

Lawyer passes judgment on Drosten and his entourage: "They are fraudsters."

The German-American lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and a transatlantic group of lawyers have been preparing a class action lawsuit for weeks, in which the persons responsible for the PCR test, in particular Prof. Christian Drosten, are to be the focus of the lawsuit.

In this interview, Fuellmich provides insights into the processes running in the background and the current status of the preparations for the lawsuit. Fuellmich says: "They are fraudsters ."

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58 Responses

  1. ...the lie wins the sprint, the truth wins the endurance run...I wish all participants here a Happy New Year...
    They do exist: the differentiated, critically distanced, intelligent minds that don't lose their grip on reality and remain normal with heart and mind...

  2. Rationally, it is hard to comprehend the extent to which governments, including our own, have been and are willing to harm their own people. It is incomprehensible how it became possible for the majority of people to be spun into a narrative that replaces reality. They hear PCR test but do not understand what this test measures and where this measure is used everywhere. They look at the same figures as I do, for example, and are afraid of a problem that will result in thousands, even millions, of people dying in agonizing asphyxiation in an intensive care unit or not being able to be treated there in the first place.
    In view of the fact that (almost) all governments handle it in the same way as ours, it is hard to understand.
    People also can't imagine that their own government doesn't have a contract with them (doesn't want something good for its own people per se).
    Anyone who wants to help reality to break through by lovingly convincing "simple" people in their environment must make it clear to them that our own government poses the greatest danger.
    Those who do not (yet) believe this, or better still cannot see clearly, remain undetermined.
    It's as if we should assume that our best friend is betraying us.
    I can only hope that judges are more likely to belong to the group of people who are guided by facts and less by narratives and power structures and that Mr. Füllmich and endere will be successful.

    1. The pivotal point is the understanding of the 'Great Reset', as the so-called. elite now also publicly
      stands by their plan and publishes it bluntly. Since I don't consume 'public broadcasting', I can't
      assess the extent to which this topic is mentioned there at all.

      Personal education remains the top priority.

      A jolt must go through Germany, a politician once said. The jolt will come, but only when the end of the short-time working allowance intersects with a possible forced vaccination.

  3. When you consider that the rapid vaccinations are rolling in, as early as December, and even with the best information you have no chance of convincing people, it could even be family members................................then I am in despair and get one head cinema after another in my head.
    What else can you do?
    It doesn't matter to me.

    1. also family members......., yes, that hurts, but I can only say that it is not an isolated case

      The initiative Sein.eV looks interesting, maybe visit their homepage. Since June (start of the association) they have
      have already gained over 500 members and want to hire 2 fully qualified lawyers, among other things.
      The in-house doctor has also published an article on vaccines.

    2. My family is also against me because I believe conspirators.
      Nobody informs themselves apart from the TV news 🙁

      1. I know it all: if you want good things - and don't tell people that clearly, ergo don't emphatically offer the dangers and stick to them - you're usually the stupid one; however: everyone ultimately reaps what they sow: and in that sense, it's not just old Merkel who looks ancient at Christmas anyway. VG, Ekki

  4. For your peace of mind: The money already paid out by the state to the companies will be offset against the money still outstanding if the companies win the case. In other words, the state has already paid in advance without a lawsuit. Knowing full well that it has organized a super disaster at the expense of the citizens.

    Conclusion: Fight on - we continue to fight against what is visibly the greatest injustice in post-war history.

  5. Dear Mr. Langemann

    For a few months now, I have been following your very interesting articles and interviews, which repeatedly make it clear that something is going very wrong with this current government in Berlin. I have been following the so-called Hogesa and all Pegida marches, then the founding and initial successes of the AFD up to today's Corona protests with great interest, which clearly show that this government has long since lost its right to exist and should have been thrown out. Since I live in Canada, I can't really follow the smallest incidents and debates in the Bundestag, but it's still enough for me to get a pretty good picture of the whole situation and this picture is unfortunately not a pretty one, I have to say. The way this government dares to disregard the people regardless of the consequences is almost criminal. In my opinion, it can only allow itself to do this because there are far too many lazy, lazy or brainwashed people in Germany who make such things possible.

    That's why a project like Dr. Fuellmich's is so exciting and refreshing. It is noble to be so committed to putting a stop to these guys. Personally, however, I have little hope that this matter can be brought to a successful conclusion, as the other side is deeply involved internationally, the world's largest corporations and many politicians are involved, have vast amounts of resources at their disposal and, quite simply through their control of the media, can take the people for fools for a very long time. Unfortunately, when so much money is at stake, wrong becomes right. Time will tell who has the staying power. It is said that hope dies last.

    Greetings from Canada

  6. I am a legal layman, but I doubt the sense of such a class action. Who would benefit from a judgment in a few months' time?
    The normal citizen, the middle-class entrepreneur??????????? .........I don't think so.
    Sometimes small things can make a big difference, or to put it in chaos theory terms
    The flap of a butterfly's wings in this country can have a huge impact elsewhere

    1. ... but what exactly are you doing ? What exactly is your plan? To wait and see ? In my opinion, you should not benefit from the fruits of a successful legal dispute. Let chance help you !
      A judgment is an important working basis and orientation for the normality of daily life together for the future or future generations, our children. Yours sincerely.

    2. At a non-refundable €800 + VAT per customer, the Füllmich lives up to its name. I fear that the last penny will be taken out of the pockets of the poor victims of the coronavirus measures, with a probability of success that lawyers who are friends with Trump consider to be a fraction of a per thousand of Trump's lawsuits...

      1. Dear Alex;
        Your comments are quite unintelligent - and also tactless. Dr. F. has certainly already invested a 6-figure sum in the preparation of this complex project. In an interview, he clearly stated that he would only nibble at the €800 fund once the ClassicAct in the USA got underway. This is because the lawyers there want to see money first. Which I'm sure you can understand.
        You should always inform yourself well before you start to attack other people in such a rude way.
        I find the "risk premium" of €800 very modest. The fact that you also mention the state VAT shows what kind of a "Tüpflischiisser" you are. Here in Switzerland, that's the term for "Korintenkacker". I find our term a little more affectionate. That's why I chose ours. With this in mind, best wishes.

  7. They want to drive the cart into the wall with intent and a run-up. There's an agenda behind it that won't be affected by a court ruling, so new structures are in place.

    1. The "Volksverpetzer" is now so notorious as a disseminator of false reports that it is not really worth reading. All you find are the well-known lies (such as that a virus can be detected with PCR), which only get more boring with constant regurgitation.

    2. Bullshit these people's snitches, surely sponsored by the government...how much money do they get for spreading such garbage...

  8. It was only a matter of time before Mr. Füllmich was publicly discredited. So today I see an article on a website whose name I will not mention here so as not to make it public. The search terms "corona" "füllmich" are enough to find it. It is neither surprising that Mr. Drosten is being awarded prematurely nor that such websites receive awards from ministers. I find it disgusting how our government acts to confirm as quickly as possible those who trumpet the desired opinion and to discredit as quickly as possible those who disagree with them.
    Obedience is once again rewarded here, something Germany has in common with all dictatorships. It fits well: from the 3rd Reich to the SED state, from there to the New Germany. The FRG was probably just a kind of by-product that made more outward appearances than it actually was. The fact that it has come so far again so quickly (despite Steinmeier's prayer wheel-like "it must never happen again....") reminds me of the time when the Nazis were gaining strength in Germany. Only this time the danger does not come from the so-called handful of "extremists" but from the government itself, which uses all kinds of enemy stereotypes to distract from its own actions and inactions. The latter in particular shows how practically all other issues are being hammered during the coronavirus crisis. This shows the listlessness with which politics has obviously always been "made" - "to each his own and to me the most".

    What is emerging in our time, and in particular in this corona hysteria, is the daily loss of human dignity by the thousands - indeed millions - that is being trampled on by those who are responsible for protecting it, politicians and the police.

    It is profoundly undemocratic for a Chancellor to attach attributes to people, in this case German citizens, for example, who disagree with her (regardless of their opinion) or do not reflect the opinion of the masses. As servants of the state, it is not the place of our politicians to behave like rigid monarchs and to believe that they can determine from this pedestal who is worthy of this state and with what opinion. Democracy also means enduring - not making yourself as comfortable as possible and eliminating the "human disturbance factor" at the touch of a button.

    To stick with the politicians' favorite word, "conspiracy theorist", I would like to point out that this is often a diagnostic image from psychiatry. Neither do they know the people they are slandering, because they have probably never spoken a single word to any of those who exercise their right to "freedom of expression" under Article 5 of the Constitution, let alone taken an interest in the motives behind such an opinion or dealt with them. Moreover, all politicians probably lack psychiatric expertise, which is why everyone should hold back from making such statements.
    The federal government is trampling on the constitution and, by setting the wrong example, is also inciting (fuelling the mood, which it then acknowledges with stricter laws) by not only feeding the willing, bourgeois followers up there with lies, but also showing them how to discredit unwelcome dissenters with ascriptions and put them in a corner. This is contemptuous of humanity and it is an incitement to hatred that is being spread by the federal government via the media, which are brought into line and report in a stoically one-sided manner without any differentiation and whose above-average IQ, even if only present in a small percentage of the national average, reveals inconsistencies that it is de facto our first duty as a democracy to question. Here, people who fulfill their democratic duties are torn apart by the political "elite", put out of work - and not only there, but also in the police (arbitrariness, assault, felt, group dynamics up to the public prosecutor's office - see documentary film "Die Story", WDR 21.10.2020).

    All these machinations in local, state and federal government - indeed in the state - that have been taking place in recent years show that our state is riddled with corruption right down to the tips of its hair. Corruption is the yardstick for the farce of democracy.

    I am deeply shocked that this disrespectful attitude towards people's lives and freedom has taken on such forms again after 75 years without Hitler.

    Whenever these people and their fed media, who for me are the first traitors to democracy, lack factual arguments, they attack the people who could thwart their own dishonest and deeply self-centered ways.

    This approach by Merkel, Spahn, Söder, Seehofer and many others is so obviously hypocritical and slanted that it is no longer very different from the approach of a Trump, a Lukashenko or a Putin.

    At the point at which a state that is only #supposedly# democratic because of this behavior publicly denounces more or less large parts of its own citizens as enemy images, humiliates them and lets them be beaten up by police officers, at this point I see democracy in this country, the "Federal Republic of Germany", writhing in Argonie.

    It is high time that we engage in a lively exchange of opinions. Further development cannot be possible with the political system that we currently have in this country. What we need is a wave of indignation and a standard of ethics and empathy. At this point, I would like to remind you of Mashall B. Rosenberg, the founder of "non-violent communication". In contrast, so-called discussion panels such as those on Anne Will, Maischberger & Co. are nothing more than emotionally hyped contributions that focus on ratings. We no longer need anything like that. If we want peace in the world, we have to start respecting our counterparts. Only on the basis of respect is it possible to recognize needs, satisfy them and achieve cooperation.
    As long as we are governed by people who still think and act in the "enemy image" mode (they certainly no longer feel anything except suppressed hatred and anger), this world will be beyond help.

    1. Thank you, thank you, you speak from the heart. It's nice that at least some intelligent people still realize what's going on here.

    2. Dear Mr. H. (or may I say Nikolaus?),

      Your comment is the best (because it completely covers the current situation) post I have read so far in various forums looking for the meaning of this hysteria!
      Many thanks for that!
      May I copy it and send it to our BP? And hope that other members of the forum will do the same?
      Thank you and best regards
      Petra W

    3. ...thank you...you speak from my heart too...freedom? - That is always the freedom of the other...humanism is that of the other...and only that allows diversity...what is the (monotone) chancellor talking about when she appeals to diversity but at the same time attributes dissenters?

  9. Courage and strength, as a divine blessing for all those who stand up for the well-being and dignity of all people and are called to do so. The fools at the top first make changes to the law in order to then act according to the law, but "thank God" the fools cannot shape all the laws in their favor at once. I am curious to see when the fools (politicians) will take to the streets to protest, because WE are becoming more and more numerous. It's about the whole world. Those who think and act with their hearts and can still feel are on the right path. We bundle our heart energy.

  10. Thanks to the Club and Mr. Fuellmich for their dedicated work. The choice of California as the starting point for the lawsuit is certainly a good one, as the left-wing judges there are always quick to foam at the mouth when it comes to evil capitalists. It's just stupid if it's "the good guys" this time...

    But apart from that, an approved class action is not yet a winning one, even if very thorough checks are carried out. Statistical statements to the effect that low percentages of false-positive PCR results from ring tests mean nothing as long as the infestation rate is below this level are only of limited help. This is still the case.
    It will be impossible to avoid gathering evidence that the test does not deliver what was promised. This includes hard-hitting antibody findings against the virus, which are still in their infancy statistically. Despite all my efforts, I have not yet found anything about exactly specific antibodies against Covid 19. I may speculate that they don't even exist, but are lost in the background noise of non-specific T-cell reactions that are present according to Ioannidis and explain the high number of asymptomatic cases. However, it is fundamental to prove the insanity of a sole PSR.
    On Mr. Reitschuster's site (a veritable rocket launch of hits!) you will find, apart from Dr. Frank from the Axis of Good, pithy statements again and again. Please take note of these three in this order:




    They prove Drosten's statement that even a virus that just happens to diffuse past or a debris of it that gets stuck in the mucosal barrier can cause a positive PCR (see Drosten's statement about the crazy MERS testing in Saudi Arabia). And it will in all sorts of people after the current long incidence. Let me remind you that the test has still not been validated according to RKI criteria, I wonder why. Onni soit qui mal y pense. And it is certainly no coincidence that all test providers now state in the package insert that the test cannot be used for diagnostic purposes.

    We can look forward to it.

    1. I, too, am very impressed by Dr. Reiner Füllmich, but the only question I have is whether it might not be too long before we have a result, but of course the preparation alone with 30 lawyers from Germany is a real masterpiece, yet I am concerned that a result could come too late.

      Because the actions of this dictatorial government are progressing so massively, the autocrat in Berlin is currently destroying the lives of my grandchildren, systematically and without any compassion. The fact that these rigid measures are in no way about our health should have been clear to even the deepest supporter of this autocrat by the end of April 20 at the latest.
      And I had actually hoped to find a doctor who would certify my two grandchildren's massive health problems with the mask; the hope alone was completely laughable.

      We urgently need to get out of this mess. And quickly and comprehensively.
      And you can't do that with demos. No chance at all of achieving anything with these rallies.

      1. Sorry, hadn't read the other comment, o.k., total boycott.

        There is still a long way to go, but we must never give up.

  11. Great thing! I hope it works. I would also very much like to sue and join in. But I haven't had any financial losses (so far) as a private individual. But I'm quite mentally distressed. But I guess you can't make any claims?
    Ps. I come from Switzerland

    1. Many people are currently "mentally distressed". The mental state of those who already suffer from an illness such as depression is particularly bad. The lack of treatment due to lockdown, the closure of day clinics and 5-minute psychotherapy sessions over the phone have created a devastating situation. A number of people with depression who have successfully reintegrated into working life have crashed again due to isolation in the home office. As I have to deal with this professionally, I now have to describe it as a catastrophe.

  12. What is happening at the moment is incomprehensible as the politics of the whole world is blowing the same horn!
    The truth will come to light!

    Let's assume that the politicians of the world want to change the world, but had no solution how to do it,
    Since it couldn't go on like this .
    since the entire system is indebted and is no longer justifiable with the way we treat the earth, in every respect .....
    Like .....
    Factory farming, polluted seas, polluted air, poisoned soil and agriculture, food industry that produces food that should no longer be called food because it no longer has any nutritional value, but only makes you fat and sick.
    People who are stuffed full of medication etc ,
    the behavior of mankind is more and more consumed whether it is needed or not!
    The economy should grow more and more ... where to?

    Everyone knows! If he is honest with himself .....that things cannot go on like this here on our planet !!!!

    This time is an opportunity for everyone to think about it now .... what is needed to live ????

    If we no longer have forests, clean air, clean water and healthy soil, then our economic growth is useless!
    Then we are poisoning ourselves!

    Perhaps the virus came just in time for global politics to slow everything down and for everyone to become more aware of their behavior and way of life ?!

    Or the virus was dispersed to restrict the life that we humans
    become more aware With our way of life ?!
    And politicians can point to the virus as the culprit ?!

    So let's get started ....

    Eating less meat
    Using fewer chemicals
    Producing less waste

    We all know that we are destroying the world but we are not aware enough !!!

    Thanks for reading !

    1. You are so right, dear Hannelore, about the environment, but unfortunately nothing is likely to change in the near future because it's all about money and power. Perhaps the lawyers will be successful - which is rather unlikely - the old parties will have to go - but then what?

  13. Thanks to Dr. Füllmich.
    The question arises as to how such a scam can work worldwide and who benefits from this corona madness? Who has so much power and money to buy or blackmail politicians worldwide (see Biden)? Where did this supposedly deadly virus come from? Who is buying up companies and infrastructure around the world, such as the port of Piraeus? Who has so much money that they want to invest before the impending global financial crash? Who already rules over a large nation and who will become the new hegemon? China

    1. Hello Heide.
      Do some research on Rockefeller, Rothschild, the Vatican. The Vatican is at the end, there are others
      Greetings Claudia

    2. I find this question more than astonishing! It has been well known for years who has this money and why they have been planning exactly what is happening now down to the last detail for the last 10 years, and so far they have gotten away with it even better than they had hoped.
      And if you still don't know, please google Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for human reduction, I don't want to take the right word on my tongue.
      Because that is exactly what was being prepared at the time, incidentally from the States, the Drosten at the time just had a different name, but you can guess that, from 33-39 and then ended in 45 in the familiar way,
      Back then, everyone raised their hands, completely swayed by the figure that promised jobs and prosperity.
      " do you want total health and an eternal, virus-free life?"

      Unfortunately, there are still more than 75% who think Merkel's German actions are so good, because Merkel-Mutti protects us best from the virus and the big 2nd wave. There was no 1st wave, but the 2nd wave is now twice and three times as bad, as Bill Gates smugly said in the video, smiling with his wife.

      Especially in Germany, with the large percentage of deeply comfortable West Germans, we are very poor, because the few awake, intellectual people who are fighting against these completely illogical and transparent measures are also being heckled by the government's hired denunciators, and yet they continue to take to the streets.
      Peaceful! More peaceful! Died!
      That doesn't help at all.
      There must be an overall boycott.
      Everything else is nonsense.

      So please, such questions have been answered thousands of times since 2015 at the latest.

  14. I can also only say thank you to Dr. Ä Fuellmich. I may not have suffered financially, but my soul has suffered. My friend, 84, in a nursing home, has given up hope. She has no more courage to face life. Her roommate wasn't even allowed to go to her husband's funeral. They have no more courage to face life. You can't express such damage in monetary terms. No one in our entire clientele and family has ever fallen ill with coronavirus. I am extremely angry with these old parties. You, Dr. Fuellmich, have given me courage again. These politicians must be punished and should also be held financially liable for their actions.

  15. Dear Mr. Langemann,
    Yes, your contributions also give me hope for an end to this madness. And yet I still can't believe how many people still believe these lies and trust this lying government and its media... How much longer do we have to fight? Do the "faithful" have to lose everything before they come to their senses?
    Please keep up the good work: "Constant dripping wears away the stone", thank you to your team and the team around Dr. Füllmich.
    H. Reimann

  16. Many thanks to Mr. Langemann, Dr. Fuellmich and all the lawyers involved. A particularly big thank you to Ms. Fuellmich. What would we ordinary citizens do without all these people who are clearing things up, bringing the truth to light, standing up for the whole of humanity? We would be totally at their mercy. I can breathe again. Hopefully the madness will soon come to an end. Thanks again to everyone.

  17. Could it be that the government has to incur high debts? Because if there is a global debt cut of e.g. 50%, then the FRG must also have demonstrably incurred high debts due to corona. Otherwise the model won't work and the goal of a "new world order" would be lost. As the President of the Bundestag said a short time ago: If we don't seize the opportunity this time, then we politicians will not be able to implement the global changes that we have wanted to implement for a long time. This was something like an interview with the President of the Bundestag a few weeks ago. Correct me if I have misunderstood something.

  18. The class action is the only correct response to the fraudulent intentions of some gentlemen and institutions. Unfortunately, no answer was given as to how long the proceedings will take before a verdict is reached. It will certainly not take just a few days to process the lawsuit and the necessary hearing of witnesses. During this time, the economy will continue to go downhill, the imposed measures will continue to exist and the collateral damage will continue to grow!

    1. This question was answered by Mr. Fuellmich in the first major interview a month ago. He said there would be a time window for filing the lawsuits and then the court hearing would begin. As the facts of the case are clear and not a complicated matter, he expects it to take a few months before a verdict is reached.

  19. Thank you for your valuable work and information for the general public, for the freedom of people and the economy that enables us to make a living.

  20. Thank you Dr. Fuellmich for bringing this injustice and as you say "this is fraud" to the American courts.
    Thanks also to Mr. Langemann for his competent and clear reporting, which has unfortunately been lost in the German media landscape! Please both take care of yourselves! All the best and much success!

  21. I also find your work important and valuable.
    However, when I read all the euphoric comments under the respective videos and texts from the enlightened people, I get the impression that people don't realize that the social state of 2019 is not simply being restored.
    It was already a bubble before that.
    Perhaps people should also be slowly prepared for what awaits us after the events are revealed.
    It will be a lot of work, a lot of suffering and a lot of dissatisfaction.
    But it has to be done!
    Best wishes from me too and many thanks for your work
    Axel Braun

    1. "Perhaps we should also start preparing people for what awaits us after the events are revealed."

      Axel Braun, what exactly do you mean by that?

      Greetings Helmut

  22. It is unbelievable.
    Drosten himself even links to this publication on Twitter, which states that the sequences were downloaded from a database and put together.
    He apparently hasn't even read this publication ?
    Before public release of virus sequences from cases of 2019-nCoV, we relied on social media
    reports announcing detection of a SARS-like virus.

  23. Thank you very much. That really gives me hope. I hope that the fraudsters really will be brought to justice - even with their own assets.

  24. You don't need to be afraid of anyone. If you fear someone, it is because you have given that person power over you. (Demian)
    Hermann Hesse
    Thank you, I will show my appreciation, thank you!!!

  25. Thank you for the update. All my hopes rest on this lawsuit, I personally don't even care if it will cost us taxpayers something. Because, as Dr. Fuellmich rightly says, it will cost us all much more if we do nothing. I wish the lawyers all the best and am happy to offer my support. Translations or other editorial work, which I am happy to do pro bono for this good cause.

    1. That's exactly what I thought after the first interview with Dr. Fuellmich. I'm always happy to chip in financially if it helps the cause. I sincerely hope that the lawsuit will have an effect. Thanks to Mr. Langemann for his initiative in the spirit of free opinion and thanks to Dr. Fuellmich and his colleagues for their tireless work.

  26. Even if this complaint will not help me, as I am Swiss, I pray with all my heart and soul that this project will be crowned with success! For all the people who suffer, as I do! Thank you for your work Mr. Fuellmich and thank you Mr. Langemann, I enjoyed your contributions even before the microbial crisis!

    1. The Swiss can also join, as Dr. Füllmich has already said in previous videos. It will include many countries.

  27. A real glimmer of hope - thanks to Dr. Reiner Füllmich, ACU, and to you Mr. Langemann.
    Best regards
    Gisela Krohn
    PS: Your site not only delights me in terms of content - I also find it aesthetically pleasing.

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