

He grins to himself

by Peter Löcke //

With best regards and best wishes,
Your Federal Minister of Health
Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach 

The vaccination briefing by letter from the Ministry of Health. Did you hear about it from the media or first-hand? Were you one of the millions of over-60s who received health insurance mail? Did you unsuspectingly open this letter from your health insurance company only to be astonished to discover that the contents were a personal call for vaccination from Karl Lauterbach? I'm under 60 and was actually in the middle of my media sabbatical. So it took a coincidence for me to find out about it.

In my local pub, I met an old acquaintance who told me about receiving the Lauterbach letter. Since, like me, he speaks fluently and ironically, I initially thought it was a joke. My acquaintance is 70 years old and, according to him, has been vaccinated four times. Out of conviction. After all, so many people can't be wrong. He had survived all the vaccinations quite well apart from a fever and some heart palpitations. I left it uncommented. My confession that I had been vaccinated exactly four times less didn't enrage him. He just nodded briefly. A wonderful experience. I'm not used to such a tolerant, relaxed reaction. We changed the subject, reminisced about the past, mourned mutual friends who are no longer with us and told each other funny anecdotes from the past. It was nice.  The only thing that infuriated him was that I immediately poured the Veterano he gave me to say goodbye into my coffee. 

"You philistine. You never used to do that."

Back to the philistine Lauterbach and his latest vaccination propaganda. Back at home, curiosity was stronger than the self-discipline of my media abstinence. The madness in fast-forward, starting with the financial aspect. Depending on the source, up to 30 million letters are said to have been sent out and the campaign cost up to 20 million euros. Paid for by the health insurance companies, i.e. indirectly by the insured. How many people who would otherwise not have been vaccinated do you think you can reach with this desperate campaign?

According to the official version, all health insurance companies sent the letter "at the request" of Lauterbach. Oh well. The letters were sent almost simultaneously throughout Germany and by every health insurance fund. So it must have been a very firmly expressed request with emphasis and planning.

According to Lauterbach, the pandemic is unfortunately not over yet. Another oops. Much of the world sees it differently. Even a former hardliner like Joe Biden has declared the pandemic in the USA to be over and heralded the endemic phase. The list of countries that are treating coronavirus like a normal flu is getting longer and longer.

What else does Lauterbach write? Vaccination remains one of the most effective means against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Did Lauterbach actually write "remains"? Based on the unfortunately non-existent data and Karl's categorical subjunctive? The subjunctive of fear.

The "independent" STIKO also recommends vaccination from the age of 60. Is there a second STIKO or does Lauterbach mean the independent STIKO that is under constant political and media pressure to recommend vaccination? In the words of chairman Thomas Mertens: "We are accommodating the politicians."

And because vaccination expert Karl Lauterbach has really got into his stride, he concludes by recommending the all-inclusive package for the over-60s target group. For optimum protection, he also recommends a flu and pneumococcal vaccination. Please do not ask your doctor or pharmacist, let alone Karl Lauterbach, about the risks and side effects. Don't ask the vaccine manufacturers either, because they won't tell you the raw data from the studies, only the sales-promoting interpretation of their own results. The rest is under lock and key.

There is no moral to the story. Except for one, perhaps. You're right to wonder why I pour a good Spanish brandy into my coffee as a flavor enhancer? Because the brandy no longer burns, I have thermally utilized it. Veterano was watered down years ago. The bottle and label remained. Who pays attention to the fact that the brandy is no longer brandy because it only has 30 instead of 36 percent alcohol. Different content, same packaging. Label fraud, just like the vaccine. As with 800 million masks for 800 million euros, which have now been thermally recycled. That sounds nicer than burnt masks and burnt money.

I don't know what the disposal of millions of unused vaccines will soon sound like. All I know is that the physical state of Karl Lauterbach does not change.

Articles identified by name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

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36 Responses

  1. Everyone knows that Karl Lauterbach is an unmotivated, clueless chatterbox with a repetitive character who suffers from a puzzling attention deficit. Why waste too many words on him? Trying to cure him with arguments is doomed to failure anyway.

    As long as the Federal Chancellor does not speak out, "his" disease will continue to infect our entire nation, as even a cursory glance at buses and trains or a walk through the supermarket will reveal.

    1. This infection of the people, dear Dr. Aßmann, is being promoted in a powerful way. The glossy advertising for the "vaccination booster" is being published at every turn with the familiar moralizing. The senders in whose name this campaign is being run are interesting: The Federal Ministry of Health and other high-ranking institutions of the so-called healthcare system. I am simply lost for words.

  2. I have also received mail from Santa Claus and have to check whether my health insurance company has arranged for the marketing letter from the pharmaceutical industry to be sent to me and whether this is a blatant violation of the Federal Data Protection Act. I have not authorized my health insurance company to forward advertising from third parties to me. The content of both sides' letter is full of technical, formal and even stylistic errors or carelessness, and uses language that was probably borrowed from the terminology of the GREENS. When these ladies, gentlemen and others rant about the planet's climate emergency in layman's terms instead of 'model-theoretically', it sounds and reads like the new Lauterbach 'church letter'. Few facts, no evidence, but lots of visions and woke ideologies. Hey bro, why don't you join in? Taking part is so great and vaccination is so "good" for you! Huh? Have I landed on a "C" class planet? "C" stands for chaos. Why Mr. Lauterbach advertises products that, even according to the manufacturer (Pfizer), were never designed as "protection" against xyz, I assume only he himself can explain. But he doesn't and instead fabulates with zeal where there is no evidence and empiricism. He completely dispenses with evidence for his assertions. According to the motto: detailed knowledge about the connections can interfere with supervised belief, he lines up one assertion after another. And if there is evidence, why doesn't Pfizer disclose the primary data? Why is the EU still not disclosing the details of its contracts with the pharmaceutical industry? Why ... why ... why? Are we not supposed to know what there is to know? That's your job, Mr. Minister. That's what you were appointed for. That's what we pay taxes for. WE don't pay for placebos. And many of the citizens are paying an unbearably high price after two years of massive vaccination breakthroughs. What is the point of multiple vaccinations whose benefits are not clearly demonstrable and people are getting infected again? The same questions should, of course, be addressed to his predecessor, who makes three crosses every day that his buddy Lauterbach is allowed to take the rap for his inedible soup. Or as Mr. Habeck likes to put it, when nothing is clear and understandable anymore, but extremely expensive for all of us: I didn't know that ... so nobody could have known that ... Exactly! Mr. Lauterbach, I can only recommend the following: carry on with the same zeal as before. If you see yourself in the role of keeping suffering away from people, you can't be a bad person. But make sure that you immediately open up the necessary data. But maybe you don't know everything? The sciences are complex and should only be left to proven experts who have learned to argue constructively for the truth. Only contradiction provides clarity in the matter, not obfuscation and abstinence from facts. So if they don't know all the facts/data, they should tell the citizens. And warn people against dangerous half-knowledge. Half-knowledge is excusable. But if you know exactly what evidence the data has, then finally refrain from rambling on and writing little letters. This is inappropriate to the matter, the purpose, the truth and the health of citizens. The waffling on the matter cannot be excused.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Ott. Placet. I had read the primary data from Pfizer...e.g. immunosuppressed patients were completely excluded from the approval study. The Society for Transplantation then recommended the vaccination and at the same time pointed out that no approval data was available...how the politicians (Spahn on his own authority) and the Stiko may have come to the vaccination recommendation for immunocompromised people?
      I have just started a trial subscription to the NZZ. There you will find all kinds of seriously compiled data (on Corona in Germany) that supposedly would not exist here (only in small print on page ~30ff at rki). The publication of our KBV 10/2020 - signed by 18 professional associations - was also only published properly in Switzerland - here only stylized as a "paper around Mr. Streeck"...As H.G. Maaßen says: You get an impression of "Westfernsehen"...

  3. M. Stokowski as a deterrent example with Lauterbach in the BPK...prime example of the fact that the vaccination is neither effective (otherwise Mrs. S. would not have fallen ill) nor safe (who can rule out with certainty that the symptoms could be the result of the vaccination?)

  4. Because I'm only 54, I feel age-discriminated against. I would also have liked to have received the letter personally signed by Prof. Dr. Lauterbach, which is why I'm now a bit sniffy. But only in the figurative sense, because unfortunately I have not been able to attend previous injections for various reasons, so I am currently enduring my usual unfortunate state of health.

    But there is one thing that irritates me: the over-60s who have been uninjected should all be long dead, ravaged by the Klabauterbach germ, why are they still writing letters to them? Are they thrown directly into the mass graves as pressed paper?

  5. ...and how high is the proportion of narcissistic gaslightening in this whole campaign?...state-ordered psychoterror...

  6. I - now an early retiree - received the letter on Oct. 6 for the umpteenth time. Reading the comments reassures me somewhat. After all, I was a follower of my own personal conspiracy theory that there might be voluntary or enforced cooperation between the health insurance companies and the Ministry of Diseases and Vaccination, in which non-vaccinated over-sixty-year-olds would be reported. This does not seem to be the case, even though two, three, four .... and ten times over have received the pamphlet.

    How Mr. Minister of Health and Vaccination came to the conclusion that I would receive the dose free of charge remains his secret. a) The vaccines were also paid for from my taxes and b) I have been paying health insurance premiums for years, and I have no influence on who and what is paid for. I have kept my distance from the medical profession (with the exception of dentists) for decades.

  7. Dear Mr. Löcke, thank you for your article from an outsider's perspective.
    It really got me: L propaganda with the claim that the fun is free for citizens. That's annoying when there's an assertion in the banal.
    Only once is the virus called by its correct name, otherwise only a generic term is used that includes all the C viruses that have been known for a long time. And once only the "virus" is mentioned, which of the many is meant?

    It would have been interesting to see in such a letter how many over-60s, over-70s, over-80s and over-90s had not fallen ill or had only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, or had survived a serious illness. And the number of those who died "with and without" from the respective age group. Then everyone can get an idea of this and make a targeted personal decision.

    Asking everyone to do a medical procedure because other people are doing it is very special. - Who wants to take part in my therapy?

    I can't be put off by a long-lasting illness after the flu; I've been living with it for 45 years. It's part of life. Sometimes we also have to deal with less unpleasant events and find a new path in life as a result.

    Mr. L's concern for the well-being of all of us, especially to get through autumn and winter well, is quite justified!
    Only if he could guarantee me a warm place, I would much prefer that.
    Kind regards

  8. Some readers have mentioned the legal component. I didn't address this in the column, but I find it extremely interesting the longer I think about it. If you look beyond the borders of Germany and Austria, vaccine damage is being discussed far more abroad than here. People are already looking for culprits/responsible parties. At the moment only politically, but eventually also legally. The state of Florida is now even actively advising people under 40 not to be vaccinated because it does more harm than good. What does this mean for Lauterbach? On the one hand, he is continuing to ride the dead horse that got him into office, while on the other he is trying to protect himself legally.

    1) The letter? Yes, the letter promotes the vaccination in a penetrating and overbearing manner; in my opinion, it is also wrong in its medical justifications. Moreover, the risks are not mentioned at all. And yet: Lauterbach recommends consulting a doctor or vaccination center. He also recommends exactly what the STIKO recommends (vaccination from 60). So Lauterbach first urges STIKO and doctors to act in his interests, only to then legally hide behind doctors and STIKO. This is as diabolical as it is ingenious.
    2) During question time in the Bundestag yesterday, the same egg dance. In response to a critical question from MP Sichert regarding side effects, Lauterbach replied: "First of all, I would like to point out that I am not promoting the vaccination, but ... [Lauterbach subsequently promotes the vaccination]." With the introduction, KL secures himself legally, subsequently he continues to do what got him into office and keeps him in power.
    3) Weeks ago, Twitter king Lauterbach advertised by name (!) a specific medication that he himself takes. This is definitely illegal (violation of the German Drug Advertising Act). Accordingly, charges were filed. They will probably be sat out and come to nothing. And yet Lauterbach continues. He advertises the use of concomitant medication with the only difference that he now remains general instead of naming the medication by name. Here, too, an egg dance between maintaining power and legal protection.

    That's just my personal interpretation as a legal layman. Thank you for pointing this out to readers and commentators.

  9. Actually, the letter should not be thrown away, but sent back to the BMGMI, the Federal Ministry of Health, Mass Psychosis and Vaccination Propaganda, with a suitable comment. Then the lonely Mr. Lauterbach will finally get some mail from the good citizen.

    1. When I receive this "letter", I will do exactly that.
      But maybe I should also write to the health insurance company and ask if they had our money left over for this...

    2. Dear I. Malak,

      Here is a possible answer and solution
      to the overall problem, perhaps a little


      Karl Lauterbach "wishes", as he says.
      said a "dear woman".
      "Dear"; that too.
      Rather problematic with Mr. Lauterbach:
      Special request - in this case...!

      Letters from women (60+) to him
      could be very helpful here.

      Most of the letters, enthusiastically convinced
      and empathic women, get men,
      as it is often said, in our beautiful prison.
      Serial offenders receive the most...

      I therefore recommend that he take every possible
      appropriate voluntary disclosure, and
      therefore as soon as possible; at least.

      I am absolutely certain:
      Karl Lauterbach would be a "jailbird" with letters
      be showered on him; at last he could
      find the desired "dear woman".

      And we citizens have our peace.


  10. So now from 60.
    But why actually? The talk about "vulnerable people" is nonsense, because you can be healthier at 60 than other people at 50.

    Of course, older people are on average more vulnerable and also more susceptible to infectious diseases than younger people. ON AVERAGE.
    The problem, however, is that problematic drugs are being injected here with a watering can, which should not be administered to individuals without good reason. Every doctor should know that.

    In the past, doctors were also taught that sick patients should only be vaccinated in rare exceptional cases. Even simple infections were exempt from the flu shot: "Come back when you've got over your cold." Today, sick people in particular are considered to be absolutely vaccinated, and many hospitals took this indiscriminately as a prerequisite for admission. (I don't know what it's like today).

    Doctors should also know, at least they learned this once in their studies, that it is epidemiological nonsense to "inject" into epidemics.

    And that you should always "aspirate" before pressing down the syringe plunger to make sure you haven't hit any blood vessels in the muscle. This was abolished before the start of mass vaccination, as it probably takes too long. After three quarters of a year of mass injections, it was "recommended" again. Why? Because people got scared because of all the heart damage after the "vaccination". It didn't seem appropriate to inject a massive amount of the stuff into the heart with a blood vessel.

    I'm 75 and have avoided the injections, although I used to travel a lot for work, including to developing countries, I'm not against vaccinations and of course I had the preventive injections against hepatitis and everything else. I knew that they had been tested for several decades.
    But the Corona plonk: nope. I couldn't convince my children to spare the grandchildren when they were already trying it themselves. It didn't help.

    I take a certain amount of schadenfreude when the triple and quadruple injections "have corona" again, i.e. are not only PCR-positive, but also suffer severely for several days. Serves them right. I know it's not nice to gloat. But when my older sister said to me on the phone a year ago: "We only socialize with vaccinated people, out of a sense of responsibility," I started to allow myself schadenfreude.

    1. Ms. Nordlicht,
      I understand your gloating in private, especially if you have been ostracized.

      Unfortunately, nursing staff who have not been vaccinated voluntarily are also affected by the frequent infections. This creates bottlenecks in hospitals and nursing homes.

  11. I also received the letter .... with sender Frankfurt Airport ...., so I immediately disposed of it in the waste paper without reading it because I thought it was "advertising".

    1. For me it is 85342 Munich Airport. I'm a Berliner and the head office of my health insurance company is in Leipzig. The fact that my letter from Lauterbach (based in Berlin) took the detour via Munich is probably due to mistrust of Berlin Airport, which is in Brandenburg. They probably didn't want to wait years (or decades) for possible delivery.

  12. Well, I actually received the letter and then added a few lines to the health insurance company to the BMfG...
    A few days later, independently of this, my now 99-year-old mother once again received a call from a "nice young woman" from the health department, offering her an appointment for her 5th (!!) "vaccination". The health authority (the name makes me wonder...) then also received a few lines from me asking them never to confront my mother with these injections again. Incidentally, she suffered a "new onset of atrial fibrillation" after the 4th injection, which almost cost her her life in the summer. And she had never had similar problems before. Of course, this could simply be due to her age...

  13. Dear health insurance companies, let LORD LAUTERBACH PAY THE CHEAP for these nonsensical letters !!! Out of your own pocket !!!
    This is our money, which we are obliged to pay as people with health insurance.
    Moreover, this mail is MONEY MISSED. And therefore insurance fraud, because it is third-party utilization,
    Because vaccination makes the vaccinated sick, sooner or later.
    Take note of that, Mr. Lauterbach.

  14. I have so far escaped the dubious pleasure of being over 60. It is not really surprising that Mr. Lauterbach never tires of repeating his wisdom like a prayer wheel. With a Harvard professorship and as a pharmaceutical lobbyist, what really is must not be. But people just prefer to lie to themselves, especially when the media attention beckons. Incidentally, I believe that deprivation of attention, combined with ignorance, is the ultimate punishment for our Federal Minister of Health. That's exactly what I've been doing since the evil virus attacked us and declared a health war.

  15. When this 60+ campaign fluttered onto my cell phone two days ago via a text message, I spontaneously and silently did the math: at least 20 million 60+ = at least 30 million euros in costs, taken from the public purse. Here I read 20 million euros. Is this another ministry extrapolation like the purchase, production, consumption and reserve extrapolation of gas and electricity? The criminal complaint is a nice idea, but will probably only have a negative impact on your own state of mind in the aftermath. Unless... our 3rd power allows itself a reloading!

  16. Just lived through Corona as an unvaccinated person. Okay. Nice is different, but getting vaccinated because of it? No way, my immune system can cope with it. I haven't received this letter yet. It's a desperate attempt to continue taking people for fools.

  17. Too bad, I'm over 60 and not vaccinated and didn't get the letter, I would have gladly disposed of it straight away in the waste paper. But perhaps the "clever" Mr. Lauterbach knows that I'm a lost cause in terms of vaccination and has therefore removed me from the list for environmental reasons (paper consumption) and taxpayers' money (postage). Isn't it great how far-sighted and caring this minister is?

    Sorry, but I can only bear it with irony.

    1. we work through the filter bag authorization certificates alphabetically. It was B's turn 3 weeks ago. S is still taking a while. For the bags in January 22, it was about 8 weeks from implementation. So the anticipation can still grow and grow and ... (as with the small bottles from Dec. 2020).

      1. Yes - they were right. It was only S's turn today. And so today I had the pleasure of throwing the letter in the paper garbage can!

    2. I haven't received the letter yet either.
      If it still arrives, it will be returned to the sender or sent directly to the Ministry of Health.

  18. ...evidence-free, expensive nonsense from a wannabe doctor who has never treated patients in his life and has bought too much "vaccine", which in turn should please not expire...
    Unfortunately, the MSM are seizing on the obvious mistakes of the last 2.5 years, which have arisen where politicians have complacently overtaken the experts and subordinate federal authorities have had to follow the instructions of the BMG against their better judgment. Not least where certain personalities put their own personal protection before public concerns and interests (I am thinking of C.D.). What pressure must the EMA be under if it approves drugs for which it points out in its own information for healthcare professionals that they may not be effective for the intended purpose... (after all, this is what the minister is promoting...)
    Corona infections have always been common. They were not measured and lasted 7 days with a doctor and 1 week without a doctor. In this country, thanks to a naïve belief in science and a clueless press, every corona infection is passed off as a SARS-CoV2 infection. The fear is diffuse enough to experience every banal cold as life-threatening severe acute respiratory stress. I too feel half-dead when I have the sniffles...not that there are severely ill people and a nasty new clinical picture - certainly there are. How often actually (less than assumed), the singer's politeness is silent about - no data...???
    A form letter like this from the health insurance companies is also very revealing in terms of the data protection at risk.

  19. Well, the Lauterbach. Who takes him seriously anymore? I'm 74 and still as fit as a fiddle - without a vaccination. My wife is the anxious type and has had three injections - she vehemently refuses a fourth. We've both had the same program for the last three years - three trips to the playground a week with the grandchildren. About 50 children and young adults there, always all without masks, with two or three exceptions. August 2020 vacation on Sylt, completely mask-free, zero incidence. Three vacations on the Baltic Sea in 2021/2022, in a hotel with two hundred mostly young people, almost all without masks (we always booked only when the mask obligation ended) at the breakfast buffet and otherwise. Sports & walks along the Alster in a crowd (except for the three months in 2021 when the Hamburg Senate went crazy), 90 % mask-free, etc, etc. Conclusion, completely unemotional: If we had had a pandemic, we would both have been dead long ago... What we had was a sophisticated campaign by the pharmaceutical octopuses & certain circles in politics & society. Some because of profit, others out of lust for power & ignorance. P.S. Of course, we had an epidemic of SARS / COVID pathogens coming from China, which mainly endangered the elderly & pre-ill people. It would have been sufficient to protect these groups with a conventional vaccine. This is now slowly dawning on broad sections of the population. Except for the hysterics.

  20. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    First of all, thank you for your contribution. ✓
    I had already read about it.

    The whole Punch and Judy show happens via
    expensive postage costs etc. (tax money), and
    The post office will probably even deliver this time,
    instead of not at all, or not on time.

    What else can I think of...?!

    The daily harassment by a Karl
    Lauterbach are already taking place directly at the
    private mailbox (at home).

    This is how we move, per initial suspicion,
    in my opinion already, in various ways and manners, in the
    Area of stalking.
    In the law:
    Stalking according to § 238 I, II, III, IV StGB.
    In addition, "on the fly" if necessary plus also
    of §§ 25ff StGB (perpetration / participation).

    This type of mass stalking is indeed possible in the
    law, however, is not yet explicitly listed,
    However, it does not have to (der jure).
    And Karl Lauterbach will be there at the latest
    probably ensure a subsequent improvement.

    You, dear team and dear readers, have been able to
    your nice ears and eavesdroppers when
    They would know how my doctors etc. feel.
    (plural), for years (plural), unasked, me
    vis-à-vis (confidential), about Mr. Karl
    Lauterbach comments.

    I therefore prefer to wrap myself in
    Silence, because otherwise can (and could)
    this my comment is not published
    Sorry; your imagination is now required...

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Yours sincerely - Lucy

  21. I also received this letter today and, like the other junk mail, put it straight in the blue bin!
    If it was at least a vaccination, everything would be fine.
    Fortunately, I spent the initial period in the KKH inpatient clinic, so I was able to find out a lot more. I discovered that this entire scenario was planned in August 2019 and brought to life with the help of a commissioned report in March 2020. The task was: how to scare people so that they would become compliant and not resist. The result: show pictures of overcrowded hospitals and stacked coffins and explain that they all died of asphyxiation.
    It was an unparalleled brainwashing that is still having an effect today, two years later.
    Klabauterbach can try as hard as he wants, he'll never get me on the needle !!!

  22. Dear Mr. Löcke, ...as always, a pleasure to read your column about Lauterbach's latest provincial farce. However, when I read that this provincial farce is paid for by our health insurance contributions ... it makes my neck veins throb again. Surprisingly ... I too have just passed the 60+ mark ... this farce has not yet reached me. Should that still happen, I will file a complaint against him for attempted negligent bodily harm with possible fatal consequences. I fear that his unchangeable aggregate state will continue for a while ... at least as long as the relevant pharmaceutical industry allows him to remain in this state as its reliable ambassador.

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