

Fast 1 Mio. Kirchenaustritte (kath./ev.) 2022

(dpa) Mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen sind im Jahr 2022 in Deutschland aus der katholischen Kirche ausgetreten. Die von der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz (DBK) am Mittwoch in Bonn gemeldeten 522 821 Austritte sind so viele wie noch nie in einem Jahr. Auch die evangelische Kirche hat mit 380 000 Mitgliedern 2022 mehr verloren als im Jahr davor.

Welcome to this platform for the cultivated exchange of arguments.

We have forgotten how to endure contradiction. It is okay to disagree here. I would like to ask you to remain respectful and polite. Insults and hate comments will be removed in future, as will calls to vote for political parties. I reserve the right to delete insulting or derogatory comments. This public forum and its inherent opportunity to exchange arguments and opinions is an attempt to uphold freedom of expression - including freedom of dissent. I would like to see the old-fashioned virtue of respect cultivated here.

"Controversy is not an annoying evil, but a necessary prerequisite for the success of democracy." Federal President Dr. h.c. Joachim Gauck (ret.), only 5 years ago in his speech on the Day of the Basic Law.
