


The actor

This article highlights some aspects of the person of Volodymyr Selenskyi. Our research does not claim to be exhaustive. Nevertheless, we believe that this research summary is highly informative for you, our readers.

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The trail of money

by Dr. Johanna Weber You often read in many places that the pandemic was planned. Hardly anyone provides evidence for this. It seems about time,

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NS2 and the Hersh check

by Dr. Johanna Weber In its fact check [1], ARD recently reviewed the article by Seymour Hersh in which he claims that the blowing up of Nordstream

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Propaganda at it's best

by Dr. Johanna Weber Discussions about whether the new corona vaccines are really safe are currently on the rise. Yet everything should actually have been properly tested

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Who admits medicines, how and why

by Dr. Johanna Weber Discussions about whether the new corona vaccines are really safe are currently on the rise. Yet everything should actually have been properly tested

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Insects as food - a superfood?

by Dr. Johanna Weber Time and time again, the media are reporting that insects are as nutritious as a superfood, low-carb and very healthy [1].

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