments of Europe, especially Germany. The state's mendacity and contempt for its own population, most of whom willingly go along with it, knows no bounds.
    Consequently, we will also end up as soup chickens.

  32. Once again a very good contribution to refresh the brain cells. A few years ago I read a few books by Helmut Roewer, who describes similar findings. Unfortunately, the political personnel are selected to satisfy the interests of the geostrategists, and the voters unfortunately also contribute to their own slavery and downfall.

  33. A very interesting article that gives me a completely different perspective. It sounds comprehensible, credible and actually (when I look at the actions and events in the world in recent decades) logical to me. It's just that the standardized mishmash that our media brings to the people every hour on this topic, which often doesn't match up with other information or what we perceive ourselves, makes me wonder. But what use is all this knowledge to me as a small citizen: I sit in the chicken coop and can't get out, no matter how much knowledge and insight I have, because the average citizen has always had to serve as cannon fodder for the heroes of world history. My only power to counter this is to retreat mentally and hope that everything will happen very quickly if the worst comes to the worst. Still, it's not bad to know why you're going down. Thanks for the good article.

  34. Very well put in a nutshell. Of course, this will not change anything. This is because the representatives of the 4th power, i.e. the mainstream media, in the "free" West were also brought up in the financial pigsty of the empire and are still wallowing comfortably there - for now!

  35. Why was Augusto Zamora Rodríguez not a visiting professor when our current Foreign Minister attended or skipped her weekend seminar on international law in England?
    In the words of Annalena to Habeck-Robert: "He comes from ... uh ... chickens, pigs ... I don't know ... what do you hate ... milking cows? I come more from international law. Yes. There ... uh ... we come from completely different worlds ... in case of doubt. And um ... that fits well."
    Well. Chicken coop Europe. How right Senor Rodriguez is.
    As far as I know, chickens keep moving long after their heads have been cut off.

    1. The thought of the chickens and what happens when they run around the yard without their heads (and no longer clucking) also occurred to me after Senor Rodríguez's excellent metaphor.
      However, the headless 'chicken' on which the "function of the German foreign minister" has been imposed is unfortunately still running around clucking ... and that is what makes our foreign policy situation so volatile and dangerous.

    2. That wouldn't have helped either, as Ms. Baerbock obviously wants to enforce an order based on values or rules rather than respecting international law. It would be interesting if/when Ms. Baerbock could finally report on the content of this order and, above all, who has the copyright for it?

  36. Excellently analyzed and, in view of all the scorched earth that the USA has left behind around the globe over the last 60 years, unfortunately very gloomy.....but hope dies last, as they say...and not all people are headless chickens.

  37. Dear Senor Augusto Zamora Rodríguez,
    has excellently summarized the current world events and brought the true background to the point.
    When the 'election' result of the last German parliamentary elections became apparent and this current government constellation emerged from the turbulence of the opaque liquid, it filled every German who can still place the outcome of the last world war in historical perspective with great concern.
    It is NOT a coincidence that no one of importance is recognizable as a reference person on the current political stage who could contribute to some kind of 'de-escalation' or even make an effective contribution.
    Because that is not part of the transatlantic agenda you describe ... quite the opposite.
    Nevertheless, I am hoping for an unforeseen change in the 'general weather situation'.
    It is usually the 'small' lows and highs ... that suddenly steer the wind in completely different directions than the 'sky' had planned from afar ...

  38. Excellent article and describes exactly the reason why I left Germany. Greetings from Mexico!

  39. greetings from venezuela, i would like to have the text in spanish.
    maybe someone can help me and provide a link to the original.
    Many thanks

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