

Dr. Reiner Füllmich, the "Drostenjäger", in an in-depth interview

Listen to the interview here:

Over the past few months, I have often been asked whether I could ask Dr. Reiner Fuellmich for another interview. At first I saw no reason to do so. Now that nine months have passed since our first conversation with major legal announcements, it is the chronicler's duty to ask.

Ten months ago, Fuellmich announced a major lawsuit against Prof. Christian Drosten, a German interface in the corona complex. Since then, Fuellmich has become a member of a political party and has also been criticized by parts of the population who know him and who have shown him goodwill and sympathy. Among them, he is suspected of being a fraud himself.

You will hear him talk about his political ambitions, his critics and his current findings on the coronavirus complex. This is probably the most detailed interview with the leading legal figure against the German government's current coronavirus policy since his self-empowerment as a "threat hunter".

Here you can listen to the assessments, statements and findings of this lawyer,
which is ignored by the majority of the old media.

We are making the interview available to you free of charge as an audio podcast without a payment barrier. A free press and free access to information are at the heart of a democratic society. We work without dependence on sponsorship money or compulsory fees. This guarantees us maximum independence.

Without your support this work would not be possible, we would have to stop working.

Thank you.

The interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was recorded on 30.6.2021 and first published on 3.7.2021 in the Club der klaren Worte.

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260 Responses

  1. Why is there no format here or anywhere else in any alternative media where people from their own camp are really critically questioned? Even the well-behaved political talk shows on ARD and ZDF are comparatively tough with their questions.

  2. Füllmich has pocketed hundreds of thousands of euros and still hasn't delivered anything in return.
    800 euros net makes 923 with fairy tale tax, which takes on a whole new meaning here.
    Wave wave wave, the money is gone, Füllmich law firm thanks the naive donors.

    Ballweg does it even more skillfully, he not only collects "gifts of money" on a grand scale and gets paid handsomely for appearances on his Querdenker stages, he even sells Querdenker memorabilia in his online store! This is no joke.

    Anyone who still doesn't realize where the rabbit is going should just continue to be milked. Quod erat demonstrandum


    1. It's obvious that you just want to pour poison on us with your shabby judgment without having paid any attention to the interview. Me !!!

  3. Two weeks have now passed. Where is the big deal that Mr. Füllmich is talking about? So he is qualified as a politician!

      1. That's right!
        Faith sustains; the truth stands. The only thing that counts in crises. Fearless and unshakeable commitment to faith and trust.

  4. Dear Mr. Langemann, thank you very much for "asking" Dr. Füllmich!

    For my part, I think I have correctly observed that many, many clever minds with great idealism are devoting a lot of time and energy to standing up to the corona measures and advertising madness, which is becoming more and more perfect, especially in Europe, in a variety of ways. Especially in the legal sector, success is not to be expected overnight, as everyone should be able to understand.

    I very much hope that the quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln by Dr. Füllmich proves to be true:
    "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax."

  5. How long court proceedings take is probably unknown to many people. A claim against an insolvent customer, i.e. insolvency, which is not insignificant for me, now takes !!!! over 8 years !!!. This is not about a huge company, but about a small business.
    The fact that the Federal Constitutional Court is not even the only authority to take action on the "federal emergency limit" also speaks volumes. This means that the Corona Committee's hands are also tied, but I believe that many important things, such as PCR tests and the like, have come to light there.
    I continue to believe in the Investigation Committee team and thank them for their work.

  6. Praise be to freedom of expression!
    Unfortunately, all the system conformists/trolls and Dunning-Kruger patients have to be
    take into account. And this place is teeming with them.
    80% of the population can be more or less forgotten.(according to Füllmich in the Corona Committee)
    My thoughts on this:
    The willingness to vaccinate could prove positive here.
    Indoctrinated sheep who have allowed themselves to be milked and sheared for decades do not realize that they are already
    are on their way to the slaughterhouse.
    It cannot be what must not be (cognitive dissonance) has always been the maxim
    of the timid, the cowards, the followers and the conformists.
    The 0.1 % are laughing their heads off at the rest who are tearing each other apart to prove whatever point they want to make
    or to gain even the most ridiculous advantages.
    Even people like Füllmich, Wodarg, Fischer, Kämmerer, Schwab etc. will very probably not be able to pull it off.

    morituri salvete!

  7. Two days ago, Dr. Füllmich gave some "General explanations on legal proceedings" right at the beginning of his latest Corona Committee show. Here are some excerpts (no guarantee for literal accuracy):
    "it's all very difficult"
    "it lasts and lasts"
    "various legal disputes are ongoing in Germany and abroad"
    "Legal dispute against Wiehler/Drosten takes a long time"
    "A number of legal disputes are still ongoing, e.g. the barefoot shoe manufacturer"
    "We have several big things"
    "Something really big is happening in the USA right now"
    "Something really big is happening in Canada"
    "Major criminal case against WHO & Tedros in progress in France"
    "It's going to be a really big thing coming out in 2-3 weeks, I don't want to say anything about it so as not to jeopardize the whole thing"
    - "but again, something like this doesn't happen overnight"

    Wonderful, then we can look forward to "in 2 to 3 weeks" again.

    1. It's now October 28, 2021, so far more than 2-3 weeks have passed, and everything is running as before! So, let's just keep waiting, keep waiting and keep waiting! I have my own theory, but I'll leave it out for now! Well, let's see what happens at the beginning-middle of next year, and whether we'll hear anything at all about the lawsuits filed by Dr. Fuellmich, I'm really curious!

  8. Fuellmich rattles. And it rattles loudly and energetically. An ancient trick to scare off enemies or prey. Yes, I also think he sometimes uses overly strong language and uses it too often. Yes, he puts himself in the foreground, sometimes too much. But someone like that is needed just as much as the quiet ones who work in the background.
    I can't judge whether he is always honest, in fact I don't think he is. But not so much to harm the cause, but rather to obfuscate the "other side". Honestly, if he were to play his cards openly and make everything public, he would be a very toothless tiger.
    Yes, he's been announcing all sorts of things for months and I sometimes have quiet doubts too. But rather that everything can go as smoothly as many people seem to believe. The "other side" isn't stupid either. They don't play their cards close to their chests either and I bet the SCA is by no means as unnoticed as you might think. They adapt to what is said there and try to undermine it. And it is precisely for this reason that well-founded factual information must be disseminated there, but by no means the actual proceedings. In this respect, deliberately false information makes perfect sense.
    And then please don't forget one thing: The pressure of expectation is extremely high. People want to get rid of the measures. And people see them as the savior. I guess the announcements are both a little reassurance and a genuine hope that progress is being made and that something useful can be shown.

  9. The CT value, cyclen threshold value, is the setting on the automatic duplicator of the PCR test devices.
    With 25 doubling cycles, one fragment becomes 2 to the power of 25, i.e. approx. 33 million fragments,
    With a CT value of 45, one virus fragment becomes 2h45, i.e. approx. 35 billion fragments. With the latter, every "snot" becomes visible, including that of virus-carrying random neighbors and laboratory staff.

    1. This is why in Germany the CT value is limited to 23-27 cycles (depending on the manufacturer, not the laboratory) and must then have a viral load of 10^6 per ml at the latest.

      I guess you'll have to do without the snot from my lab staff.

      1. 23-27 ? who can believe it...(since when should this apply ? since yesterday ?)
        Or perhaps better, whose bread I eat the song I sing.
        Manufacturers do not restrict anything at all, they recommend the highest, or note that PCR is not used for diagnostics.
        The laboratories all do this at their own discretion or on the instructions of their "clients".

      2. In the hospital where I work, I have daily laboratory results with a CT value of 30 or even up to 35 as a positive PCR test, only after that, from > 35 is the result considered "questionably positive"

    2. small correction: 2 to the power of 45 is around 35 trillion, 2 to the power of 35 is 35 billion.
      So a CT value of 35 is already a big snot.

  10. Just now, in the hallway, an encounter with a young neighbor who could have come straight out of a federal government textbook on good manners:
    Me: Well, how are you? She: Fine now, I've had my second vaccination, which knocked me out, but I'm fine now. Me: So, everything ok? She: We're just getting our freedom back, I don't know if everything is ok...

    Any more questions...?

    1. Michael, I heard something similar today from a friend at the weekly market in our town! She: Already vaccinated? Me: Nope. Why, are you already vaccinated? She: Of course, and even twice, and I'm fine!!!! Me :What, no side effects? She replies: Well, it was a bit intense at first, especially after the first vaccination, but you put up with it, we all just want our freedom, and what lateral thinkers like Fuellmich, Wodarg and that weird hat maker from a committee like that talk about is laughable!!! Me on it: But they're right!!! She: You don't say, these lateral thinkers are right, they must have looked too deeply into the glass, oh, oh, oh, well, go on like that and enjoy your lack of freedom! Man, how blinded you have to be to voluntarily give up that little bit of freedom, and bye bye, man, man, man, and you can die oooooch differently.....

      Any questions.....??

  11. Thank you very much. It all sounds very plausible. However, if all this is just made up, then I would like an explanation for the illness that has been quite common in German hospitals that people who work there have told me about first hand and that I believe.

    1. Dear Mr. Fuchs,
      the disease is certainly not invented, it is very real. What is being discussed here are all the things that have been and are being constructed around this disease.
      Best regards.

    2. Of course there are still flu-like infections. However, tests are now only carried out for "corona" DNA - and no longer for influenza or similar. And if the test is positive, a hysterical environment and frightened patients come together - with isolation and potentially fatal incorrect treatment, such as forced ventilation, which is counter-induced in most cases. A deadly cocktail in far too many unfortunate cases.

      1. That's EXACTLY how I see it!
        If there really are doctors who can explain to me in detail the difference between any corona (01 to 18) infection and a "SARS-COV-19" infection (quote from A. Merkel in the German Bundestag, no longer readable, as illegally changed in the minutes of the meeting!!! but if anyone asks, I also have it on video) and an ordinary severe influenza plausibly and do not come up with any mysterious blisters in the lungs, I suggest them all for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. But what respectable doctor would want such a fraudulent prize, the awarding of which in 1954 got us into this whole virus superstition in the first place...? Where would we be today without all these disgusting lies? Certainly not in the middle of a PLANDEMIC that only serves to implement a NWO agenda...

        1. The fact that no comparisons with influenza are permitted or made should make you think. This is usually the case with every major "catastrophe"

    3. Are you sure that these kinds of symptoms, or declared symptoms, were not already present in hospitals all those years ago and perhaps not particularly noticed alongside the primary or secondary disease?
      So, the list of pathological symptoms shows no significant increase!
      They are just assigned differently now!

    4. What disease?
      the "vaccine disease", namely severe vaccination reactions, side effects, damage (thromboses, neurological damage, skin reactions, myocardial
      Inflammation, bleeding, permanent nausea, intestinal inflammation, dyspnea, deafness, blindness... and much more)? Which????

      1. A friend of mine collapsed at work the day before yesterday. Diagnosis: severe heart problems. The man is 30 years old, a soldier and was in excellent health before he was recently vaccinated with Astrazeneca.

  12. Regarding the comment on Merkel's doctoral thesis: According to an Internet review, she wrote a pure literature thesis and did no research of her own! It can be assumed that this was not enough in the GDR either.

  13. I don't understand why, after more than a year, people are still wondering whether the PCR test can detect Covid 19. That has already been answered long ago. I would like to make a well-intentioned recommendation to anyone who still cannot cope with this. Complete abstinence from public media, no spending hours on social media, no newspapers, nothing like that. There are very informative internet portals, but even here you have to limit yourself to a handful of channels, and surfing YouTube without a goal is useless. And - most importantly - read books. How about Daniele Ganser, Noam Chomsky, Reiner Mausfeld, Paul Schreyer, Wolfgang Bittner, Jean Ziegler and many others? That takes time, of course. The time we are currently living in does not begin with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it begins after the Second World War. And it begins in Western civilization and not in the Far East. These crimes against humanity have always existed. And it is the same Western elite that is now committing these crimes again. There is also a book recommendation on this, The Hatred of the West, by Jean Ziegler. And then there is the book by Daniele Ganser, Illegal Wars. For those who accuse Dr. Reiner Füllmich of dishonesty, I would like to reiterate my recommendations. The interview itself was conducted correctly, I can't detect any understatements. And furthermore, it is probably obvious and sufficiently well known where this elite meets and discusses. I have already pointed this out in another comment. So who should we vote for in the next election? Follow the recommendations made by this Western elite?
    The following video, which was commissioned by the Austrian Health Insurance Fund and financed with public funds, shows how abysmally the vaccination campaign is already being promoted: Baby Let's Vaccinate. Can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr6aipcmjwA. What else is there to say? For me, there is only one question left, loosely based on Reiner Mausfeld: Why are the lambs silent?

  14. Excellent, Mr. Füllmich. How nice that there are still such energetic, free-thinking people in this Germany.

  15. I greatly appreciate the work of Reiner Füllmich and Viviane Fischer on the Corona Committee. In the 59 meetings held so far, so much material has been gathered that it could fill at least five books on the global corruption quagmire. This is a great achievement, and I take Füllmich's commitment as an investigator and exposer of this global crime 100 percent for granted.
    However, I am of the opinion that he often runs his mouth too full and is overly confident of victory. As we know, this increases self-motivation, but it damages credibility when repeated statements are made with specific deadlines that are then not followed up. Reiner Füllmich also promised us a "big bang" in two to three weeks at a business meeting at the beginning of May. The promised audible bang (including lawsuits on several continents) has yet to materialize, which disappoints me personally.
    In addition, Füllmich has recently been getting carried away with unobjective comments more often - for example in session 59 about the Twitterer Andreas Backhaus from the Federal Ministry of Population Research ("I assume that's the typical right-wing Nazi type"), so that Viviane Fischer also asked him to focus on content. In the interview here in the "Club of Clear Words", Füllmich exposes himself: When asked about the lawsuit against the smear portal "Volksverpetzer", Markus Langemann confronts the lawyer at 48:30 with the fact that critics had accused him of formal errors in the lawsuit. Füllmich does not refute this accusation with arguments, but reacts hesitantly at first, only to then speak of "such garbage" and attack the "babbling droolers" who "spout such nonsense". They say that a dead dog barks. Despite all my sympathy, I also take a critical view of Reiner Füllmich as a person.
    I would have liked Markus Langemann not to let Reiner Füllmich talk for so long at a time and to question him more sharply from time to time. We know Füllmich's insights and starting points well enough - what I find more interesting is the confrontation with the arguments of his critics.

    1. @ Andrea W.
      Thanks for the diplomatic commentary - I would have put it in a nastier way and I wonder why an obviously unreflective narcissist like Füllmich is now given the opportunity three times on this portal to spread his redundant and sometimes insulting rhetoric! It is also interesting that in this interview alone he describes criticism of his person as controlled opposition - completely incoherent and incomprehensible in terms of content. I rather believe that he and the SCA have often had to face the accusation of controlled opposition and that he is desperately trying to turn the tables [why does the SCA YT channel still exist? Controlled opposition?] We have been governed by narcissists with excessive hubris for decades and have been driven into the current situation by them - in a grassroots movement like DieBasis, colleagues like Füllmich are not needed - I see him as just as dangerous as Spahn, Lauterbach, Merkel and co. in further development.
      And to reassure you, I still see the SCA as important and necessary in its efforts to educate and as a pool of information - thanks to Viviane and Antonia Fischer and Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann - Mr. Langemann, perhaps an interview with one of these protagonists or are the ones mentioned not paradise bird enough for you?

      1. I am grateful to Dr. Füllmich for his outstanding work on the Corona Committee and appreciate his summaries of the interviews with the English-speaking guests. Even though I understand English very well myself, it is always helpful to hear his summaries, which hardly anyone could do better. Who could possibly take on this role, as most Germans are far from having the language skills and stamina to talk to experts from the Anglo-American world? An incredible enrichment in the clarification of the facts.
        It would be the task of our government to carry out these investigations and I hope that they at least get some information and are forced to give up at some point.

    2. Hello Andrea W.,

      Thank you for your intelligent, nuanced contribution. I would like to pick out the essential point, that of the "full-bodied announcements". I agree with you. Anyone who announces something concrete, schedules it and then fails to "deliver" is rightly criticized. If this happens more often, they are suspected of being a deceiver. This disappoints people and is grist to the mill of critics who feel vindicated. That's one side of the coin. In my opinion, however, the announcements are not just for self-motivation. They also - and with demonstrable success - increase the pressure on the other side.

      This is not just a potential legal dispute, but above all an "information war". In such a battle for public opinion, rattling is part of the trade, especially when you hardly have a forum, while the other side has all the media as mouthpieces on its side. Fuellmich already achieved a lot in the fall of 2020. How did the supposedly calm defendants RKI, Drosten and WHO react to the accusations at the time? The RKI was unwilling to comment even when asked by the well-meaning ARD fact-checkers. Drosten "fiddled around". The WHO relativized the significance of the PCR test in statements and passed the buck to the diagnostic laboratories. In my opinion, this was a very transparent attempt by the WHO to cover its ass legally.

      I am stunned by the way the RKI and the government are currently reacting to legal efforts in Germany. This no longer has anything to do with the rule of law or the separation of powers. But it also gives me courage at the same time, because it shows how nerves are on edge. Fuellmich and co are representing a small entrepreneur against the RKI. I think €50,000 is a realistic amount in dispute. The court initially refuses to accept the lawsuit (an absurdity), and the phones are ringing all the way to the Chancellery. Then the amount in dispute is increased to a utopian 31 million euros so that there is no trial at all. Madness, if that's true. Now Fuellmich critics could rightly say suspiciously that this is just the Fuellmich version.

      But what happened and is still happening as a result of the Weimar ruling is much worse and much clearer. And a Fuellmich has nothing to do with this trial. There were house searches and confiscations, and not just of the judge and the experts appointed by him. People who are in an "identification relationship" (legal term for contact debt) with those involved in the trial were visited and searched. In other words: I am a member of the party dieBasis and the friend of one of my brothers was a witness in the trial. So I get a visit and my PC is confiscated. Where have we ended up in Germany?

      Anyone who still thinks that we live in a functioning democracy with a separation of powers is in a coma. The conditions are radical, not those who call them radical. Nevertheless, your points of criticism are entirely justified. I also noticed the "bitchy" evasive answer. That was weak of Fuellmich, as much as I appreciate him.

      All the best to you.

      1. "Anyone who still thinks that we live in a functioning democracy with a separation of powers is in a coma."...

        You're right, Mr. Löcke. What I find even worse than that is that not only are many people obviously in this "coma", no, they often simply don't care. I've heard people say things like: "I don't give a sh...t about my basic rights". Words fail me.

        I could give many more examples, but then we would be as far as the CA; everything is known, just not yet said by everyone.

        Best regards.

      2. I would like to pass on your intelligent and nuanced comment to friends and interested parties! How could this work?

    3. Very good. That sums it up perfectly. My initial euphoria for Mr. Fuellmich has now given way to scepticism. At some point, his big words must be followed by deeds and results.

  16. My namesake is obviously a man of honor. It is incomprehensible to me why nutcases allow themselves to accuse him of dishonesty. We owe him thanks, respect and recognition.

  17. 2nd attempt.
    Thank you for the interview. I had followed Dr. Füllmich's videos and other contributions with great interest in 2020 from around May to December because, unlike other "clarifiers", he also held out the prospect of legal action and legal analysis. He praised the US judicial system with its class actions, pre-trial discovery etc. and announced major international lawsuits against "Drosten & Co" & "the PCR test". Successful lawsuits against the PCR test should (in his words) "make the pandemic collapse like a house of cards".

    So far, however, the legal results seem to have been rather meagre in comparison to the expectations raised. Swinwood's first class action lawsuit in Ontario against the Pope and the British monarchy, which is currently under appeal, is firstly only possible for Canadians and secondly there is no direct connection with PCR tests. Hardly applicable for German claims? In the USA, no class action lawsuit of the kind described by Dr. Füllmich has yet been found. For example, E.F. Kennedy Jr.'s Childrens Health Defense, with which Dr. Füllmich indicated a cooperation, shows a variety of lawsuit activities on its website but no references to Dr. Füllmich's concerns. For Germany, I am only aware of the Wodarg lawsuit against Volksverpetzer with specific details. To my knowledge, there has been no further news after the published warning letter Green Mango GmbH against Drosten from around Dec. 2020.

    Quote from the current client information no. 07 dated 30.05.2021 (on corona-schadensersatzklage punkt de): "we assume that we will be able to inform you in about two to three weeks about the result of our current efforts of large-scale legal interventions on three continents." Today we have 5.7.2021 and no communication.

    So all that remains is the educational work, called "taking of evidence" by the "Corona Committee Foundation". I have not yet been able to find any information on what material from the 59+ meetings has been used as evidence in legal proceedings and with what result. How many more years will evidence be collected in the weekly meetings lasting up to 5 hours and what will become of all the material? A book perhaps?

    Perhaps such sessions, as well as podcast appearances such as on "MC Bogy B-Lash" "Jerm Warfare" and "Trueman Show", are more attractive than working in a law firm. I can understand that, but then I can just as easily get educational information from the multitude of other providers on the Internet.

    1. At first I was not enthusiastic about Dr.Füllmich I thought he was a man who wanted to use a situation to "rip people off "His commitment and his professional skills have convinced me that he fights for justice from the heart I hope that he with his comrades-in-arms like Prof Bhagdi. Dr. Wodarg and others will be successful in all our interests The party "Basis" is the only electable party for me

      1. I don't think Dr. Füllmich needs a Bimbes, to paraphrase Helmut Kohl.
        I think that's his destiny... he feels called upon to stand up to politics... and he can. Keep it up

  18. Hoy`dr`Noy - Good interview. I don't know where these critical comments are hiding. It's quite simple: "DO something and you will be attacked by those who DO NOTHING". This realization is as old as people can talk. Of course, it is precisely these people who then receive special fame, while unknown people catapult themselves to unimagined heights. The story of "Rook" Reitschuster may serve as an example here. It was nothing and is now even less for me. But because of her shameful comment and the widespread reactions of outraged Reiti fans in DACH, the lady has put herself on a stepping stone and received the attention she wanted. Why don't we just stop reacting to such posts and instead punish her with the maximum penalty, which is: ignoring disregard! Nothing is worse for such people - no, I prefer to call them parasites. The web is full of parasitic pants-shitters whose commonality is always the same: a massively disturbed ego. It's up to us whether we want to feed the parasite or not. As we humans tend to have a big heart for animals, it is not easy to let these parasites starve. After all, they are more likely to be vaccinated, so at least their reproduction is interrupted. Yes, I know, sarcastic, but this just had to be said.

  19. First of all, many thanks to Mr. Langemann for the repeated critical questions about the criticisms of Mr. Fuellmich. However, he skillfully ignores them and seems increasingly arrogant to me. I have been following the APU on Corona for a long time and with varying degrees of intensity. He seems increasingly radical in his statements. That may be in the nature of things, but I don't like it. It remains to be seen how the situation develops. In my opinion, skepticism in all directions is appropriate.

    1. At 48:30, Füllmich does not skilfully ignore this at all - his reaction shows that those who accused him of formal errors in his complaint against "Volksverpetzer" were right. He seems increasingly unobjective to me. Perhaps I mean the same thing as you by "more radical".

  20. Dear Mr. Langemann,

    Mr. Füllmich has now been able to reel off the full advertising program with you three times. In my opinion, if you want "critical journalism", you should be allowed to be a little tougher; simply reeling off the previously prepared questions is definitely not enough with such an appearance - as with any other interview partner of comparable profile, regardless of their color. A few - fairly obvious - starting points:

    1. months ago, Mr. Füllmich announced a "huge action for damages" against Drosten, Wieler & Co - and collected money from clients for it. Mr. Füllmich says that judicial decisions are not made that quickly. Correct, but in view of the "overwhelming facts", the action could have been brought already. Despite the alleged "clear evidence" (Füllmich) of all the circumstances, this has not yet happened. Why not? As a client who is waiting for compensation, that would make me uneasy (and as a journalist, Mr. Langemann, you should be, too, with such "blanks").

    2 Mr. Füllmich calls Drosten & Co. "fraudsters" (§ 263 StGB) and also thinks he can "clearly prove" this. If that were the case, a normal person would go to the police or public prosecutor's office in Germany (or abroad) and present the evidence. The authorities would then have to take action and open criminal proceedings. Why has this not happened so far? Because all public prosecutors' offices and police stations are bought by the "other side"? This fact should also prompt you, Mr. Langemann, to ask questions.

    3. mr. Füllmich has filed a lawsuit against the "Volksverpetzer", in which not some run-of-the-mill critics, but the court itself has certified that the way Füllmich imagines it simply does not work (in other words: he lacks the legal tools). Any normal lawyer would have been ashamed. Mr. Füllmich does not even want to deal with such trivialities of the "bought opposition" according to the interview. Doesn't that make the public suspicious?

    4. the lawsuits in the USA and Canada that Füllmich likes to cite have nothing to do with him formally (although he always talks about "our people"). But it doesn't matter - both lawsuits were dismissed out of hand by the courts called upon (which Füllmich had previously described as the only uncorrupted courts with a great system of evidence). The lawsuit in Canada was even described by the court as "querulous". Courts only do that very, very rarely - when there is really nothing to the claim. Füllmich only sees this as confirmation of the corruption of the justice system. Convincing?

    5 According to Füllmich, the district judge in Weimar did the right thing as a matter of course. In the opinion of almost all lawyers, however, this is precisely not the case, but not because he made a decision in favor of the Corona skeptics (many courts have already done so), but because he exceeded his jurisdiction (whether one must therefore prosecute for obstruction of justice is another matter). If Füllmich was right, another district court judge (belonging to the "caution faction") could have ruled, for example, that school lessons must not take place in face-to-face form again before the pandemic is completely over. Mr. Füllmich would certainly not have liked that (nor would I, by the way) and he would certainly have spoken of an "unbelievable presumption of competence by the degenerate judiciary". What I want to say is that Mr. Füllmich is clearly following legal wishful thinking (I'm not talking about his assessment of the pandemic), most of which has nothing at all to do with the very good applicable law. Is there no reason to ask whether the many, many lawyers who oppose him are really all corrupt fools and "obviously" part of the "bought opposition"?

    6 In other interviews, Füllmich announces a "Nuremberg 2.0 tribunal" for the "corona criminals", about which more details will be given "in 2-3 weeks" (which are now long gone). No reason to find out how Füllmich & Co. envision this (= their) new world order on this basis? Is every doctor who has been vaccinated to blame? All the politicians who voted for the measures? The many people in the police and authorities who implemented the measures?

    7 Füllmich's party received approx. 1.5% votes in Saxony-Anhalt. Füllmich's explanation: "Extremely peculiar processes during the election count." No reason to follow up, Mr. Langemann?


    1. Thank you Mr. Simons.
      You almost saved me from having to write a comment myself 😉

      I would like to add one more point:
      If Rainer Füllmich's announcements were and are more or less "air numbers", then this is guaranteed to come to light in a few days/weeks.

      My guess is that some journalists are currently working on the issue and will drop the bombshell at the right time (shortly before the election).

      If this happens, it will be a massive blow to "Die Basis" and the critics of the coronavirus measures.

      1. This "blow" would then presumably take place extensively on the ÖRR, without those attacked being given the chance to defend themselves. So it's the old game again...

    2. Did you not listen properly? He clearly answered all the things you criticize in the interview. The answers to the questions you ask skeptically are all there, at least implicitly. When you hear all this, who is involved here (with money), when you can clearly see how much (almost) the entire German judiciary bends the law as it suits them, how much things are deleted, manipulated and concealed by almost all the well-known legacy media, you can't seriously expect everything to become "good again" in one fell swoop. What's more, things change almost daily. New lies are then invented again.
      These are all tough working conditions. Obstacles are constantly being put in your way. You should also bear in mind that Dr. Füllmich is not just any old lawyer. He made the Deutsche Bank scandal public. Years later, he exposed the VW and diesel scandal.
      In my opinion, support is needed now if you are dissatisfied. I am convinced that everyone should now fight for freedom wherever they are. Waiting and being overly skeptical won't get you anywhere.

    3. Quote:
      "1 Mr. Füllmich announced a "huge action for damages" against Drosten, Wieler & Co. months ago - and collected money from clients for it. Mr. Füllmich says that judicial decisions are not made that quickly. Correct, but in view of the "overwhelming facts", the action could have been brought already. Despite the alleged "clear provability" (Füllmich) of all the circumstances, this has not yet happened."

      In Germany, provability does not mean that it is sufficient for success in court.

      As a layperson, you don't know this because you, as someone who has probably had little contact with German civil courts, are not familiar with the legal practices there.

      I had conducted a medical malpractice case. During the decisive oral hearing, the judge stood up and said: "We can't have a medical discussion here". In other words: evidence counts for nothing! Decisions are made on the basis of expert opinions. Now guess what will happen in a German court in proceedings against the PCR test: The court will then probably ask the chancellor who should be the court expert in the Drosten proceedings. The outcome of the proceedings is then foreseeable.

  21. Whether it's lawyer Fuellmich, journalist Reitschuster or the top "lateral thinker" Ballweg (these are just the most prominent) - each of these people is accused of greed for profit and money and other base motives such as narcissism or a penchant for self-promotion. Does this say something about the criticized or about the critics?

    And now I'm looking at Fuellmich's opponent Drosten. At the beginning of the pandemic, he made one TV appearance after another, explaining to the non-vorologically stupid population what was going on. He never had to face critical questions. Drosten, the lecturing explainer. Dissenting scientists such as Bakhdi or Wodarg were simultaneously cut off from the media from one day to the next. Three weeks earlier, Wodarg had been interviewed as an expert on ZDF, but was defamed as a fake news disseminator on ARD-Monitor and has been persona non grata ever since. I listened to several NDR podcasts. The science journalist Karola Henning is more like a student who was given the honor of interviewing her favorite professor. I often got the feeling that the next question would be "When will I get the promised selfie from you, Christian?" How does Mr Drosten react when, for once, he is not being courted but criticized and has to explain himself? He reacts in a childish, personally insulting and offensive manner and creates "sideshows". Examples exaggerated: Criticism of Bakhdi? The guy is only a microbiologist, whereas he is a virologist. At that moment, I would have asked Drosten: "Bakhdi is an epidemiologist, but you're not. And now what?" Criticism from Kekulé? The guy should first publish as much as he does. Criticism from the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine? The authors of this paper are not listed individually. That would be unscientific. Has Drosten ever been suspected of having base motives? Never.

    Fuellmich's main platform is the investigation committee, which can be seen at OVALmedia. Robert Cibis, the "boss" of OVALmedia, has made a wonderful documentary about Corona. I have seen it. The distribution of this documentary was successfully torpedoed. Cibis was subjected to a defamation campaign, especially by the taz newspaper. One minute he was a respected documentary filmmaker who also produced on behalf of Arte, politically on the left, the next minute he was a "right-wing conspiracy theorist". He was unable to recoup the money he invested, he received insults and death threats, and under pressure from outside, his Volksbank in Lippstadt closed his account. I'm writing this because this is happening right on my doorstep.

    How many companies have paid the €800 plus fairy tale tax for Fuellmich and the other lawyers? Maybe a hundred? That would be €80,000. And even if it were €500,000 - the money has long since been eaten up. Moreover, the criticism is contradictory. Class actions only pay off if they are successful. So you can't simultaneously claim that the lawyers are driven by greed and at the same time say that it is completely illusory that these lawsuits can be won. You have to make up your mind.

    Fuellmich, Cibis, Reitschuster, Bakhdi, Wodarg, Ballweg and dozens of others are being defamed, threatened and in some cases their livelihoods are being taken away from them. These are people who are putting their reputation and their money on the line. And they are supposedly driven by greed and a thirst for recognition? I see. Drosten, Merkel, Spahn, the pharmaceutical lobby and others are only guided by noble motives and are concerned about the health of the public. That's probably how it will be. Sapere aude.

    1. Just like that...
      A thousand thanks for this spot-on comment. It is almost unbelievable how the majority massively refuses to imagine that the whole thing could be a planned, orchestrated story.
      And yes, it is almost unbelievable that the majority places more trust in such "foamers" as Drosten, Spahn, Söder&co than in capacities such as Wodarg, Bhakti, Hokertz, Füllmich, who have already proven their qualities several times...

    2. Yes, anyone who criticizes Fuellmich should simply take a look at all the inconsistencies of Drosten and the politicians, where criticism is already forbidden.

      Thank you for this comment.

    3. Thanks for the comment.

      But the scheme is nothing new. Those who "earn" billions with "conventional" "medical" treatments that have never been scientifically substantiated accuse naturopaths of profiteering.

      In any case, those who claim controlled opposition here have not stated the facts on which the accusation is based. It is pure defamation.

    4. Thank you, luckily I read your comment before I lost my temper because of the unqualified
      Comments from Andrea W. , Cornelius Simons & Co.
      I prefer to agree with her comment before I go off the deep end.

    5. Thank you also for this comment, which I could not have formulated better!
      But I also expressly welcome the views of the "dissenters"! Not least because I have rarely seen so much level, respect and spiritual richness in a comment section!
      This is no coincidence, so I would like to thank you for your high-quality journalistic work!

      P.S. Mr. Füllmich's repeated announcements that are not fulfilled in time also disappoint me again and again! But the man has so much legal experience & success that I continue to trust him and could well imagine it as a calculation to move the other side from reacting to acting! And as long as we don't make the mistake of sitting back and hoping for the others, we should give every glimmer of hope a chance! Especially as the ladies and gentlemen from the UA have taken on so much time and work, despite all the side issues such as defamation and social ostracism, etc., and have thus made a significant contribution to clarification, that a monument should be dedicated to them today!

  22. Thanks to Dr. Füllmich and his tireless work to find out the truth and to stand up for people. I am 78 and have no fear of any "viruses" because I have been successfully using CDL for 13 years. So it is complete nonsense if the effect of this remedy is not recognized by anyone. The reason is clear, because the pharmaceutical industry could pack up for the most part.

    Dr. Antje Oswald has written a book about this - GESUNDHEIT IN EIGENER VERANTWORTUNG (Health in your own responsibility)
    Mr. Andreas Kalcker has also written a book about this with the title -

    1. Super class, exactly my opinion. I am the managing director of a company that produces and sells chlorine dioxide.
      We can see what it does in our satisfied and healthy customers 😉
      Let's remain optimistic
      Dieter W. Allgöwer
      PS. I joined the grassroots party 3 months ago!

  23. It is important that there are people who shake things up and wake people up, even if not everything is correct, proper and factual from my point of view. There should also be room for emotional contributions with subjective views, but unfortunately there are only a few contributions that get to the root of the matter. I am convinced that the pandemic is only a means to an end, and I spend many hours a week on it. It's about a change in forms of government, especially democracies, towards management and control by the capital elite. There are already many people in positions of responsibility, such as politicians and judges, who recognize this, perhaps even like it and have switched sides. Like our Federal Chancellor Kurz and his "baggage". There are many who already feel that they belong to the elite and who violate basic laws and perhaps even risk committing crimes without a second thought.
    That's why I fear that unless the leading media jump on the bandwagon like the Corona Committee and the entire public enters into a discourse, it will all remain toothless.
    The interview is unfortunately only a further contribution to the presentation of the situation, the root of the problem can already be recognized, but the ideas for actions and measures are missing.

  24. Liberal and critical voices are always important. With Füllmich - based on results - I'm not really sure how much smartly packaged, but ultimately just hot air that is. 100% is certain, however, that every percentage for the grassroots party only weakens the only significant (structurally installed nationwide) political opposition - the AfD. Worst-case scenario, if the grassroots then fall below the 5% hurdle and all the votes are lost that the Afd and its heroic resistance - especially against the Corona crime of the century - would then lack to put fire under the ass of the corona-fascist old parties. I sincerely hope that this renewed splitting up of the civil opposition to EU-centralist eco-socialism is not even the goal. But the remaining parties will certainly be pleased about precisely this splitting and thus weakening effect.
    Political changes must come from politicians, not from an action alliance that is certainly well on the way with regard to corona, but has no background whatsoever on any other political challenges (and there are many and powerful ones!).

    1. They have understood. It easily takes 10 years for an opposition party to establish itself. This time is long gone, there are fires everywhere. Even though I basically reject the party system, the AFD is currently the only glimmer of hope for the country. From a neutral point of view, it is not the parties that are the problem, but the uncritical mass of the population that accepts everything and seems to have no direction or goal itself. If the masses could get their act together at some point and show the coronavirus nonsense the red card, the spook would be over tomorrow.

    2. The base has voter potential, especially among those who unfortunately have to recognize that the SPD, Greens and Left do not represent the interests of the population and the country. To do without these voters just so that the AfD gets two percent more weakens the opposition more than it helps it.

  25. "Believe those who seek the truth and doubt those who have found it."
    André Gide

    Thanks to all involved

    1. We live in an age of deception where truth and lies are constantly mixed. Who, if not Füllmich and his colleagues, would try to uncover and document this crime against humanity and hold the protagonists to account. Whereby 80% don't even deserve to know the truth, as this crime can only take place because they all go along with it. How low must a people have sunk to simply put up with all this tyranny with so little honor and character...

      1. I often feel like a troublemaker and I am also accused of it because I try to clear things up with the means available to me, with the result that FB has blocked me for 24 hours!
        I don't care, that's why I don't keep my mouth shut, but I don't discuss the genetic soup anymore because it doesn't help!

  26. All in all, good video, but the part about the children's corpses in some dubious houses and certain forces explicitly targeting vaccine damage in children sounds really *very* conspiracy cringe. I would have liked more criticism/review at this point.

    1. That is exactly what is acknowledged in this conversation. Subjunctive... I will investigate here just as I do with ALL topics.

  27. Are you allowed to object here? Let's see. Listening to the two interviews (February and July), I have the impression: copy paste. Nothing new in the West. Still the lament of the German courts and in the USA?
    Canada? Well, but as a busy lawyer, what's 4 months (when you have a lawsuit for insulting judges on your cheek at the same time). The class action lawsuit against Drosten is fake and the other lawsuits (what evidence other than Dr. Füllmich's talk) will also vanish into thin air.
    Well, we'll see. You can listen to the interview again in October.

    1. Unfortunately, that's exactly how I see it. For months, we've been hearing again and again - and not just from Dr. Füllmich - that "something great will happen in 14 days". I can't listen to that anymore. To be honest, everything has been going according to "plan" for 15 months and nothing at all has happened so far. I don't believe anyone anymore.

  28. Interesting interview and comments. I have been following the Corona Committee relatively regularly since their first meeting and Drosten with his PCR test was the original clarification approach. I'm sure the people involved wouldn't have thought that it would develop to this extent, but I think it's courageous and very remarkable that they are taking on this immense challenge and not simply quitting. I also understand those who want to finally see results for their €800 - preferably with a compensation check in hand, of course - but the fact that a sheer confusing tangle of lies and deceit is opening up, which is not negotiable in the German justice system because this system is completely corrupt - just remember the hand-picked appointment of the head of the "Constitutional Court" by Ms. M - probably requires a little more patience. In my opinion, the story with the party is the wrong way to go, because this multi-party system has brought us to where we are today. I was very disappointed that the statement that the party only serves to use the statutory protection of the party for its committee is not true after all. Because what happens if the friends of this new party only go to the polls for this reason? They will not outstrip the old parties from 0 to 100, so they will have to come to terms with some old party... Kurt Tucholsky once said: "If elections changed anything, they would already be banned." I am convinced that this committee, and thus also Dr. Füllmich, are sincerely striving to bring order to this unbelievable quagmire and to obtain compensation payments for their clients - they will not find other lawyers!

    1. I agree.
      You just have to imagine how long the other side has been able to prepare for all this and what resources they have at their disposal. I think at the beginning, when Dr. Füllmich was so full of himself, he was not yet aware of who he was actually messing with. After each subsequent session, the extent of the lies and crimes became apparent. I think he's a bit scared now. But he's only human. But I think he's honest. Everyone who criticizes him here should say what he's actually doing to expose this fraud.

    2. It is probably about establishing "grassroots democracy" via a party...., i.e. establishing low-level referendums.

  29. To the people who accuse R. Füllmich and the Corona Committee of not moving fast enough, I would like to say that I think it is wrong to rely solely on the 'savior'.
    We can all do something, we can offer passive, peaceful resistance.
    Of course we all feel powerless but... those who do this can only do something to us if we play along. And one of their top priorities is money.
    So my husband and I consistently stop giving money to these companies.
    We banned Google long ago, and facebook too. We never buy from Amazon, even if it means we have to do without something. We shop on the market. No TV, no paid TV channels, no matter how famous they are. Newspapers are just annoying.
    We have our list of companies that we refuse to give our money to. For every product we buy, we first look up who owns the company, and then who owns it. And if the product is 'unbuyable' for us, then we find a similar product from a local company or we learn to make it ourselves. It's healthier and tastes better.
    Of course, we always find out that companies that looked 'clean' are not after all, in which case we adjust the list...
    That's all we can do as individuals at the moment, we're neither famous, nor rich, nor lawyers, but it's our small contribution. If a lot of people did this, it would certainly have a big impact on the current situation, we are convinced of that.
    And humanity would not have to wait for the saving lawyers to sort everything out for us.

    1. Exactly. Amazon etc. are only as financially strong as they are now because of the mass of consumers. There are alternatives to Amazon for many products if you want to order online. And often even cheaper.

    2. Exactly like this. Füllmich and his team show us what it actually looks like. We still have to think for ourselves and, above all, take responsibility for our lives and those of our children. But that no longer seems to be 'in' in a society like ours. We prefer to let Facebook, Amazon and the like dictate our lives and remain loyal to these companies. I think people in this country would even pay for that. Glyphosate and aluminum do their job excellently. Unfortunately.

    3. Very briefly: I agree with you 100%. If we all gave up our cell phones, Google, Amazon etc. for just one week, the whole show about the pandemic would be over. But that seems to be too great a sacrifice for freedom and health for many people.

    4. I think it's very good to make your own purchasing decisions consciously. I would be interested in this list. Would you be willing to share it, for purely private and confidential purposes?

  30. Thank you very much for your journalistic work with a very courageous lawyer Ralf Füllmich! I really hope that this whole corona narrative will soon be publicly exposed. This crime is so gigantic that it is hard to believe. Hopefully the planned Nuremberg Trial 2.0 will go through.

  31. Dear people,
    Regardless of whether you are critical of R. Füllmich or not, I don't think it's about him as an individual,
    but on all of us. Each and every one of us has the task of regaining personal responsibility ... and that
    is not something you can just shake out of your sleeve.
    As long as we feed the system (practically&energetically) and participate in everything, etc., the less likely it is that
    some individual hero can topple it.
    The Corona Committee has done a fantastic job. We're just running out of patience, but that's not their fault.
    Responsibility. I have to set out so that people like Füllmich can gain more ground for what they
    plan. I and YOU and YOU ............ I wish you all the necessary insight and strength .... and courage, you need a lot of that.

  32. Dr. Reiner Füllmich is an absolute man of honor and we should all be glad to have such a competent person at our side, otherwise we could pack up tomorrow with the speed these criminals are displaying.
    Thank you very much for your heart and soul, you will definitely go down in history in a positive way.

  33. The format "Der Club der klaren Worte" stands for quality - without compromise. All of the contributions I have seen there have been factual and in-depth and have provided new insights. Exemplary. The presentation, the intro music - everything invites you to listen. I also attest to the thoroughness and above all transparency of the Corona Committee, which I have been following for quite a long time. The published documents alone, which are available for download, are time-consuming and costly. It also speaks for Dr. Füllmich that he works with people like Wolfgang Wodarg, S. Bhakti, Judge A.D. Prestin etc. and real experts of international reputation - people with ethical principles. To the commentators who are concerned about the property of Dr. Füllmich's clients: There have been quite a few small and medium-sized businesses who, trusting that there would be no 2nd/3rd lockdown, have used their assets and retirement provisions to maintain their existence. As we know, many of these people have paid dearly for this trust and are now left with nothing. And so I maintain that the money is better invested with lawyer Füllmich and his colleagues - one way or another. I fully agree with commentator Christian here.

  34. It is a characteristic of the new global elite, which undoubtedly includes people such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and, in a broader sense, Klaus Schwab, that national borders no longer exist for them. A world without nations would, in principle, be a very welcome world, hopefully without nationalism and certainly without large-scale military conflicts and, even more importantly, without wars between nations. Unfortunately, Corona in particular makes it clear that such a world quickly leads to a concentration of power of individuals that is hardly bearable for people and regularly leads to overconfidence or megalomania. People who believe they have to save the world are particularly at risk in this respect. Individuals can no longer escape such a world without free and self-determined nations by emigrating and are then effectively trapped in a politically uniform world. If we are not careful, the digital vaccination passport will be the first building block of such a world, which, despite all its advantages in terms of nationalism, the military and the absence of war, no one can seriously wish for. Not only will there be no more wars in this world, but in all probability there will also be no individual freedom. When Chinese people credibly report that they are watched by so many cameras in everyday life that every minor traffic offense leads directly and immediately to points and thus possibly to the revocation of their driving license, as they are not unobserved in public for a second, this should give us pause for thought. In our country too, traffic monitoring is taking on increasingly grotesque proportions, with more and more encroachments on personal freedoms, especially in the wake of coronavirus. Here, too, we now receive text messages with warnings and information about regulations as soon as we enter Germany. It is therefore good and welcome that people like Dr. Füllmich are opposing these tendencies. Freedom has no future without advocates and champions, as the past has emphatically demonstrated. Unfortunately, the CDU/CSU seems to have deleted its brand essence without replacement. Instead of sending our Chancellor, who was socialized in a dictatorship, into the desert in time and raising freedom back onto her shield, she is dreaming of a coalition with the thinly disguised, essentially socialist Greens, who, like Robert Habeck, certainly see advantages in the Chinese social system, as the Greens' seemingly undiscussable political goals will be easier to implement.

    One can only wish that everyone who can still scrape together a remnant of courage and civil courage will resist these tendencies and raise their voice. Freedom has always been and will always be worth defending. Freedom is not everything in life, but without freedom everything is nothing.

  35. When I listen to the interview, I keep hearing the statements "we've heard", "we've been told", "it will be made public in two weeks" or "there's something coming now". Unfortunately, I've been hearing that from him since the first interview. I agree with the factual statements; if we look at the discussion about the children. But apart from that, I have to say, finally put something on the table. Then we can talk

    Thank you very much Mr. Langemann for the interview.

    1. No lawyer gives out his trump cards before the trial - think about it, the other side would be happy, you can quickly process everything and make it disappear, the biggest trial in the world is going on here ...... and the mega corporation VW has also said: Who is the filler, we know the end and VW howls.

      1. @Peter Schoedel @Herrmann Dirk
        If I wanted to hide my inactivity, I would also say: "I can't reveal anything, everything is secret, the other side can't find out anything". Yet he holds Zoom conferences, which are known to have a confidentiality level of 0 and presumably a back door to all 3-letter agencies. We also only have the statements from Füllmich himself that he was involved in lawsuits against VW and DB.

  36. Hello, today 4.7.21 the aforementioned weeks have passed. What about the lawsuits? Now over 30% are vaccinated 2x, 55% 1x and still no masses of vaccination victims. Over 250 million vaccinated worldwide. What is that supposed to tell us? Lawsuits in Canada against the Queen or Vatican as PCR prevention? No lawsuit allowed in the USA? In Germany? Lawsuits not yet served? Nothing on You Tube yet?
    The pied piper does exist! In the end, the question is where! If we look at old You Tube videos and compare the claims with reality, we'll see.

    1. Please go to Vigiaccess and compare Measles Vaccine and Covid-19 Vaccine! (Be sure to use this spelling) while measles has registered about 5700 adverse reactions, today the Covid vaccine has exceeded 1.3 million. (Of course, many of these are harmless, but unfortunately many are not) and unfortunately these are only the short-term vaccination complications. We cannot (!!!) yet know anything about the long-term damage. This data will simply not be available for another 3-4 years!

  37. Thank you. An excellent interview. It's not every day that you hear such clear statements. Dr. Fuellmich is clearly one of the people you need in times like these and in the face of such challenges if we are to emerge from this highly criminal (or should we say putsch) affair reasonably unscathed...
    What some may intuitively think of the "corona circus" is one thing, but to make it understandable and vivid for the analyzing mind, in the dimension of an almost incomprehensible case of fraud against the people of this world, that is another matter in which a clear and uncorrupted perception is required. This lawyer is certainly an excellent choice.
    Therefore, I can only hope that this "Fuellmich project" will receive every possible support from the population (well, the 20% share...) so that the chance of overcoming the problem area is alive.

  38. From my own recent experience, I can confirm that legal disputes in Germany take a relatively long time to get to court. My lawsuit from November 2020 against my PKV has not even ended up before a judge yet. I can therefore only confirm Mr. Füllmich's statements. We will have to be patient until something happens through the legal process on the subject of corona.
    Thank you for all your efforts.

  39. Despite all the criticism that can be leveled at this man, his arguments are logical and comprehensible. If in Germany even trivial trials drag on for 15 months and always end up in favor of the economy and the state ("in the name of the people") and against the citizen, how could such mammoth trials lead to a quick result? In addition, our mainstream press does everything in its power to spread the curtain of silence and ignorance over everything that has to do with Dr. Rainer Füllmich. And it should be clear to everyone that Dr. Füllmich can no longer respond personally to the thousands of emails and inquiries he receives every day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him and all his fellow campaigners.

  40. To accuse Dr. R. Füllmich and his colleagues in the "Corona Committee" as well as in the "Basis" of having other than noble motives is even more stupid than it is absurd!
    It is a completely different matter that the proceedings initiated worldwide are unfortunately unlikely to be successful and that the "grass roots" are unlikely to succeed!

    1. So you assume that he is doing this for "noble motives"? My guess: He will keep the money (allegedly more than 1 million!!) and, should there ever be a lawsuit and it is lost, in the USA or Germany, then only the respective "legal system loyal to the government" was to blame, but never one of the actors!
      One should think about why only a handful of lawyers join this cause, but the remaining 165,000! lawyers think this is utter nonsense!

      1. Dear Mrs. Müller, you may be of this opinion, but those who shout the loudest or those who have the power do not always have the right view of things.it takes a lot of courage and commitment to stand up to 165,ooo lawyers and let's wait and see which of them will come to a different point of view.many are not interested or they are so busy with their tasks that they have no time to get involved.often an individual has the perspective and not the masses....I see it that way in this case.

      2. Incidentally, your assumption is shared by most of his colleagues, including myself. Nothing but hot air. What do the people of Cologne say to him?
        Fill me de Tesch....

        1. In my opinion, it makes a difference whether I only catch something of the C.Committee here and there or whether I have followed almost every committee for 4-6 hours. In - roughly speaking - 300 hours, you had the opportunity to get to know the characters represented. You could see the empathy and unreserved respect with which they treated all the interviewees, without exception, even if they certainly did not personally share every view with everyone, e.g. on topics relating to spirituality. Let's not forget that the majority of society is still making a living and would like to be left in peace. Things are still going "smoothly" for many. We vaccinate ourselves freely and life goes on...
          Accusing the unfortunately still too few courageous and committed people of having base, financial motives shows once again how little they themselves have dealt with this conglomerate of complex issues. If they had, they would know that the swamp is deep and that it will take a long time to drain it...if it succeeds at all.
          I have the utmost respect for all those who fight tirelessly for freedom. It goes without saying that they ask for donations to do so. Anyone who criticizes this should ask themselves how many hours of voluntary work they have done in their lives. I know lawyers who won't even make a short phone call without a fee.
          Thanks to everyone who still dares to speak up!

    2. The future will show, because the truth will prevail. Ignorant people who stupidly cling to the status quo will never cease to be amazed!

  41. Thank you for your educational work, let's hope that all these lawyers have a success for humanity! It is a disgrace what politics and the powerful allow themselves to do against human rights. Do not give up!

  42. There are also some critical voices here against Dr. Füllmich. I personally find that a great pity. There are so many obstacles in the way of the lawyers that it would be desirable for all enlightened citizens to support them now. Dr. Füllmich and his colleagues would certainly benefit from some gratitude and recognition, and it is also more motivating than criticism from people who don't really know what the daily fight for justice is like when, for example, documents are not processed properly in the anteroom of the courts. Thanks also to Mr. Langemann!!!!!

    1. Thank you for your thoughts, which I share. Unfortunately, empathy and sensitivity are not so widespread in this society and the hammer of criticism is usually brought out very hastily without really knowing what's going on.

  43. Respect HR. Langemann for getting through this conversation. As always, HR. Fuellmich likes to talk for a long time, but I usually miss any meaningful content
    One more question by the way. Are only critical or poorly worded comments deleted?

    1. Hello Ms. Eisen, in response to your side question. If we become aware of them, comments that incite hatred or violence will be deleted, as will comments that are personally offensive, e.g. comments that insult other people in the discussion. Comments that are obviously written in a state of intoxication due to their meaninglessness will not be published. We cultivate a non-aggressive and hate-free exchange of opinions here, and also have a big heart for pointed and accurate arguments and a good dose of sarcasm. Anyone who does not feel up to this standard is welcome to leave the club. Yours sincerely, M.L.

  44. With a sharp tongue and journalistic skill, Mr. Füllmich is not only put to the test in terms of content, but also - and with clever tactics - emotionally.
    Not once could the interviewee be accused of dishonesty from a vibrating undertone in his voice, even in more profound medical contexts, and certainly not when it came to personally explosive issues.
    I have been following the work of the Corona Committee since Füllmich's first appearance on "Club der klaren Worte".

    1. So, have we already reached the point where you accuse someone of dishonesty without any proof because you don't like the pitch of their voice?
      This is downright ridiculous, regardless of who they follow and for how long.
      Not only does it not matter, nobody cares.

  45. Thank you We need you, please continue.
    Where can I find valid information on the amplification of gene sequences in the PCR test?
    I need this information to be able to argue. My friend claims that by duplicating the gene sequences, you can find out how high the viral load in the body is. If it is high enough, then there is a good chance that you have coronavirus and no other virus. Is there any information about this in the meetings of the Corona Committee (or elsewhere)?

    1. In short, "yes" and "no". Duplication does indeed give you an impression of whether the test person is likely to have contracted the virus or whether it is only nucleic acid particles that have been detected. Only these are sighted in the PCR test.
      However, it is different from what your friend very probably assumed. The more cycles that "have to" be run (this number is the ominous CT value/cut-off value that is too much for the chancellor) in order to detect the virus, the less likely it is that she will contract the disease. Until "Corona in the mass media", infection and disease were two different things.
      The limit of this number of cycles to be able to make a scientifically sound statement is around 25. Any result above 30 cycles is no longer considered useful without further differentiating diagnostics, and you can find anything beyond this number in any PCR test. These were the words of the developer of the PCR test, Kary Mullis. In his eyes, this was also the dangerous side of this technology, which opens the door to misuse. You can find corresponding interviews and documents on YouTube.
      The PCR test for SarsCov-2, which Dr. Drosten developed and whose formulation he submitted to the WHO at the end of January 2020 and which is referred to as the "gold standard", even requires 45! cycles. What that means is actually clear to every doctor or ...
      Incidentally, this CT value is insufficiently recorded and surprisingly plays no role even in the RKI's daily data collection, at least since April 2, 2020.
      In addition, the paper on the test, the procedure and the test setup is full of errors in content and, with all due respect to Dr. Drosten, can at least be described as extremely poorly done. In addition to the ludicrously high number of amplification cycles, inexplicable errors in setting temperatures in the test procedure or the insufficiently selective choice of gene sequences are signs of bungling and/or complete cluelessness, which I do not assume in the slightest. In my opinion, they show that everything is being done here to create/prove something that could not be proven in this way. Please note: I am not talking about the "denial" of a virus, I don't have the knowledge for that. It is about the denial of a statistical phenomenon that would not exist without this bungling of the tests. And that is precisely the area in which I know my way around.
      If you now enter the right search words on YouTube or Google, I recommend the search engine "Ecosia" from Berlin, then you will find what you are looking for.
      I refrain from referencing links because this topic is so highly political and any recommended link is already always an attempt to steer. I recommend you make the journey yourself to familiarize yourself with the material as a person with the pace that suits you. It is well worth it.
      And, don't be afraid of deep insights. We all secretly know about the character and emotional deficits of those in front of us. Otherwise the history of our civilization would not be that of sociopaths. But perhaps the dwindling but still available opportunity to inform ourselves much more broadly than ever before will help. Good luck!

      1. i did not know ecosia. a test showed the following: with the search word "PCR test" the following entry from infektionsschutz.de appears at the very top:`
        What is a PCR test?
        The PCR test (also known as the laboratory test) is the gold standard among corona tests. The PCR test can be used to reliably detect the presence of pathogens in a sample taken from the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
        The PCR test is a standard procedure in the diagnosis of viruses. The test is based on the so-called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The genetic material of the virus is amplified. This makes it possible to detect viruses even if only a few pathogens are present. The PCR test therefore has a high sensitivity - it detects the virus with a high degree of accuracy. In addition, only the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is specifically amplified. The test therefore has a high specificity, meaning it detects exactly the desired virus.
        Coincidence? Who knows? This search engine doesn't seem to be the yellow of the egg. It also advertises that it is C02 neutral. So there's probably a group behind it that supports the global warming narrative. I say no thanks and prefer to stick with duckduckgo for my search queries.

    2. This question was implicitly answered by Dr. Füllmich in the interview. Per se, the PCR test cannot detect an infection. Well, it basically can't. Its American inventor has himself pointed out that it is not suitable for diagnostic purposes. But that doesn't bother someone like Dr. Osten if he sees an opportunity to make himself important. With duplication, you can only get false results when it comes to the virus you are looking for, because it suggests things through infinite magnification (CT 45) that have no meaning at all in the search for corona.

    3. It is not even worth talking about the ct value. As already explained, it defines the duplication of the sought-after gene fragment. The fundamental question is what this "gold standard" is actually looking for! The gene fragment being sought can have nothing, i.e. exactly nothing, to do with a claimed "virus". Dr. Osten's test was developed without the presence of a virus. The basis was merely a gene sequence calculated on the computer by "alignment", which has never (!) been detected in reality.
      The disease "Covid-19" (endotheliitis after influenza), the alleged "corona virus", the Drosten PCR test and the "vaccinations" are, in mathematical terms, "independent events". As long as this is not understood, everything is a poke in the fog.

  46. All those who only ever criticize should make a different suggestion. What choice do we have? I no longer trust everyone too quickly. For too long I only put a cross on the ballot paper because I liked the color of the party. Then I refused to vote for a long time. That didn't help. Unfortunately, non-voters haven't changed anything at all. Everyone makes it too easy for themselves. I will support the grassroots, but keep an eye on them....

  47. Thank you very much Dr. Füll and Mr. Langemann. I know that many people have high hopes for your work, as not much can be achieved by normal means such as demonstrations. I am grateful that there are indomitable people like you and I sincerely hope that you will soon be able to report ground-breaking successes.

  48. I can confirm that the courts, since Corona anyway, sometimes take endlessly in civil law, I work in a law firm and you can only shake your head at the court system. C... also often comes in handy for the parties themselves, as appointments are requested to be postponed several times because someone has "C-symptoms" or is even in quarantine A welcome reason to delay legal disputes plus the home office obligation all these months.they also work in alternating operation at court and therefore, among other things, do not make progress. Not to mention the bailiffs who usually go to the debtor in person. Some of them have not been "at the front" in person for months.
    It must be incredibly difficult for R. Füllmich &Co to penetrate this whole shitty, mendacious apparatus in order to get good information, etc. You can see how everyone who thinks differently is torpedoed, it's no walk in the park for our "heroes"! Almost all of us are experiencing this in front of and behind our own front door with our families.☹️

    1. Dear Andrea, very good contribution. You have to be allowed to get emotional sometimes. This shitty swamp. My little resistance: Rewe shopping without a mask. Letter to the school management of Paul-Gerhard-Schule in Kahl. Regarding mask and testing and no scientific facts for evidence. Letter to teachers' association, this baggage has continued to demand compulsory testing and masks. Letter to the Auva in Graz regarding the dismissal of the emergency doctor Dr. Petra Baumgartner. She was called to a vaccination route in Graz. Emergency after vaccination. Another emergency 5 minutes later. Presumably the same ampoule. She shouted: stop vaccinating this filth. Was discharged. Read about it in Wochenblick. at. I think from 30.06.21 . Auva is an accident insurance. Doctor may have saved other people from serious harm. I had to write. Could only puke....

  49. It would be nice not only to hear statements but also to see something of the alleged processes! There must be documents and replies from the courts. Something so that we can see that Drosten and his baggage are in the crosshairs of the law! ...people are being vaccinated every day and children are being killed! ...there must be the possibility of injunctions when it comes to HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMAN LIFE! .... I think people are beginning to want to see evidence of the committee's activities and actions! ...all you ever hear is something like: "our people are everywhere!" ...etc. .... after all this time, there must be visible steps in the right direction! ...I think people need certainty and evidence. Kind regards, Christine Müller

  50. I can follow the arguments regarding the PCR tests and the measures that are completely absurd in relation to the actual incidence of infection. Unfortunately, however, I have to drop out of the further statements on the "other side" and the associated global measures against normal humanity, as the statements here were too evasive for me. But maybe that's just down to my imagination not being sufficiently imbued with human wickedness...

    1. "But maybe that's just down to my imagination not being sufficiently imbued with human wickedness..." You've hit the nail on the head. Remember that even the Corona Committee couldn't imagine at the beginning that it would be so difficult. Translated, that probably means that things would be so bad. Remember the description of the story with the court in Duisburg, where someone called the Chancellor's Office because of the lawsuit filed!!! Anyone who still doesn't understand what's going on here and instead constantly formulates the same suspicions can probably no longer be helped.

  51. It is an honor to meet and listen to ..... upright people, even if it is only on the "net" ! Invaluable in these times ! Thank you very much for this !

  52. Dr. Füllmich has the talent and ability to pull the shroud off the "Plandemie" and uncover the truth, like a Mrs. Marple solving a criminal case, unflinchingly, fearlessly and unemotionally. Thank you for this valuable work and thank you for Mr. Langemann's critical questions.

  53. The longer Mr. Füllmich talked, the more conspiracy-theoretical he came across: Drosten, Blackrock, Bill Gates, the children of the aborigines in Canada in a boat with the children to be vaccinated in Germany... A loose group unclear who, but also "the Chinese" are somehow involved, not for money but for something unclear, striving for world domination... An overvalued self-image as someone who, without reading everything carefully, always finds the weak points in a concept with unerring intuition... Mr. Füllmich has many ideas. I do not consider him trustworthy. He will prove to be a burden for the party DieBasis.

    1. The structures were already clear 15 years ago, but anyone who doesn't see them today is simply hopeless.

    2. Mr. Seiler, I share your opinion up to the point of whether he will prove to be a burden for the party... He is eloquent and also professional in getting around difficult questions, which are then not answered in concrete terms. What bothers me are the breaks in his performance, which, for all my goodwill for his commitment and the work he has done so far, do not generate 100%iges of trust on my part in Mr. Füllmich...

  54. It's scary that people are still accusing the C-committee members of evil motives. The facts have been on the table for a long time!

    1. Well, that's how it is. But if you didn't distract yourself by accusing the C-Committee members of having base motives, then you would have to deal with the facts that are brought to the table in the C-Committee, then you would have to think about what you could do yourself to put an end to this madness. It seems to be more convenient for most people to verbally decapitate the bearers of bad news than to take personal responsibility and do something themselves.

  55. Too many citizens still close their eyes and ears! The brain is switched off, it's convenient!

  56. Last night I tried to watch the opening concert of the Rheingau Music Festival on TV. However, the impending musical enjoyment was quickly spoiled (for me) when first Mr. BP Steinmeier epically addressed the pandemic with deep worry lines and then the completely masked audience could be seen. When I imagine a handful of people sitting in this huge basilica, all vaccinated or tested (you can't get in any other way) plus a mask in front of their face, the conductor then striding onto the podium wearing a mask and later taking it off at the start of the concert, this political staging just disgusts me and I don't envy anyone who was able to "enjoy" the concert live.

    I'm already preparing to go into seclusion for the next few years and lead a quiet, withdrawn life. It's not the worst thing in the world.

    To Mr. Füllmich: I can no longer listen to the constant announcements of major, groundbreaking legal and other events!

    1. In my opinion, there is currently no one who reveals as much as Mr. Füllmich. I think the 800 is ludicrous if it brings anything. Of course, if it was deliberate fraud, then that's out of the question and I wouldn't accuse him of that either. His future in the party and as a lawyer would be over.
      I had two consultations on inheritance matters with a notary, he wrote *nothing* apart from the invoice and charged me a good €1000
      I think Mr. Füllmich should continue. Who else should do it?

      1. What's the point of the discussion anyway, of course we and he have to get on with it. But as I've already said, everyone has to do it themselves and not always put others first. Lawyers can also take part

    2. Dear Dr. Neuling,

      Your post touches me. I share 100 percent of the disgust and shame you feel about the Kafkaesque productions such as the opening concert you mentioned.

      I disagree with your last sentence. Being right and being proven right are two different things. I never had any hope (not even in the fall of 2020) that there would be a trial in the near future that would bring down all the injustice. The "opponents" are too powerful for that, and the judiciary is too corrupt, especially in Germany. Now we can discuss whether Attorney Fuellmich has nurtured and continues to nurture false hopes here by talking vaguely - as he does here - about a new lawsuit that will be made public in two weeks' time. Not in my case. Whether this is true to the day, whether the lawsuit is ultimately successful, is not decisive for me.

      The decisive factor for me is that Fuellmich is right in terms of content. And as hackneyed and pathetic as it is, the truth will prevail in the end. The important thing for me is that there are now powerful trends, particularly in the USA, that are moving in a "healthy" direction. One example is laws against Big Tech, which are finally restricting its power. There are also states that are banning compulsory masks. Although the pressure to vaccinate is being increased more and more, the campaigns are stalling. All this is happening despite a puppet Biden.

      Sometimes all it takes is a falling domino, a court ruling, a responsible perpetrator who publicly loses his nerve - and a whole house of lies collapses. And for me, Fuellmich is a person who is fighting to ensure that this happens. He is a person who keeps up the pressure for this to happen.

      Do the dozens of urgent applications that the federal emergency brake is unconstitutional make sense? In fact, no, because at the top of the Federal Constitutional Court and at the top of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are Merkel henchmen who are loyal to Merkel. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has degenerated into a government protection agency. And yet the complaints make sense.

      Have a nice rest of the weekend

    3. Hello Mr. Newcomer,
      Mr. Füllmich already said in summer 2020 that it could take many months, even more than two years, for success to become apparent.
      Just inform yourself.
      MfG E. Winter

      1. ...I have relatives in the USA.... nobody knows anything about this class action over there.

    4. @Dr. Newbie

      Full agreement!
      Why is this interview so acclaimed?
      Dr. Fuellmich knows how to put himself in the limelight.
      Who doesn't remember his boldly announced class action lawsuit? After that, the PCR test should not have been available for a long time.
      and Corona would be history.
      He presented the complaints as a sure-fire success. Difficulties or obstacles? Now he acknowledges them, but months ago he suggested very convincingly that the "corona haunting" would quickly collapse like a house of cards. It's not a question of if, but when.

      You rightly note that he is once again announcing groundbreaking developments in the same way.

      According to Dr. Fuellmich, we are prisoners of the deep state, which determines the direction with its billions and makes governments dance like puppets.
      Together with his party, he has set out to combat this corruption.
      and bribery swamp.
      Hello, what hubris!
      If the deep state does indeed exist, Dr. Fuellmich and his colleagues will have to take great care of their health.
      The mafia didn't flinch in its heyday either, but immediately liquidated all inconvenient opponents.

      Sorry, it seems to me that he mainly used the interview as propaganda for the grassroots.

      H. Langemann, I would have liked more critical questions at one point or another.

    5. No dear Michael, don't withdraw completely. I often feel the same way. Show resistance wherever possible. Proudly and with my head held high. I wrote to: school management, teachers' association and accident insurance company AUVA in Graz regarding a prudent emergency doctor who was then dismissed due to the call: stop inoculating the dirt (2 acute emergencies in 5 minutes). Report: wochenblick.at I think from 30.06.21. Kind regards

    6. "...to go into seclusion...": I agree with you. In a monstrous panic staged over a period of almost 18 months, (influential) rich players from business, politics, state radio and the mainstream media have largely succeeded in completely turning a previously reasonably "healthy" society upside down. Criticism is unwanted or defamed, preferably by people with a higher level of education in my opinion. People who are quite open to critical objections on topics such as unjustified (nuclear and other) armament or lobbying, completely block out inconsistencies on the subject of "dealing with corona".

  57. Hello to Germany. Thank you for this interview. Many of my questions have been answered.

  58. Great conversation. Thanks to Mr. Langemann and Mr. Füllmich. I admire Mr. Füllmich's warm-heartedness, spontaneity and courage. He gives us a lot of courage. Mr. Langemann, I very much appreciate your somewhat sober, detached approach to being a journalist. For me, you are, so to speak, old school. I admire that. Thanks to everyone at the club, to Mr. Füllmich and the committee. John, Brussels: Belly of the Beast

    1. That was a good interview. You let Dr. Fuellmich finish and asked intelligent questions.

      I don't just agree with his forecast regarding the upcoming tightening: Everything will get much worse.

      "The other side" actually exists.

  59. As always Dr. Füllmich eloquent and competent...the connections are becoming clearer and clearer to me...we absolutely need such interviews...thank you Mr. Langemann

  60. Too bad, really too bad that Mr. Füllmich only found disparaging words ("...the earth is round and not flat" "nonsense") when asked about the "formal errors". Too bad. Inaccurate criticism can only be refuted with factual clarification and not with "holy" indignation.
    But so be it.
    Thank you, Mr. Langermann, for your exemplary work and sincere commitment!

  61. The tiring thing about Füllmich is that he says the same thing over and over again. I'm not optimistic when I draw conclusions about the progress of knowledge from there. In the SCA, a colorful mix of people "appear", most of whom have suffered damage or unspecifically "suspect" something big with little foundation, but are stuck in the analysis....

    The issue is global, and the WEF has had a successful history as a "matchmaker" between industry and politics since 1973. It launched Agenda 21, which the world dances to, and is implementing its "solutions" in the entire portfolio of 17 SDGs - not just in relation to health - which are finally killing people and the environment. This needs to be analyzed and named instead of always picking on the local bigwigs Drosten and Merkel, who are just tools. Drosten is (was) a first point of attack, replacing him in case of doubt is completely irrelevant. And then?

    In general, the alleged strategic capability (which assigns work to others) is rather limited here. Where are the scenarios that the grassroots are preparing for? Collapse of the reserve currency, supply chains, health care, if not only Bhakdi but also the reviled van den Bossche are right, uprising and civil war? Nada, nothing.

    It seems more important to maintain a good mood and optimism than to actually identify problems and develop solutions. But this is actually also the behavior of the old parties, who, apart from jumping on a technology for the reset, do not know any solutions that are not "delivered" by the industry. What does Füllmich think? Is the highly praised Kohn a McGyver who, if the worst comes to the worst, has a benevolent drone drop what he needs at his feet? Does Mr. Kreiß have a concept for a currency? All bloated academics who have never had to solve a real problem in their lives.

    1. Too bad, some 1
      Please make yourself available. You seem to have sound background knowledge. People like you will be needed in the future. If you also have integrity and are not obsessed with power, all the better.
      Kind regards Karin

  62. Incredibly exciting interview. Feels like a thriller. Many thanks for your valuable work

    1. That's how it is. This arbitrariness from above is at the limit of what can be tolerated! These people who are doing all this must be punished and all of them must be replaced. These greedy pharma and capital groups have crossed a red line!

  63. Good morning, I've only just been able to hear it, as I didn't get to the site yesterday due to the high demand. Thank you for your thorough research Mr. Langemann and thank you Dr. Füllmich for your great commitment! That's how it is and I always knew something was wrong. Anyone who follows you both has been informed correctly from the start! A thousand thanks and please continue.

    1. That's exactly right. I am also very grateful for the clarification provided by the Corona Committee.
      Right at the beginning of the 'pandemic', the headline from the alternative media 'International doctors strongly advise against the mRNA vaccination' burned itself into my mind

    2. That's exactly right. I am also very grateful for the clarification provided by the Corona Committee.
      Right at the beginning of the 'pandemic', the headline from the alternative media 'International doctors strongly advise against the mRNA vaccination' burned itself into my mind

  64. To Dr. Füllmich: great work, which is obviously slowly becoming a life's work. In terms of content, I found the question of why children in particular are being targeted by the vaccination campaign remarkable, which gives me very bad suspicions. I agree with your answer to the other side's question. Especially the point that it is not monolithic.
    Mr. Langemann. Thank you very much for your work, your style and your striving for the virtues of good journalism. There is very little of that. One small request: I would like to see more questions from you, questions that steer, provocative questions. If you want to go into politics, you should also show your contours in the headwinds

  65. The doubts are justified. We too are now wondering whether the truth is actually being sought at these public hearings. We have written to Dr. Rainer Füllmich and the Corona Investigation Committee several times. We have not received a reply to date.
    In the above interview, Dr. Füllmich says that nobody knows why it seems to be so important that children worldwide should be vaccinated. This is incorrect and we hereby publicly point this out once again.

    Based on our research conducted since the beginning of 2019, there is a plausible explanation. This is: global decimation of a possible control group.

    What we are currently observing worldwide does not appear to be primarily aimed at immunization and protection against infection, but rather at covering up damage that has already been done on an almost unimaginable scale.

    Explanation: Many renowned scientists around the world have long called for a large-scale comparative cohort study of fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated and non-immunized individuals with regard to general health in later life (at 15, 25, 35 and 45 years). The few studies that have been carried out to date with only very small groups certainly give cause for concern regarding the long-term effects of various vaccines. One example is the "Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children" conducted by Dr. Anthony Mawson. https://www.oatext.com/Pilot-comparative-study-on-the-health-of-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-6-to-12-year-old-U-S-children.php be mentioned. Many similar studies with comparable results exist, but are not discussed publicly as a matter of principle. However, this would be necessary with regard to an unbiased scientific investigation. Our organization (Fair Quest) has already published
    Such a large-scale study is planned for August 2019. https://www.facebook.com/fairquest/videos/220041748901791/
    Every scientific comparative study requires a control group. Meaningful results can only be obtained if a sufficiently large number of people are available who have never been subjected to a suspected measure.
    Anyone who is capable of recognizing connections will now be aware of what we are talking about here. In this context, the ruling against Monsanto in California in August 2018 (https://www.baumhedlundlaw.com/blog/2018/august/monsanto-to-pay-289-2-million-in-landmark-roundu/), which ordered the manufacturer of glyphosate, a substance now classified as a carcinogen, to pay $289 million (subsequently reduced). In a third judgment, a married couple was awarded $2 billion. The German company Bayer AG, with which Monsanto has since merged, is currently facing over 100,000 similar lawsuits.

    The Monsanto ruling, which has been described worldwide as groundbreaking, is relevant with regard to the potential liability implications for the vaccine injury compensation programs of many countries (in the USA, for example, the VICP - Vaccine Injury Compensation Program https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/index.html)

    Should large-scale comparative studies ever be able to provide clear evidence of a link between chronic diseases, cancer, developmental disorders, etc. and vaccines administered billions of times, the consequence would be a worldwide wave of lawsuits of unimaginable proportions. Not only would the states be exposed to compensation claims amounting to several trillion US$, it would undoubtedly lead to the liability of virtually all pharmaceutical companies that have ever produced and marketed a vaccine (existing exclusions of liability would be contested).

    But there is an elegant and impressively simple solution to the looming and, since the Monsanto ruling, very real risk of liability for pharmaceutical companies and states: the maximum reduction of possible control groups. Without completely unvaccinated control groups, as existed in many places for religious or cultural reasons before the start of global mass immunization, there will never be any meaningful comparative studies.


    1. It's always worse 🙁 It really seems to be impossible to grasp with a HEALTHY mind what pathological egomaniac brains come up with and implement. I suspect that Dr. Fuellmich has acute tunnel vision, which seems understandable given his current job.

      1. The fact is that every well-known pharmaceutical company is by definition a convicted criminal. Even if someone generally believes in good intentions, it is still advisable to be at least extremely cautious about the statements made by these companies. There is simply far too much money at stake.
        Here are a few randomly selected judgments:

        2012 - GlaxoSmithKline pleads guilty and pays $3 billion to resolve allegations of fraud and failure to report safety data:

        2009 - Justice Department announces largest fraud settlement in healthcare history. Pfizer pays 2.3 billion dollars for fraudulent marketing:

        2013 - Johnson & Johnson pays more than 2.2 billion dollars to settle criminal and civil investigations:

        Abbott Labs must pay a fine of 1.5 billion dollars for fraud in the marketing of drugs:

        2009 - Eli Lilly and Company agrees to pay $1.415 billion to settle allegations of off-label promotion of Zyprexa:


        1998 - Amgen settles fraud case for $82 million:

        2018 - Drug maker Actelion pays $360 million to settle False Claims Act liability for paying kickbacks:

        2020 - Opioid manufacturer Purdue Pharma pleads guilty to fraud and kickback conspiracies:

        And here in context... Ratiopharm affair - doctors convicted of fraud:

      2. A tunnel is a pretty narrow thing. Could you please describe it? What are the determining factors that you have identified that justify the tunnel vision you have recognized?
        I ask this for a very simple reason: from the very beginning, I have recognized in Dr. Füllmich a manager of the very highest quality, the likes of which we have not had in the companies I know in Germany for a long time. On the contrary, I have always been very surprised by the willingness and open-mindedness of the whole team - not just Dr. Füllmich - towards some scientific disciplines that are not exactly commonplace and well-known, right up to the educational analysis of the malaise in the entire education sector (speaker Mr. Burchardt). I therefore find that Dr. Füllmich and his team have a very broad-based approach, which is also necessary in order to recognize the connections.

    2. That is very impressive what you are saying here! Thank you, I was not aware of this aspect and it makes perfect sense!

  66. Many thanks for this enlightening hour. Excellent factual work. Clever questions, insightful answers. I definitely recommend it.

  67. I am glad that there are still "real" lawyers who really stand behind people. On the subject of vaccination: I always had confidence in my
    family doctor. But when she urged me to get vaccinated, I became very skeptical. She said that I absolutely had to get vaccinated,
    apparently because of my previous illness, but this should not really play a role in this case. It was also not about weighing up the risks, but
    straight towards vaccination advertising. " Vaccination is safe . " There is no immune system that can defend itself against this disease " etc.
    Panic, panic . I'm going to die etc.
    Personally, I have the feeling that these contact restrictions etc. are more likely to kill me. But there's only Corona. Because of all these
    Restrictions, such as contact restrictions (I dread the fall), induce a lot of stress. Permanent stress in this form dampens
    the immune system. I am sure that these inhumane restrictions will also cost many people their lives. There are also very
    many mentally ill people.

    1. Ask your family doctor if she can give you a certificate against masks, since you are so at risk

    2. You're absolutely right! And about the GP - I haven't seen him for three years now. What's the point? I look after myself as well as I can, that's enough. Besides, I have no intention of getting old with the help of medication.

  68. Thank you very much for your commitment Mr. Langemann, without people like you we would be completely out of business, so at least there is hope that something will change.

    Very good and interesting interview, the MSM could all take a leaf out of his book.

  69. It wasn't the disease that scared me, but the restrictions and the methods used to maintain the statics of this coronavirus house of cards.
    At my age (78), I could actually walk the "home stretch" in peaceful lethargy, but the level of contradictions in the political world is too great.
    Dealing with this "pandemic" gives me pause. The organized panic, the media chaos with the help of willing "experts" as explanations or justifications suggests the worst and my worry lines have solidified! Only the fact that there are still courageous journalists, courageous legal representatives and real experts who are not in aggressive competition and perhaps also think in an interdisciplinary way gives me courage and a little hope! They deserve my sincere thanks and I wish them success and ultimately the recognition that the courage to find the truth really deserves!!!

  70. Thank you very much, Mr. Langemann, for your excellent work! I consider Dr. Fuellmich to be a fraud and charlatan who will disappoint the hopes and expectations placed in him.

    1. Well, then Lena and her friend Pessimism can sit back in their armchairs and wait carefree until fate brings the real charlatans to the scaffold! With their conviction, they could even organize bets!

    2. I see it exactly the same way with Mr. Fuelmich. He advertised the Class Action in Canada and the interested parties were allowed to pay just under €1,000. What happened to that? You don't hear anything more about it. It had nothing to do with self-employment in Canada. So where did the money go? Nothing was paid back. It came to nothing. The Pope, the Queen, the Gates etc. were sued.
      Then he said that he was working with Kennedy in the USA as a lawyer. I looked it up and there was nothing about Fuellmich.
      I don't trust him at all. For me, he's a self-indulgent windbag. At the end of May we were told that we would be able to present something big in 3 - 4 weeks. Hot air.
      He also jumps from stick to stick in this conversation. Not worth wasting time listening to that.

  71. Good evening Mrs. Bleuer!
    We had no significant excess mortality in Germany compared to previous years.
    Many people with a positive test result have been intubated to 'protect the hospital staff'. This can have fatal consequences, including death, especially in older people.
    In addition, medication was administered in phases, which has a toxic (poisonous) effect even with a slight overdose. To make matters worse, the focus was only on coronavirus as a disease in people with symptoms. As a result, some diseases were not recognized because there was insufficient diagnosis.
    Many nursing staff were sent into quarantine due to positive test results without symptoms, resulting in a shortage of staff in nursing homes, for example. As a logical consequence, staff were unable to care for those in need of care to the extent required. Dehydration, hunger and a lack of hygiene were the result - the outcome of which was often fatal.
    All avoidable fatalities!
    It all depends on the PCR test.
    Healthy, hard-working people are being sent into quarantine and are tearing a huge hole in processes - regardless of the industry.
    The elderly, the needy and the sick do not receive the treatment they actually need.
    It is also important:
    Most of the deceased became corona deaths simply by testing 'positive'. Even if they had been ill in other ways for years or had been in a car accident.
    Respectfully, we must also remember those who saw no way out of this distressing situation and ended their own lives.
    Important treatments, even vital operations, were postponed. In the case of cancer patients, lung diseases, autoimmune diseases and infections, for example, any help was not only delayed, but simply too late.
    This list could be extended in many more ways.
    My personal conclusion:
    Everyone has their own life, their own individual career. We will all die one day. I wish everyone to be able to do so with dignity.
    All the best to you!

  72. He always has such a "big mouth" and his exaggerated good humor is suspicious to me. Typical Yank, but maybe you need such qualities to pull off the Corona Committee. At least it's good that he and the committee exist!

    1. What nonsense! now people are being denounced and denounced for "good humour" and then at least acknowledged that Dr. Reiner Füllmich is there with his Coronaauschsuss (typical Ami) where is he Ami? What kind of work is behind these complaints, which are not exactly small, to keep the committee alive and, some people just seem to let that fall by the wayside. Yes, they are right about one thing, we can be glad that there are people like Füllmich who deal with these things every day for all of us. Anyone can do Corinthenkakkerei. We can all be happy for all the people out there who are thinking about how we can take back our planet.

      1. hits the nail on the head! when factual incompetence, self-aggrandizement and barely concealed antipathy
        entering into an unfortunate alliance is to be expected from the victims of media brainwashing
        as just that: a curmudgeon's cackle, embedded in denunciatory insinuations, new German: framing.

  73. If I had watched this scenario as a movie almost 2 years ago, I would have switched off. Cruel, unrealistic and completely sick would have been my verdict.
    Now I have to live in this movie-and the worst thing is: I am mom, I see my child suffer and fight every day for the little piece of "perfect world" for my son. Job is gone-well, money is tight-well, we were locked up-well...... -but the suffering of the children and now this "vaccination fear"!
    I'm just glad that there are still a handful of real journalists and people who have "bitten" into the plandemic. Thank you for that!!!! And I sincerely hope that people will wake up and inform themselves and not just be fed by the old media.

  74. Great interview, from which I was able to take a lot away.

    What was new and frightening for me was the information about how far the arms of politics are now reaching out to justice. The amount in dispute in a lawsuit against the RKI/Wieler is set at a utopian 31 million euros so that this lawsuit doesn't go to court? Madness. But this also confirms the nervousness of the "perpetrator circles".

    This agitation and nervousness was also evident in Drosten himself in September/October 2020. At the time, I watched a (difficult to bear) longer video of him at a "home game" in Meppen, hosted by local stars who uncritically hung on Drosten's every word. There he was also asked about lateral thinkers. As expected, after he disparaged them in a condescending tone, he went on to talk about the "group of lawyers" who were advised by "some half-scientists" from whom "you can get any statement" without being asked (!). Drosten spoke of "freely invented ideas", of "madmen" etc. There was only one thing Drosten didn't have, apart from a lot of ranting: arguments. He neither named nor refuted the content of the criticism from Fuellmich and co. Drosten did not even mention the name Fuellmich. Incidentally, he had this in common with the ARD fact-checker Rohwedder, who "took on" the case at the time.

    The criticism, the main subject of the lawsuit, was then as now: The PCR test - as it was sold/waved through and used by Drosten/RKI and WHO - is not suitable for detecting an infection. Attorney Fuellmich has a whole armada of renowned scientists (so much for "crazy people") behind him who justify this medically. How did Drosten react to this accusation at the time? Any educated person who knows little about medicine/virology would expect the following answer from Drosten: "The PCR test is very suitable for the clear detection of a corona infection because [medical justification]".

    But Drosten did not. Drosten responded to the subject of the complaint as follows (in his NDR podcast, quoted by the aforementioned fact-checker Rohwedder):
    "The diagnostic laboratories in Germany work according to the In Vitro Diagnostics Directive with certified tests. They work under a continuous quality control system that completely rules out all speculation by conspiracy theorists. Everything is checked in the system."

    This is general waffle. Drosten dodges the criticism. No concrete medical-virological justification. Plus defamation of his critics. Drosten doesn't even mention the word PCR test. This is how a charlatan with rhetorical talent speaks.

    P.S. Nice that RA Fuellmich mentioned the huge demonstration in London. The fact that it was completely hushed up by the mainstream media or "written down" to a few hundred nutters reminded me of Berlin.

    1. "They work under a continuous quality control system that completely and systematically excludes all speculation by conspiracy theorists. Everything is checked in the system"
      Only that this quality control system (proficiency testing) is in the hands of a private company, the participating laboratories pay for their certification and the quality control essentially consists of dilution series, while the absolutely necessary differentiation of SARS-CoV2 from other, less dangerous or even non-human pathogenic corona viruses is not sufficiently tested at all...so these could potentially be detected by PCR. This is where the real picture fits together again in my opinion...(Tönnies, minks...)
      The PCR detects virus snippets in homeopathic dilution and may - in the case of clinical symptoms - be understood as an indication of the pathogen for diagnosis. However, PCR cannot be used for sequencing and therefore cannot differentiate corona from the harmless family. Efforts are being made to identify the delta variant - there have long been more than 5000 mutations - and relatively harmless coronaviruses have always been common worldwide. So, in my opinion, we can probably say that PCR detects something that has always existed worldwide and frequently - only PCR has spread. The viruses have always existed - at 80%...the proportion of SARS-CoV2 is probably ~20% and is represented by the very serious clinical picture...
      Relative nonsense with "symptomless transmission" - in any case hardly over 14 days - perhaps 1-2 days before symptoms appear, as with other diseases. Otherwise, these are probably simply viral components of harmless corona viruses...
      Please show me where this working hypothesis has been scientifically refuted. So far I have only found one dubious paper on this...

      1. I am not a doctor, but I am a person who has been going through life for decades without the support of a family doctor.
        So it was clear to me from the very first hour that we were on the wrong track. If you listen to your body, it will tell you faster than any test whether you are ill.
        For me, the PCR test was charlatanry after I saw how people had to wait outside test centers in wind and weather to be told whether they were sick or healthy.
        I was sure that this was not about our health.

      2. Verena: "There have long been more than 5000 mutations"

        That's surprisingly few - or are they all mutating according to a predetermined plan?
        Doesn't every virus, of which there are many on an infected person alone, mutate differently?
        And hasn't the original virus been mutated away long ago?
        What are we actually talking about here - a pandemic or a political staging?

        Where do figures like these 5,000 come from?

  75. I am very impressed by the persuasiveness of Dr. F.
    Thank you for the interview Mr. Langemann. The connections are becoming ever clearer and more frightening.

  76. Thank you for your clear, authentic and factual journalism and for helping to shed light on what is probably the biggest political, economic, scientific and human crisis that has ever occurred.

  77. If our politicians were as open and honest with us as Dr. Füllmich and his fellow campaigners are, we wouldn't have this whole mess on our hands. As a Swiss citizen, I have also joined the grassroots and have just received my membership number as of July 1. Of course, I can't use it to vote in Germany - but my aim is to support those people who stand up for the interests of the general public here. Dr. Füllmich and his team have earned our unreserved trust - please keep up the good work.

  78. It is always fascinating to see how criticism of Rainer Fuellmich or other critics of measures is always limited to the fact that they allegedly want to line their pockets with money. At a time of absolute upheaval in our society, there really are still people who think money is so important that they want to insinuate that it's all they care about.

    Those who at this time simply want to accuse critics of the government measures of having monetary interests have either still not understood the situation we find ourselves in, have an interest themselves in this situation continuing or are simply parroting what others claim without reflection.

    1. If you really intend to stuff your pockets, you can't win a flower pot on the side of the critics of the measures. You have to be on the other side of the battlefield. That's where the money is made with tests, with masks, with vaccination propaganda and with the vaccinations themselves and everything associated with them.
      Just think of the mask deals, the racket made by pharmacies by handing out free masks to the over-60s, the scams in the test centers and, last but not least, the pharmaceutical industry, which developed the so-called vaccines at taxpayers' expense and is now raking in huge profits by selling these toxic substances with zero liability risk.

    2. I'm right there with you - but in my view, there is no clear statement about where things are heading. Money has no intrinsic value and is merely a means to an end. So it has to be about something special: The human spirit! Transhumanism in connection with AI is clearly aimed at gaining power over the human mind and at the same time preventing it from being raised to the next level of development.

    3. they just don't have any comprehensible other arguments I think, as with the main topic. That is sooo pathetic...

  79. When two planets meet, one says to Earth hey what's wrong with you? Oh well, I'm not doing so well at the moment, I have homosapiens.... says the other one oh, not so bad, it'll pass very quickly.
    It's nice to hear that there are still rational people with attitude and honor who, in my view, choose the light and want to shine through the shadows.
    We are at a crossroads: do we want to return to the modern Middle Ages or live together as humans in a form worthy of humans? Every animal lives in harmony with nature, only we as a human species are currently incapable of doing so.

    Thank you for your good journalism Mr. Langemann.

  80. Dear Mr. Langemann,

    Thank you that it was you, the
    has revived my lost interest in good journalism.

    Thank you and Mr. Füllmich for being the spearhead for so many of us
    Each of them, for themselves, the work they both do gives not only hope but also strength.

    Thank you both for being on the light side (the good side) and fighting...

  81. Why doesn't anyone here notice that Fuellmich is saying exactly the same thing in this interview as in the two interviews before it? Including the story that "something really big" will happen in two to three weeks. Results? None. Progress? None. He just waits to see what happens in the world and then builds it into his stories. And then he claims that he has something to do with it. He is a greyhound who impresses less intellectual people with his eloquence and simply talks everyone else down. Fuellmich is a shameless phony.

    1. Yes, it is noticeable. But only to those who are critical of Fuellmich and co. everyone else obviously ignores it completely.

      1. Drosten, Wieler, Merkel, Söder & Co have been spouting the same nonsense for 15 months. At least that's what strikes me, and probably not just me.

        When one of our family members fell ill with coronavirus, my wife and I should have been trembling with fear at the sight of fully wrapped-up people interacting with sick people and regularly being shown on TV. Sorry, we couldn't develop any fears and, despite unchanged daily contact, including eating meals together, we developed neither symptoms nor positive test results. This disease may be dangerous for very old and sick people, but healthy people with a good immune system will generally not notice it too much.

        Dr. Füllmich is right. We must not let phobics, the pharmaceutical industry and governments gain control over OUR health, nor power-hungry elites gain control over OUR individual freedom. This battle is unlikely to be won by legal means. That is why it is only logical to take the step into politics.

    2. is quite noticeable. People believe what they want to believe and there are naturally people here who no longer trust the MSM. But people also need hope and I wonder where this is supposed to come from at the moment? There is currently - apart from a few very few in the AfD and the left - NOBODY in Germany who can intellectually convince anyone outside the RTL target group. And before I listen to an intellectual fruit fly from the 'Greens'... I consider many great thinkers in the grassroots to be capable of formulating new goals and developing visions. However, I don't think any of them are capable of getting this off the ground politically or even implementing it. Personally, I believe that the grassroots is a catch-all for bright minds who should be prevented from actually changing anything.

  82. Clear and precise answers, just as one would expect from a well-founded lawyer and would wish for from so-called politicians. I have been following the committee since its 30th meeting and declare my absolute confidence in its work.

  83. Thanks for the interesting interview... hoping that more Germans will start to switch on their brains! The problem is that too few people bother to listen to such articles... soccer or soap operas are much more important! All the best and thanks again for the good journalism!

    1. Why do you obviously think that people who do not share your views do not engage their brains and would not bother to listen to posts like this one? Isn't the opposite the case and you can't cope with the fact that people listen to this article, but don't blindly accept it, but research it further and then come to results/insights that don't correspond to your desired opinion?

      1. That's exactly how it should be. I am of the opinion that you have gone completely wrong with the measures and the assessment and that you should never justify this with "we didn't know" in retrospect. But if you disagree and can at least justify this to yourself or to other people in the discussion, then I would see that as an enrichment. What I often come across, however, are people who haven't thought about it at all, but want to spread their opinion with full aggression. You hear things like "yes, look at the figures, how bad it all is" and when you ask "what figures do you mean now", the answer is "I don't know, I don't know you either, but they're really bad".
        There is no question that this exists on both sides, but it is currently only one side that is having a massive impact on the lives of others.

      2. Just two questions for you, Mr. Schories:
        Are you aware that hospitals were closed during the "pandemic" instead of setting up Bundeswehr hospitals to care for the many seriously ill people? "Germany, 2020: 21 hospitals go offline during the coronavirus pandemic. More to follow this year. How can that be?" Source: Berliner Zeitung 22.1.2021.
        Did you know that normal sick days in the public sector already have an incidence of 3,500 to 4,000 - and that's without just infected people?
        And finally:
        Since when do surgeons in medicine actually wear FFP2 masks when operating?

  84. Thank you very much for your interview and it is staggering what is happening in our courts! How can something like this happen - what kind of constitutional state do we have? What has become of Germany?

  85. Thank you, Mr. Langemann
    For the insightful interview, I am firmly convinced that as long as the people go along with everything, nothing will change.
    I didn't believe from the start that it was never about our health.
    But what I find even worse, like many
    people still believe those in power.
    There is a division in society and a fear. Fear is the worst companion.
    Thank you again and all the best.

  86. Thank you for the interview.
    It is not easy for the Corona Investigation Committee and especially for Mr. Füllmich to meet the demands of each individual.
    The fact is that this committee does a very extensive and not self-evident job of clarification.
    It is also a fact that, among other things, the structure of lies is slowly collapsing, it is only supported by people who simply don't want to think or are so immersed in their role as victims that their only support is the government. Who wants to admit that they have been vaccinated for populist and non-evidence-based reasons?
    Rene Berchten

  87. A very good interview! As the saying goes: 'he who defends himself is guilty' if you approach the matter with honor and conscience like dr.ra. fullmich does with his team, you don't need to defend or justify yourself. Explaining is enough. Thank you for the interview.
    (Dutch thought and German written)

  88. And once again, my sincere thanks to you, Mr. Langemann.
    For outstanding journalistic work, at a time when many of your colleagues seem to have abandoned their professional ethos...

  89. Thank you very much for the interview and all the information you have provided. Nevertheless, even if everything sounds very good, please allow me to remain skeptical. I will be happy to be corrected at the end.

  90. I've had the TV and radio off for over a year because I can't stand the lies any more. Reitschuster and Langemann still have serious journalism. Thank you very much for that! In 1989 I was on the streets on Mondays and I am there again now! My conviction then as now: "Freedom will win"! 1000 thanks to Dr. Füllmich for his work!

  91. We started quite early with the Cororna Committee.
    Always very high-profile guests, sober facts.
    We are very grateful for this format and especially for the line-up with Dr. Füllmich, Dr. Wodarg and Ms. Fischer and others.
    Their work gives us courage that it will end well after all.
    What's bad, however, as one of the previous speakers said, is that those who need to hear it ignore it. Unfortunately.
    Calling these people - especially Dr. Wodarg - corona deniers is really sad, but has become sympathetic to large parts of the population

  92. Many people have no normality since March 2020 and now in summer 21 the measures are harsher than last summer!!!! Thanks for the detailed update! Healthy people have been in quarantine for over a year. 99% of people were never sick and certainly 30% on the edge of the abyss !

    1. I'm sure you have verifiable sources for your numbers (99%/ 30%). I went to the movies this week, biked in Denmark last weekend, can shop anywhere, do sports, etc. Everything was better a year ago and now we have a tightening? Aha....

      1. It depends from which perspective you look at it. This summer, probably due to the pressure of the general election, more is possible if you adhere to the additional measures such as testing and vaccinations. If you reject these for personal and currently quite understandable reasons, then you are definitely more restricted than last summer.
        I don't know what the 30/90 is all about, but I wonder how the massive impact of the weather on the incidence of infection can still be denied today.

      2. Speaking of doing sports: I've had a subscription to our gym, equipment and sauna for 20 years. I have terminated the contract for cause because from June 1, 2021 I am only allowed to participate if I am a) vaccinated, b) recovered (whatever that means), or c) present a daily updated test. I do not want to and will not fulfill all three points. So much for sport - for me it's a state-imposed ban on sport!

  93. Many, many, many thanks for your clarification !!!! Big chapeau !!!! Incredible work. Thank you.

  94. Dear Mr. Langemann,

    They are worth their weight in gold...

    ... and I was very happy to contribute to the constant filling of your fuel cups for you and your team last week.

    Best regards,
    Petra S.

  95. Thank you for your work, it's time to act. Even previously *sleepy* people are becoming more and more critical and are starting to think and are increasingly dissatisfied even if they still feel powerless. The tide is slowly turning. All this gives you hope. People who were vaccinated for the first time don't go for the second vaccination and would prefer to undo the first.

  96. Great conversation! Thank you for that. I trust Reiner Fuellmich and am very glad that he is on "our side" and fighting.
    Many thanks also to you, Mr. Langemann, for always conducting such great and intelligent interviews.

  97. Sometimes I have doubts and think that I can't be smarter than the majority of my German flatmates. This interview has given me a bit of reassurance.
    Thank you Dr. Füllmich, you are very authentic and I believe you.
    Please continue.

  98. I find the basis so refreshing... people-oriented and honest. Her fuellmich is a man of honor and we are all pinning our hopes on him... I have long since seen through the perfidious criminal game of the super-rich. In the end, the light always wins and not the shadow. Persevere and believe in the good. The basis is our future

  99. Interesting interview with Mr. Füllmich. What would interest me and has never been answered, if the PCR test is no good, which I also think it is, what are or why have many people died from in individual countries?

    1. First and foremost age. The age at death was higher than the average life expectancy. Then an infection of any kind particularly affects the population groups that are bedridden or have pre-existing conditions. In the case of younger people, it is also mostly the pre-existing illnesses, any infection can be the trigger. And looking abroad: on the one hand, the poorer healthcare system and multiple infections due to a lack of hygiene. And then you shouldn't be blinded by the deliberately false figures. You always have to look at it in relation to the overall population.

      1. Why have many people died in individual countries?

        ... also because of incorrect treatment methods such as too early artificial respiration (intubated for weeks) or massive long-term administration of corticoids (which suppress the immune system) ...

  100. Interesting interview with Mr. Füllmich. What would interest me and has never been answered, if the PCR test is no good, which I also think it is, what are or why have many people died from in individual countries?

    1. Just look at the official figures and don't just believe the nonsense in the media.

      1. What are the "official figures" you quote? What figures do THE media quote?

    2. I would like to make a small list of what I can think of that people have died of:
      1. the normal viral and bacterial infections that occur every year.
      2. overdose of medication (e.g. confusion of hydroxychloroquine with hydroxyquinoline: https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-medikamenten-tragodie
      3. artificial respiration applied too quickly (a high percentage of elderly people with pre-existing conditions in particular die)
      4. the failure to treat acute illnesses (heart attacks "fell" by 30% during the so-called 1st wave)
      5. loneliness and neglect in retirement and nursing homes
      6. the massively increased suicide rate - the Berlin fire department once spoke of a tenfold increase in such operations in summer 2020, Julia Neigel spoke of 6 suicides in her environment in the art and cultural scene in an interview with Jens Lehrich, a friend of hers even knows of 12 cases: https://youtu.be/ThCCrdi32M4
      Unfortunately, I can no longer provide sources for everything because some of it was written too long ago. But if you do some research, you're sure to find a few things.

      1. All I see here are many arbitrary assertions without sources ("what occurs to me" is not a source) and/or sources that ultimately refer to your preferred opinion formation (Rubicon). Where is the much-vaunted alternative or the debate (and possibly refutation) of the arguments of others that you find unpleasant? And honestly: "a friend of Julia Neigel" is just as credible a source for me as "Boris, the cousin of my neighbor's friend". To then refer to it as "too long ago" and if you do your research you'll find something is cheap polemic, to put it mildly, and can kill any meaningful discussion...

      2. I completely agree with you, there are very good medicines that have been proven to help but hardly cost anything. Not interesting for the pharmaceutical industry. The Servus TV documentary "Corona in search of the truth.
        httpss://www.servustv.com/videos/aa-27juub3a91w11/. I am infinitely grateful for the great work of the Corona Committee and Mr. Langemann. It gives me hope that the truth will come to light. Thank you very much.

  101. It's not normal if I have to take a test twice a week for an unskilled job (domestic help). Masks are also compulsory when shopping and visiting restaurants. Tests 2 times a week when traveling. And quarantine on return, even for vaccinated people. However, people are already grateful for little things.

  102. Server collapsed due to overload
    actually a good sign = so many interested parties

    or technical censorship?

  103. Thank you for your journalism, Mr. Langemann!
    I no longer need the old "big ones". Subscriptions canceled, apps deleted. It's time for new voices, my gut told me about 15 months ago.
    Good that you exist!

  104. I completely agree with his statements!
    He's doing a great job with his reconnaissance!
    Unfortunately, the people who need to listen to it don't listen, or they listen away!

    1. or they listen and then make up their own minds, fed by more than one source? Who are the people who should "listen to it"? What reputation does the "hard worker/enlightener" have that I should give his words sole or greater weight than other sources?

      1. Hello Mr. Schories!

        I am surprised by the vehemence with which you are still criticizing the source work of our fellow forums in the pitch black. I am happy to assume that you have the best of intentions - but let's take a step back together.

        If you weren't skeptical, we wouldn't be here. My passion for numbers turned me into an engineer, who took the trouble to look at the RKI's official corona figures in March of this year.

        The shock of this data set turned me into a covidiot. I wouldn't have thought it possible that it could be used as the basis for something that would be more important than the question of whether to have sausage or cheese for dinner.

        If, let's say, a monkey, an intern from the health department and a statistician from the RKI bang away at their keyboards, it's nothing short of a miracle if the situation consistently looks considerably more threatening in the figures than it is in reality. In general, if you are seriously interested in fighting a pandemic, don't let monkeys at the keyboard.

        From there it was downhill for me in the maelstrom. DIVI broken. PCR broken. Antigen tests broken anyway. Incidence broken. Vaccination was a thing of the past. Circles of friends torn apart, as with many. For me in particular, sleepless, stunned nights in front of the announced number deserts.

        I am at a point where I know that the official story is a hoax. I can only speculate about motives and backgrounds, we all know the profiteers. I stand before the ruins of my certainties.

        Incidentally, I consider Dr. Fuellmich to be a self-absorbed phrase-monger and pseudo-giant. In view of what comes from Merkel, Drosten and co. he is refreshingly sincere.

        I sincerely wish you, Mr. Schories, the courage to use your own common sense - and shoulders broad enough to bear the consequences.

        And please be strict with the sources.

        1. ...that's probably how I feel, too...
          However, I do not come to the conclusion that everything is wrong, but only that the presentation and evaluation (even at the beginning) is criminally distorted.
          One should certainly also be careful not to polarize and confirm only in one's own perception bubble without really looking at the "other side". What if the PCR is a highly sensitive diagnostic element (among others), the fact that the ct value is inversely proportional to the viral load is taken into account, ventilation in Covid19 disease is medically necessary and medical staff do everything they can to get people well again...this new disease is not a fake - just much less common than portrayed in the media...it was not a fake, but a frightening fact that in large intensive care units there were suddenly 50 ventilated patients unusually all with the same diagnosis...

  105. Mr. Reiner füllmich you are doing a very great job we are glad that you are there

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