

Lyrical reflection VIII

All on loan
Jens Fischer Rodrian

So many things we want
we want them out of vanity
because all the things we have
are too long, too short, too colorless
or a little too wide

We accumulate such a stockpile
from meaningless things
which, when we longed for them
no longer made sense

Everything we already have
does not seem to be enough again
we are driven day by day
the path is already full of corpses

And then when everything falls away from us
then we ask, man, was it worth it?
We only borrowed everything
we no longer own anything
when our train goes to the hereafter


Delusion & Sense


Frank Sinatra in the 1968 album "Cycles". Produced, arranged and composed by Don Costa.

"The late Sinatra seems to me to be the best Sinatra of his class. The voice is mature, melancholy and full of experience. A unique timbre in perfect harmony with the compositions and arrangements of Don Costa. Here is the epic piece Rain in my Heart. One of my Sinatra favorites. Enjoy ." (ML)

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11 Responses

  1. After reading on 3Sat today that the FDA in the USA has granted full approval for BioNTec/Pfizer from the age of 16 (nine months after the emergency approval), my anger, which had slowly but steadily built up over the past few months, has turned into a kind of melancholy sadness. The power with which this vaccination campaign is rolling over the world and the merciless marginalization of the unvaccinated is, in my opinion, unstoppable. I myself am curious to see how long I can manage to refuse. The plan is three years for now...

  2. "How beautiful it must be in heaven if it looks so beautiful from the outside," a quote from Astrid Lindren

    A childlike, naive view of the world, being able to see things above and below. I'm glad I never forgot that.
    And I also thank my children for reminding me every day that life is beautiful, right now.

  3. A friend, a philosophy teacher, gave me a sentence last week that I think can be very helpful. Not for everyone, of course 😉

    "God gave me life and Johann Sebastian Bach wrote the music for it. What else do you want to offer me?"

  4. ...I deal with things-beautiful things, used things...beautiful is relative. Things come and go, just like us humans, everything as always, a cycle- nothing lasts forever just the earth and sky..who said this ? doesnt matter. There was another wise human said - Understand nature and you understand yourself. The rest is trinkets and additions to the gift of LIFE.

  5. Today was a beautiful day, the weather wasn't great but your contribution was great and Sinatra was a blast. Also the great comments, yes the last shirt has no pockets, I am now so oriented live and let live, not tested until today and work directly on the patient. They are happy when I say please take off the mask and everything is fine. We don't need to panic just to live. Hope is a great asset and I haven't lost it yet, life goes on, we are 59 and nobody can determine when everything will end. May you all always have confidence and hope and love and enjoy life.

  6. Every one of us in the so-called civilized world forgets that nothing is infinite. We should go towards each other again and not walk blindly past each other. Only together in the community can we protect ourselves and stand against it. No matter what nationality and color we are.

  7. ...and even if it is so perfect that it is frightening, there is still a "too long, too short, too thick, too thin..." of the notoriously dissatisfied.
    It's better to be happy about what you have than unhappy about what you don't have. The shirt has no pockets.

    The picture makes me think of the Ahr valley...just everything gone...mountains of garbage and scrap...
    If there is a vaccination campaign, then there it is: against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, hepatitis A, typhoid and cholera...conditions as they were 100 years ago...
    Instead, corona vaccines are sent to young people, who would probably have more natural immunity if it can be assumed that children and adolescents do not usually get seriously ill...

  8. There is a lot of truth in the text, always check this is necessary, declutter.
    People are greedy, isn't that also human?
    We always have to ask ourselves, is this the path I want to take?
    Powerful without emotions; observing without judging, allowing others the same as myself; compassionate helpful in a natural way, honest - authentic, critical, willing to learn, courageously swimming against the current, showing presence, freeing from baggage......
    and ...and... there are many things.
    We should never let fear bend us and turn us into creations!

  9. God forbid, on a train - possibly with Anton Hofreiter, Renate Künast and Claudia Roth - and powered by "green electricity" to the afterlife. We'd rather sail to Varanasi and take the direct route to Nirvana. Anyone who would like to join us when the time comes should get in touch. Otherwise, the rebirth and thus Corona dramaturgy of the resurrected Lauterbach, Söder, Wieler, Esken & Co threatens in an endless loop.

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