

Questions & Answers To the media library

What is an annual or two-year ticket for the Club of Clear Words?

The annual ticket gives you access to all content in the club's media library for a whole year.

You can purchase an annual ticket directly on the Club der klaren Worte media library website. Select the option for the annual ticket there.

The ticket code will be automatically sent to your specified e-mail address within minutes. Please also check your spam folder, depending on your local settings, e-mails may sometimes end up in the spam folder

You can purchase the annual ticket by credit card, Paypal or, in exceptional cases, by bank transfer.

Transfer the amount to:

Langemann Media Ltd.

Raiffeisenbank Isar-Loisachtal eG

IBAN: DE58 7016 9543 0000 9017 84


Indicate "annual subscription ticket" in the transfer text and also send an e-mail to studio@clubderklarenworte.de to inform them of the transfer.

Your annual ticket is valid for 365 days from the first use of the ticket code.

After the 365 days have expired, you must purchase a new annual ticket in order to continue to have access to the content. So you run not into a "subscription trap"

You can pay by credit card and Paypal. Bank transfer is also possible for annual subscriptions.

Enter the code on the media library page for a video that you click on. You will be asked to enter the code to gain access to the content.

Ticket codes for individual videos currently run indefinitely and allow multiple access to the purchased video.

Ticket codes for individual videos currently run indefinitely and allow multiple access to the purchased video.

You will no longer have access to the media library once your annual ticket has expired. To continue access, you must purchase a new annual ticket.

Check your internet connection, browser version and device settings. If problems persist, please contact studio@clubderklarenworte.de

Make sure that your Internet connection is stable, update your browser or use a different browser. If necessary, restart your computer.

You can pay by credit card and Paypal. Bank transfer is also possible for annual subscriptions.

Make sure that you have sufficient Internet bandwidth and that your browser and device are up to date.
