


How we mess with nature

by Dr. Johanna Weber // Was the recent red dust really of natural origin? There are those who doubt it [1]. The fact is: there is weather manipulation,

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The broccoli patent

by Dr. Johanna Weber // In recent years, there has been an increase in food price rises [1], leading supermarket chains have had to pay higher prices for energy and fertilizers as well as

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The food monopoly

by Dr. Johanna Weber // The farmers' protests are currently on everyone's lips. But who knows the exact background? To understand this, it is necessary,

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Smart to Exitus - Last exit village

by Gunther Sosna The world's population is still growing and urbanization is reaching unprecedented proportions. In mega-cities such as Tokyo, São Paulo, Jakarta, Lagos and New York City

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The stork has a break

by Dr. Johanna Weber// According to data from destatis.de, 2022 was the year with the most deaths since 1950, with 1,066,341 deaths, already in

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The actor

This article highlights some aspects of the person of Volodymyr Selenskyi. Our research does not claim to be exhaustive. Nevertheless, we believe that this research summary is highly informative for you, our readers.

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