

"Flu epidemic plunges UK healthcare system into chaos" - in 2018

Surprisingly, the reports about the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the leading media mostly leave out the Classification of the virus complex and its significance for the health of people in this country. 

Journalists are obliged to check the content, origin and truthfulness of their news before disseminating it and also to classify

Only a few enlightened colleagues in the press note with concern that "the media" are contributing to the process of extensive political Opinion-forming and decision-making less and less and thus fail to fulfill an important social and public task. perceive more

These days, when these journalistic principles seem to be massively eroding, it is up to the responsible citizen to take action. 

A reader of the Club of Clear Words has done some research for you and brought you here compiled a small selection of articles in a PDF. Karsten "only" intelligently searched the internet for the terms "overload", "deaths", "flu", "hospital" etc. and excluded the years 2020 and 2021. A finger exercise. You can see the result here and download

You are also welcome to discuss it in your circle. Pay attention to the year of the articles.

#hink for yourself 1TP5Research for yourself

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41 Responses

  1. A CORONA PANDEMIC is maintained with a deceptive package filled with misleading manipulation, trickery and deception,
    which only serves one purpose: to undermine our fundamental rights. Because the measures that our rulers have taken so far are neither
    necessary, not to mention the effectiveness.
    Hospital closures !!! 19 in number 2020 where was Mr. Spahn or in Bavaria Mr. Söder with 2 hospital closures.
    Have I misunderstood something?
    I also misunderstood something about the death figures, because they are calculated with and in connection with corona deaths,
    so if you are admitted to hospital with a knife in your back and they find even one corona particle, and then you too
    die from the stabbing, hurray hurray then you're a corona dead man.

    (To make one thing clear all viruses are dangerous. Age / immune system / previous illnesses etc. play a very big role here.
    As with all viruses that have an easy time in a weakened body, which can also lead to death. )

    And who notices. That an estimated 5.6 million children die of malnutrition every year.
    You only use the masks if it smells unpleasant or stinks.
    Unconstitutional behavior has also become well established in our government. a long time ago, the Bundestag
    decided on measures, today Merkel, with 35 years of FDJ and SED experience, and the 16 principalities with
    Profiling through measures.

    Why do we still need our Bundestag ????. We could actually send them home,
    and the money we save could be used to pay for the pandemic
    Former constitutional president Papier . "The people in this country are not subjects"

    Have a nice evening

    1. ...Thanks for the valuable reference to the epochtimes page...
      And: yes, there are also completely harmless, non-human pathogenic viruses...including other corona viruses...
      Have a nice evening too!

      1. Hello VERENA

        As you have correctly noticed, a mistake has crept into the above contribution from me !!! ( all viruses are dangerous )
        This is of course not correct, there are both harmless viruses / therapy viruses / dangerous viruses / extremely dangerous viruses.

        I should of course have written as follows ( " all viruses are dangerous" ) Age / immune system / previous illnesses
        etc. Play a very big role here. As with all viruses that have an easy time in a weakened body, which can also lead to death. )

        Regarding the reference to the epochtimes page...
        Unfortunately, the statement by former constitutional president Papier. was once again ignored by our public broadcasters.
        swept under the carpet. Or have you heard anything.?????

        Have a nice day

        1. Dear Hans,
          and in addition: there is a Directive 2000/54/EC in which viruses are classified according to hazard/risk groups, which is implemented in our country in the Biological Substances Ordinance. General coronaviruses belong to risk group II, SARS-CoV-2 was classified in risk group III at the beginning of 2020. I think it is very likely (despite assurances to the contrary from relevant scientists) that the PCR will also show positive corona viruses that are RGII...the PCR is limited to 4 - but there are far more than 4...

        2. ...more interesting than the possibility that most of the employees at Tönnies were contaminated with (some) veterinary, non-human pathogenic coronaviruses as a result of their work, which were simply detected (fact check did not answer this question), is the aspect, that a certain scientist in the development of the PCRT focuses on the E gene to increase sensitivity (which, however, is probably - iG to ORF1 - also found in other corona viruses), publishes his data in his own publishing house without a review and finally participates in the controlling round robin tests (in what function?) is involved...
          Where else do you control yourself?

  2. An attempt to explain the inexplicable:
    In yesterday's federal press conference on reitschuster.de, Angela Merkel said that the tightening of measures and the lockdown extension were a political decision that did not need to be backed up by scientific facts (Mr. Reitschuster's question also included the study by John Ioannidis, which proves that lockdowns are ineffective).
    I believe this is unconstitutional, because measures to restrict fundamental rights must be necessary, proportionate and effective. The government must provide proof of this and not the citizen the proof to the contrary.
    I'm not a specialist, but so-called constitutional protectors should take a close look at what the government is currently doing.
    And by the way, a big thank you to Mr. Langemann!

    1. Dear Mr. Pruemmer
      It's good, neo-fascism is exposing itself right now. Only what comes afterwards will not be pleasant...

  3. The WHO speaks of 290,000 - 650,000 deaths during an influenza outbreak in one year.
    In 2017, the worst flu year in Germany for 30 years, more than 9 million people (the number of unreported cases is certainly higher, as not everyone went to the doctor) went to the doctor because of flu symptoms.
    60,000 people were hospitalized and there were 25,000 deaths in Germany.
    Nobody was interested in that back then. Now the comparison is being made because it suits the critics of the measures.
    Covid in just under a year:
    2.1 million deaths worldwide (the number of unreported cases is also higher here, as many countries do not even have Western standards)
    2 million infected people in Germany (the number of unreported cases is 4 million according to the latest study by LMU Munich)
    140,000 hospitalized and 50,000 dead.
    And the year is not over yet.
    Which is worse now? Influenza or Covid?
    Perhaps we can learn from this how simple hygiene rules can also reduce influenza cases in the future!
    But unfortunately, many people are not very good at protecting other people through their own consideration and respect.

    1. Dear Mr. Zart,
      There is no point in naming one or the other as worse. The best disease is useless - and if you die from it, it is always bad and irrelevant what the disease is called. According to the RKI and Stiko, of the 2,209,514 people infected, only 3% (all >60) have been hospitalized - that's 66,285 cumulatively since the beginning. 1,795,04 have recovered. I estimate more than 7x as many as infected are in quarantine (appropriate?) and it is grotesque that the police are controlling state "hygiene" instead of adequately educating enough people in hygiene.
      schools. When there was hysteria about swine flu, there was no flu epidemic due to good hygiene. Only ~10% can be vaccinated against influenza, although it is also a rather underestimated, dangerous disease with possible permanent damage as a result. Targeted, sensible measures are also supported by society - I agree about social distancing and ventilation, masks should be differentiated according to the occasion. And the potential harm should be weighed against the benefits. How do you want to prevent chains of infection in old people's homes by closing schools? Best regards

      1. Dear Verena,
        I don't know what hat you pulled your figures out of. But I'm happy to help.
        Under point 12 paragraph 1, RKI 7 states % hospitalized and not 3% as you stated. So we are now at 154,000 hospitalized.
        The vaccination rate for influenza is certainly too low. However, the 10% you quoted is also incorrect.
        In 2016/2017, the vaccination rate was 35%. Rising again in the following years.
        Your 7% in quarantine is an incorrect estimate. With around 300,000 people currently actively infected, 2.1 million would currently be in quarantine. The number is likely to be much lower. This is also based on my personal experience. KP 1 is usually much lower than 7 people.
        Closing schools will certainly not stop chains of infection. But as a small child, I learned that reducing the number of encounters prevents diseases from spreading. And since children often remain asymptomatic, the whole thing becomes a risk. My daughter would like to visit her grandma. Not possible at the moment. Just because a part of the population still only thinks of itself, this is not possible. Do you think that's okay?

        1. Dear Mr. Zart,
          I got my figures from these sources:
          The figures mentioned above can be found in older editions - and the RKI already categorized the ratios I mentioned above in March under "clinical picture".
          You can believe me when I say that the population's willingness to be vaccinated against influenza is rather (too) low. There is no such thing as "harmless" influenza - it is a flu-like infection and a different pathogen...
          Does your child "only think of themselves" when they want to go to grandma? I think we need to understand what kind of psychological strain we are putting on children and the elderly - without really gaining any effective protection against infection. If your child actually has a solid cold or is actually a contact person I°, I wouldn't visit grandma either - otherwise I think it's a harmful and misunderstood precaution to refrain from visiting. It is politically misguided to stylize every healthy person as a danger to humanity. Just because a drosten scares the whole world... the false feelings of guilt that children are made to feel towards their grandma are unbearable for them.

          In our district there are currently 92 "active cases of disease" (per 110,000 inhabitants), but >7000 (!) quarantine notices issued...(it may be that the 7000 are counted cumulatively over time...) - that's not 7, but 70x as many!!! And once again the question arises as to whether the policy that presumes to make medicine is still proportionate and goal-oriented...

    2. ...I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the figures in Switzerland are better reported in the media. In contrast to other countries, there is ("only") a low excess mortality rate here.

      Much more relevant than the number of infected people is the number of sick people - and in turn the number of seriously ill people (hospitalized). A cold is only of moderate interest...and potentially non-human pathogenic, veterinary coronaviruses, which may also be recorded as "positive", are of no interest either...
      I'm all for respect and consideration - for example towards people who think differently...

      1. Above all, you should bear in mind that this PCR test has recently been classified as highly questionable even by the WHO and cannot provide any information about infections or diseases without further diagnostics.
        And with regard to the alleged immortality, you should also check several sources

      2. I can't see a low excess mortality rate in Switzerland in their figures.
        Quite the opposite, in fact. Apparently there is an increased excess mortality rate in Switzerland. At least that's what all the hits on Google tell me.

        1. ...in Germany there is only a low excess mortality rate...contrary to what is suggested in the media...
          They already exist elsewhere - even in Switzerland. The journalistic coverage in Switzerland is much better - not the situation... People are entitled to balanced reporting with evidence-based risk communication...

    3. ...oh, and another thing if you compare: "Flu season refers to ONE fall/winter (2017/18) - 4-5 months. With regard to CoVid, we have been counting cumulatively since March 2020...already over 10 months...

      1. You are certainly right that influenza is limited to one winter.
        Since this winter is not yet over, it is okay to include the figures from previous months.
        But I like to do the other calculation, which then also reflects the dramatic extent much better. The peak of a flu epidemic is usually in February/March. That is still ahead of us.
        Let's take away the infected and dead until September. Then we only have 1.8 million infected people and 41,500 deaths since October.
        At the moment, 15,000 people are infected every day (slightly decreasing) and 800 deaths on average. That would mean an increase of 1 million infected people and 54,000 deaths by the end of March. And you don't have to be a clairvoyant to predict this. Infectious diseases have always been at their worst in the next two months.
        By the end of March, we will have 2.8 million infected people and 95,000 dead. And that in ONE fall/winter. I think that's a bit dramatic

        1. ...this is the mathematical approach followed by politicians...medical professionals see every case - even the 97% mild ones...then the extrapolated deaths will not be correct and the calculation conjures up fear, but not reality.
          There's hardly any influenza this winter...won't be added. There is a fulminantly dangerous CoVid disease in 2-3% of cases, yes. But we also have many other diseases that are severe and fatal in 2-3%.
          Viruses cannot be eliminated. Do you want to go into global hibernation every winter? Or do you want a society that can act sensibly? Then you need to educate - not ban...

          1. Basically, there is not a flu epidemic every winter. In the last 30 years, even without corona, there have been at least 10 winters where there have been almost no flu deaths.
            Their dangerously progressive Covid diseases from 2 to 3% are the deaths alone. That doesn't even include the people who had severe courses. I know 3 people from my environment alone who are still not healthy 7 to 8 months after falling ill.
            And then there is certainly a large proportion of mild cases. And in percentage terms, this is still much lower than with influenza.
            How do you intend to educate people who refuse to wear a face mask because it supposedly deprives them of their basic rights?

        2. As of 14.01.2020 Epidemiological Bulletin 2-21: 71TP3Hospitalized, 1.6% deceased. Case mortality exponential with increasing age...

          1. At least they have corrected their incorrect 3% hospitalized, which they listed above, to the correct 7% hospitalized. So that makes a total of 150,000 hospitalized with Covid. Worst flu wave in 2017 for 30 years, 60,000 hospitalized.
            You write 1.6% deceased. That is still wrong.
            2,200,000 infected people would result in 35,000 deaths at 1.6%.
            But in fact we already have 51,000 dead.
            The correct value is therefore still 2.3% and not 0.023% or 0.00023%.
            And they should also know one thing:
            Even if no new cases were to occur tomorrow, people would still die from or with Covid over the next few weeks.
            So in fact we are talking about 2.8% - 3% deaths.

        3. ...my figures are taken from the Epidemiological Bulletin 2_21. RKI basis. And if you look at the graphs there, the number of hospialized (given as 7% in the text) does not exceed 5% in any age group.
          2,228,751Infected ×7% (Hospitalized)
          ÷83,000,000 (in relation to the total population) ×100 (in percent)=0.1879669518% is the current realistic risk of CoViD19 for Germany. There are so many diseases with the same morbidity and mortality...

          1. Analyses estimate around 74,000 deaths per year due to alcohol consumption alone or due to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.12.08.2020

          2. You are right with your 2.3% deaths, if the figures are correct. Since the RKI and Stiko are regarded as reputable sources (as of 14.01.21 mortality stated there as 1.6%), one of the two is necessarily wrong. And here I would rather suspect public broadcasting with its already undifferentiated and criticized case number reporting...

        4. Dear Mr. Zart,

          I think you are making a big mistake with all your numbers. And that is that the Covid 2 deaths you have calculated are largely people who did not die from Covid 2. And so your approach collapses like a house of cards. Please consider the age at which the vast majority of people who allegedly died from Covid - 2 passed away. The average age is over 80. I don't want to write any more about this at the moment.

    4. ...the actual mortality of the disease (deaths/infected persons) is 0.023%. You must break down this value for the age groups and check the incidence figure used (test-dependent). Finally, it is clear that the disease is particularly dangerous for older people. Why are schools being closed?

      1. I think you slipped the comma.
        0.023% is incorrect. It is 2.3%.
        According to your calculation, we only have 500 dead.
        Or do you want to claim that 220 million Germans have already been infected?

        1. 52,296÷2,223,255=0.023 - just forgot to set the percentage ratio...decimal point moves to the end.
          Figures seriously processed in the scientific justification of the Stiko for the vaccination as well as in the KBV position paper of 11/2020 and the corresponding press release...

    5. ...the number of unreported cases may be twice as high: then the mortality rate and proportion of severe cases decreases because the ratios are higher and the whole thing appears LESS DANGEROUS. And then the impression is reinforced that the "normal", less dangerous coronaviruses, which have always been common worldwide, are also being measured...

  4. ...the 2017/18 flu epidemic was not a WHO "pandemic" and, laconically, the idea that totalitarian-looking government measures have an antiviral effect may already have existed in China in 2017/18, but was not yet the mainstream consensus worldwide...

  5. I get the impression that modern "journalism" only consists of the spelling error-free reproduction of agency reports (DPA, Reuters, "Politbüro", ...). Under these circumstances, man/woman could have saved themselves the training.

    Thank you Mr. Langemann for your clear words.

  6. At this point I would like to quote the black civil rights activist Malcolm X (born: 19.05.1925 - murdered: 21.02.1965)

    He said of the media:

    "The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. Media has the power to influence minds, ideas, behaviors, and attitudes of the masses."

    translated analogously:

    "The media is the most powerful institution in the world. They have the power to condemn the innocent and acquit the guilty, and that is power. Because they control the minds of the masses."

  7. So, if I were a defender of the current "responsible parties" and "decision-makers", I could only think of one conceivable argument. I would argue that they have learned from the mistakes they made back then and now want to do things better so that this doesn't happen again.
    Could this be the underlying mindset? At least it would help me not to freeze completely in helplessness.

    1. From which mistakes of the former behavior should they please learn something or have they learned something??????
      Have you been able to read in the so-called leading media that there have been discussions about further measures????
      By discussion I mean that scientists with opposing opinions are also allowed to have their say.
      And why are the 'leading media' still only reporting half-truths????? Why do we not read and hear in these media what the reality is like in Sweden, Norway and Finland, for example, with significantly fewer measures?

        1. It really wasn't meant to be a personal attack. The only thing I find more inexplicable is the downright stubbornness of this dictator to stick to her measures. But what I find even more disturbing is the sliminess of the prime ministers. As Mrs. Fitz once put it
          16 dwarves and 1 snow white

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