


The development from journalist to activist

I have noticed that the profession of journalist has increasingly transformed from journalist to activist over the last 20 years. This is a major and dangerous misunderstanding of our self-image, because this transformation of the press, which is an essential control mechanism in democracy, undermines the very foundations of democracy. When journalists follow their own agendas or those of their media houses, they have left the ethical, moral and technical path of distanced reporting. The press can and may have opinions, but it must not see itself as a teaching or educational institution. In this video, you can see how things used to be different. A brilliant and instructive piece of journalistic work from 1967, as topical in content as on the first day. Listen. Marvel. Recognize.

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The important vaccine interview as PDF

Simply download the transcript here On July 7, the Munich publicist Markus Langemann published an interview with the German toxicologist and immunologist on youtube.de and clubderklarenworte.de

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Vaccine changes our genome

"We vaccinate healthy people." In this video you will learn the medical background to the development of vaccines and more about the potential danger currently posed by

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The masks & the consequences

Interview with Prof. Gerald Hüther What effects do face masks have on our brains? Does it have consequences for our social interaction? How do children deal with this crisis situation?

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Understanding the corona complex

We are not pursuing any ideological or political goals with this discussion. The scientists speaking here are interested in the health, including the mental health, of people in

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