

How we mess with nature

by Dr. Johanna Weber // Was the recent red dust really of natural origin? There are those who doubt it [1]. The fact is: there is weather manipulation,

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Corona - a lesson in mass madness?

Reflections on coming to terms with the coronavirus era from a mass psychology perspective by Dr. Tom Reimer// "Can you please pull your mask over your nose?" a young man asks me

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RKI black box

by Peter Löcke // On March 20, 2024, journalist Paul Schreyer will make two sets of documents available for free download in his magazine Multipolar.

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The broccoli patent

by Dr. Johanna Weber // In recent years, there has been an increase in food price rises [1], leading supermarket chains have had to pay higher prices for energy and fertilizers as well as

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One cause of the split

Essay by Markus Langemann // Times have changed when it comes to the way we criticize and accept criticism in the digital age.

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by Markus Langemann // Rarely have political events in Germany been as exciting as in the first few days of the still young year 2024.

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Get your own picture

A commentary by Markus Langemann // Last night at 00:00, the American journalist Tucker Carlson conducted the announced interview with the Russian President of the Russian Federation.

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It's Framing Again

by Markus Langemann // Rarely has a merely announced dialog with a statesman attracted so much attention and discredited the interviewer in advance as

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It's time

A commentary by Markus Langemann // The year 2024 is only a few days old and I already have my first whiplash from shaking my head: Farmer protests, Correctiv madness,

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The food monopoly

by Dr. Johanna Weber // The farmers' protests are currently on everyone's lips. But who knows the exact background? To understand this, it is necessary,

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Will he bring down the CDU/CSU?

by Markus Langemann // Dr. Hans-Georg Maaßen, former President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Chairman of the CDU/CSU WerteUnion, in an in-depth interview. In this thirty-minute conversation, he explains how he deals with the

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The stronghold of fools

by Markus Langemann In a brief moment of prolonged boredom, or perhaps it was just a kind of intellectual weightlessness between two heavy holiday meals, I

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Smart to Exitus - Last exit village

by Gunther Sosna The world's population is still growing and urbanization is reaching unprecedented proportions. In mega-cities such as Tokyo, São Paulo, Jakarta, Lagos and New York City

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The mRNA bomb bursts

by Peter Löcke // The mRNA bomb bursts The sparrows on social media were chirping it from the X rooftops in the run-up to the event. On Tuesday evening, 12.12.2023,

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The stork has a break

by Dr. Johanna Weber// According to data from destatis.de, 2022 was the year with the most deaths since 1950, with 1,066,341 deaths, already in

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Narcissisms and wokisms in the art world

Prof. Heinzlmaier has been active in youth research for over three decades and has contributed significantly to the understanding of youth culture and trends. In an interview with Antje Maly-Samiralow, he talks about the increasing self-absorption and individualization in literature and art, where authors primarily focus on their own, often insignificant lives.

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Get a Ticket. Book a Stand.

Commentary by Peter Löcke The war in Ukraine is over. At least in people's minds, in public perception, it is over. In the media

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What does Olaf Scholz know?

by Peter Löcke// The attacks on the Nord Stream Pipelines. In addition to 9/11, in addition to the attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001, these are

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Congress of clear words

by Markus Langemann// German society is undergoing radical change and is facing major challenges. We have to deal with issues that will shape our future and our society.

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Free beer

Comment by Markus Langemann // This poster hangs 100 times over in the affluent community of Grünwald near Munich. At first I thought it was a poster by Martin Sonneborn. It is

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Ukraine: About broken promises

by Markus Langemann In June 2023, Günter Verheugen spoke in Berlin about the Ukraine war. This short video was made on the occasion of the book launch "Ukrainekrieg - Warum Europa

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Request to young people

Interjection by Markus Langemann When Richard von Weizsäcker addressed the Bundestag in Bonn on May 8, 1985, the speech was immediately classified as historical

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The actor

This article highlights some aspects of the person of Volodymyr Selenskyi. Our research does not claim to be exhaustive. Nevertheless, we believe that this research summary is highly informative for you, our readers.

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Two German refugees

The emigration of German citizens has increased steadily in recent years. Hungary is one of the preferred countries. Doris and Jürgen Schwarz, who now live in Hungary, have clear words for the reason behind their move. The Budapest newspaper interviewed them. In an editorial exchange with the BZ, we are also publishing the interview in CdkW.

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Does the mind shape matter?

by Antje Maly-Samiralow// Tomorrow I will ask this question to two scientists who deal with placebo and nocebo phenomena for professional and research reasons and who are not involved in this

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Quo vadis church?

by Peter Löcke // "We will not accept declining membership figures and persistently high resignation rates as God-given, but will take decisive countermeasures wherever possible." The

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Learning from Mr. Bean

by Markus Langemann // Socrates is described as a man with a special sense of humor. In any case, his humorous character was described by various contemporary authors.

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Woker Madness Wallstreet

by Peter Löcke // What does every company want? It wants to sell its product or service successfully on the market. Part of a successful sales recipe is

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The excitement warriors

Commentary by Antje Maly-Samiralow// The right cue, and the mob barks, drools or spills its guts. Corona, climate, war, a bit of gender, a maggot

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Plague and cholera

by Dr. Christine Born// Was corona really as devastating as the "Pictures of Bergamo" proclaimed? Some people still ask themselves this question and

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Visibly out of joint.

Commentary by Markus Langemann // Anyone looking for a parking space in the German epicenter of the car ban culture, the capital of the green-red movement, Munich, has at least one problem. On

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The fears of the young.

by Markus Langemann // "The continent that is severely burdened by fears of relegation." The well-known Austrian sociologist Prof. Bernhard Heinzlmaier in an interview about young people in

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The other side.

by Peter Löcke In August 2021, Markus Langemann conducted an exciting interview with media scientist Professor Dr. Michael Meyen from LMU Munich. For me

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That's it

Glossary by Hans Ambos INVITATION to the "final shutdown of German nuclear power plants" Mr. Minister Robert Habeck and Ms. Ricarda Lang "Emsland NPP. "Mr. Hofreiter and Ms. Foreign Minister Baerbock

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Good night, friends.

by Markus Langemann How many friends have you lost during the simulated pandemic? None? - Many? A few, perhaps, because those you initially thought you had lost

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The trail of money

by Dr. Johanna Weber You often read in many places that the pandemic was planned. Hardly anyone provides evidence for this. It seems about time,

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The legacy of silence

by Sebastian Schoepp For my fiftieth birthday, my family of choice had organized a party for me, a kind of costume party in a wooden building that was furnished like

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NS2 and the Hersh check

by Dr. Johanna Weber In its fact check [1], ARD recently reviewed the article by Seymour Hersh in which he claims that the blowing up of Nordstream

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Propaganda at it's best

by Dr. Johanna Weber Discussions about whether the new corona vaccines are really safe are currently on the rise. Yet everything should actually have been properly tested

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An incredible hijacking

by Markus Langemann "There are a lot of people inside public television who have hijacked this institution that belongs to all of us." "Diversity of opinion means that we have the right

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Who admits medicines, how and why

by Dr. Johanna Weber Discussions about whether the new corona vaccines are really safe are currently on the rise. Yet everything should actually have been properly tested

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Insects as food - a superfood?

by Dr. Johanna Weber Time and time again, the media are reporting that insects are as nutritious as a superfood, low-carb and very healthy [1].

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Mortician: 50-100% more work

The Federal Statistical Office summarizes the development of the number of deaths in 2022 on its website: "The number of deaths in December 2022 with more

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A historic signal, please

Occasionally, we at CdkW allow readers to have their say outside the comments section. We are publishing here the letter from our reader Joachim Wedler to the President of the

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Myth and truth.

by Markus Langemann For the politically minded, the terms "transatlantic" or "transatlantic link" have taken on a cacophonous ring in recent years. In the 19th century.

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by Markus Langemann Over the past few months, I have often spoken to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in person about the burden of their work, the social circumstances, the government's

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But I really mean what I say.

Comment by Markus Langemann The fine gentleman up in Tweed, is the ringleader of a terrorist organization, is being spread in the media you know. You have

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Words fail you

by Oscar Lafontaine Slowly but surely, the mood in Germany is changing. Day by day, fewer and fewer people are prepared to put up with the ongoing warmongering.

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Deepfake advertising with celebrities

Deepfakes are now finding their way into the world of advertising. The high-circulation Wall Street Journal has published an article on this, which you can read here.
I think this article is also insightful because we can assume that deepfake technologies are used in military and political environments...

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Learning from Buback

by Markus Langemann Some of you probably remember the so-called German Autumn from the days of your youth. Often with the metaphor

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Black or white

by Elisabeth Pähtz Since March 2020, we have all been living in a different world. With the first lockdown, the "war against the pandemic" was also launched in Germany.

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In a nosedive

by Markus Langemann Exactly two years ago, I asked Dr. Hans-Georg Maaßen for an interview. Prior to that, I had gained the impression through distanced observation,

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The clan

Commentary by Peter Löcke Things are going well at Oval. Will there soon be a committee about the committee? A war of the roses is raging in the public marketplace 

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Partial mobilization

by Markus Langemann The American geostrategist and security expert George Friedman classifies the Russian partial mobilization in his Daily Memo today. Perhaps this classification will give you

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O'zapft is'

by Markus Langemann This video is a contemporary document. A document of obvious contradiction. It is also a document about the moral and intellectual state of politics and

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Death in the vegetable field

by Markus Langemann Enlightened minds in our society have been noticing the death of intellect, reason, respect, decency and prosperity for months. The idea of

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Coalition decision in the original

by Markus Langemann Read the reality. Here we provide you with the original version of the coalition decision of 3.9.2022. Simply download it. What do you think about this decision, which

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Housing is becoming a luxury good

by Caren Lay The housing issue is the social issue of our time. But instead of tackling it, undesirable developments are being systematically promoted politically. Apartments have become pure objects of speculation

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The open letter

by Markus Langemann One of the most noble tasks of the independent press is to give a voice to those people who are not heard. Those who are not

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Reichelt & the DeepFake

by Markus Langemann In this article, I'll show you how you can create videos with just a few clicks that let people speak sentences they would never actually say.

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Söder has the Ukrainian flag hoisted.

by Markus Langemann Last Friday, I was standing in the morning sun outside my favorite little café. There, where pink-clad suburban SUV-Lacoste moms, freshly showered and waiting in line

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How dare you, Lindner?!

Commentary by Markus Langemann Working off the inability of political actors, elected officials and office holders at local, municipal or even national level has already

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How to silence scientists

The silencing of academics can be even more extensive than censorship, suppression or rejection in peer review. When a climate of silence is created by not answering questions or not responding to submissions to conferences, this is known as "stonewalling". Academics who do not conform are silenced. This is independent of the prevailing political ideology.

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"They want to bring down de facto."

by Markus Langemann The publisher Markus J. Karsten has conducted an interview with the political scientist Prof. Ulrike Guérot on the occasion of the publication of her current book "Wer schweigt,

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Clothing is politics.

Commentary by Markus Langemann This is not about the obvious. It's not about uniforms, Palestinian scarves, Mao jackets and Fischer sneakers in the Bundestag. Clothing signals affiliation

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Lost trust? Recognition gained!

Commentary by Markus Langemann The digitalization of our society, reflected in our daily activities, has made huge strides in recent years. Online shopping in global megastores

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...but the pictures are wrong.

by Markus Langemann The loss of trust in "the media" has increased enormously over the past two years. I have explained the reasons for this in the Club der klaren

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Not from hard bread alone

by Markus Langemann Even though we often bite into the hard bread of social transformation here, discussing and evaluating it, it is worth remembering that the

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Resignation without humility

Commentary by Markus Langemann Friedrich Nietzsche had a confessedly disturbed relationship to humility; from a distance, I would attest Anne Spiegel the obvious. Her

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About thinking

by Markus Langemann If independent thinking were a plant, it would be on the Red List of endangered animal and plant species. They would be

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Water, wine and digestif

by Peter Löcke Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 12:43 pm. The motion for mandatory vaccination from 60 is rejected. With 296 supporters, 378

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The death of Europe and the birth of a new order

"Putin's imperial madness": In the West, experts, journalists and politicians are unanimous when it comes to the causes of the conflict in Ukraine. But a look outside the box quickly reveals that analysts in the Global South come to a different conclusion.

It can be refreshing for the mind to follow the eyes and thoughts of someone who has his home in Estelí, Nicaragua, when looking at the Ukranine crisis.

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In the trap

Guest commentary by Dr. Hans-Georg Maaßen During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was considered our enemy; after reunification, the Soviet Union and then Russia were suddenly partners

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Field test on our children with the lollipop test

After intensive research, we are publishing a sad and dangerous grievance exclusively for our readers in the following article. It shows how politicians are demonstrably putting the health and mental well-being of children at risk. A CdkW original.

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Don't believe your eyes

Essay by Peter Löcke "The first casualty in war is the truth." This sentence exists in different variations. It is attributed to various personalities in history

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Razor-sharp shave

by Markus Langemann Whenever I'm lying in the barber's chair, I have this scene from "My Name Is Nobody" in my head. You know, gunslinger Jack

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Resistance to advice

by Peter Löcke Compulsory vaccination yes or no, or only from the age of fifty? You may have noticed that a mandatory consultation for unvaccinated people is also under discussion.

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Damn, they're lying.

by Markus Langemann What distinguishes Dirk Nowitzki from Olaf Scholz? The list would certainly be as long as Burj Khalifa is tall. The Americans love "the

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Article 22 explains

by Markus Langemann Two days after Chancellor Olaf Scholz was sworn in, the law to "strengthen vaccination prevention came into force" on December 10, 2021.

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Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1

by Markus Langemann There are times when a picture is worth a thousand words. You know this metaphor for the added value of pictures compared to

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Fact check at the RKI

by Götz von Ferenczy It should be robust, carefully developed and credible. After all, the RKI's communication is aimed at experts, opinion leaders and decision-makers.

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by Prof. Dr. Oliver Hirsch Laura Dodsworth, writer, photographer and film producer, published a book about fear in May 2021, about the fear of a

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What you don't see.

Commentary by Markus Langemann // The video shown here documents protest movements by citizens of the respective countries. They are demonstrating against the measures taken by the governments to restrict freedom in the

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overnewsed and underinformed

Commentary by Markus Langemann // Meta Platforms, Inc., formerly Facebook, Inc., operates the social media platform Instagram. Users can post their photos and videos

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Propaganda on state television.

Commentary by Axel Pajunk // heute journal from 28.11.2021 (21:45) is a prime example of framing and state propaganda financed by compulsory levies. Here is such

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Letter to the editor

by Markus Langemann // Trying to publish responsibly, prudently, clearly and humbly rather than demagogically these days is not only challenging,

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Döpfner address to the employees.

by Markus Langemann // Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer SE and shareholder, has announced the immediate dismissal of chief journalist Julian Reichelt on Wednesday morning.

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Form your own opinion!

Commentary by Markus Langemann // Julian Reichelt has taken it out of the curve. That can certainly happen to a journalistic steep-sided driver. In the case of Mr. Reichelt, Mr.

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Historic event in Bavaria.

by Markus Langemann // These days, the citizens of the Free State of Bavaria can decide whether the idea of direct democracy is just as important to them,

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Pressing without the ball

Commentary by Markus Langemann // In soccer, pressing means constricting certain areas of the pitch so that the opponent in possession of the ball comes under pressure.

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What the MSM don't report on

Commentary by Markus Langemann // In these times of guided reporting and supervised thinking, some remarkable political events and statements fall by the wayside

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Government PR replaces journalism

"I believe that if journalism had done its job, if it had taken this role of the 4th estate in the state seriously, we would have been able to overcome this pandemic.

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Huxley, Morus or Auken?

When people talk about a "utopia" in politics, they usually imagine a state or a community in which a better human life is possible.

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German intensive care patient Power supply.

If the Federal Republic of Germany were a hospital, the most important patient would be in intensive care. Her condition: alarming. Her name: energy supply. Authors Detlef Ahlborn and Horst Heidsieck with a visit to the hospital.

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Listening is a virtue

In this article I recall a man who was a controversial figure, a highly controversial politician. In times of political turmoil such as these, it is imperative to remember that

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The heart of the matter.

The ever-increasing energy consumption presents us as humanity with a task of seemingly monstrous proportions. Are the publicly discussed concepts a big mistake of the same magnitude? Or is it even politically motivated self-deception?

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Freedom always dies by the centimeter

Excerpt from the speech by outgoing party chairman Guido Westerwelle at the 62nd Federal Party Conference of the FDP in Rostock. In it, Westerwelle quotes Karl-Hermann Flach, the first Secretary General

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What do we want to teach our children?

Over the past few weeks, I have received a lot of mail from concerned parents. Parents who, in view of the current decisions of the ministries of education and state governments on the

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The open society and its new enemies

We are experiencing a turning point. The corona complex has ignited a toxic mixture of excessive demands in digital decadence, the rise of invisible capital, the loss of identity in the global space and, in particular, the erosion of intellect in times of thick Twitter thumbs and political self-empowerment by means of hashtag populism. These are just a few of the ingredients for the social explosives whose post-explosive powder vapor is now biting into our eyes and throats. It is a time of testing, of not resisting the temptation of lack of freedom.
Yes, you think for yourself. And for that reason alone, you often have to defend your own views. This isolation is perhaps the price of freedom. We decide how open, how free our society should be in the future. You do! Now. Philosopher Michael Esfeld on the "open society and its new enemies" in the Club of Clear Words. (ML)

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Turn right? Turn left?

How would they differentiate themselves from the right? As a decent citizen who carries the canon of values of German society in the 2020s, should one even think of asking such a question? Well, that can happen very quickly. If you make the wrong comment on the wrong topic, you're on the "right". So once again the question: would you distance yourself from the right and why? And is this even necessary?

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The sting stings.

At the moment, a man is making headlines who seems to be causing a great deal of friction among politically interested citizens and people who live from politics. Those who

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The file.

Here I am exclusively publishing a document that I consider to be of historical significance. A document that you should know, as it is a not insignificant

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When German politics suddenly gets a face ...

I am publishing a plain text reader's letter here. It stands for countless others that I receive. This letter to the editor provides a representative insight into parts of German reality. A reality that is not reflected and published in the leading and fee-based media. A reality that, according to my observations, the elected representatives of the people do not bring to the place where political will is formed. In the parliaments.

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Annalena & Armin

The raging in the body. The thirst for substance. The longing for spirit. Renitence as a text. Now.

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The Basic Law is in intensive care

They still exist, the members of the Bundestag who swim against the tide. Hans-Jürgen Irmer sits in the Bundestag for the CDU. He will vote against the Infection Protection Act in the

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Incidence value. The political aberration.

Here we are exclusively publishing another dossier on the situation in the country. The paper, with an extensive list of sources, also serves as a logical argumentation paper for doubting citizens and parliamentarians with a resulting political classification and stance. It is a summary of the legal expert and guest author Dr. Axel Pajunk on the topic of incidence value.

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Save Our Souls

A few days ago, I received an email from a reader who wrote to me. The man is the owner of a forwarding company in Upper Bavaria. This e-mail has

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The fever curve in March

Strictly speaking, not exercising the right to vote in person is never an option. There are millions of people in other regions of the world who would much

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Not voting is not an option

Strictly speaking, not exercising the right to vote in person is never an option. There are millions of people in other regions of the world who would much

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Agitation instead of journalism

In journalism, we distinguish between different forms of presentation. The news item, newsflash or report should be strictly objective. A portrait, a feature and especially a

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When, colleagues, when?

A musician's appeal to the silent majority of artists by Jens Fischer Rodrian *When the first basic rights fell in March last year, there was silence.

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The killing of one's own mind

"The brainwashed is in a state of panic because his evaluations and norms have been undermined. The core strategy of menticide is all hope, all anticipation,

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Merkel: "No new freedoms..."

This sentence by German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel might interest you. I let it sink in for a few hours and during this time I weighed up whether

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Propaganda with taxpayers' money

I would like to sharpen your awareness of propaganda these days, especially in public service media. Deutsche Welle is the public international broadcaster

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Censorship in Germany

The video published on Sunday, January 17 at 13:00 "Pictures from the Krankenhaus rechts der Isar in Munich. Second largest hospital in Munich", was

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Something is getting out of hand

In a newspaper interview, Minister President Markus Söder speaks of the threat of a coronavirus RAF, while CSU parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian state parliament Thomas Kreuzer thinks it is a good thing when members of parliament who are critical of the

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A visit to the clinic

On December 25, 2020, I took a tour of several wards in a randomly selected hospital in the middle of Germany. A hospital far away from the urban centers,

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Go to the sources

Here we publish an exclusive dossier on the situation in the country. The paper, updated on 19.12.20, with an extensive list of sources, also serves as a logical argumentation paper for doubting citizens and parliamentarians. A summary by the lawyer Dr. Axel Pajunk

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Locking away 1.3

First-hand information, unfiltered by commentary from leading or alternative media, is the order of the day. You will find further updated documents on this page

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Take a breath!

This video with the statements of the head of the RKI and the politicians was put back online by YouTube on 10.12.2020. The background. The below

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The breath stops

At 5:30 p.m. on December 6, 2020, I published a video about eight minutes long on YouTube. This video contains some statements by female politicians

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On a collision course

Audiatur et altera pars. Listen to the other side too. This principle of jurisdiction is already incorporated in Seneca's ancient material of Medea. In the fundamental law

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Grandpa, where have you been?

Even if it takes a frighteningly long time for everyone to understand it - this attempt to manipulate us permanently is doomed to failure - and that is precisely where our opportunity lies.

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Censorship meets propaganda

Simply delete what doesn't fit into the global narrative. On September 30, I published the detailed interview with English subtitles with the German-American lawyer Dr. Reiner

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Sleepy "O"

Nobody is better at burning out their own candidates than the Social Democrats. Olaf go!

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There's something strange in the air

There's a fever in the capital. Sure, corona is the topic, but the news addiction virus is spreading, or is it just rumors? Information is being spread more than ever before - deliberately, intentionally and destructively.

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Lawyer: No pandemic without a PCR test

This interview seems to me to be one of the most important interviews of recent months. Especially for those people who want to understand what the Corona complex is all about.

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When does the soul of a people die?

In the hustle and bustle of our day, in the struggle for interpretative sovereignty over RKI figures or mere existence, in the trumpeting of symbolic politics and verbal jabs between

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It feels worse than in the GDR

This video and the interview conducted in it is probably one of the most important here in the club of clear words in the discourse on the "corona complex" and the consequences of the political measures.

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Recognizing media manipulation

Have you ever thought about whether the preparation and staging of TV images or moving images on online platforms alone could influence your thinking, your assessment of the content of the article? Recognize the techniques.

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Radio without eggs

Do you still listen to the radio? Daily. Often. Rarely. Not at all. Radio annoys you? Radio used to be relevant in your life? It's report card day for the "radio makers" in Germany.

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The development from journalist to activist

I have noticed that the profession of journalist has increasingly transformed from journalist to activist over the last 20 years. This is a major and dangerous misunderstanding of our self-image, because this transformation of the press, which is an essential control mechanism in democracy, undermines the very foundations of democracy. When journalists follow their own agendas or those of their media houses, they have left the ethical, moral and technical path of distanced reporting. The press can and may have opinions, but it must not see itself as a teaching or educational institution. In this video, you can see how things used to be different. A brilliant and instructive piece of journalistic work from 1967, as topical in content as on the first day. Listen. Marvel. Recognize.

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The ministry of the clueless

Can and should it really be possible that the Ministry of the Interior does not know who has drawn up a corona strategy paper and with what mandate? It can and may be,

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The important vaccine interview as PDF

Simply download the transcript here On July 7, the Munich publicist Markus Langemann published an interview with the German toxicologist and immunologist on youtube.de and clubderklarenworte.de

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Vaccine changes our genome

"We vaccinate healthy people." In this video you will learn the medical background to the development of vaccines and more about the potential danger currently posed by

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An infection is not a disease

Scientist considers 80,000 deaths realistic Scientist Hockertz considers 80,000 deaths as a result of the vaccination of around 80 million German citizens, with a currently not

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Court overturns corona lockdown

Landlords in Bavaria may now open as they did before the coronavirus crisis The Bavarian Administrative Court has lifted the "coronavirus curfew" for restaurants in Bavaria with immediate effect.

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Are we 83 million prisoners?

For months now, I've been feeling a diffuse sense of unease here in the middle of society, where I've always felt very comfortable. This malaise has been eating away

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Life between excitement and exhaustion

I am irritated and shaken by the dullness of our society, which is accelerating to warp speed. I am preoccupied with the question of how it could happen that more and more people, as in the

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The masks & the consequences

Interview with Prof. Gerald Hüther What effects do face masks have on our brains? Does it have consequences for our social interaction? How do children deal with this crisis situation?

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Understanding the corona complex

We are not pursuing any ideological or political goals with this discussion. The scientists speaking here are interested in the health, including the mental health, of people in

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The corona dossier

Will a resignation follow? On Friday, May 8, 2020 at 14:25, a dossier made its way through the Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Germany. It led

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The crisis in crisis management

On May 8, an employee of the KM4 department, Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Ministry of the Interior, published a report entitled "Results of the internal evaluation of the Corona

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Confidential crisis strategy paper

The strategy paper of the Federal Ministry of the Interior entitled "How we get COVID-19 under control", marked "VS-Nur für den Dienstgebrauch". Distributed after the 18.

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Think for yourself

The Federal Statistical Office has published new figures on mortality in Germany. In this article, we publish these figures, including the infection rate in the epicenter of the lockdown, in

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Lawyer: No legal protection

Simply download the transcript here The email from lawyer Jessica Hamed of the law firm Bernhard Korn & Partner can be downloaded here. What scares the criminal lawyer? Read here

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Money also rules the media world.

What is Der Spiegel doing with 2.5 million dollars from the Gates Foundation and what are we doing with Helmut Schmidt's intellectual legacy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSIEIsYPDRI Share on facebook

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The situation in the country

Why face masks make no sense according to Prof. Drosten, but are changing our society in the long term. What a constitutional judge has to do with health fascism and how a

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Hans Romanov
Hans Romanov
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Thank you Markus Langemann, You are doing what I would expect journalists to do. Thank you.
Claudia Keller
Claudia Keller
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Dear Mr. Langemann I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable work and substantial information pro bono. I have already recommended your site to others and will continue to do so in the future - whenever the opportunity arises... Thank you Mr. Langemann and best regards from Switzerland, Claudia Keller (from Baden)
Lil Korfmacher-Finke
Lil Korfmacher-Finke
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I have been following, reading and distributing your journalistically outstanding contributions - whether in text, audio or video form - on a regular basis since 2020. "Club der klaren Worte" has become my preferred and most important source of information. As a lecturer, I am (still) getting through the crisis reasonably unscathed, at least economically, so it is particularly important to me to support your format, as I value your work and see you as a "rock in the media surf". Your choice of words is always a pleasure for me. Best regards from Berlin
Robert Finkel
Robert Finkel
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Thank you, thank you. I find it really encouraging to read and see your weekly reports.
Alexandra v. Peter
Alexandra v. Peter
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Dear Mr. Langemann On behalf of many others, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable work as an independent journalist and I am happy to support you with my donation! It is so important that we all make our voices heard again and again and bring the truth to light! Continued good luck, Alexandra v. Peter
Dr. Mathias Babel
Dr. Mathias Babel
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Dear Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your work and indeed for your clear, often also appropriately robust words.
Michael Stapel
Michael Stapel
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I follow your YouTube channel and the articles on your site with great interest and respect. Yours sincerely, Michael Stapel
Martina Schlereth
Martina Schlereth
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I personally find your reporting in its calm and objective form very beneficial. Thank you very much in advance!
Karina Hesse
Karina Hesse
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Dear Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your outstanding work.
Heidrun Fiene-Bachfeld
Heidrun Fiene-Bachfeld
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Mr. Langemann, First of all, thank you for your information, assessments, advice and the "clear words" that are missing in all the media.
Ute Hönerlage
Ute Hönerlage
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Hello Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your commitment. I have been following your contributions from the very beginning, they are a real ray of hope!
Dr. med. Christine Krishnabhakdi
Dr. med. Christine Krishnabhakdi
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I would like to thank you very much for your valuable work. Your site is currently my favorite website and I recommend it to others as often as I can.
Johannes Inhoffen
Johannes Inhoffen
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Hello Mr. Langemann A big compliment. Very good work. Yours sincerely Johannes Inhoffen.
Julia Bellartz
Julia Bellartz
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Dear Mr. Langmann, first of all I would like to thank you for your commitment - free of charge - to education and justice...  
Dr. Marion Rosenke
Dr. Marion Rosenke
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I would like to thank you very much for your factual, clear, investigative and analytical contributions to the "corona crisis"! In view of the total failure of the so-called "mainstream media" / "traditional media" in terms of objective, neutral and comprehensive reporting, which has been a process for decades, your work and that of your colleagues is invaluable! 
Jens Wiegräfe
Jens Wiegräfe
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Hello Mr. Langemann, I came across your homepage via your YouTube channel with its sensationally good contributions.
Daniela Wißen
Daniela Wißen
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Hello Mr. Langemann, I am very enthusiastic about your reports and assessments on YouTube and have listened to some of your reports several times. The work you do is really great. Best regards & thank you very much for your work!
Ursula Heitkamp
Ursula Heitkamp
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Dear Mr. Langemann, With your professional and factually competent contributions on the subject of corona, you always hit the mark. 
Anja Perina
Anja Perina
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I am very pleased to see your qualitative and factual contributions. Thank you for your work, best regards 
Kerst Griesbach
Kerst Griesbach
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Hello Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your excellent journalistic work, especially these days! I enjoy listening to your contributions.
Dr. Antonius Pollmann
Dr. Antonius Pollmann
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Thank you, Mr. Langemann, for your videos. They illustrate the problem well and clearly...
Susann Liehr
Susann Liehr
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Dear Mr. Langemann, People like you keep me from completely despairing at this time.
Miriam Wolf
Miriam Wolf
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Hello Mr. Langemann, Thank you very much for your work! You are a real boon in our current media landscape!
Robert Thomé
Robert Thomé
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Thank you for your incredibly good work.
Dr. Brigitte Uhde-Stahl
Dr. Brigitte Uhde-Stahl
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Dear Mr. Langemann! Thank you very much for your educational work. I'm an art historian and am untalented and untrained in political matters. But I am slowly learning to distinguish how news and information from the media should be evaluated.
Beate Schulte am Hülse
Beate Schulte am Hülse
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Dear Mr. Langemann I follow your channel with great interest. Many thanks at this point for this enormous amount of work and your efforts.
Ralf Dilger
Ralf Dilger
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I discovered your YouTube vlogs in the course of the Corona madness. What a great job! Thank you for the clear words and classifications, which should actually be journalistic standard, but are now actually among the pearls in the dark media forest. I hope you get many more casual viewers and, above all, colleagues to think for themselves! Keep up the good work! With best regards
Corinna Walther
Corinna Walther
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Dear Mr. Langemann , It's great that you describe the true situation so clearly, our politicians in government as a club of lobbyists should take an example from this!
Bastian Wolf
Bastian Wolf
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Dear Mr. Langemann, I would like to express my respect and appreciation for your really high-quality work! Factual, objective and well-researched - this is all too rare in today's media landscape. I hope that you will be able to continue reporting in this way, as this is unfortunately no longer a matter of course. Keep up the good work, you have won me as a regular reader...
Nikolas Heuer
Nikolas Heuer
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Dear Mr. Langemann You do great journalism. We had subscribed to the FAZ since 1991 and canceled our subscription at the end of 2021. It had become unbearable. You do authentic and independent journalism! With best regards Nikolaus Heuer